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Interactions 1 Writing (silver ED)– Chapter 8-10

Interactions 2 Writing (silver ED)– Chapter 1-4

Lecturer: Lac Minh Thu, M.A


Combine the following sentences using appositives

1. Harry Potter was one of the most successful movies of 2001. It is a movie for children of all ages.

 Harry Potter, a movie for children of all ages, was one of the most successful movies of 2001.

2. Jurrasic Park 3 was directed by Steven Spielberg. It was another movie about modern-day dinosaurs.

 Jurrasic Park 3, another movie about modern-day dinosaurs, was directed by Steven Spielberg.

3. Amelie was very popular in the United States. It was a film from France.

 Amelie, a film from France, was very popular in the United States.

4. James Bond movies are still box office hits today. James Bond movies were popular in the 1960s.

 James Bond movies, popular in the 1960s, are still box office hits today.

5. Jackie Chan acts in a lot of action flims. He is a famous Chinese actor.

 Jackie Chan, a famous Chinese actor, acts in a lot of action films.

6. Spider-Man: Far Away from Home is a 2019 American superhero film. It is based on the Marvel Comic
character Spider-Man.

 Spider-Man: Far Away from Home, based on the Marvel Comic character Spider-Man, is a 2019
American superhero film.

Transitional Words

Complete the following sentences with however, in addition, also, or in fact

1. Sara has done very well in her classes this semester. ________, she has gotten all As. in fact

2. Peter is taking five courses this semester. ________ , he's working on the school paper. in addition, also

3. Helena enjoys science. ________ , she hates math. however

4. Jack expects to get a job in Mexico next summer. ________ , he's already taking Spanish classes. in fact

5. In the mornings, Cristina works at a bakery. ________ , she works there on the weekends. in addition, also

6. Mike is having a difficult year. He is quite homesick. ________ , he isn't getting along with his roommate. in
addition, also

7. David always takes more classes than he needs to. ________ , he hopes to graduate a year early. in fact

8. Paolo needs to work with his team to finish their English assignement. ________ , he has never showed up at
school. however

Therefore – However

Fill in the blanks with therefore or however

1. I don't like salads; ________, I like vegetables. however

2. It was raining. ________, she took her umbrella. therefore

3. He went to London. ________, she didn't see the Big Ben. however

4. He went to London; ________, she saw the Big Ben. therefore

5. She loved her boyfriend. ________, she didn't buy him a present for Valentine. however

6. She loved her boyfriend. ________, she bought him a present for Valentine. therefore

7. They loved animals. ________, they had a dog, a cat and a rabbit. therefore

8. They hated animals; ________, they didn't have any. therefore

9. He was very fat. ________, he didn't usually eat a lot. however

10. He was very fat. ________, it was difficult for him to find nice clothes. therefore

11. I won the lottery. ________, I bought a beautiful car. therefore

12. I won the lottery; ________, I didn't change my old car. however

13. My brother loves sports. ________, he doesn't play football. however

14. My brother loves sports; ________, he plays football, basket, rugby and golf. therefore

because – so

Connect sentences with because or so

1. She is late________she will have to take a taxi. , so

2. She is tired ________ she has walked for seven miles. because

3. It is an ideal restaurant ________ the food here is good and cheap. because

4. We are too busy ________ we can't go the cinema today. , so

5. She is going to have a drink of water ________ she is thirsty. because

6. I am staying in bed today ________ I am very tired. because

7. She loves Italy ________ she is studying Italian. , so

8. We didn't go to their party ________ they didn't invite us. because

9. She has a lot of money ________ she can buy that expensive coat. , so

10. The weather is hot ________ the children are swimming. , so


Use both to connect these sentences

1. She is intelligent. She is pretty.

 She is both intelligent and pretty.

2. My sister bought an expensive house. I bought an expensive house.

 My sister and I both bought expensive houses.

3. John went to New York last year. Mary went to New York last year.

 John and Mary both went to New York last year.

4. My dad comes from India. My mom comes from India.

 Both my dad and my mom come from India.

5. She is good at French. She is good at English.

 She is good at both French and English.

6. Tennis is my favorite sport. Volleyball is my favorite sport.

 Both tennis and volleyball are my favorite sports.

7. I met Jane at the park. I met Mark at the park.

 I met both Jane and Mark at the park.

8. French bulldogs are cute. Pugs are cute.

 Both French bulldogs and pugs are cute.

Avoid Overgeneralization

Identify and correct the overgeneralization

1. All native speaking teachers are nice. (Almost all)

2. Large schools always require expensive tuition fees. (often)

3. Individual work never carries out good results. (reraly)

4. None of Vietnamese students come back to their hometown after they finish their study. (very few)

5. Students in small colleges are always friendly and sociable. (usually)

6. There are no vocational education classes in high schools. (hardly any)


1. She was short-sighted. She has worked with computer for a long time.

 She was short-sighted since she has worked with computer for a long time.

2. She was more likely to get the scholarship. She had studied hard for the whole semester.

 She was more likely to get the scholarship since she had studied hard for the whole semester.

3. Tom’s parents couldn’t afford his tuition. He was forced to return to his hometown.

 Since Tom’s parents couldn’t afford his tuition, he was forced to return to his hometown.

4. Many students can finish their assignments easily. The school library provides huge resources of

 Since the school library provides huge resources of information, many students can finish their
assignments easily.

5. It’s difficult for me to have a part-time job at this time. I have a lot of papers to write for my classes.

 It’s difficult for me to have a part-time job at this time since I have a lot of papers to write for my classes.

6. Covid 19 was spreading all over the world. Students must stay at home and study online.

 Since Covid 19 was spreading all over the world, students must stay at home and study online.

must – have to – should

Complete sentences with must, have to, or should

1. When we are late, we _______ say sorry. should

2. You _______ be allowed to use the basic functions of this program. must

3. You _______ tell her that you love her. should

4. We _______ go to the meeting. Why didn't you go? had to

5. I _______ wear glasses, I still can see perfectly well. don’t have to

6. We went to bed right after dinner because we _______ get up early the following day. had to

7. We _______ go for a drink one day. must

8. You _______ take any money. It wasn't necessary. didn’t have to

9. What are you doing? You _______ be here! mustn’t

10. We _______ talk to each other because it was an exam. mustn’t

Faulty Reasoning
Identify the faulty reasoning: overgeneralization, false analogy, circular reasoning, or irrelevant
argument in these following sentences

1. An addiction to drugs or alcohol can completely ruin someone’s life. If you play too many video games
and get addicted, you’re going to ruin your life too. false analogy

2. Violent video games cause teens to be violent, because violent teens play violent video games. circular

3. If America can be the first country to put a man on the moon, it can also be the first country to put a man
on Mars. false analogy

4. You must obey the law, because it’s illegal to break the law. circular reasoning

5. Dogs are very aggressive. My friend’s dog always barks and chases other people. overgeneralization

6. I don’t think we should travel abroad. My friends went oversea and they haven’t come back yet.
irrelevant argument

7. Picking up money on the street always causes problem. A day after I picked up some money on the street, I
fell over and hurt my ankle. irrelevant argument

Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those

1. I still remember the trip we took last year. ______ were fantastic days. those

2. My grandpa used to teach me lifetime lessons through folktales when I was little. ______ lessons are so
valuable for me until now. these

3. I met my best friend in high school. Since ______ time, we have been together up to now. that

4. My husband and I have married for 25 years. I love him so much and I will cherish ______ marriage for
the rest of my life. this

5. Tom moved to a new town last year and soon he had many new friends there. ______ new friends have
helped him a lot and now he’s very popular in his neighborhood. These

Rewrite these sentences using so … that

1. It was very dark. I couldn't see her face.

 It was so dark that I couldn't see her face.

2. The day was hot. Everybody decided to go to the beach.

 The day was so hot that everybody decided to go to the beach.

3. Most TV programs are boring. No one wants to watch them.

 Most TV programs are so boring that no one wants to watch them.

4. This test was easy. I didn't need to check my answers.

 This test was so easy that I didn't need to check my answers.

5. The party was well organized. Everybody had a great time.

 The party was so well organized that everybody had a great time.

6. Jessica is brilliant. I admire her a lot.

 Jessica is so brilliant that I admire her a lot.

7. She is very shy. She would only talk to her parents.

 She is so shy that she would only talk to her parents.

Fill in the gaps with the words in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple

1. The other day I __________(meet) our friend Chris. met

2. She is very ill, she __________ (not be) here for two weeks. hasn’t been

3. My former teacher __________ (leave) for London. has left

4. He __________ (go) to Leeds last week. went

5. We __________ (build) many new roads in Poland. have built

6. The old woman __________ (fall) as she was crossing the street. fell

7. They __________ (live) here for the last seven years. have lived

8. The doctor __________ (come). He is waiting for you in the next room. has come

9. We __________ (sit)here for two hours. have sit

10. They __________ (go) home after the concert last night. went

11. I ____________ (not meet) him for three months. haven’t met

12. __________(you / read) you the papers this morning? Have/read

13. They __________ (lose) their way. have lost

14. I ____________(speak) to him about it over and over again. have spoken

15. I __________(speak) to him about it yesterday. spoke

Complete these sentences with Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1) She (work) here for five years. has been working

2) I (study) all day. have been studying

3) You (eat) a lot recently. have been eating

4) We (live) in London for six months. have been living

5) He (play) football, so he's tired. has been playing

6) They (learn) English for two years. have been learning

7) I (cook) so I'm really hot. have been cooking

8) She (go) to the cinema every weekend for years. has been going

9) It (rain) the pavement is wet. has been raining

10) You (sleep) for twelve hours. have been sleeping

11) I (not/work) today. haven’t been working

12) You (not/eat) well recently. haven’t been eating

Mixed Tenses

Complete the paragraph with suitable form of verbs

This ___has been _____(be) the most exciting year in Yuka Higashi's life. In January, she _won
_______ (win) one million dollars in the lottery. Yuka_____says___ (say) that she still cannot believe her
luck. "I rarely ____buy____ (buy) lottery tickets before January," she____ explains ____ (explain) , "Now I
____ buy ____ (buy) them every week.""If I____ win ____ (win) again, I _____will give ___ (give) the
money away."The money __has changed______ (change) her life a lot. She_was working_______ (work) as
a teller in a bank when she ____got____ (get) the news. She ____ quit ____ (quit) her job the same day. She
_____ ‘s been trying___ (try) to figure out what to do since then.I ___have always wanted_____ (always/
want) to write, maybe now I __will get______ (get) the chance," she ____says____ (say). When
I___ask_____ (ask) her if the money ___has caused_____ (cause) any problems, she ___says_____ (say) no.
"All my friends___have been_____ (be) great.""If they ___are_____ (be) jealous, I ____ don’t know ____
(not know) it.“ "This_____has been ___ (be) the most exciting thing that ____has ever happened

_______ (ever/happen) to me!“ "It still___ feels_____ (feel) like a dream!"

Edit and rewrite the following paragraph. Look for problems in the following: adjectives, appositives,
and historical present tense

One of my favorite movies is Cast Away. Tom Hanks, a hardworking but efficient businessman was on an
airplane that crashed into the ocean. He is the only survivor. He gets to a very, lonely, tiny island. He was the
only person on the island. However, he is very independent cheerful. He made many things for himself. He
even learns to make fire. In the end, he made a raft and sails back. He returns to his old job but he is a
different person.

One of my favorite movies is Cast Away. Tom Hanks, a hardworking but efficient businessman, is on an
airplane that crashes into the ocean. He is the only survivor. He gets to a very lonely tiny island. He is the
only person on the island. However, he is very independent and cheerful. He makes many things for himself.
He even learns to make fire. In the end, he makes a raft and sails back. He returns to his old job, but he is a
different person.

Edit and rewrite the following paragraph. Look for problems in the following: the present perfect, the
simple present, simple past, present and past continuous, and future tenses; in fact; stating results with
so that

Junko says that since she came to the United States she's has been so busy that she not have time to feel
homesick. She take many classes and she also has been work at the library on the weekends. Junko is an
artist. She spend a lot of time in the art studio in fact sometimes she even sleep there. She is going go home
for vacation next month. She is so happy that can't wait. "My mother will cooking for me and I willn't have
classes to go," she says.

Junko says that since she came to the United States, she has been so busy that she hasn’t had time to feel
homesick. She has taken many classes, and she also has been working at the library on the weekends. Junko
is an artist. She spends a lot of time in the art studio. In fact, sometimes she even sleeps there. She is going
to go home for vacation next month. She is so happy that she can't wait. "My mother will cook for me, and I
won't have classes to go to," she says.

Benefits of Online Classes

All around the world, educational institutions are looking toward online learning platforms to continue
with the process of educating students due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. There are some
undeniable advantages of online learning. First of all, online learning offers teachers an efficient way to
deliver lessons to students. These platforms like ZOOM and Google Meeting have a number of tools such as
videos, PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can use all these tools for their lessons. In addition, lessons can be
recorded, archived, and shared widely. This allows students to access the learning material at a time of their
comfort. Last but not least, online education allows students to attend classes from any location, so there are
fewer chances of directly interaction. This is probably the biggest advantage because everyone needs to stay
inside as much as they can during the pandemic for their own safety. In conclusion, online classes has various
benefits, and they should be adopted more efficiently to deliver the lessons, ensure an uninterrupted learning
journey for students.

My Neighborhood

My neighborhood is an ideal place to live since it is very convenient for my family’s daily activities. I am
living in the downtown of the city, so there are many department stores and super-markets nearby. It only
takes five to ten minutes to travel to the nearest supermarket, where my family usually buys food and drinks
for our meals. There is also a small park across from my house, and whenever I have free time, I will take my
kids there to play badminton or to fly kites. On beautiful days, my family sometimes sits under the trees in
the park to have picnic. We can enjoy our meals, fresh air and watch other people walking back and forth
there. My kids’ schools are in this neighborhood too. Therefore, I often let them ride to school when I am too
busy at work. For me, this neighborhood has such a wonderful location for every member in my family and I
love to live here as long as I can.

(Month) (Date), 2021

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to indicate my thoughts for the article “Luck or Thievery?” on October 29th from
your website. From my point of view, the two motorists definitely have to return the money that they picked
up on the highway to the authority because of these two reasons.

The first reason is that they have no rights to keep that money. It belongs to the bank and the people who
send their money there. Therefore, keeping the money makes the motorists become criminals and they will be
prosecuted by the officials.

The other one is about morality. Many people would be affected from this accident such as the bank’s
employees, its customers, and even the truck driver who drove the armored truck on that day. For example,
the driver might be sued for not locking up his vehicle carefully enough unless all of losing money is



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