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English A2

Code: 900002
Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: Writing Production

Elaborado por
Yuleidy Loango Saa c.c 1112219309

Leidy Diana Sanchez Garcia

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research
Cead Palmira
Step 1: Do the following reading and complete the chart, and the activities.

Activities: a. Complete the chart using the information above.

Frequency adverb/ time


Time always
Efforts always
Energy always
Fit always
Gym everyday
in inthe morning and in the
sleep For 2 hours

b. Write questions and answers following the chart above.

1 What does it take to be a professional footballer?

need time and effort to put together a professional
R/ team

How much does a professional footballer need to

2 sleep?
R/ sleep for 2 hours between workouts.

c. Convert the following sentences into sentences

with frequency adverbs (always, sometimes,
usually, never) and write two more.

Sophia and Joseph usually go to the mall three times

1 a week
2 the dog usually barks every day
3 my father and I always drink coffee five times a week
4 she doesn't like to eat pizza
5 Sara and Luis sometimes buy bananas twice a week
6 my colleagues never contribute in the forum
7 Camila usually likes to play

Step 2: a. Organize the following list in the chart below:

Contable Nouns
chair money
glass of water air
shop anger
computer water
horse beauty
restaurant love
student rice
dog sugar
woman sand
cellphone evidence 
man tea

b. Write five sentences using the countable and uncountable noun of the previous

1 there is 1 table in the hall

2 I have 2 dogs in the house
3 there is 1 woman waiting
there are 20 horses in the
4 stable
there are 3 computers in the
5 office
c. Look at the following picture of the Circus, and write at least (5) five sentences
using the structure: there is / there are.

1 There is 1 elephante
There are 2 Lions in the
2 Circus
3 there are 4 elegant horses
4 there are 2 juggling bears
5 there is 1 bengal tiger

Step 3: The letter

a. Complete the chart writing the sentences with the correct tense (Simple
Present, Simple Past, or Past progressive)

Simple present
Past progressive sentences Simple past sentences

I am really happy I was landing in Riohacha I was in la Guajira

I enjoyed every moment

It is delicious. I was going to know the place
I was doing the check-in in the
to buy some souvenirs I had lunch there in Riohacha
the most tourist place I was eating friche in the main
I went to ojo del agua beach
in Cabo de la Vela park
is amazing to see the
I was waking up really early  
sand mountains
  I was visiting the Faro I went to sleep in a Rancheria
there is the marvelous
I was running I spent the whole day around
it is a wonderful hotel I was knowing the I was very excited
  Taroa Dunes I stopped for a minute
it is around 3 hours I was going to travel to Cabo de I stopped again in the Arcoiris
from Riohacha by bus. la Vela beach
the landscapes are
I was coming back to Cali  
really beautiful
it is a real and  
I was drinking a delicious juice
marvelous experience
I can’t wait to take you  
there with me dear I continued
  I was enjoying  
  of calm and crystal waters to

b. Imagine you visited San Agustin and write 5 sentences using the Past
Progressive tense.

 I was dancing all night long in San Agustin.

 I was drinking and eating out with my family.
 I was using a bmx in the desert of San Agustin.
 I was having dinner in a fancy restaurant.
 I was watching horror movies at midnight.

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