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21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer

By: Jonathan Otto

Copyright © 2020 · Jonathan Otto and Health Secret, LLC

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None of the protocols (including products and services) mentioned in the book should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your
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There are currently more than 18 million cancer cases globally. With increasingly sedentary lifestyles
that push us to consume toxic foods, this figure will no doubt continue to climb. And as so many cancer
patients have discovered, conventional cancer treatments encompass harsh therapies, including
chemotherapy drugs, radiation, and surgery.

Effective alternative and complementary protocols do exist — and given how painful conventional
treatments are and how severe side effects can be — a natural treatment plan seems like the best

And given that our body is designed to be a naturally self-healing organism, boosting our ability to
prevent and fight cancer should definitely be explored.
WHAT IS CANCER? What do gene changes(mutations) do?

Cancer is a term used to describe the out-of-control A mutated gene can give instructions to a healthy
division of abnormal (disease) cells, which invade cell to grow and divide rapidly. This causes rapid
nearby tissues. The spread of cancer cells to other progression of mutated cells. These cells do not know
parts of the body (metastasis) occurs through the when to stop growing because they have lost tumor
lymph system and blood. There are several types of suppressor genes. With time, the mutated genes
cancers, the main types being: accumulate to form cancerous tumors. Mutations in
DNA repair genes, which correct errors in faulty DNA,
Carcinoma is a type of cancer that starts in the skin lead to cancerous cells as well. There are many other
or the tissues lining or covering internal organs. gene mutations that have been linked with different
types of cancers.
Sarcoma is a type of cancer which begins in the
bone, fat, cartilage, blood vessels, muscle or other What causes gene mutations?
supportive or connective tissue.
You can either be born with gene mutations or you
Leukemia is a type of cancer which starts in tissue may develop them later in life. Most times, gene
responsible for blood formation like the bone marrow. mutations are developed in later life and may be
triggered by lifestyle factors such as smoking, radiation,
Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers which carcinogens, viruses, obesity, chronic inflammation,
start in the cells related to the immune system. hormonal changes, and a lack of exercise.

Central nervous system cancers, also known as

malignancies are those that start in the spinal cord
and brain tissues.

Cancer has been linked to gene mutations (oncogenes
and tumor suppressor genes). Each cell’s DNA contains
a huge number of individual genes. Each gene holds a
unique set of instructions, communicating to the cell
the functions it should perform, as well as instructions
on how to divide and grow. Poto-oncogenes help cells
to grow. However, they can mutate and grow out of
control thereby becoming cancerous (oncogenes).

DOES DIET INFLUENCE GENE Increasingly, more Americans are turning to alternative
MUTATIONS? therapies for the management of cancer and other
chronic conditions. Diet modifications play a center
role in natural cancer protocols. Indeed, several
A research study, published in 2012 in the journal studies have been done around diet and cancer.
Genetics, showed that diet plays a role in correcting Though results are not conclusive; preliminary reports
unhealthy gene mutations. The University of indicate lots of potential in the use of diet to manage
California, Berkeley researchers concluded that most types of cancer.
further studies were needed to close the gap on diet
and its impact on genetic expression and mutations.
This will also help to paint a clearer picture on the
relationship between dietary changes and cancer BELOW ARE MOSTLY
What can you do to stay healthy and 1. Ditch Sugar
reduce your chances of getting cancer?
How is sugar linked to cancer?
The good news is that between 30-50% of all cases of
cancer are preventable. All the cells of the body use sugar as a source of
energy; cancer cells use 200 times more sugar than
Prevention offers the most long-term and cost- healthy cells. This means that in the absence of sugar,
effective for the control of cancer. It is of vital cancer cells are likely to starve.
importance that people seek the strategies of healthy
living to ensure their exposure is limited Apart from that, consuming foods that are high in sugar
may lead to diabetes and diabesity (a type of diabetes
Natural medicine protocols for cancer aim at restoring that develops in obese people), which increase the
the body’s ability to heal itself. Lifestyle factors (diet, risk for cancer. Sugar is also associated with certain
smoking, weight, and exercise) play a key role in the types of cancers such as esophageal cancer.
development of most cancers; and some lifestyle
changes will trigger a healing process.

They do not merely aim at slowing down the

progression of the cancer but they also address the
root cause of the cancer and mitigate the risk. These
protocols are much cheaper than conventional cancer
treatment which take a great toll on the body.

2. Eliminate Food Sensitivities When it comes to cancer, the link between the
two is weak. However, psychological stress may
Food sensitivities, such as gluten sensitivity, may weaken one’s immune system and interfere with
increase one’s risk for cancer. A major study by their response to cancer treatment. Stress may also
the Journal of the American Medical Association increase one’s risk for cancer due to behaviours such
indicated that hidden gluten sensitivity increased the as overeating and smoking.
risk of death by 35 to 75 percent, mainly by causing
cancer and heart disease. 6. Stop Smoking

3. Reduce Inflammation Smoking tobacco, which has more than 7,000

chemicals, is the number one risk for lung cancer.
Inflammation appears to be the common factor Apart from this, smoking is connected to several
connecting most chronic diseases, least of which is other types of cancer. Stopping now reduces your
cancer. What most people may not be aware of is chances of getting cancer in the future.
that inflammation is a normal response to injured
tissue. When there is an injury to a tissue, the body 7. Avoid Too Much Sun Exposure
releases inflammatory molecules to the injury site
to initiate tissue repair and healing. However, some Dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays damage the cells in
inflammation may arise even when there is no injury your skin and increase your risk of getting skin cancer.
and persist for over three months. This is referred Avoid direct sun, use sunscreen and wear protective
to as chronic inflammation and it may lead to DNA clothing.
change and gene mutations that trigger cancer.
8. Exercise Frequently
4. Improve Gut Health
Cancer often starts in your gut. This is true for not just Regular exercise is associated with a lower cancer
colon cancer, but many others. The gut microbiome risk. Those who exercise frequently have a lower risk
is currently being studied in relation to breast and for colon cancer, breast, uterine, and uterine. Try
prostate cancers. Apart from avoiding inflammatory to exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the
foods, add phytonutrients, like curcumin, prebiotics, week.
resveratrol which is found in grapes to your diet.
9. Maintain Healthy Weight
5. Reduce Stress
Obese or overweight people have more fat than
Chronic stress that has lasted for several months they have lean muscle tissue. This causes a myriad
may trigger or promote cancer through various of complications such as increased levels of
mechanisms. Stress compromises the body’s immune insulin, increased estrogen levels, chronic low level
system, this is why you are likely to suffer from inflammation, and food addiction. All these factors
opportunistic infections when you are stressed. increase one’s risk for different types of cancers.

10. Schedule Regular Cancer Screening 15. Increase Your Fiber Intake
Fiber improves digestion and prevents colon cancer.
Discuss with your doctor what screening you need Fiber also improves satiety and prevents one from
based on your risk factors. This will also help you overeating and obesity which is linked to cancer risk.
catch any abnormality early and deal with it. Healthy sources of fiber include barley, beans, nuts,
fruits, and peas.
11. Improve Sleep Quality
16. Lower Your Consumption of
Sleep is also linked to cancer- related mechanisms. Saturated Fats
Poor and insufficient sleep will cause weight gain,
which is a cancer risk factor. Saturated fats increase the risk for cardiovascular
disease as well as the incidence of certain cancers
such as lung cancer. Butter, lard, chicken skin, and
12. Avoid Alcohol cheese are rich sources of saturated fats.
Excessive consumption of alcohol has been linked
to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. If you opt to drink, 17. Avoid processed foods
limit it to one drink a day if you are a woman or man
of above 65 years of age and 2 drinks for if you are a Processed foods may be tasty, but they will cause
younger man. more harm than good in the long run. A study that
was published in the BMJ showed a 12% increase in
cancer risk that was related to the consumption of
13. Limit Red and Processed Meat processed foods. These foods are also a trigger for
being overweight and obese which are contributing
Red meat and processed meat such as bacon, ham,
factors for cancer risk.
and frankfurts are Group 1 carcinogens that have a
high likelihood of causing cancer. Red meat increases
your likelihood for bowel and stomach cancer.

14. Eat More Fat from Plants than

Plant fats such as olive oil have been linked with a
reduced risk for certain types of cancers. Animal 18. Limit Salt Intake
fats on the other hand have been linked to higher
incidence of cancer. Stay away from cured and nitrite-preserved foods.
Some recent studies have revealed that consuming
less amounts of these salty foods will reduce one’s
risk for cancer of the stomach and esophagus.

19. Reduce Exposure to Toxins • Detoxing with supplements and herbs

A newborn has almost 287 chemicals in their • Using enemas and colon cleanses
umbilical cord blood when they are born. This is
because they are exposed to different chemicals • Exercising regularly
including pesticides, bisphenol A, phthalates, flame
retardants, and heavy metals like lead, mercury, • Eliminating alcohol, refined sugar, coffee, and
and arsenic. They damage the nervous system cigarettes
and increase the risk of cancer. Adapting a clean
and green approach means limiting exposure to Fasting
environmental toxins. Intermittent fasting may also help to promote ketosis
and to starve cancer cells. This is a way of fasting
20. Detox Your Body where you are allowed to consume anything within a
window period of between 4-8 hours each day as you
We are continually exposed to toxins. If the body fast for the rest of the hours.
is unable to efficiently expel these toxins and they
accumulate, it will lead to inflammation and other 21. Improve Your Diet and Supplements
health issues that may lead to cancer.
We have saved the best for last… are what you
The resetting of the body to its natural state and eat. We will give you a whole list of what you should
ridding it of all the accumulated toxins is called be eating to ensure you are optimally healthy and
detoxification, which can be of great benefit to cancer reduce your cancer risk.
Below are some common ways of detoxifying: Contains sulforaphane, which is a plant compound that
is found in cruciferous vegetables which may have very
• Going on a 1-3 day fast potent anticancer properties. A study showed that it
reduced the size and amount of breast cancer cells by
• Dry brushing: This stimulates glandular function up to 75%. An animal study concluded that treating
and lymphatic flow mice using sulforaphane has a 50% effect on reducing
prostate cancer cells. It also significantly reduces the
• Using castor oil packs: Stimulates flow of toxins risk of colon and colorectal cancers.
away from the intestines and other organs

• Juicing: Drinking plenty of fresh vegetable and fruit

juices, water, smoothies, and healthy teas

• Eliminating foods that may be high in heavy

metals, allergens and contaminants

More Crunchy, Cruciferous Vegetables Fermented Foods
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is naturally found in Fermented vegetables are a good source of healthy
cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, gut bacteria. They prevent cancers such as colorectal,
and cauliflower. Studies have shown that this pancreatic, and gallbladder cancer. A serving of 2-4 is
compound has anti- cancer effects which are useful sufficient to improve gut microbiota and slow cancer
in the treatment of breast cancer. This means that growth. Go for fermented veggies that have little sugar
consuming moderate amounts of cruciferous veggies or carbs such as sauerkraut and kimchi.
will help to wage war against cancer- causing cells.
Beans and Legumes
Carrots The fiber can protect against colorectal cancer. One
Can reduce risk of stomach cancer by up to 26% and animal model study found that black beans or navy
1 reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 18%. beans could reduce the progression of cancer cells by
up to 75%.

Soy is a popular super food with different health
promoting compounds such as isoflavones. Genistein
is the most dominant isoflavone found in soy. Research
has shown that this compound has “antineoplastic
effects against ovarian cancer.”

It also regulates cancer causing mechanisms and

Red Fruits and Veggies reduces the incidence of different types of cancer.
Lycopene is a red colored carotene phytochemical
that is common in tomato, cherries, carrot, and Flax Seeds
watermelon. Flax seeds are small golden hard-coated seeds that are
a rich source of omega 3, dietary fiber, and lignans.
Gastric cancer is one of the most prevalent types of
cancers and is actually the second leading cause of
cancer-related deaths globally. Studies have shown
that lycopene has anticancer activity against gastric
cancer cells.

Resveratrol (trans-3,4′,5-trihydroxystilbene), is a
naturally occurring polyphenolic compound that
is abundant in grapes. It has shown significant Flax is particularly high in the lignans SECO,
therapeutic potential as an anti-aging and anti- secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) and matairesinol.
inflammatory compound. It also offers chemo- Bacteria in the human colon convert SDG into the
preventive and chemotherapeutic activity in different mammalian lignans enterolactone and lignans
types of cancers through different mechanisms. enterodiol and enterolactone.

Studies have been carried out on flaxseed, its lignans, Ginseng
and enterolactone for anticancer activity in animal Ginseng is a plant that mainly grows in China, Russia,
models, in vitro and among humans. Japan and Korea. Active substances in this plant have
indicated that it blocks or reduces the progression of
Intake of both dietary lignan and serum lignum tumor necrosis factor. The tests done on mice blocked
concentrations have been evaluated in epidemiologic the propagation and metastases of cancerous cells in
studies for its relation to the risk of cancer for various the skin and also stimulated cell differentiation and
solid tumor types. level of interferon. A 2015 meta-analysis revealed that
consumption of ginseng reduces the risk of cancer.
Randomized controlled trials also evaluated the effect
dietary flaxseed has on tumor tissue markers and had Green Tea
very promising results. Getting past the somewhat complex name,
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCH) is a potent phenolic
Red Cloves compound that is present in green tea which is touted
Consuming red cloves will provide you with sufficient to have several health-related benefits. Studies have
amounts of a cancer fighting compound- biochanin A. shown that EGCH promotes the suppression of genetic
This is an isoflavone with anticancer activity as some factors that promote tumor expression. This has been
epidemiological studies have shown that populations demonstrated in breast cancer cells.
with high isoflavone intake have reduced risk for
certain types of cancers including breast, prostrate, Vitamin D
gastric, colon, and bladder. An important component in the human body and
especially the central nervous system this important
Curcumin nutrient possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound that is properties that continue to shock researchers.
commonly found in turmeric. It has widespread
medical application and recently it has been linked to Research has found that vitamin D is of great benefit
anti- cancer activity. It achieves this through different in reducing incidence of different types of cancer. It
mechanisms including regulating the expression unwarranted situations like pregnancy; it can also
of apoptosis related genes and proteins. Curcumin minimize release of natural killer cell secretions.
triggers apoptosis (cell death) of breast cancer cells.
Vitamin D also primarily balances inflammatory
pathways that are linked to cancer and promotes
the production of proteins that regulate cancer cells.
Vitamin D is critically essential in GcMAF’S role of
maintaining cell health in all tissues and cells. Because
vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient, it is important to
take the supplement with a fatty-based meal for
optimal absorption.

Beta Glucans Fulvic minerals
These are naturally-occurring compounds found This super-nutrient that literally comes out of the
in yeast, fermented foods, mushrooms, barley and dirt. When the decomposition of plants and animals
oats. They are complex sugar molecules that give occurs, they produce this compound that enhances
energy to the immune system to aid in combating your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, increases
cancer cells and other foreign elements. Beta glucans circulation and bonds with the heavy metals in your
offer immunomodulation and deal with excessive body, enabling their effective excretion.
inflammation caused by autoimmune responses.
Beta glucans offer protection against cancer by Spirulina is a close relative of chlorella. It also offers
stimulating immune cells like antibodies, T-cells, great detoxification benefits to your body. This blue-
natural killer cells, cytokines and macrophages. This green algae, whose other name is cyanobacterium
combined effort brings about coordinated attacks on originates from both saltwater and freshwater sources.
tumor growth.
It contains proteins, B vitamins, copper, iron,
Diet alone might not always give us all the nutrition magnesium, manganese and potassium. Just like
and cancer fighting nutrients we need. Sometimes chlorella’s chlorophyll, its driving engine is a compound
we might need to supplement, especially when we called phycocyanin that has great anti-inflammatory
are detoxing our bodies or trying to get to a point of and antioxidant properties, which inhibit cell oxidative
optimal health. Below are some of the supplements damage.
we can take:

When it comes to detoxifying, chlorella tops the list
for many reasons. It is a freshwater algae that is native
to Japan and Taiwan and is considered a superfood
replete with amino-acids, phytonutrients, chlorophyll,
potassium, beta-carotene, phosphorus, biotin, B
vitamins and magnesium.

Primarily, chlorella helps your body “chelate” or detox Other supplements that are very beneficial are:
heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and uranium.
· Probiotics
It also keeps them from being reabsorbed. This action
· Digestive enzymes
is due the high chlorophyll levels it contains. It goes
· Turmeric and Ginger supplements
without saying that one should definitely use chlorella
· Colon cleanse supplements
in their detox journey.
· Toxic binders

Naturally, there are many more supplements out there

and you should consider what your diet lacks and
supplement where necessary. Remember, it’s always
best to get our nutrition from whole foods.

The journey of cancer treatment is long and arduous, with a lot still not being understood. However,
it is clear that adopting a healthy, natural lifestyle for both the prevention and treatment of cancer
seems like a really good bet considering all the debilitating effects conventional cancer treatment can
have on one’s body, some of which might cause permanent damage.

Elimination of unhealthy foods and reduction of exposure to toxins also goes a long way in ensuring
we are at our optimal health and have a reduced cancer risk.

It is also apparent than in treating cancer, interactive therapies and natural products can be much
more effective and definitely less costly than taking modern anti-cancer drugs, with the added benefit
of less side effects. It is important to note that if you are undergoing a conventional treatment plan,
some supplements could be contra-indicative with the treatment, therefore consult with your doctor
before taking anything. The decision on which protocol to use ultimately lies squarely with the patient
but as they say, knowledge is power.


The Cancer Connection: Uncovering the Connection
Between Breast Health, Cancer and Autoimmunity
and How These Diseases Can Be Reversed
Lori Otto: We’re going to explore a topic that many of us have either dealt with ourselves, or have seen loved ones
suffer from: breast cancer. It’s so prevalent that we’ve all been touched by it. According to the American Cancer
Society, 12% of women (1 out of every 8) will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. There are currently over 3.1
million breast cancer survivors in the US.

In 2019, an estimated 331,500 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in American women. Approximately
80% of those will be invasive breast cancer. Fewer than 15% of women who get breast cancer have a family
member diagnosed with it, which means that 85% of breast cancers are NOT genetic.

Almost 42,000 American women are expected to die in 2019 from breast cancer, though death rates have been
decreasing over the past 30 years. And although 99% of breast cancer occurs in women, about 2,670 new cases of
invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men. We’re going to focus not only on healing our bodies
from cancer, but on breast health and prevention.

Dr. Kristi Funk

Jonathan Otto: You’ve published your works in the Advanced Therapy of Breast Disease Surgical Clerkship Manual,
the Archives of Surgery, the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, and the General Clinical Microbiology. You’re also
the go-to breast expert on Good Morning America, and frequently co-hosting on The Doctors, also on the Dr. Oz
show, the Today Show, the View, and CNN. So we’re excited about hearing from you, your expert wisdom.

Lori Otto: Can you talk to us about your story and how you came to this epiphany and turning point in your career,
where you realized you were missing some information and you had to make some changes for you, your family,
and in turn, your patients?

Dr. Kristi Funk: Yes. At the time that I began to write Breasts: The Owner’s Manual, I had been a surgical breast
oncologist, so a breast cancer surgeon, for 16 years; that was after my fellowship. I had a vibrant career, loved
doing what I did, but kept noticing that women would come into the office for a consultation, maybe a second
or third opinion, having seen other doctors, and when I would go through some basic information about how
to navigate this troublesome world of a breast cancer diagnosis, and to understand what would be their best
outcomes, and do they have a mastectomy or a lumpectomy, do chemo or not, or radiation or not, take hormones
or not: There’s so many issues, but they had such a poor grasp of the pros and cons.

I thought, “You know what? Now’s the time. I’m going to write this owner’s manual to help people that are all over
the country and all over the world, that aren’t going to come see me for a second or third opinion, to have it in
black and white as a guide. So it started off in my head as, “I need to capture the woman who’s at that moment
of a diagnosis, or vacillating between what’s the best screening regimen for me.” I knew a lot about a little. I knew
the power of green tea, and EGCG, a polyphenol in green tea, and how it had the power to drop breast cancer
incidence in half. And you bump the antioxidants by five times if you squeeze some lemon in there.

So I had these pearls of wisdom to pass along to patients, but as I backed out of the room, I don’t get paid for that
stuff, and I’ve got another patient waiting, and I’ve got to go. I also really wanted to reach women on the front
end of a diagnosis, literally before they ever had breast cancer, by giving them some powerful tools. Diet, lifestyle,
obesity, exercise, hormone replacement therapy; I had a lot of opinions about that. So here I go, I’m writing my
book, I don’t use a ghostwriter. I did a deep dive into nutritional science, specifically to prove that the way I ate
was right, which was Mediterranean diet style: lots of fruits and vegetables, but tons, and I mean pounds of lean
meat: chicken, turkey, fish.

My husband and I had sushi sashimi at least probably three times a week, I’m not kidding. We wouldn’t check
our mercury levels on purpose because I just didn’t want to know. I’m sure we were radioactive, but you know.
And whoa, when I did this deep dive into nutritional science, I was embarrassed by my own medical training, and
so excited, just first with a new passion, because I finally got it. I understood that the cellular response to animal
protein and animal fat is everything that illness requires, and nothing that is useful to health. In other words, it
skyrockets estrogen levels.

You have to realize, 80% of all breast cancers are fed into by estrogen. It elevates growth hormones, increases
inflammation, makes free radicals run around and feed all sorts of DNA damage, and creates angiogenesis: Angio
(blood vessel), genesis (the birth), so the birth of new blood vessels start coming to this cancer cell, bringing it its
nutrients that it needs to proliferate and grow into a mass that now, is ready to exit. And its exit strategy is built
in; That same blood vessel... lung, liver, brain, bone. That’s its exit strategy to metastasize, and take over your life,
and take your life. And it all starts with animal protein and animal fat, study, after study, after study.

I was so convinced that it had been about a month of my writing and digging deeper, really just disproving myself
when I went to find the data about it. I found quite the opposite to be true, in terms of even the lean meats ...
the chicken, the turkey, the fish ... are detrimental to health. I walked downstairs, and at the time, our triplet sons
were eight years old. And I’m like, “Boys!” And they come scurrying to the refrigerator. I fling open the doors, and
I’m like, “We’re going vegan.” And they go, “Yay! What is vegan?” I immediately filled four grocery bags to the
brim with this huge salmon filet I had just bought. My “don’t touch this” therapy drawer filled with five year aged
gouda, manchego, brie ... my gourmet cheeses. Even sneaky things.

I went down into the freezer, pulled out the frozen organic veggie burgers and in the middle of this list of ingredients
is milk, cheese. So all it goes into this bag. We drove it one mile over to my 90 year old parents, who would be
horrified that I threw away that amount of food, so I gave it to them, saying, “Here. It’s too late for you.”

Not actually my belief, by the way. It is never too late to change. But they would never have spoken to me again,
so I did give them those four bags of food. But in an instant, boom, done. 100% whole food plant-based, so it’s not
just vegan, right? You can have oreos and beer and be vegan. We’re talking about getting rid of the refined foods,
the processed foods, the sugars, the cereals, the bagels, the white everything, the salts, the oil. It’s a massive
lifestyle switch, and I feel every single day in my very core an increasing energy, my skin is smoother.

Lori Otto: As many as 4 out of 10 cancer patients are misdiagnosed at least once before they finally receive the
correct diagnosis, with more than 20% waiting over 6 months. Since early diagnosis and treatment is crucial
to beating cancer, these delays can literally mean the difference between life and death. In terms of women’s
cancers, there are 90,000 women diagnosed each year with gynecologic cancers, such as endometrial (also known
as uterine cancer), ovarian cancer, or cervical cancer. This is in addition to the more than 331,000 new cases of
breast cancer.

This means that as many as 160,000 American women with cancer receive at least one incorrect diagnosis before
they receive the correct one. Many women are misdiagnosed several times. As women, we know our bodies
best. We need to educate ourselves and understand the early signs of cancer. Even if we don’t fit the typical
patient profile in terms of risk factors, if our symptoms persist we should seek a second opinion and know which
diagnostic tests to ask for. Let’s look at ways to take control of our health.

Fran Drescher

Fran Drescher: Hi. I’m Fran Drescher and I just want to say that bad things happen to good people and no one
leaves this planet unscathed but what you do with it and how you grow through it and what becomes of you as
a result is what makes all the difference. And I know this first hand because I’ve gone through my own depths of
despair but at some point, I had to accept the hand that was dealt me and pick myself up, dust myself off and play
it with courage and elegance and I suggest that you do the same. So, turn your pain into purpose and help save
the world and use your purchasing power to dictate more responsible manufacturing trends by making mindful
choices rather than mindless choices and detox your home. Go to Cancer Schmancer dot org and learn more
about what I’m doing.

Well I’m a cancer survivor and so I feel like I got famous, I got cancer and I lived to talk about it. So I’m talking and
I wrote a New York Times best seller called Cancer Schmancer because it took me two years and eight doctors to
get a proper diagnosis of uterine cancer. And I didn’t want what happened to me to happen to other people by
means of misdiagnosis and mistreatment. And then when I went on my book tour and started speaking to people,
I realized that what happened to me has happened to millions of Americans and other patients all over the world.
And so from the book came the movement, the Cancer Schmancer movement. And what I try to do as a visionary
of the organization is to motivate, educate and activate people to transform from patient into medical consumer.
And to understand that how they live equals how they feel. So they have to really start looking at how they live and
doubling down on the choices that they make that they be healthy ones, eco-friendly ones and organic.

Interviewer: That’s beautiful. Did you feel by any means that when you decided to sort of make that change into
diving into just invest in yourself to this sort of health topic, do you feel you were risking your career?

Fran Drescher: No. No. I think that I leveraged my career for the greater good. And I think that people kind of
respect that about me. A lot of people get sick and they don’t turn it in to a cottage industry or a life mission but I
have done that and I think that, and I kind of recommend this to anyone, turning pain into purpose is very healing
and helps to make sense out of the senseless. So for me, it just helps to justify why I got cancer and why I had to
get a hysterectomy and was unable to have children as a result of that but I’m helping people and that gives my
life a purpose that it might not have otherwise had. So, you have to play the hand that’s been dealt you and play
it as courageously and elegantly as you possibly can. When people get stuck and bitter in what was supposed to
be, at some point, they have to make a choice. Either they’re going to remain looking back or just move forward
and I chose to move forward.

And with one in two men and one in three women expected to have cancer in their life and babies being born
pre-polluted with two to three hundred chemicals found in the umbilical cord and American women’s breast milk
having the highest percentage of flame retardant in it, you know we’re slipping down a rabbit hole towards our
own demise. We started a junior league in Cancer Schmancer that’s addressing tweens, teens and college age
students because they’re the first generation predicted to not live as long as their parents in U.S. history.

Dr. Kristi Funk: We can talk about, what else? Stress. Stress doesn’t have to wake you up like an earthquake. It can
be these little very subtle tremors that are cumulative and chronic. Not being happy in your job, having a difficult
marriage, having children full of tantrums. Just stresses that you deal with on a daily basis. You kind of consider it
life. But how you deal in your mind with these stresses, large and little, dramatically impacts your immune system.
Studies show that. They show that people who report increased stress do in fact have higher levels of interleukin
one and six, and tumor necrosis factor which are inflammatory cytokines. Just like it sounds, these cells that run
around and beef up inflammation increase cell damage that lead to illness. And they have less of the natural killer
cells in the immune system, which, as those sound, naturally kill bad cells, particularly the cancer cells.

Have you ever been sitting in a movie and you’re all of a sudden super stressed out, your palms are sweaty, your
heart’s racing? You’re just sitting there in a chair in a movie, but the movie’s stressing you out. Some sort of person
being chased in the forest. That’s how strong the mind-body connection is. Whenever you think, “Stress isn’t
affecting me.” I promise you it is. Whenever I talk to a breast cancer patient of mine and the conversation turns to
stress, and I ask, “Did something particularly stressful happen five to eight years ago? Like death of a spouse, or
divorce, or child illness, or something stressful?” “Oh, how did you know?” They get tears in their eyes and know
exactly what I was referring to. I didn’t know what I was referring to, but the point simply is when a breast cancer is
diagnosed it has been there. Not on a level that someone should have picked up on mammogram. I’m not saying
this was missed by any imaging, but what I’m saying is on a cellular level you go and do the math backwards on the
tumor size, knowing that it doubles in size, depends on your age and the tumor characteristics, but somewhere
between every three and six months. If you do the math backwards that first cell mutated five to 10 years ago.

Not all people, but many people can think of a stress trigger. I think stress in that moment of weakness altered
immunity such that that breast cancer cell wasn’t able to be found and destroyed by a healthy diet and lifestyle
behaviors, and by an intact immune system because this major life stressor impacted the immune system’s ability
to do what it does, which is seek out and destroy cancer cells. You need to pay attention to you. To your mind, to
your spirit. You need to laugh off and you need to forgive people. You can’t hold on to anger. That is one of those
little chronic trembling stressors that you may or may not be able to put a finger on the name unless you really
think about it, but it’s there and it’s hurting you. So let it go.

Lori Otto: For decades, doctors have been telling women that mammograms are the most effective way to
detect breast cancer, especially in the early stages. So why has Switzerland, a country with one of the world’s
most advanced healthcare systems, abolished routine mammography screening? Because they’ve looked at the
scientific research and realized that mammograms can do more harm than good. The prestigious medical journal,
The Lancet, published one of the most comprehensive mammography studies, which involved 90,000 women
who were followed for a period of 25 years. The study concluded that mammograms have absolutely NO impact
on breast cancer mortality. The death rate from breast cancer was virtually identical between those who received
an annual mammogram and those who did not, while 22% of screen-detected invasive breast cancers were over-
diagnosed, leading to unnecessary treatment.

Dr. Zach Bush: It’s the isolationism of women that, I think, is our biggest disservice to this thing that we call women’s
health. We isolate women over and over again saying you’ve got a problem rather than a healthy biologic process
called life happening within you. I have no end of frustration towards my field’s treatment of women in general.
I think it’s a travesty that we do something called mammograms. It’s the most ridiculous approach to cancer
prevention on the planet. It’s literally radiation of the breast. We know that radiation is one of the number one risk
factor for breast cancer. Here we are saying this is women’s health and we’ll pay for your mammogram every year
when, in fact, we know that we’re causing breast cancer through the sheer number of radiation exposures to this.

CAT scans are thought to be even less radiation than mammograms and yet, we know that some ... There’s a great
study published around 2011 regarding the number of CAT scans in the United States in 2009. They determined
that there was over 26,000 cancers caused by the CAT scans that we were doing just to look for disease. Radiology
as a whole is causing cancer in our population. That’s one thing if you come in in a car wreck and you need a CT
scan of the brain to see if you’re bleeding in the brain and need help.

It’s a totally different thing if you’re totally healthy and you walk in every year and we say we’re going to smash your
breasts in this machine and radiate your breasts to tell you if you have cancer yet. By the way, the mammogram tells
you nothing about blood flow, vascular patterns of inflammation, immune system function, lymphatic drainage
which, of course, are the ways that we would prevent breast cancer from happening. We get no functional data
out of a mammogram. We just get to say no, no breast cancer yet, but we just irradiated your breasts. You should
probably come back next year to see if we caused breast cancer.

Nadine Artemis: Mammograms, which increase our exposure to radiation. Which if you’ve done it for like a
decade, you’re getting as much exposure as being at the--I believe this is accurate, it’s in my book--it’s at the
epicenter, or just outside the epicenter of Hiroshima after 10 years of mammograms.

And they’re painful, and they squish, and if you have a tumor, it’s not good to squish it. And if you get a biopsy, the
stats are that there’s a 50% cancer recurrence rate along the track line of the biopsy.

So, there’s so many things to undo that--you know--understand it, see what your situation is, and it may not be as
scary. Or things you can start doing now.

I think now, there’s so many things you could do to sort of be up on that game rather than getting a mammogram.
Which, many countries, and even, I think it’s called the United States Task Force on Health, do not recommend
mammograms for women under 50. But not all that information gets out to individual doctors, and you still might
be getting your pamphlets for mammograms.

And some countries, I believe Switzerland, just “No.” They’re like “We can’t do it any more. The stats are not
good.” And, there’s also false positives which is at a huge rate. Um... but I was going to say ... oh yeah, so I think
there’s many ways that we can tell what’s going on with our breast health, without it just being a mammogram,
which is not the be-all, end-all diagnostic equipment, besides that fact that it is radiation. And, it’s a 50-year-old
technology that has not been improved upon, and think of where we are with technology right now.

So there’s thermography, and really, look at whole body thermography. Get your head shot in there as well.
Because looking at the lines of inflammation there may be oral care issues that are connecting to the breast
issues. You can have your heavy metal load tested, you can look at what fungus you have in your body or candida
levels, you can test if your estrogen dominant. And then you can get a picture and start working on those things,
which I think is going to give you a much better road map as to what’s going on.

Lori Otto: Epigenetics is a biological mechanism that controls genes, essentially switching them on and off.

Lifestyle factors such as diet, obesity, exercise, social activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, toxins,
environmental pollutants, stress, aging, sleeping, and working night shifts, can eventually cause chemical changes
that will turn genes on or off over time.

In certain diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s, various genes will be switched into the opposite state, away
from the normal/healthy state.

Progesterone – a hormone involved in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and breast cell growth – is involved in
epigenetics and breast cancer development. Researchers found that higher progesterone levels increased
epigenetic changes in breast cells. With more epigenetic changes, there is a higher risk that cancer-blocking genes
will be turned off and a tumour will start to grow.

Dr. Kristi Funk: When it comes to cancer, only about five to ten percent of all breast cancer, for example, is caused
by a genetic mutation. In other words, you inherited something from Mom or Dad ... by the way, you’re half your
father’s DNA, so people tend to think, “Oh breast, it’s just on Mom’s side.” No, no, no. If your Dad’s mom’s sister
had breast cancer at 40 years old, that concerns me, and I’d want to do some genetic testing, which, by the way,
is super affordable these days and just spit, it’s not this big crazy difficult thing to find out your genetic panel.
You can look at 47, even 84 genes now, that cover all sorts of predisposition to multiple cancers.

So if only five to ten percent of all breast cancer is coming from an inherited mutation, then wouldn’t it stand to
reason ... Let’s say that if I had breast cancer, what’s the percent chance that I would have a single first degree
relative with breast cancer? It’s only 13%. So that means, a first degree relative, a mom, sister, child with breast
cancer, is only in my family tree 13% of the time. What’s going on in the other 87%? And even then, the 13% could
be we inherit a lot more than genes. We also inherit that really awesome baby back rib recipe from Grandma, or
the apple strudel with extra butter. There’s a lot we inherit in family dynamics beyond genetics, so it goes to food
and mindset and lifestyle habits that also can contribute to, quote unquote, familial cancer.

The 87% has to be coming from somewhere, so what it can be tracked to is what we call epigenetics, so this does
affect your genetics. By the way, all cancer is a DNA genetic mutation; it’s a problem, so when your DNA goes
awry. Your cells, let’s just use the breast, is happily replicated; about every three to six months your cell’s going to
double itself, and then boom, one time there’s this mutated cell. It’s not right. It did some substitution with the
DNA, called a mismatch. And before it has a chance for that cell to become two, to become four, to become eight,
and so on, an intact immune system, or these functional genes whose job it is to identify mutated DNA, either
fix it or throw it out. That’s what BRCA does, for example. We all have functional BRCA genes, except for those
of us who don’t. So if you have a BRCA mutation and your DNA goes awry, you’re a little bit handicapped against
identifying and fixing that mutation, so it multiplies and divides, and eventually can become a detectable cancer.

The epigenetics is something that we’re exposed to in

life. It could be the UV rays that incite a melanoma on
your skin, for example. In breasts, there’s a whole cascade
of epigenetics that interplay differently, whether we’re
talking about environmental toxicities, or the overweight
or obese, drinking alcohol, eating poorly ... And we know
that in my opinion, eating poorly is having a lot of animal
protein and animal fat ... not exercising, and having a
stressed out life, and mindset. All of these things collide
differently inside each person, to either culminate
in cancer diagnosis or some other health threat, like
cardiovascular disease, or obesity, or diabetes. And the
exciting news about epigenetics is that it is, to a greater
rather than lesser degree, under our control. So if we
can get a handle on what these stressors are for our
DNA, then we can reduce their influence dramatically.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Here’s something. First off, in most cases, they’re all living in the same house. They’re all eating
the same food. They’re all drinking the same water. It would make sense that they’d all have the same issues,
wouldn’t it?

Lori Otto: Not to mention that our moms carried us in their womb.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Right, right. Exactly, exactly. So whatever mom was exposed to, baby’s exposed to. Then after
birth, everyone’s drinking the same water. Everyone’s eating the same food. Everyone’s breathing the same air.
So we’re all in the same environment. We’re getting exposed to the same environmental irritants. Where that
shows up in your body, where the inflammation’s going to be most triggered will be where you have the genetic
weaknesses. So if you genetically tend to have knee problems, your environment is going to stress you at your
knee more than at your elbow. Does that make sense?

Lori Otto: Totally, yeah.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Okay. It’s because your elbow doesn’t have that genetic tendency to be irritated.

Lori Otto: Yeah, it’s been passed down.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It’s passed down from one to the next.

Lori Otto: As vulnerabilities.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: We call that epigenetics.

Lori Otto: Okay.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Epigenetics is how the environment and how food, and what we eat or what we don’t eat,
what we supplement with or what we don’t supplement with. The kinds of probiotics we have in our body or don’t
have, the types of toxins we’re exposed to or not, okay? All of these things affect us on a genetic level.

Here’s an interesting thing. When you study indigenous medicines and your ancient being before 150 years ago,
herbal medicine. From all over the world, all these different systems, there’s all kinds of old systems of herbal
medicine all around the world. All of them had the one connecting tenant, if you will, and that was that whatever
herbs you were consuming, you would take on the property of those herbs.

So if it was a spicy herb, it would be invigorating to the body. If it was a cool, soothing, like a basil type thing, or
maybe another one ... You know, the difference between an orange and an apple if you will, okay?

Lori Otto: Okay.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: The orange is kind of zesty, right? And the apple’s crisp and it’s kind of calming, right? So in
these ancient herbal systems, they would say that you actually would take on the zestiness of the orange, or the
calming, the cooling of the apple, if that makes sense. Which is real interesting because they recognize that. Over
years and years of observation, they recognized that when you consumed these things, your body would have
these changes. When you consume these things, your body would have those kinds of changes, which is exactly
what we look at in epigenetics.

We’re looking at, okay, if you expose your body to these types of nutrients, what does that trigger in your genetics?

Lori Otto: Okay.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Or if you expose your body to these types of toxins over here, what does that trigger in your
genetics? Okay.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: And what we found is, genetics have kind of an on and off switch. You can switch on inflammatory
genetics, or you can switch off-

Lori Otto: You can switch it off.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Exactly.

Lori Otto: How much does genetics play a part in your ability to control or end disease overall?

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Typically, we give it about five to ten percent.

Lori Otto: Five to ten percent?

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yeah.

Lori Otto: That’s it?

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: That’s it. Well, five to ten percent of what is actually going on in your system is genetic. The
rest is epigenetics.

Lori Otto: Controllable.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Controllable.

Lori Otto: That’s pretty cool. I mean, that definitely ... When I first heard about that, that gave me a lot of hope.
Because, for example, at 13 years old, I started fainting and having low blood sugar issues, and the same symptoms
that my dad had before he became diabetic. Which, right now, he’s actually getting better in that. He’s actually
considered pre-diabetic which is really cool.

Palmer Kippola
Palmer Kippola: So, we can literally moment-to-moment change our genes from being inflammatory to restorative.
We have that level of control, and I’ll just say that there’s a study that shows that even a few hours of lost sleep in
one night can turn on your inflammatory genes, but guess what? Getting a couple of hours of restorative sleep,
maybe before 10 is actually turning on your restorative genes, so that’s how fluid this whole process is, and it can
be scary to think that, “Wow, I’m really in control of this.”

Right? But it’s also the super empowering science. So epigenetics, number one. Then I wondered, “Well, what
percentage chance do my genes play in this whole equation, versus my lifestyle?” I really wrestled with this for a
long time, and I found a report from the CDC from 2014 that shows that our genes are only responsible for up to
10% of our health outcomes, but it’s our lifestyle that is responsible for up to 90%, isn’t that super empowering?

Lori Otto: Amazing.

Palmer Kippola: We are in control of this, and then finally, the third piece of exciting science I found is that there’s
actually an autoimmune equation that shows how we get into autoimmune conditions, and actually how we
can reverse them. So for years, and years, we thought that there was genes played a part, but there were some
mysterious environmental factors that also played a part, but no one knew how they came together to create

It’s making tears come up a little bit. Really in a million years didn’t think that I would get to the other side of
this, because at the time that I went through it, there was no hope. There was no internet, there were no healing
stories of people that had already reversed their autoimmune conditions.

So, when I look back to that 19 year old girl who was scared, and confused, and overwhelmed maybe, and realize
where I am now, and the privilege, and the honor of being here to help other people who are in that position, it’s
just the gift of a lifetime. So, I really recognize that I was given that as an opportunity, because I want people to
know beyond anything that hope is real. Healing is possible, and you can do it.

Dr. Kristi Funk: There are a number of contributing factors to cancer. I kind of liken them to being on a scale.
Some are boulders. They’re so heavy, they’re so contributory that if these are on your scale ... The BPA and
plastic, whether or not deodorant matters, these are grains of sand or pebbles. They are not going to do anything.
But if all your boulders are off, and the boulders are going to be when it comes to breast cancer anyway being
overweight or obese, eating a plant poor diet, so lots of animal protein and animal fat, not exercising, and chronic
alcohol consumption. Those are your boulders.

Now, we’ve talked about many of those. Let’s talk about some pebbles, because they can tip the scale. You got all
the boulders off that scale and under control, we’ve got some pebbles. We didn’t talk about a boulder. We didn’t
talk about alcohol. Let’s talk about alcohol. I just mentioned it in passing as known in science to contribute to
breast cancer, along with now esophagus, liver, and colon.

What’s the deal with alcohol? Because some of us have heard that it’s heart healthy, and we’re apparently seven
times more likely to die of a heart attack than breast cancer... What we find with alcohol in breast cancer is that it
can elevate estrogen levels, which as we know now estrogen feeds and fuels 80% of breast cancer. The other big
thing that it can do is it inhibits an enzyme called MTHFR.

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. MTHFR. That is busy taking folic acid that you’re getting largely from your
leafy greens and vegetables and making it into methylfolate. Methylfolate is very powerful at running around and
fixing DNA when it goes awry.

If you drink on a daily basis you keep knocking out the MTHFR. When you do that then folic acid isn’t converting
to its active form. There is a big nurse’s health study that looked at thousands of nurses and followed their health
habits over many years. What they found was pretty fascinating. Amongst drinkers, so if you drink alcohol and
you don’t take folic acid in, you have an 89% increase in breast cancer over those who do take folic acid. That’s
how important this conversion to MTHFR is. It turns out that 30 to 50% of all people on planet Earth have these
what are called polymorphisms, these alterations. They’re not flat out mutations. The MTHFR works, but kind of
intermittently, like radio static, right? It’s not a clear signal. It’s not working great, but it works. But if you drink and
you’re one of these 50% of people with a polymorphism then you really could have a problem. In fact, that is what
has been shown in studies is if you have one of these polymorphisms and you drink there is somewhere around
a 60% bump in breast cancer.

The obvious workaround to that is to not drink alcohol. It is considered a class one carcinogen. The safest amount
of alcohol to consume when it comes to cancer is zero.

When it comes to alcohol and breast cancer here’s what the studies show.
What is alcohol, first of all? In the US it is 14 grams, and that equals 1.5 ounces
of hard liquor, or five ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer. Pick your poison
and here we go. A drink a day will increase breast cancer over a teetotaler
by 10%. Two drinks a day 30%. Three drinks a day 40%. Four drinks a day
probably call your doctor, but you add 10% per drink thereafter. In other
words, 10%, 10% risk sounds high, stats can torture you. They can confess to
anything when you torture them.

Let me break this down. If you are, let’s say, 50 years old, your risk of getting
breast cancer in the decade of 50 to 60 is one in 42. One in 42 women, you
drink a drink a day, your risk is now 1.1 in 42 women.

Nadine Artemis: If there is an imbalance in your period, whether you’re 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 it’s a sign and you
really want to have a regular cycle. Hopefully it’s a 28 day cycle. And periods really can be and should be pain-free.
If you’re experiencing things like PMS, it’s a signal that something is imbalanced in the body. Which could be even
your liver, the liver could be a bit stagnant and that that time of the month as it’s processing hormones, it’s just
not fully able to do its job. So you want to bring that into balance. But just really look at your cycle and if it’s short,
if it’s long, if it’s too heavy, if you’ve got major cramping, or if it’s creating hormonal acne, all of these things are
just symptoms asking you to bring it back into balance. Look at the microbiome. Look at the diet and bring it into

You don’t just want to let those things slide or just be like, “Great, I’ll just pop some pain pills or go on one of those
crazy new birth control things that we have now that, I forget which ones, but there’s some that only you can, you
can get your period once a season or not at all.

And the birth control pill is really, I mean it’s great in the sense that it was able to liberate a lot of people’s sex
lives, but at the same time it’s been a heavy price to pay for women. Hormonally it’s signaling your body into
menopause and that’s not something you want a 19 year old body to be signaled into. And the problems that
causes for trying to get pregnant or just how it has an effect. If you had been on birth control, it’s sort of one of
the check marks you can check off for being at a higher risk for breast cancer. There is also a birth control that’s
called... killed people with pulmonary embolisms. And there’s that ring and the injections and all of that really
does not have a good track record for women’s health and is going to put you imbalanced some point down the
road that you’re going to have to bring into balance later.

Lori Otto: All plastics may leach chemicals if they’re scratched or heated. Scientists believe that at certain exposure
levels, some of the chemicals in these products, such as bisphenol A (BPA), may cause cancer.

BPA is a weak synthetic estrogen found in many plastic

products, and even on the shiny side of paper cashier
receipts. Its estrogen-like activity makes it a hormone
disruptor that can affect how estrogen and other
hormones act in the body, by blocking them or mimicking
them, which throws off the body’s hormonal balance.

BPA also seems to affect brain development in the womb.

A 2011 study found that pregnant women with high
levels of BPA were more likely to have daughters who
showed signs of hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression.
The symptoms were seen in girls as young as 3.

Dr. Rodger Murphree
Dr. Rodger Murphree: There’s foods that are out there that can mimic estrogen.

Lori Otto: Okay.

Dr. Rodger Murphree: Also, things that we’re come in contact in our environment.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Rodger Murphree: Exogenous, estrogens, pseudo estrogens, things that really are not estrogens but chemicals
that we put on. Cosmetics, and lotions, and things that

Lori Otto: Something that women do a lot of.

Dr. Rodger Murphree: Yeah, BPAs. The BPA--drinking plastic out of plastic. These chemicals, they will doc to the
estrogen receptor sites. When they uptake the receptor sites, then the estrogen the body has is there’s more of
it. You get an estrogen dominance, and that can create all sorts of problems like endometriosis, fibroid tumors,
fibrocystic ovary syndrome.

Lori Otto: Oh, yeah. At first, it may seem a little overwhelming.

Dr. Rodger Murphree: Yeah.

Lori Otto: I went through that journey myself where I learned about plastics. I just slowly, but surely, just started
changing things out with glass--just little by little.
It actually does make a big difference.

Ocean Robbins: One of the hidden killers of our times is plastic. We’re exposed to plastics in our foods because
they are foods, our food storage containers, our plastic water bottles, plastic bags, uh, as well as in our homes.
Many of us are wearing plastic clothes made from acrylics, and plastics contain a lot of compounds that are
carcinogenic, that are endocrine disrupting and that can disrupt hormonal balance. BPA is the most famous one
and we now have BPA free plastics in some cases, but studies are showing that BPA pre-, BPA free plastics may be
just as bad.

So, uh, I would say look at where plastic contamination might be showing up in your life and, uh, particularly for
women, this is a concern because it can impact your hormonal balance in, in ways that are pretty alarming. Uh, so
we, in our family, we got rid of all of our plastic food storage containers. We use glass, plastic lids I don’t have a big
problem with, because they’re not touching the food directly. They just get a bit of condensation. But, and then
when I’m traveling on the go, I take an, an aluminum or thin stainless steel food storage container with a silicon
ceiling gasket and a snap on lid.

And that’s what I take my like lunches out when I’m traveling or putting it, throwing it in the, in the backpack. Um,
but I don’t want to have my food sitting in plastic anymore and even, even for produce bags, you can get some
reusable bags that are, you know, made out of various, um, you know, grasses or, or canvasy kinds of materials.
They’re not quite as convenient but they work and, uh, so you can start to try to era- eradicate plastic from your
life as much as possible and move towards more natural fibers and that can reduce your exposure.

Another thing I’ve been really impressed with, uh, particularly for women’s health, I spoke about this earlier, is
mushrooms and fighting breast cancer. Um, because, um, it’s just incredibly powerful. I won’t restate all that
again, but, uh, that’s one thing I would bring in for sure is, um, is mushrooms. Um, dairy products are pretty
damaging to hormonal balance. If you think about it, cows are lactating mammals and there’s a lot of hormones
in their body and in their milk, particularly in the industrialized farming system when they are pumped full of
RBGH, recombinant bovine growth hormone, which stimulates milk production and also even further throws their
hormonal balance out of whack.

You know, traditionally, in ancient times, cows were not

lactating every day of the year. They would lactate ‘cause
they’d have a baby and then they would stop lactating
until they got another baby. But the milk industry finds
that that’s bad for profits. So they have designed the
system to keep the cows constantly lactating and their
babies are taken away at birth so they don’t even get
any of the milk. Um, they may get a little bit in some
other formula mixed with other stuff, but they don’t,
they don’t nurse past one day of age.

So these cows who are really sad, by the way, because

their babies are taken away from them at birth, which no
mammal wants to go through that, but they’re producing
the milk anyway and in massive quantities. Some of them have udder so big they drag on the ground, they’re in
constant pain because we have bred them and pumped them full of the, the chemicals to make them produce
massive amounts of milk. So what happens when you drink that milk? Well, you’re getting a lot of hormones in
your body from it.

And this may be one of the reasons industrial dairy production on the quantity of dairy we’re consuming today,
maybe one of the reasons why the average time of first menses for girls has dropped from about 15 or 16 down
to around 11 or 12. We are changing the hormonal balance, of women today and dairy is a f- big player in this. So
if you’re interested in having a more natural rhythm and having your own body’s hormonal balance, don’t pump
yourself full of industrialized dairy products.

Nadine Artemis
It’s an interesting time for women in our culture, because we’re sort of raised to be insecure in a way from a
marketing level. Because we’re just bombarded with like, “You need this and that to perfect this and that. You
got to primp with perfume, so that you smell good and you’ve got to take birth control pills. And you got to use
this cream and lotion. And all of these things are affecting our endocrine system. And our breasts for example,
are kind of these modern canaries in a coal mine. They’re like the barometers, our breasts are like barometers
for the health of the planet and for our health. And what we’re learning right now is that there is definitely a
hormonal health crisis, especially for women. Our hormonal system is a little more complex and there seems to
be vulnerabilities to areas like our breasts in our body. There’s a full estrogen crisis going on right now.

For example, our bodies are being thrown off by things like xenoestrogens, which are foreign estrogens from that
mimic estrogen from things like plastic. That’s the whole thing with the BPA and plastics. And then we’re also
being bombarded with things like metalloestrogen. So that’s when there are estrogen mimicking heavy metals.
That comes from things like cadmium and mercury and nickel.

And then we’re also getting bombarded with mycoestrogenic which are fungal estrogens coming in from
things like the food supply, where livestock is being fed pharmaceuticals to help them fatten up. But these are
mycoestrogenic drugs and then there are also mycoestrogens are found in things like the silage ‘cause they’re
being fed, our cows for example, are being fed silage from the grain mill floor, so it’s just this very fungal... with
fungus. They’re just ingesting fungus. And in turn we’re ingesting fungus.In 2011 there was a study done with some
New Jersey high school girls and 78% of them had mycoestrogens in their urine. So we’re getting bombarded with
the metalloestrogens, the mycoestrogens and the xenoestrogens. And we’re not even talking about progesterone
or testosterone. We are literally getting affected by this. And why it affects us is because then we’re also not
getting fed. And I mean from food or from our bodies or from we’re putting on our bodies, our estrogen supply is
getting all these sort of fakes or these synthetics and fake estrogen. And our receptors, because they’re not filled
with things like iodine, they’re grabbing on to those receptors. It’s like a lock and key system. And for thousands
of years women could, our breasts could trust what they receive from the plants and our food. And now whether
it’s from soy or the metallo the heavy metals, the mercury in our bodies, they’re filling up our receptors and just
throwing the whole thing off.

So we need to, in some cases chelate this. We need to get rid of the excess estrogen, which can be done through
things like vegetables, like broccoli, that are a cruciferous vegetables or supplements made from that. And they
shown the ability to chelate some of the excess estrogen out of the body. And when we chelate that out of the
body, that could make the progesterone or testosterone come more into balance. When we start, chelating the
heavy metals from our body, we’re able to bring that into balance. And then when we stop eating fungus-based
food, which could be anything from the microscopic mold in the coffee bean, or the wine, to eating peanuts with
aflatoxins, we really need to really eliminate eating any kind of fungal foods. There’s lists of that on the Internet.
And then obviously something like sugar would just totally feed all the fungus foods. So we want to eliminate things
like that and start getting those receptors to get the information they need from the foods and the nutrients that
they need and the real hormones that real estrogen.

Dr. Kayte Susse
Dr. Kayte Susse: I host a TV show in West Hollywood about health and spirituality for Focus TV Network, Ever Talk
TV, and we do something similar to what you guys are doing. I interview a lot of health guests and my primary
focus is on breast implant illness. So spreading awareness about this emerging topic as it relates to women having
basically mystery illnesses for many, many, many years. And it being like largely downplayed by their healthcare
practitioners, them seeking treatment in the allopathic medical community, looking for answers and just getting
symptom management or being told that it’s in their head or that there’s nothing wrong with them.

Lori Otto: Wow.

Dr. Kayte Susse: So we’re part of this really incredible movement that’s really snowballed in the last, this year
alone snowballed, but over the last few years through advocacy that a lot of people in the ground floor have been

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: And so it sort of turned into this movement of now we have like so many celebrities getting
involved in the explant process and speaking out about the tremendous changes they see after they do remove
their implants

Lori Otto: Wow.

Dr. Kayte Susse: And start taking their health back, so.

Lori Otto: That’s amazing.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Yeah.

Lori Otto: Oh man, that just got me chills.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Yeah.

Lori Otto: That’s powerful.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Also, interesting to mention that the more heavily we are investigating this topic and the more
people get involved, the more answers are coming out. So huge awareness about a new type of cancer that is
only associated with breast implants, which it turns out we found out about in 2011 from a population study done
in Finland, but wasn’t something that the FDA had really been looking at until we had a very big hearing in early

So following that hearing, which the focus was textured silicone implants. The FDA acknowledged that they
needed a black box warning on that type of implant. However, now the company just voluntarily recalled them a
few weeks ago. So that was a huge step, I think.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: For this cause. Yeah.

Lori Otto: Yeah. Wow, that’s really powerful. And as far as, I like to ask this question

Dr. Kayte Susse: Yeah.

Lori Otto: To all of our experts in your area, do you feel that this, I guess you could say this problem or this issue
with women’s health in this area is growing and why? And we’ll go into the details of...

Dr. Kayte Susse: Well, yeah. I think that it’s not really just a silicone breast implant or saline breast implant topic
because what we’re really talking about is chemicals and we’re talking about heavy metals, mercury, lead, arsenic,
platinum, aluminum. And then that does sort of relate to a larger issue of like when and why does a person
respond to chemicals and heavy metals more than another person? Why is one person completely racked by
them and another one could have an accumulation of high levels in their body and they eliminate it fast or they
just aren’t affected to the point where it affects their life and their quality of life?

And I think as people overall are starting to become less genetically strong as a result of mutations in the DNA,
from our environment, from our food, from our parents, and like through the generations we’re possibly becoming
weaker and possibly becoming more effected by these chemicals.

The chemical load in the environment is higher. Like the chemical load from the amount of products that we’re
consuming or from the food, what’s given to the animals. These things that we all know about.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: So when we talk about why some women get sick, it’s similar to talking about why some people
develop cancer from smoking cigarettes, whereas others, you know everyone has that grandmother that smoked
and drank till she was 90.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: And she was super healthy.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Never saw a doctor, right? So, but we are seeing more and more like younger women, they’re
getting sick faster, within a year of implanting are really, really suffering, so.

Lori Otto: Yeah. And that’s something that’s probably going to be news to a lot of women out there. Just like,
“What you can get sick from that?” Because for the most part, what’s the message out there with breast implants?

Dr. Kayte Susse: Well there’s an interesting history and a lot of this is available and it’s public information. But if
you read through the history of breast implants and it’s kind of jaw dropping when you read it like chronologically,
and I didn’t know either. I had breast implants.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Which is how I got into the situation and we can talk about that later.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: But initially they were put on the market and they were dispersing. So there were a lot of lawsuits
where women had silicone that had migrated into the lymph system and out of the pocket of where it was
supposed to be. So after lots and lots of complaints and lawsuits and problems, the FDA decided to take them off
the market in the ‘90s and that that was due to this problem of the lack of cohesiveness.

So from about ‘92 to 2006 the silicone was off the market for most people. It was still allowed for cancer patients,

Lori Otto: Oh wow.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Because they thought that that was a medical need.

Lori Otto: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: And they were usually just using saline implants. When they put them back on the market, and
it’s important to mention that in the ‘90s and prior there were many companies manufacturing them and they
had a lot of different like efficacy and like what they were putting in the product. And it was kind of like the wild

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: Of breast implants. And then two companies sort of created studies and research and they said,
“Look, they’re safe. We got them to be really cohesive,” actually by adding a lot of chemicals and heavy metals
made them so they were not dispersing in the body. And the FDA was like, “Okay great, put them back on the

So that was sort of like where it came in. So there’s different populations of women who are explanting now. Some
of the women are from like the first generation of it where they’ve had these implants in their body for like 30

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: And these are older women and they’re very sick.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Kayte Susse: And when those implants are removed it’s very dangerous because of the ruptures and they
need like a really good surgeon who understands how to remove those safely.

Lori Otto
Soy is a phytoestrogen, which means it’s a plantbased estrogen — a hormone that plays a role in everything from
reproduction to breast cancer.

It was once thought that soy foods increased the risk of breast cancer. But current research proves that eating one
to two servings a day does NOT increase risk of breast cancer — or other types of cancer.

In fact, studies show that a lifelong diet rich in soy foods reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. This protective
effect is less dramatic for women who eat less soy or who start eating soy later in life

Soy contains protein, isoflavones, and fiber, all of which provide health benefits. Due to its nutritional benefits and
affordability, it’s been a diet staple in many cultures for thousands of years. The average woman living in East Asia
eats about 10 times the quantity of soy foods as the average woman in the United States. Yet East Asian women
have lower rates of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer than American women.

Dr. Kristi Funk

Lori Otto: That was really powerful. Thank you. So now we’re going into the details of certain other details towards
that. Let’s talk about soy estrogens. What are your thoughts on soy estrogens being linked to cancer?

Dr. Kristi Funk: Soy estrogens are not only not linked to cancer, they are absolutely linked to a decrease in cancer.
A decrease in cancer for counts, a decrease in cancer death.

You never would have heard me say that before 2017, because what did I do in 2017? A deep dive into the
nutritional science to do one thing this particular week. My job was to vilify soy, to show with science why every
woman should stay away from soy. Spit the tofu right out of your mouth, because it’s a phytoestrogen.

The genistein in soy, these isoflavones, they are plant-based estrogen and the former me would say, “Do you
think a little receptor on a cancer cell for estrogen has discriminating tastes? No. Estrogen’s estrogen. That
phytoestrogen’s going to hit the receptor, which by the way, 80% of all breast cancer cells have, and it’s going to
send a signal to that cancer cell to multiply and divide. So stay away from it. How much do you like soy milk? Just
forget about soy milk, it’s out of your life.”

Okay, embarrassingly wrong. Oops. Sorry about that. Beep, beep, beep, backed up that whole theory when I finally
read the science and realized this. We have two receptors in our body for estrogen, alpha and beta. Turns out that
alpha’s on the cancer cells. Beta is inhabited by the phytoestrogens in soy, with 2000% more affinity than it has
for alpha.

And what does soy do when it hits beta? It does two fascinating things. It shuts alpha down, so it acts like a
breast cancer drug we give premenopausal women, called tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is an estrogen decoy. It looks like
estrogen, it fills the receptor, and like the car in the parking lot, just parks there, so your own estrogen can’t refuel
the cancer. Without the cancer fuel, the cell should peter out and die.

So now, soy does that for you. Soy also does something else. It goes out into your fat cells. Wherever you have a
fat cell, you have an enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase is busy churning away testosterone and some adrenal
hormones, like androstenedione, into estrogen. For my post-menopausal ladies, it’s not enough estrogen to
suddenly make you fertile, but it is enough to feed and fuel a cancer. Guess what soy does? When it hits beta,
bam, it goes out into that fat and stops aromatase from functioning, so you can’t make a cancer fuel.

Now when soy should wander its way into an alpha receptor, it has between one tenth and one one-hundredth of
the signaling capacity of actual estrogen. So again, now it’s actually literally looking like tamoxifen, parked in the
alpha spot, but mostly blocking it.

This is really, really true because if it is, we should all be consuming at least two to three servings of soy a day.
Fermented soy is a little bit more powerful, with its isoflavones, so miso, natto, soy sauce, tamari. But the next
tier, which is minimally processed, is also incredibly healthy and probably more palatable for the masses, so we’re
talking non-GMO, preferably organic soy milk, tofu, edamame, soybeans. The soy burgers, now you’re getting
super processed. I’m not so sure if all the phytonutrient awesomeness is still there, it’s still countless times better
than a beef burger. Like, go for the soy burger if you’re going to have a burger. But I’m not sure it’s really working
at the anti-cancer level that we’re wanting from the other food sources.

Is it really, really true? Turns out there have been a solid six studies in humans. Before 2009, it was mostly mice in
Petri dishes, and what happens in mice doesn’t always happen in man. But now the data’s out, and it’s been out
since 2009, that in women who consume soy, they have between 30 and 60% less breast cancer to begin with, and
when they do get breast cancer, even if it’s estrogen-driven, they have 60% less recurrence and 29% less death.
And you ready for this one? Those are the stats for how much tamoxifen, the breast cancer drug, reduces breast
cancer recurrence and death, 60%, 29% against placebo. It really actually acts like our anti-cancer drugs inside
your body.

So soy it up ladies. And it’s particularly helpful in adolescence.

Of all the controllable risk factors for breast cancer, being overweight or obese is at the tippity top of what is
under your control and directly contributes to breast cancer causation, recurrence, and death. What is this whole
mechanism about? Everywhere you have a fat cell in your body you have an enzyme called aromatase. That
aromatase is turning testosterone and adrenal gland hormones like androstenedione into estrogen. So, when
you’re after menopause, your ovaries shut down, you don’t have any estrogen coming directly from your ovary,
most women in my practice who come in at 60 something with a breast cancer diagnosis are shocked to find out
that their fat cells are fueling this breast cancer. They had no idea they had any estrogen, obviously because their
metabolism slowed, they gained weight, they went through all that menopause craziness, so obviously there
was no estrogen. There is estrogen. It’s enough to fuel a cancer, but unfortunately not enough to stave off all the
unwelcome menopause symptoms.

The point simply being that 80% of all breast cancer is fed and fueled by estrogen. Study after study shows that if
you are overweight or obese you have a between 50 and 250% bump in breast cancer occurring compared to your
normal weight version of yourself. That’s because when you’re overweight you have more adipose. More adipose
more aromatase, more of that enzyme, and higher estrogen levels. So is that true? Turns out, yes. That was an
easy study to do. You draw blood levels of women and log that against how much their body mass index is, their
body weight, and you find that increasing weight was increasing estrogen.

A couple of points to make about this, premenopausal obesity for unclear reasons has a slight protective effect
against breast cancer. But let’s be real with the numbers, only 5% of all breast cancers happens under the age of
40, 20% under the age of 50, and the average age of menopause in the US is 51 and 10 months. So your 80% of
breast cancers is happening after menopause. If you’ve been overweight or obese your whole life, maybe you had
a little protection against breast cancer, you had no protection against type two diabetes, and asthma, and joint
pain, and back pain, and all the other problems that come along with obesity. Hypertension. Now it’s hard to lose
that weight to suddenly join the group that’s not high risk post menopause.

That being said, so disclaimer noted about premenopausal obesity,

are you obese? Well, if you’re not sure, we’ve got an easy body
mass calculator at our website We’ll tell you in
an instant. Plug in your height and your weight, boom, it will show
you what you weigh and what you’ve got to get to be a healthy
weight. Because, here’s the good news, you lose the weight, you
lose the risk. A study was done to look at postmenopausal women
who did not take hormone replacement therapy, and simply looked
at the amount of weight they had gained since high school. So
ladies out there, get that in your head. How much did you weigh
in high school? How much do you weigh now? Okay, subtract the
difference. If it’s plus or minus eight pounds, good for you and
your skinny genes. You get a star … and I’m just a little jealous.

But, the next group. If you gained between eight and 14 pounds, just that weight gain from high school has
bumped breast cancer instance in you by 25%. Between 15 and 20 pounds bumped 60%. If you have gained more
than 21 pounds since high school you literally just doubled your risk of breast cancer. But the great news is if you
lose that weight, you lose the risk. A full 50% of all postmenopausal breast cancer deaths are in overweight or
obese women. Unfortunately for the world, 30% of the world, 2.1 billion people, are overweight or obese.

68.8% of Americans are. While you’re in good company in starting to feel normal, there’s no shame in being
overweight, but there is health danger in being overweight. It’s amazing that if you lose the weight the body is so
forgiving and so resilient that almost in an instant you will reverse so many of your chronic pains and illnesses that
you’re battling because of the weight. But most importantly for me is that you’re going to dramatically drop your
mortality from a breast cancer diagnosis.

Lori Otto
According to University of Oxford scientists who researched 1.8 million hospital cases in England, people who
have autoimmune disorders may be 20 per cent more likely to develop dementia. The study confirms that chronic
inflammation, which is a common feature of many autoimmune disorders, may be a trigger of dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease.

Previous studies have found that if infections or chronic inflammatory diseases – including diabetes – have pushed
a person’s immune system into overdrive, this can lead to immune cells attacking healthy brain tissue.

The University of Oxford research team also found a strong link between autoimmune disease and heart and
circulatory problems. People with autoimmune disease were 53 per cent more likely to be admitted to hospital
due to cardiovascular disease, and 46 per cent more likely to be admitted for a stroke. Controlling inflammation
levels, through exercise and a healthy diet, will help reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as other
life-threatening conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Dr. Zach Bush

Your brain actually has its own immune system. It’s much different than our peripheral immune system that is
composed of T-cells and B-cells and the like. That’s where we have these white blood cells within your bloodstream
that would fight anything outside your body and make sure that you stayed sterile. The reality is that central
nervous system immune system that is composed of little things that look like neurons themselves are called glial
cells. They look like little, tiny neurons that float around and they act kind of like macrophage that are like sweeper
cells that clean up debris from the brain.

The advent of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s dementia actually has been correlated with an increase in debris within
the brain, these misfolded proteins that we call amyloid. These misfolded proteins begin to accumulate. We used
to think they were causing the damage, but it’s now recognized that they’re probably just a symptom of the
systemic breakdown in that immune system of the brain and you get an accumulation of junk.

Interestingly, the microbiome is, again, our focus because the microbiome that we think of being in the gut,
bacteria in your gut, all this, you take probiotics, very few people realize that we have microbiome in our brain
and in our breast, in our prostate and everywhere in the body we have bacteria and fungi and the like that are
supposed to be present to maintain normal cellular function. Amazingly, in that damaged brain of the Alzheimer’s
patient, when we stain for Candida albicans, you can actually see these huge dendritic-sprouting-looking things of
fungi growing in and around the damaged brain. We find out that whoa, it looks like the microbiome when seeing
damage to the neurons will actually create their own network to try to detox the space and bring in nutrients to
these damaged neurons.

Same thing happens in the human breast in cancer. A healthy human breast has Sphingomonas as its dominant
species. In the damaged breast, you end up getting Methylobacterium in there and so you get these two different
bacterial populations and so for a while, we thought oh, Methylobacterium is maybe causing breast cancer.
Instead, we find out that the less Methylobacterium that’s present, the more aggressive the cancer gets, i.e. the
more sterilized the breast tissue gets, the more likely you die of that breast cancer. Whether it’s the brain without
Alzheimer’s, the breast with breast cancer, if we continue to use an antibiotic kind of killing approach to our
pharmaceutical therapies, we end up lonely and rapidly accumulating damage and disease in the body.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

I feel, being a physician for more than thirty years, that one of the most rewarding fields of my practice over the
last thirty years has been taking care of patients with autoimmune conditions, like psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Sjogren’s Syndrome and lupus and others, of course.

Many people have gotten well from autoimmune hepatitis, for example. I’ve had people who’ve had twenty bowel
movements a day. One man had twenty bloody bowel movements a day from ulcerative colitis plus he developed
testicular cancer. Because the drugs used to treat ulcerative colitis increases the cancer, of course. Similar to the
drugs used for autoimmune disease promote cancer.

So I feel that every patient with autoimmune disease needs to learn not to go to a rheumatologist and take drugs
for the rest of their life. They have to use aggressive nutritional interventions first. In most cases, not every case,
but in most cases they can make a complete recovery.

It’s been one of the most rewarding parts of my practice. I had a young girl, about sixteen years old, on the
national renal transplant list waiting for a new kidney. Her creatinine was four point two, which is very severe renal
failure due to lupus. She made a complete recovery with her kidney coming back to normal with a creatinine of
point eight. I was almost astounded, I had to repeat it twice just to make sure I was seeing the truth. Seeing what
was real there. But I’ve had many patients with severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis make complete recoveries. I
can predictably expect that with a disease like that. Some of these people are on medication suffering for decades.
I have a lot of these cases on my website. I’ve even wrote a medical study, a medical journal study published in a
nutrition journal showing consecutive case series of autoimmune conditions reversing themselves.

So even though I advocate what I call a nutritarian diet, which is diet rich in nutrients, And of course we’re taking
out processed foods and low nutrient and foods with concentrated calories. So eating lots of vegetables. It’s a diet
of beans and fruits and nuts and vegetables and onions and mushrooms.

I usually give my patients with autoimmune conditions a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day as well.
In most cases they’re drinking a glass of three part juice product which has one part cruciferous greens, one
third carrot and beet, and one third benign like lettuce, celery, cucumber mixed together maybe with a squeeze
of lemon. I want to get their nutrient levels up in their tissues better. If they’re on medications I usually start to
decrease the medications after a three month period of chocking up their body with a lot of nutrients. I don’t
want to cut the medication out when they’re still nutritionally deficient.

When I test the nutrient levels in patients with autoimmune disease they generally have very, very low antioxidant
scores and very low skin carotenoid scores. It usually takes about three months to get the scores up to normal
again, so I feel safe enough to start lowering their medications.

Dr. Kristi Funk

I have some bad news for some of you out there that love,
love, love your barbecued, grilled, and pan fried meats.
These extremely potent carcinogens, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons and polycyclic amines to be exact, are forming
on the outside of that otherwise deliciously charred meat and
also on the inside for your slow cooked 30 minutes chicken in
the oven. Can’t get away from them. When you eat the meat
you eat the carcinogens and they’re in you. The best way to
avoid those, avoid the meat.

It’s the combination of the high heat and the creatine in meat that creates the carcinogenic compounds. So you
can totally eat the char on that broccoli and on your veggie burger and you’re fine. I wondered about that for
years, so I was really happy to figure that out. Yeah, that’s another carcinogen. These heterocyclic amines are not
only on charred meat, but they’re in gasoline, tobacco, there’s a lot to avoid in life.

But thankfully berries are not one of them ...I have to give you one quick biochemistry lesson to understand the
power of food. The power of food to hurt you or to help you. That is you need to understand the battleground
inside your body called oxidative stress. It’s going on all day long, but it is particularly happening every single time
you eat a meal. It’s the postprandial state. Oxidative stress is a battle between oxidants, which are free radicals,
which are super useful for you. They do things like make you breathe and if you cut yourself open it increases the
inflammation that brings all the stuff to heal and repair it. So we’re grateful for some oxidants, but in excess these
oxidants form free radicals, which run around and create DNA and cellular damage. Whatever it runs around and
hits the most becomes your killer.

If it’s your heart vessels, hello heart attack. If it’s your brain, I forgot. Oh, Alzheimer’s. If it’s your carotid arteries,
stroke. If it’s your pancreatic cells, type two diabetes. If it’s your breast cells, breast cancer. Okay? So oxidants in
excess are bad. These free radicals are unstable. What can stabilize them, oxidants? Antioxidants. That is the only
thing that ...the madness. Where do you get antioxidants?

There’s only one place on planet Earth that they live. Plants. There is not a single antioxidant in a single bite of
cheese, or butter, or a gulp of milk, or a bite of yogurt, or a piece of fish, or chicken, or turkey, or beef, and you
didn’t think it was in bacon, did you? So anyway, antioxidants and oxidants.

Let me explain to you how powerful this is as a marker of oxidative stress, right? The balance. They did this study
taking a bunch of men and women and they fed them a standard American diet. We’ve come to know that as
SAD. So we’re talking about pancakes and bacon, a bagel and cream cheese, steak and eggs. Measured the LDL
cholesterol levels hourly. Up, up, up, up lunch. Hamburger and fries. Up, up, up, up dinner.

These people were going to bed with more oxidants and fewer antioxidants than when they woke up. There’s so
many decades of that your body’s going to take until lo and behold they’re starting to get fat and sick around 45,
55, 65 because it takes decades, but you’re going there, hopefully. And when you get there, there’s only so much
of this stuff that can happen before illness shows up.

Same people, next day. Same food, one change. Steak and eggs, a cup of strawberries. Up, up, down, down,
baseline. Hamburger and fries, one cup of strawberries. Up, up, down, down. Are you kidding me? The antioxidant
power in just a cup of strawberries can go into the body and neutralize in a matter of hours the damaging effects
of that crappy meal. What would have happened if the meal had been steel cut oats and blueberries? What
about the lunch if it had been an amazing salad filled with lentils, and avocado, and peppers, and an amazing oil
free dressing? Or a tostada with a bunch of beans, and lentils, and veggies, and salsa? Then you would be eating
antioxidants. That oxidative stress battle would be quelled in a minute, and then the antioxidants would be like,
“Now what do we do? Oh, there’s some plaque in that artery. Let’s chisel that out of there. Oh, there’s a breast
cancer cell. Ping! Gotcha. Now you can’t divide anymore.” Literally.

I don’t know if they’re that animated, but they are literally doing that. You just chew and swallow and you are
releasing from plants an arsenal of weaponry that goes coursing through your veins saturating all of these cells.
Reversing the damage of decades. Quelling the oxidative stress. Saving your life. Eat plants. Every meal. Make it
the whole meal. Go on.

Dr. Debbie Bright

Dr. Debbie Bright: The biggest thing that people don’t necessarily realize is that when we detox, our liver is so
important. People are like, “Oh, I have a liver and kidneys. They do everything I need them to do.” While that may
be true, we live in a world where the toxic burden is so heavy that we need to give the liver some TLC. So a coffee
enema, a colonic, what they do is they hydrate the colon.

So they help clear out matter that can be backed up, stuck in there. It’s great for people that are constipated. It
gets things moving again. When you prioritize the colon, the blood route that goes back to the liver nourishes the
liver and helps it release those toxins as well. Then you’re able to excrete them.

Lori Otto: So good.

Dr. Debbie Bright: Yeah, a coffee enema does it works wonders. If you have a headache or you’re not feeling well
and you do a coffee enema, you’re like minutes away from relief.

Lori Otto: Especially during a detox.

Dr. Debbie Bright: Yes.

Lori Otto: Because sometimes you will get a headache or two. That’s like the fastest way. I remember I was on a
parasite detox. I had the most excruciating pain. I was working with a doctor and he kept telling me, “Do a water
enema before you do the coffee enema.” Anyways, did even like the ... What does is called? With the needles? I’m
going blank, mommy brain. But anyways, they did everything. Nothing was where he’s like, go do ... Even from a
water enema, within nine minutes, gone.

Dr. Debbie Bright: Yeah.

Lori Otto: Yeah.

Dr. Debbie Bright: Yeah. Some people will do a coffee enema. They’ll say, “It didn’t come back out.”

Lori Otto: Okay. All right, cool. Yeah.

Dr. Debbie Bright: They’ll say with a coffee enema, it didn’t come back out and they were worried about it. I’m
like, “It’s totally okay. You were probably in a very dehydrated state.” That’s what the colon does, right? It absorbs
fluid from our stool, which essentially is why we want to keep things moving because if it’s hanging out and they’re
getting too much, too many fluids absorbed out of the stool, then it gets hard and impacted, and you can’t move
it. But when you nourish the colon, you can absorb water into your body in more ways than just drinking it. Yeah,
it just will rehydrate the system. It’s just so amazing.

Sabrina Ann Zielinski

Detoxing is really important and I use that as one of the ways that I definitely do self care and being Mrs. Georgia
I do my colon spa therapy day, all of my colon health people, they actually sponsor me for the pageant and I have
a spa day and when I go or do a liver, gallbladder cleanse or colonic, I couple those things with infrared sauna
vibration table. I do lymphatic massage or I’ll do reflexology. I do a variety of different modalities together which
is all part of the detox program but you need to live a detox lifestyle.

It’s important because we have so many factors, whether it’s air, water, anything that we don’t have control over
that we have to do our part to control the things that we do have some sort of saying because there is so much
going on in this world from the type of mattress we sleep on, to the type of air that we breathe and the things that
we have that clean our surroundings, what we plug into our walls matters, what we spray on our hands.

The hand sanitizer, that’s just crazy, filled with pesticides and all of those things matter so if we’re eliminating some
of that, doing that low hanging fruit, throwing out the hand sanitizers and making healthy hand sanitizers with
essential oils, throwing anything that is a non-natural spray, perfumes, plugins, any of those things are neurotoxins
and it’s going to affect the way that our body is able to deal with threats and our level of being able to hold off
anything else.

Not even thinking about cancer or other things like that but just having our bodies are... We’re so vulnerable
but our bodies are so adaptable that if you’ve used all these unnatural things for so long, your body builds up a
tolerance and it’s already figured out how to move that threat out but when you relieve yourself of that, you come
into a new sense of awareness to a natural sense and things and your body has its own detox process and that you
get this new level of awareness and that’s what you want.

Lori Otto
In August 2019, The Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer published their study on the long-
term effects of menopausal hormone therapy in the renowned medical journal, The Lancet.

Their meta-analysis of 58 studies included 108,647 cases of invasive breast-cancer, which concluded that women
who initiated hormone therapy shortly after menopause had a significantly increased risk of invasive breast cancer.

Why do synthetic hormones cause breast cancer?

Menopause is associated with a rapid decline in ovarian hormone production. Early age at menopause is a protective
risk factor for breast cancer. The use of hormone replacement keeps women in an extended premenopausal state,
and they miss out on the benefits of menopause on cancer risk reduction.

Sayer Ji
Now, there’s a deeper history to this, which is that for many years, women were told that the holy grail of longevity
was you need to take these hormones we extracted from pregnant horse’s urine. Premarin is an example of that.
We’re going to give this to you, and you’re going to have this very dense bone and beautiful skin and you’re going
to live longer. Well it turns out, it was causing cardiovascular disease issues and things like clotting, like embolism,
and women were dying. And then they found out that it increases the risk of cancer. So they went from actually,
“Estrogen is really good for you, it’s going to save your life” to “Oh my God. Estrogen causes cancer and estrogens
are bad. And that’s why people aren’t supposed to eat soy for example. Or flax seed has phytoestrogens.”

So it’s like farmers constantly playing this shell game where they’re trying to get women to think, “Oh, there’s
something inherently wrong with your body. Aging is a disease. You got to take this pill to prevent that.” And then,
they’re finding out that the pill and the thinking behind it is causing an epidemic of new cancers, for example,
or increasing heart disease mortality. So then, they switch it up and PhRMA comes up again in the mid-eighties,
in 1985, with this new campaign, a breast cancer epidemic. And we have to give you estrogen blockers, because
estrogen causes cancer. Well, not really. It’s synthetic hormones or hormones extracted from pregnant horses
that is causing cancer because it’s not natural. But so then they take Arimidex, which is an aromatase inhibitor. It’s
supposed to block the estrogen pathway or you take Tamoxifen, it blocks out estrogen. And they’re like, “Well, this
is the solution.” But then, we find out again that there’s all types of severe side effects, including things like cancer
from Tamoxifen and all types of almost menopausal syndrome induced through aromatase inhibitors. Women are
getting kicked around by PhRMA and the propaganda left and right. And then, this campaign comes along again
is, “You have to have the bones of a 30 year old, and you may be 70 or 80.”

And so, what does the osteoporosis foundation come up with? Well, “Oh, let’s go give you a 2000 milligrams
of limestone a day because it blasts your system with basically stone or bone meal or oyster shell. And that’s
going to make your bones denser. Oh, it might, because you put all that calcium in your blood. It’s going to cause
calcification of your arteries, or it can contribute to upsetting the magnesium calcium balance in your body. It
could cause a, basically a charlie horse of the heart. You could have cardiac arrest from excessive calcium, for

Well, one of the most interesting thing in the literature is that high bone mineral density for your age is actually
associated with higher rates of malignant breast cancer. And that’s another part of the picture because it’s so
happens that the reason why x-ray mammography is effective at diagnosing cancer, is they find microcalcifications
in the breast tissue. Because x-rays don’t look at the water level of your body. They’re seeing the calcium deposits,
and the x-rays light up those spots brighter.

So, basically, calcification of the soft tissue is part of why there’s an over-diagnosis epidemic in breast cancer is
that the x-rays are showing calcifications, which often are completely benign. It’s actually known that there are
two types of calcium deposits that generally are found. There’s calcium oxalate, which is known to be relatively
benign. And then there’s calcium hydroxylapatite, and that’s a form that’s similar to bone meal that you might take
as a supplement. So, there is some problem with calcium. But generally speaking, most women, for example, that
were diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS, they were told that that was cancer that could take their
life unless they had the lump removed or the breast removed and then followed up with chemo and radiation.
They did this for decades.

Turns out that recently, the National Cancer Institute’s expert panel on the topic decided that DCIS is not cancer,
should be reclassified as a benign or indolent lesion of epithelial origin. And that over the course of the past, I
don’t know how many years, I think it’s 30, it was decided that about 1.3 million women had had their breasts
removed or irreparably damaged because they made a big mistake. That this is actually not cancer in the sense
of malignant growths that take over the body and kill you. That it’s basically left better undiagnosed and certainly
not messed with.

Lori Otto
Many women feel uncomfortable with the risks associated with hormone replacement therapy to treat their
menopause symptoms and, instead, seek relief from alternative sources.

Fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone means women will likely experience symptoms including hot
flashes, insomnia, depression, breast pain, and mood swings.

Women have some unique nutritional needs, including needing more of certain vitamins and minerals during
pregnancy or after menopause. Calcium, iron, and folic acid are particularly important for us.

Our metabolism processes some substances differently and burn fewer calories at rest and during exercise than
men do. And we’re more likely to have some health problems related to nutrition, such as celiac disease and
lactose intolerance, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, such as iron-deficiency anemia.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

I call the diet I recommend a nutritarian diet. Because it’s not just plant based, it’s also very rich in whole foods
that have been shown to prevent cancer and have effects on strengthening the immune system. I have an acronym
so people can memorize those foods that offer the most cancer protection.

So there’s lots of foods you can eat. If you’re gonna eat lots of foods you should have a wide variety of foods in
your diet. Your diet shouldn’t be just one food. A macrobiotic diet, eating mostly brown rice is not a diet that’s
gonna maximally protect you against cancer.

We need a variety of anticancer nutrients in the diet for the maximum protection. That acronym is called GBOMBS.
It’s G-B-O-M-B-S, which stands for greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds.

So green, cruciferous vegetables are probably the food with the most powerful anticancer effects. We show
people how to make them taste great and prepare them in a manner to retain the isothiocyanates. Because you
can cook them and you can blow almost 90% of the isothiocyanates off, so you don’t really get the benefits from

It’s the way you cook them. And the secret here is, if you’re gonna add kale or bok choy or collard greens or turnip
greens to your soup, you should blend it in the blender while it’s still raw so it breaks down the cell wall, so the
myrosinase can catalyze the reaction to form the ITC’s before it’s heated.

And then you can add it to the soup. Because once the ITC’s, the strongest anticancer part, are formed, then the
heat’s not gonna destroy them. But if you cook the kale or the bok choy or the cabbage first in the soup and then
you blend it in or chopped it in you’d lose all the myrosinase activity.

The same thing is true with onions and the alliinase activity. We want to blend the scallion and the onion while
still raw, make it smell and stink up your kitchen, with the sulfenic acid that can burn your eyes. Then pour in the
soup to cook it.

I’m telling people to use raw cruciferous greens like arugula and watercress, chopped kale, the bok choy on the
salad raw each day, and also use raw onion or scallion on your salad as well because that combination of raw
green and raw onion or scallion have tremendous powerful protection against cancer.

We’re talking here about two raw foods, greens and onion family, and two cooked foods, mushrooms and beans.
Mushrooms should mostly be cooked because they contain a mild carcinogen called agaritine that blows off with
just a minute of cooking.

Beans should be thoroughly cooked. When the beans

are thoroughly cooked there’s no danger of lectins or
glutens, or nothing like that. But cooked beans have
powerful anticancer effects. And they’re the most strong
in inositol pentakisphosphate, which is a powerful
protection against breast and prostate cancer. And
they’re very high in micronutrients.

And because they’re highest in resistant starch they cultivate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. And these
healthy bacteria in the gut from onions and greens and beans and mushrooms thicken the microbiome with
protective bacteria, lowering the glycemic effect of everything you eat.

So when you had that mango for breakfast the glycemic effect of that mango is reduced, lower glucose transmitting
to the gut wall, because you are a regular consumer of greens, onions, mushrooms and beans.

So what I’m saying is the nutritarian diet includes a full portfolio of foods that have anticancer effects. And with
the full portfolio of anticancer foods including nuts and seeds, which facilitate the absorption of phytochemicals,
the flax seeds and chia seeds and sesame seeds contain lignans and other anticancer ingredients all on their own.
The fact that these nuts and seeds also have the right type of fats facilitate the absorption of the phytochemicals
in the vegetables you’re eating as well.

You can absorb ten times the anticancer phytonutrients in the vegetables because you ate some nuts and seeds
with that same meal. If you had a meal that was very low in fat, with no nuts and seeds, you’d be leaving those
phytochemicals on the table.

So a nutritarian diet looks at every single element that can extend human lifespan. So you don’t leave anything out
of the equation. It’s designed to get all the full health benefits to prevent cancer. And with this type of diet style,
I’m convinced we can wipe out the vast majority of cancers in America.

Dr. Kristi Funk
Yeah. Oh, I’ve got to tell you this story. When I was writing my book, I was reading about how in July 2015, the
IARAC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer ... mind you, this group is not bought, they don’t accept
any money from big dairy, big chicken, big beef, eggs, you name it. They’re an independent group of researchers
from all over the world that got together in this particular year in Lyons, France to look at 800 epidemiologic
studies with 22 researchers from 10 countries to answer two questions. Does red meat cause cancer, and does
processed meat cause cancer?

And you know what they found out? That processed meats, so we’re talking what you might consider delicious
and nutritious but bacon, sausage, deli cold cut meats. We’re talking thinly sliced turkey breast, chicken, salami ...
you probably had an idea liverwurst and salami weren’t the healthiest things. But what I didn’t understand until
I read this study was that the so-called healthy organic skinless boneless chicken breast that I had literally rolled
up that very day that I was reading this study and put into my kids’ lunches had the same carcinogenic power as
cigarettes, plutonium, and asbestos. Like, I should have just rolled up a few cigarettes and given those to my kids
for lunch. I was blown away. And horrified.

So when we ask, “Can diet affect different cancers?” The IARC says all processed meat, absolutely carcinogenic,
particularly to the colon and rectum, but also to esophagus, liver, and lung. When you look at eggs, woo, we have
thousands of eggs in you. Just 2.5 eggs a week is associated with an 81 percent increase in lethal prostate cancer.
This is because the gut bacteria will transform the choline in eggs into a powerful carcinogen, called TMAO,
Trimethylamine N-oxide. And it’s linked to prostate cancer.

Another link that isn’t exactly food but we sometimes consider it in the food group, and that’s alcohol. Obviously
this does come from plants. One last food that may or may not be considered food by everyone is alcohol. Of
course, it comes from plants, and it is definitely carcinogenic to particular organs, especially mouth, esophagus,
liver, colon, and breast.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

I also use probiotics in high amounts for people with digestive disorders and leaky guts, especially with Crohn’s
and colitis. We give them a high dose of probiotics and we test them with and without it. But usually it’s added
into the program as well.

So I have various protocols for various autoimmune diseases which we start with. Then we modify those protocols
accordingly to match the individual. Some individuals do better with more nuts and seeds and more with the
increased use of flax seed. And some people we have to make certain adjustments for their individual cases.

The bottom line is that my success rate is very high. I wouldn’t say it’s 100% but it’s close to about 80% with people
with severe autoimmune conditions getting completely well.

A good example is, I remember this one woman who had severe lupus, and after a year of treating her, she wasn’t
all better. She was still getting fevers and headaches and some inflammation. Periodically her sed rate would show
that she had inflammation in her body.

I was concerned that the diet wasn’t working for her and I told her to go back to the rheumatologist, to go back
on her Methotrexate and her Plaquenil because I was afraid that she was going to get some damage from the
inflammation not going away.

I didn’t hear from her for about eight months after that. She finally came back in and I said to her, “Oh, I was
concerned about you because you weren’t doing well on the program I had outlined for you. So what happened
when you went back to the rheumatologist?” She said, “I never went back. I just kept doing what you told me
longer. Eventually everything got better and I don’t have lupus anymore.”

I gave up at the twelve month point, you know what I mean? Because I didn’t want to get in trouble with someone
not doing well so I wanted to have more conventional care for her. Just one example, it took longer.

I have lots of athletes and lots of people with severe diseases make complete recoveries. Sjogren’s syndrome,
psoriatic arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis. It’s funny because when they go back to the doctors who used to treat
them just to show them they got better, their results are unpredictably bizarre.

Dr. Kristi Funk

When it comes to supplements I’m a strong believer that if you are eating in a way that I’ve come to believe is that
the healthiest diet on planet earth, which is a whole food, plant based, totally vegan diet, there are really only two
supplements on the planet that you need. One is B12. You want to be taking 2500 micrograms of cyanocobalamin,
not methylcobalamin. So B12, 2500 micrograms once a week. Comes in this tiny little pink tablet that’s delicious
and you chew that down and you’re good to go for a week. You can take it daily if you want. You can take too
much if you want, nothing bad will happen to you. It’s water soluble, you’ll have expensive urine. If you’re over
65 you’ll need 1000 micrograms daily. The other supplement for us die hard vegans, so not if you’re eating fish.
There’s some people who do I call the vegan plus diet. They’re vegan plus whatever they want. So if fish is in your
plus menu you don’t need this, but the rest of us need a long chain ALA, alpha linoleic acid. That is to be sure that
we’re promoting excellent brain health.

The data is out ... Not out, excuse me. The data it not out on whether or not we consume enough short chain fatty
acids to make long chains to protect our brains, so just swallow it. There’s an algae based one that I take every day
that’s 250 milligrams of ALA. Those are the two supplements that I would say are a must do, again, just for the
whole food plant based vegan population.

Everybody else, there’s a few supplements that you need to know about. One is vitamin D. Especially if you’re a
breast cancer thriver, I want you to definitely have your vitamin D levels checked. Most oncologists are doing this.

They’re well versed in the need for supplementation when levels are low, particularly if you don’t live in sunny
southern California and you’re getting the sunshine vitamin literally through your skin and sun exposure. You want
to make sure you’re taking about 2000 IU a day, plus sun exposure, which will give you about 3000 IU a day. If
you’re in certain latitudes in this world you’re going to need to do some supplementation, especially in the winter
months. Figure out if that’s you. But D insufficiency is associated with about a 50% bump in breast cancer and an
increase in breast cancer deaths in those who are diagnosed. Look at your D levels.

Two other supplements that I’m a big fan of, if you are prone to menopause misery then I do like Menopause
Miracle, because it’s a completely estrogen free FDA validated and reviewed supplement that has three randomized
control trials in humans and six other studies in animals that are proving its safety and efficacy, and it works. And
it’s not estrogen based, so if you need some menopause help, Menopause Miracle.

And if you are consuming alcohol, particularly seven or more, hopefully not more, just seven drinks a week, then
you might want to consider methylfolate 600 micrograms daily. Or the ready made methylfolate plus, which is
Cosmo Companion. It has some other helpful botanicals in it too to support your liver.

That’s really it for supplements. People like to take a multivitamin. They just feel like maybe I didn’t get enough
greens today. There’s one that is formulated specifically like a designer vitamin for women who are concerned
about breast health called Multi Must Have. It has six different layers of antioxidant protection, like a blend of
berries, a blend of mushrooms, a blend of greens. It’s just one. Somehow they get it all in that one tablet. If you’re
prone to wanting, this is just your thing that you take a multi, that’s a good one. That’s really it. If you’re eating
well, you’re eating your greens, your legumes, you’re eating your vitamins and minerals and there isn’t much need
for more supplements. You’re kind of just peeing it out.

Dr. Sruti Lam

One of the most researched herbs is turmeric. Turmeric has been present for centuries. It’s a very common Asian
herb. Being Indian, I’m using turmeric from the day I was born. Turmeric is a rhizome, and it has the orange
coloration, and it can stain anything it touches. Being a very strong herb, turmeric can be used as a fresh herb. It
can also be dried down and used as a powder form.

Turmeric has been used extensively for any kind of inflammation in the body. Turmeric is highly anti-inflammatory.
What does that mean? It decreases inflammation in your body by decreasing a lot of different cytokines that cause
inflammation in your body. It decreases interleukin 6 and ... beta. It helps increase the TH1 and TH2 autoimmunity
in our bodies. Turmeric has been used not just in regular things that regular cuts and burns and bruises. We can
just apply turmeric topically for any of those.

I remember a very good commercial about turmeric called Vicco Turmeric, which has both turmeric and sandalwood
in it that has been used for acne, for eczema, for psoriasis, for any burns that you have. So it has very good potency
just using topically. Imagine the benefit of using it systematically.

Turmeric as high as 15,000 grams has no side effect other than probably staining your gut maybe. There is no side
effects associated with turmeric. However, turmeric has to be taken in different dosages for different uses that our
body can take. Turmeric is great as an anti-inflammatory herb as we already spoke about. It’s an immune boosting
herb for any kind of skin conditions. My favorite, for inflammatory bowel disease. Turmeric has been used for both
Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. It decreases the inflammation caused by both of these autoimmune diseases. The
calprotectin that is found in our stool, the marker has been shown to decrease over six to eight weeks of using

I usually like to dose my patients three times a day with turmeric as opposed to do a whole bolus at one point,
which is also fine. There is a product that I use that we actually powder the herb and do a whole spoonful of
it in water. That can give up to 2,500 milligrams of turmeric. That is a very high dosage. Turmeric can also be
intravenously as curcumin. When you buy turmeric product, make sure you’ll see that it has at least 95% of
curcuminoids. Which is the element that has been studied, which is the one that actually anti-inflammatory.
Turmeric as a whole herb is good for a lot of different things. It has been used for cancer therapy as an adjunct for
cancer because it actually helps kill tumor cells. Turmeric is a great herb, not just for decreasing inflammation in
your body, but also decreasing tumor cells in your body.

Turmeric is excellent for women’s health. It is great for any kind of bone or joint pain. It is used for osteoarthritis,
osteoporosis because it actually helps heal bones as well. Not just the cells or muscles. It is good for bone health.
Turmeric in conjunction with frankincense, which is called boswellia, has a lot of products where you can actually
use both turmeric and boswellia together for arthritis.

Another herb that is used in conjunction with turmeric is ginger, which is also a rhizome. Ginger can also be eaten
both fresh or dried in a powder form, in a tincture form, as a tea. It is just a very warming herb. Consumption
of ginger is present all the different cuisines of the world. Every country uses ginger in some form or the other
as something that is anti-inflammatory. Ginger is great for the digestive tract. It helps with nausea. It helps with
heartburn. It helps with dyspepsia. It actually helps kill Helicobacter which is present in gastric ulcers. Ginger is
antimicrobial. It is antiseptic. It is antifungal as well. Using the whole rhizome of ginger is great for any kind of
inflammation. Ginger and turmeric together form a great bond.

The absorption is increased by using black pepper. Why black pepper? Black pepper, also called piper longum,
has been used in sanctuaries in increasing thermogenesis. When you increase thermogenesis, you actually help
increase fat burning. When our body’s at a point where we are burning fat or we have this flush or a sweat like
feeling, that’s when we’re actually opening up every pore in our body and helping enhancing and absorbing food.
Any kind of food that helps with opening up or stimulating. Any kind of herb that is used for stimulation helps with
absorption. Black pepper has been used to enhance the absorption of both turmeric and ginger because of its
thermo genic effect and fat burning effect.

Because of that, it enhances our enteric cells, which are present in our gut, to absorb both turmeric and ginger
together into our body so we can actually absorb high doses. Because inflammation and antioxidant levels, we
need to use high doses of these herbs.

They can also be used as food doses daily in our food, whether it’s on salads, in soups, in curries. Both of those
herbs are great for our gut health, and they’re good for any kind of inflammation in your body. It also helps with
dryness of our skin, dryness of our eyes, any kind of burns or bruises that we have on our skin. It helps with just
enhancing the cells and repairing and regenerating new cells.

The product that has both turmeric, ginger, and black pepper, which can be found as the trademark is Bioperine.
It’s a good combination to be used for any kind of inflammation in your body, any kind of adjunct for cancer
therapy, osteoarthritis or any bone health, for autoimmunity like IBD, which is ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.

Sayer Ji
I love things as basic as flaxseed, because they’re just this amazing example of a food that produces this mucilaginous
gel. It looks just like epithelial cells, right, the cells that line our nasal passages, all the way down the alimentary
canal. Because flaxseed is such a good thing for ulceration-related conditions, and helps to regulate epithelial
tissue cancers, like for example, breast and prostate, and those are very hormone sensitive.

And, it turns out that flaxseed has these lignans, which are turned into enterolactone, and enterodiol, which are
the plant analogs of endogenous estrogens.

Only, the difference is that when you have excess of estrogen of that type, human, let’s say estradiol, it will
overstimulate certain receptors in the body. That’s why sometimes estrogen dominance they talk about, being
related to fibrocystic dense breasts, and therefore precursors to types of hormone-sensitive cancers, is that it
can block out the action of very strong estrogens, while simultaneously stimulating mildly the receptor, and
maintaining longer contact at that receptor site. Which means that it’s basically adaptogenic, it’s modulating the
receptor. It’s also known as a selective estrogen receptor modulator.

Pharmas try to co-op that and created aromatase inhibitors like an Arimidex, right, to try to fight breast cancer.
But, flaxseed has now been clinically validated, epidemiologically, all these animal studies as well, to be one of the
most powerful preventive chemotherapeutics on the planet.

So, in terms of people who have been already diagnosed with breast cancer, they take flaxseed. The chance of
recurrence goes down significantly, and future mortality-related cancer significantly drops. It’s just a seed, and it
has this amazing benefit. This mucilage is so good for regularity, and that’s one of the benefits of it. If you go on
Greenmedinfo, we’ve indexed research on flaxseed, there’s over 70 health benefits of it identified in the literature,
and it can’t hurt a single fly on the planet.

So that’s why, when I look at the Pharma model, and you look at Arimidex, right. It’s like a drug produced by
AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca actually also owns the patent on Tamoxifen. This is the company that was part of
Imperial Chemical Industries, and they started Breast Cancer Awareness Month in ‘85, so people think this is a
government-sponsored awareness-raising event to help save people from breast cancer.

Actually, it was a combination of Big Pharma, American Cancer Society, as well, and the government, who are
working together to make the public think that the best thing they could do to prevent cancer is early detection,
because we don’t know what causes cancer, right. For example, the chemicals Imperial Chemical Industries was
producing, I think polyvinyl chloride was one, used in PVC, known mammary carcinogen. And, this company is
sponsoring this awareness event that’s making people think we need to raise more billions of dollars to find a cure.

The cure is, you identify the cause and you remove it. That’s the cure. Instead, they’re saying, oh, well actually, take
Arimidex, or take Tamoxifen, which is classified by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen. It’s a powerful
liver carcinogen, it may even contribute to breast cancer. This is called pinkwashing, right, cause-marketing
campaigns that make people think that the very products and very companies behind the breast cancer epidemic
are going to save them from it, using pharmaceuticals or raising more money.

So, flaxseed in that context is this incredible alternative food that has been validated to truly prevent, and even in
some cases, regress cancers that are hormone sensitive breast and prostate, and it costs pennies a day. And that’s
the reason, is that obviously Pharma is, it’s a death sentence for Pharma for people to know this information.

Nadine Artemis
And so that’s very essential to breast health. And one of the things I love about iodine is because it’s a solution for
the xenoestrogens, the metalloestrogens and the mycoestrogens. And it does seem, studies seem to indicate that
breasts that go down a path of becoming imbalanced or diseased is that they are not getting enough estrogen.

So iodine’s a great solution for helping us, our bodies with the metalloestrogens, the mycoestrogens and the
xenoestrogens because they bring things back into balance. Iodine can help chelate that out of a body. And
fibrocystic breasts, which get the swelling and the tenderness that some women get as part of PMS. Studies
show that they are lacking in iodine and that iodine can reduce that in one or two cycles. So iodine is just so
sympathetic with our breast tissue and it needs it. So iodine’s a great solution for that. And fibrocystic breasts are
not necessarily, so imbalanced it’ll... it will lead to a disease, but studies do show that it’s that kind of breast tissue
that generally is seen to have more sort of lumps and bumps in it. And so if you can bring that back into balance,
is a very key thing to do and it will just make everything feel better from PMS, and you want to bring periods back
into balance.

Dr. Kristi Funk

The snapshot of the absolute healthiest life you can live, as it contributes to breast cancer, but really, you do this
and you’re pretty much golden and immune from almost all your major killers, so I want you to eat a whole food
plant based diet. I want you to minimize or ideally eliminate all chicken, turkey, fish, red meat, processed meat, all
meat, all dairy, all eggs. And I want you to minimize or eliminate salt, oil, sugar, all of these refined and processed
foods. You need to exercise five hours a week if you’re not really super sweaty, and if you are, then you get to drop
it to two and a half hours a week. I want you to get to your ideal body weight and stay there for the rest of your
life. I want you to think about what is causing stress in your life and take control of it.

Sometimes that means eliminating certain relationships from your life and embracing the power of no. No to even
good things. Like no, I’m too busy to do that fundraiser for homeless people. It’s a good idea, it’s really helpful, but
it’s harming me because I am at my commitment limit. You need to embrace the power of no and address stress
head on. At least 20 minutes a day of prayer, meditation, deep breathing, easy yoga, stretching, something that
just centers you and helps get rid of the stress. I want you to maintain social connectedness with people closest
to you that you love and respect, and focus on them. No screens, no phones, 30 minutes a day of how are you?
How are we? What can I pray for you about? Are you okay? Connecting. Or playing checkers, just be with them.

I think if you do all of these things you will have done everything that you could have asked of yourself to stay
as healthy as you can for as long as you can. Is there a 100% guarantee? No. But there is a 100% guarantee of
increased happiness in your life if you follow these guidelines.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Yes. We usually supplement with the nutrients that are not optimal on a vegan diet. We give Vitamin D, B-12
obviously in 100 to 200 a day. Vitamin K-2, some Zinc. I also use, with cancer patients, mushroom extracts.
Mixed mushroom extracts, about twelve different mushrooms, because the mushrooms have anti angiogenic in
it, antitumor formation effects.

We also use a little supplement that has a little turmeric and green tea in it as well. I do use supplements
conservatively. Including and adding vegetable juices and the blended salads and I do get predictably excellent
results with cancer patients. That means that with early stage cancers, like DCIS and early stage prostate cancers
with low Gleason scores we get almost routinely reversals of cancer.

As the cancer gets more advanced, then we have some people getting well and some people not getting well. If
the cancer becomes more bizarre and unpredictable, the more advanced it gets. So obviously it’s advantageous
to start this diet before you get a diagnosis of cancer. You know what I’m saying?

Why wait till things go haywire? With breast cancer, a mammogram can only detect cancer after it’s been there
for more than ten years usually. By that point, the majority of those cancers could have spread through the whole
body, like 70% of those are already spread.

So you’re not catching cancer early with a mammogram. That’s a late cancer. When a man comes to me with a
… and say, “Should I do a biopsy for prostate cancer?” I say, “Why wait? Just go on the program now. Now is the
time to fix things, or yesterday was. Today is too late already.” In other words, now is the time to join the team, to
protect yourself against cancer. Now I have plenty of cases with advanced cancers who got well. But it’s still more

For example, one case which I presented today at the lecture, was that her name was Pam. She, in 1997 she had
four liters of fluid in her lung that was taken out with a needle due to a spread of ovarian cancer to her lung.

She was given six months to live. She’s healthy and alive today, twenty-one years later, doing great. So that’s
just one example. Another woman I presented, Lee, she had metastatic breast cancer to the bones, refused
chemotherapy and radiation and made a complete recovery.

I’m not saying that’s the routine that a person with metastatic breast cancer usually gets better, but I’m just saying
that in the amount of cancer patients I’ve seen, I’ve seen some incredible results that seem almost hard to believe.
You know what I mean?

So yes, and also being a family doctor, I’m not an oncologist. I don’t see a huge amount of cancer patients. So
when you consider the limited amount of cancer patients I do see compared to an oncologist, the fact that I have
all these cases that have great results is even more impressive.

That’s why I’m doing these studies, to ascertain exactly what percent of these people could really reverse their
breast cancer. So in the nutritarian women’s health study we’re accepting women from all ages who don’t have
cancer, but we’re also taking women who have cancer and we’re also reaching out to oncologists all over the
country and the oncologists are referring women with breast cancer to the nutritarian women’s health study so
that we can test the protocol on the women with cancer, particularly with DCIS, early stage breast cancers that
are absolutely reversible.

Dr. Dennis Meador

Dr. Dennis Meador: But I had an individual come in and she had breast cancer. And I’ve had multiple ... we have
multiple individuals like this. And she came in and she was under a lot of stress, so we took essential oils and began
to relieve her stress. Because if you don’t treat the whole person, mind, body, and spirit ... You have to relieve the
stress. Because stresses produces cortisol, which increases anaerobic activity in the body, therefore, you’re not
going to have a responsible response. So we reduced the stress level, which is the one the things we had to do.
And then we began to deal with a particular type using the oils. I say we used orange oil, and clove, frankincense,
sandalwoods, and by working with her, she almost immediately, within weeks, began to respond properly. And
the breast cancer went away.

We’ve had colon cancers. We’ve recently have a lady that we’re currently working with who had brain cancer.
And she has brain cancer and tumors and responses in her brain. And we were able to shrink all of those using
essential oils.

Jonathan Otto: What essential oils did you use on her?

Dr. Dennis Meador: Frankincense, sandalwood, high amounts of frankincense and sandalwoods, cloves. We used
peppermint. We used lavender. We also ... there’s combinations that we use, but, basically, that’s the bottom line
on them.

Jonathan Otto: She was ingesting them orally?

Dr. Dennis Meador: Topically and ingesting them.

Jonathan Otto: Yeah. And, so she’d like drop the bottle under her tongue?

Dr. Dennis Meador: No. What we do is we use double [OTs] or we use [OT] capsules. So you can take them rectally,
orally. We have different types of solutions because you have to have a carrier.

Jonathan Otto: In a capsule?

Dr. Dennis Meador: No. Orally. Just put two ounces in a glass. Put the oils in and drink them because they can be

Jonathan Otto: How many drops?

Dr. Dennis Meador: Approximately 15 drops of frankincense to 6 drops of clove. And then you will ... like
sandalwood, you’ll rotate with sandalwood because your DNA capacity and the fact it recognizes it. You’re going
to rotate your sandalwoods with your frankincense at 15 to 6. That’s your most famous one. Now, you can use
lavender. You can ingest lavenders. You’re going to use, like myrtle, and myrrh because what happens is, is a lot of
times we have what they call, sugar imbalances, because sugars and glucose feed it, no matter whether it’s in the
brain or in some other part of the body.

So myrtle and myrrh are both very effective in the sugar regulation, not only in the diabetic world and whether it›s
Type 1, Type 2, because you have to have insulin. And hormonal issues ... a lot of people come in and say, «Well,
I have a thyroid issue.» We go back and check the [mash organ], which is the pineal-pituitary and hypothalamic
response. Because if you treat the Pineal gland, you›re only going to take care of thyroid issues. If you treat the
pancreatic response using things that reduce insulin increases and spikes and downloads and with hypo, hyper. So
you’re dealing ... That›s the key is you treat the person based on what the origin is. So if it›s a type of cancer, look
at what origin it is. What type of system is in it? Treat the system because everything works together synergistically.
Our systems work together. So treat the whole system as well as the whole person.

Dr. Mariza Snyder

I am so passionate about essential oils because I have seen tens of thousands of women get these oils into their
hands for the first time and finally feel empowered with these natural solutions, and feel like they are the CEO of
their health and their family’s health. And this particular scenario happened with me and my family.

My Grandfather, a couple of weeks after he danced with me at my wedding, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.
The prognosis for Pancreatic Cancer was not always so great. I remember him calling me up after the diagnosis and
saying, “Okay darling, what do I need to do?” And we got him essential oils, we got him supplements, we changed
his diet because he wanted to thrive for as long as possible. He ended up living five years after that diagnosis.

He lived such an incredible life. He and my Grandmother toured the entire country, because he loved to travel.
He spent lots of time with his grandkids. I mean he had energy up until the time he died earlier this year. I love
that when I saw him a couple of weeks before he died, he wanted to make sure that I knew that he felt like the
essential oils were such a major reason why he had been around for so long, why he never got sick during that
time, why he still had his energy, why he was still having powerful and incredible digestive health. So, that just
really speak to the power of what these oils can do as an adjunct to other therapies that we may be using when
we are struggling with health conditions. To me, that is powerful.

Nadine Artemis
Jonathan Otto: Now come to essential oils, what do you see in the power of essential oils to combat disease?
Have you seen anything when it comes to essential oils and cancer, essential oils and autoimmune diseases,
essential oils and neuro-degenerative disease? Have you seen any information?

Nadine Artemis: Yeah. I’ve seen a lot of different things and there are studies, I do like to caution cause you can’t
like...first of all, there are so many types of cancer. Right? And we know there have been studies that show how
Frankincense may be beneficial, but it’s not like “I have cancer and now I’m gonna take like a drop of Frankincense
everyday, right”? They are powerful and effective, but we really have to think about what’s going on.

One area for that they’re handy with is they can help take care of some of the secondary symptoms that come
up with imbalances, you know what I mean? So, things that you’re going through. So if you’re getting radiation
they can definitely help with the skin burns. Hopefully you don’t have to go down that route, but it can manage
symptoms, it can lift people’s feelings. Sometimes if we just feel better, we heal better. There’s some great research
done with aroma medicine especially in Europe, and doctors are doing amazing things, from injecting tumor sites,
doing through IV and looking at different routes of delivery.

Dr. Dennis Meador

Jonathan Otto: Okay. What types of oils can you use for cancer, and how would you use them?

Dr. Dennis Meador: All right. Number one, you have to use the oil that’s beneficial, what we call, both specific
oils and different types whether it’s reproductive cancers, and breast cancers, or digestive cancers, or respiratory
cancers. Each one has certain ones, but there’s a rule. Number, and this is what I always took about this, is that all
conifer oil ... I don’t know if you know what conifer is, but like pine, spruce, fir. Each and every one of these has a
great value in fighting cancers. So, that’s number one. You want to use conifers.

All oils high in limonene are very effective in fighting cancers, whether it’s grapefruit, tangerine, orange, there’s
plant called Palo Santo, mandarins, lemon. By working with each one specific, if you get into breast cancer, you’ll
use one type, but you want high limonenes and you want high conifers. You definitely want frankincense, and
then you definitely want to have clove. So, clove, frankincense, then you can use ylang ylangs, or you can use ...
My favorite one to use for that is orange oils, which is your high limonenes.

Example, in breast cancer, you’re going to look at your ratio, 15 to six. You’re going to add frankincense and you’re
going to look at clove, which you’re going to rotate in. Then you’re going to rotate in sandalwood or cedarwood,
it depends on which one you can use, but sandalwood is ... Then you’re going to use your high limonenes and
you’re going to use your conifers for breast cancer. You use different ones for colon cancers because you want to
use the ones that are digestives. You’re going to add in those that are beneficial. You’re going to use your natural
green plants, which is not just conifers. It depends on each different one, but I will tell you this is that frankincense
combined with all oils ... it is a base oil. Look at conifers, look at your limonenes and look at frankincense. Those
are your three bases.

Jonathan Otto: Then how would you take those?

Dr. Dennis Meador: You can use them topically, internally, and aromatically. The more modalities you use, the
higher your recovery rate. Internally and topically are your balance, because you want an internal/external
circulatory response and cellular response. Skin is the largest part of our body, and it doesn’t matter whether that
skin tissue is internal or external, you’re going to treat it the same. It’s just different proportions.

Dr. Kristi Funk

I was completely elated after nearly two decades of whipping women off of their hormone replacement or putting
them into premature menopause at 30 something, 40 something because of a breast cancer diagnosis, and the
subsequent chemotherapy or antiestrogen pills that they had to take for at least five, maybe up to ten years.
And they’re so fearful of a cancer recurrence that of course they choose to do all of these things that have their
toxicities and unwelcome side effects, sometimes the worst of which is being thrown into an untimely menopause,
and that can upset all the balance of life. For some of these women, it’s literally a no-go. They go off of their cancer
medications simply to feel like themselves again. They’re angry, or they’re forgetful, or they’re just not who they
were, and it’s because of this drug.

So I was elated to finally come across an Asian herb blend that has been FDA reviewed and validated, which is the
highest honor that can be put upon a supplement. They’re not FDA approved, supplements. That whole space is
highly unregulated. I found something that was incredibly pure, and high quality, and most importantly, had nine
studies behind it to validate its safety and efficacy: Three in humans and six in animals.

All of the studies across the board in humans were randomized controlled trials and showed no bump in estrogen
levels. It didn’t show any tumor formation in people, or the animal studies, and it was highly effective in over 90%
of women in dramatically dropping all 12 major symptoms of menopause, from hot flashes and night sweats to
vaginal dryness and decreased libido, depression, headaches, palpitations, mood swings.

All of the studies across the board in humans were randomized controlled trials and showed no bump in estrogen
levels. It didn’t show any tumor formation in people, or the animal studies, and it was highly effective in over 90%
of women in dramatically dropping all 12 major symptoms of menopause, from hot flashes and night sweats to
vaginal dryness and decreased libido, depression, headaches, palpitations, mood swings.

It was amazing to me, and now that it’s been out in the world and in action in my patient population, the stories
that are coming back to us are off the charts heartwarming. People’s lives have been transformed out of this
insane menopause misery meter into a normal life again.

I remember one of my nurses was telling me she wakes up 10 times a night, totally drenched, and three times
a night will run downstairs and put her head in the freezer. And I was like, “You’ve got to try this Menopause
Miracle.” She tried it, and within one week I went back and she’s like, “Doc, I can’t believe it. I only wake up four
times a night, and I never go to the freezer.” And that’s after just seven days. So it works, and I’m just so happy that
there’s something safe and non-estrogen based to offer women in menopause.

Dr. Peter Kan

Yeah, and this is ... These are great questions by the way. The very first question by Barbara. How do I overcome
autoimmune diseases such as RA, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia ... Well, you know, autoimmune disease is the
umbrella under which all autoimmune diseases are categorized, right? So let’s use cancer for example. Under
the category of cancer you have breast cancer, prostate cancer, bone, you know, brain cancer, all various different
types of cancers. But they’re all just cancer happening in different places.

You have to think of autoimmune disease, all different types, as really the same disease, but different flavors of
the same thing. Depends on what parts it’s attacking, we give it a different name. But a rose by any other name is
still a rose. So, autoimmune disease, it doesn’t matter what type, it’s all autoimmune. SO the overarching principle
is that you want to attack, or not attack, you want to Heal-n-Soothe the immune system. You want to put the
immune system in remission, so it’s no longer attacking your body. Okay? Now how do you do that?

There’s usually some type of trigger. So your immune system’s job is to protect you, not to attack your own body.
So, there has to be some type of trigger that’s either triggering a flare up for you, or has triggered in the beginning
but things are continuing, you know, the trigger’s still there for some people. So, these main triggers you want to
look at is dietary triggers, so that’s food. There may be certain food that you’re sensitive to that you may need to

But then you also have to look beyond food. Sometimes it’s not just the food, right? Especially in my private,
online one on one consultation practice where people, you know, come to me, already have tried everything and
done everything else.

Many times they come to me already on paleo or AIP or vegetarian diet, but they’re still not feeling well because
it may be more than a diet. Maybe you have an infection: parasites, candida, underlying viral infections. That may
need to be addressed. Maybe it’s more than just food in the sense that you have some type of environmental
toxicity: heavy metals, environmental toxins, whatnot. It may be other issues, like, you know, you may have some
sort of cortisol issue, stress hormones. So whatever the triggers are, you have to identify them and eliminate

So this is where going through a very good detoxification process can be very, very important and with a
detoxification process you want to make sure that it’s set up so that you have an elimination of the bad guys, be
it infection or toxins. You want to support your body’s own elimination process by supporting phase 1, phase 2,
phase 3 detoxification. That’s liver, gallbladder, and even kidney. And then you want to also have a good binder to
mop everything up and make sure that you’re actually eliminating it through the fecal route, so that you’re having
regular bowel movement. So this is the overarching principle that I use with my clients, so that we’re staying on
task, right? Because a lot of people, when they have an autoimmune disease, you’re taking every supplement
under the sun because you think it’s a good idea. Well, you don’t want to do that. You want to have a very strategic
approach. It’s almost like playing chess with your body.

You want to identify these things and then go through these steps one by one.

Nadine Artemis
Nadine Artemis: Studies have shown that oil’s high in lemoline, like the citruses. Orange is very high, and studies
were done with applying coconut oil and orange oil to the breasts, and reducing the abnormal cells and reducing,
I forget what it’s called, it’s in my book, but it’s like a precursor to when cells start going off the cliff, in a direction
we don’t want to go. So that’s, and studies done on monoterpene, so it’s just fascinating research.

Diseased breast tissue, and really when there is breast cancer they call it lateral, but that’s really the armpit. As
you know, many women are getting the lymph nodes removed from the armpits and everything, so it’s kinda that
whole area. When we think we’ve been arming our armpits with aluminum, and parabens, for many decades, and
when they study diseased breast tissue, 99% had parabens in it. Parabens are generally only in body care products
at 0.01%, cause that’s all that’s needed. So we can really see, I think it’s a good example, how we can see how each
particle and what we’re applying matters, and why. You know what I mean? When you don’t have to go there.
It’s not like “oh my god, my skin bacterial want petroleum and paraben”. It’s not the case. So feed them what’s
working synergistically and then you’re not adding to that toll, that toxic load.

Yeah it can the whole lymph thing, cause that’s the other thing, and then we’re wearing bras. Then we’re getting
sort of a lymphatic cesspool, and then aluminum deodorants, and then it’s just not moving. The whole lymph
situation there. So then the COMPLETE EPISODE TRANSCRIPTS | 143 excess estrogens aren’t moving through the
body, so we’re getting these stagnant pockets of energy there, and so that’s one reason why it’s good to massage
your breasts cause it just helps the lymphatic system. When the lymphatic system’s flowing, then it’s taking care
of your body. I always feel too, it’s like whatever we’re doing, we wanna activate our innate intelligence and let
the body do it’s stuff. A lot of time what we need to do is stop. Stop doing that. Then sometimes it’s about doing
something new. Sometimes it’s just about just not doing that at all, and there may be no replacement. Then it’s
about doing something new that’s productive like dry brushing or putting up breast massage oil on and then we
wanna always think about reseeding because when we allow our microbiome to thrive, it’s going to do so much
for us.

Jonathan Otto: With this knowledge and this equipping, I mean looking at the epidemic rates of breast cancer
and how horrifying this is, do you see the use of essential oils and the decline and the saying no to toxic products,
particularly those that are applied under the armpits, other things that are influencing the body, do you see there
would be a dramatic reduction in the epidemic rates of breast cancer?

Nadine Artemis: Well I definitely think it’s gonna add to that. You know you want to stack the odds in your favor
and that’s gonna help. Then you look at things like if you’re sufficient in vitamin D, you’ve reduced your risk of
breast cancer by 50%. Like boom, that’s done. Magnesium, mitochondrial medicine. Get that flying. Get your
lymph flowing. There’s so many ways we can start allowing our body to flow. I think it would all depend on the
situation. I mean, kind of exciting news, but kind of funky is I think the stats are off. Like it is devastating, and I
know far too many women that have had breast cancer, and at the same time when we look at the numbers what
we can see is, that there has been an 800% increase in the diagnosis of ductal cell carcinoma, which is zero stage
breast cancer. The cells are a bit abnormal, but they’re not cancerous. So many women are put through the path
of Tamoxifen, maybe preventative mastectomy, a lumpectomy... they didn’t have cancer. Then when we start
mucking around, it’s not good. Then really looking at a biopsy, which is this thing, doesn’t look fun at all. Even
mammograms, which increase our exposure:

And I think of my mother’s era. That was a tough era for women. I feel like now women can explore or hear about
choices. But if you think of our mums, right, you go to the doctor. There’s no naturopaths. There might have been.
It’s just like you go there. You take your birth control pills, and then you’re menopausal you get put on hormone
replacement therapy, and the stats for those things contributing to breast cancer is very significant.

And then mothers were prescribed estrogens to dry up their breast milk. Thalidomide. Thyroidectomy,
hysterectomies, mastectomies. I just feel like our mothers have had a rough ride. That generation. But when I
look I knew her health history so intimately, and that was such a model for me, like a checklist. There’s no way she
would not have had breast cancer, you know what I mean? From the path ... birth control pills are scary things,
but I think the original ones were too. From root canals, which are connected, she played leap frog when she was
little and knocked out her front teeth. Endometriosis, creating a hysterectomy at 35, and then being on hormone
replacement therapy for 30 years until she got breast cancer. Mercury fillings. That alone. But there was more.
Just a recipe.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

There’s not one dietary protocol I use for every patient with autoimmune conditions, because some could be
sensitive to some foods more than others. So we do some elimination with them, and we do also with some of
my patients with Crohn’s disease, colitis and lupus, I also do some intermittent fasting. I might have them doing
some juice fasting or even water fasting a few days a month, two to three days of water fasting a month. Even with
patients who are bleeding with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. I have them try to start out with just a day
on juice. Sometimes when I’m starting them on juice I’m warming the juice with a little bit of heat because they
don’t do well with raw food in the beginning. But over time I can get them tolerating raw food and moving more
to eating more raw greens.

I’m careful with eating mostly cooked foods when they have digestive impairment and bleeding in the bowel. I’m
mostly giving them a cooked vegetable diet with lots of cooked root vegetables and quinoa. Foods that are more
gentle on the gut with vegetable juices that are lightly warmed, almost to boiling and then we shut them off.

Then over time they are able to tolerate blended salads and more raw food. We expand their diet more so it’s
not just like one simple diet. I coordinate the diet, or adjust it for their particular needs. If they’re having gut
inflammation I have to be a little more gentle in juicing raw salads that might irritate them with bleeding from
ulcerative colitis.

With rheumatoid arthritis, for example, a lot of patients with rheumatoid arthritis are sensitive to too much sugar
in their diet. A lot of them don’t do well with too much fruit in the diet. So we do make the diet, initial diet with
rheumatoid arthritis very cooked vegetable and starch heavy. More quinoa, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, winter
squashes, things like that with a lot of cooked greens.

Then we introduce the blended salads and the juicing. We keep their fruit content very low. We start with
strawberries and wild blueberries with less sugar. A lot of rheumatoid arthritis patients flare up again if you give
them too much sweets.

So what I’m saying is, I don’t have one particular diet that is cross the board the same for all autoimmune diseases.
There’s a slight modifications we make based on their individual differences. Sometimes there are patients with
rheumatoid arthritis that are sensitive to some foods and not other foods.

We do a lot of putting them on a lot of plant based, healthy diet. But we do rotation and elimination with their
diet. I’ll keep certain foods out of the diet for a whole week, and they’ll monitor their scores. Then I’ll put them
back in for a week and I’ll take them out for a week and put them back in for a week.

And I’ll do that with many, as we treat them over the first six months. We do a lot of food rotation and elimination.
Trying to feel what they’re sensitive to.

You can get some idea with blood work but usually blood work is not 100% accurate. It’s better to reinforce that
with some testing as well.

So we incorporate juicing. We incorporate fasting, including just having a glass of juice for dinner and going to bed
on an empty stomach a lot of times. We incorporate fatty acids, in other words I use Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and
DHA, as a natural immunosuppressant. Even though I don’t usually recommend high dose EPA and DHA because
of its effect of lowering immunity, it’s good in certain conditions. Some people are very responsive, especially for
rheumatoid arthritis patients and ulcerative colitis patients that are helped when they go to a high dose of EPA
and DHA, especially in the first few months of doing the program.

Dr. Kristi Funk
Never ever think or say, “Oh, I’m X age, it’s too late for me.” I’ve got a study for you, I want you to hear this one.

This study took 50 obese women, took their blood, measured the IGF-1 levels, and measured the IGF-1 binding
protein. Binding protein is like a body-snatcher … retires IGF-1 through circulation. So in a very healthy body,
you’ll have lower levels of IGF-1, higher levels of binding protein. They also took this blood from these 50 women,
dripped it on a Petri dish full of breast cancer cells. A few died, because everybody has some immune system
working for them.

Okay, now these women went away and they were told to do two things. One, eat a whole food plantbased diet:
Low fat, high fiber, plant-based. Two, exercise every day. And let’s be real. Some of them were just sort of taking
a little saunter around the block for 30 minutes every day. All right, that was exercise.

Guess how long they did that? 12 days. That’s it. 12 days and they came back to the lab. IGF-1 levels ,,, plummeted.
Binding protein skyrocketed. Blood dripped on the Petri dish full of breast cancer cells, ... 90% of the cells
disappeared on the spot. In 12 days, these fairly unhealthy women transformed their blood into a cancer-kicking
machine. And so can you.

Dr. Peter Kan

Okay, so, when it comes to cancer, you have to think of cancer as an immune system problem. We all have
circulating tumor cells. So, when oncologists tell people, say, “Oh you’re cancer free.” That’s not true. That’s not
true in the way that they’re expressing that. It just means that they don’t have any cancer tumors of a certain size
that they can detect. But we all have circulating tumor cells. The only reason that I don’t have cancer, that I know
of, is because my immune system is healthy enough that it’s killing off the cancer cells before it sets up to a certain
size. So that I don’t have cancer, right?

So really, you have to see cancer as an immune system problem. So when it comes to that then, how do we
improve the immune system? As I said earlier, one of the best things that you can do is decrease toxic load. So
your immune system is there to protect you, so pathogens, chemicals, metals, it’s there to identify, surveillance,
identify these pathogens and help your body eliminate it. So, your immune system, if it’s encountering a high toxic
load, whether it be infections or metals, it’s going to put a strain on your immune system. It’s constantly having
to fight something. And it’s going to decrease its ability to fight other things. So one of the best things you can
do to support the immune system, which lots of people think is counter-intuitive, is all I need to take an immune
boosting supplement or herb, not necessarily.

You can support the immune system in many ways and one of the ways is through improving detoxification.
Another way you can improve the immune system is by supporting your gut health because 70% of your immune
system is in your gut.

So by doing some type of gut renewing protocol or a great detoxification protocol, you can go a great length to
improving your immune system. Now keep in mind that, you know, from a natural perspective, we cannot say
we’re treating cancer, right? But we can certainly support the body. For example, my father had liver cancer at
the age of 75. And at that time, I was still in chiropractic college, and with little, the little bit of research, the little
bit of things that I know, we made dietary changes, gave him so very basic supplement to support liver health, he
was able to live five years symptom free. Excuse me. And so, that extended his life. He had a great quality of life.

Dr. Kristi Funk

I think the most important fact that I wish all men and women on earth would understand is that the decision you
make every single day, as to what comes on the end of your fork, whether or not you’re going to take hormone
replacement therapy, whether you’re going to exercise today or just take the couch with a glass of wine instead.
Whether you’re going to be happy, forgive people, and live a life of joy, or not ... Every single one of those little
decisions that we make brings us closer to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s, all of our major
killers. Or, move us farther away. There is so much of health that is within our control, and it’s not with pills and
procedures. It is in dietary and lifestyle habits. And we have a choice, all day, every day.

Lori Otto
You have the power to reduce your risk of chronic, even life-threatening diseases by making changes to your
day-to-day life. It doesn’t matter whether you’re at the beginning of your health journey or well on your way. Be
mindful of the choices you make and the impact they have on your immediate and long-term health. If you’re
struggling to make changes, take it one step at a time. Meaningful changes take time. Be patient and you will see

• Breast Cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, 12% of women (1 out of every 8) will develop breast
cancer in her lifetime. There are many factors that can cause breast cancer such as food. Animal protein and
animal fat can cause a cellular response which can lead to high level of estrogen. Increased estrogen can cause
inflammation and damage to DNAs. Switching over to a plant based diet can make a difference for your health.

• Cancer Triggers
- Stress and emotional distress can also be a trigger for cancer
- Mammograms. Mammograms increases exposure to radiation, which is carcinogenic and can lead
to cancer development. Thermography is a safer option.
- Epigenetics is a biological mechanism that controls genes, essentially switching them on and off. Breast
cancer does have triggers one being lifestyle. Lifestyle factors such as diet, obesity, exercise, social
activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, toxins, environmental pollutants, stress, aging, sleeping,
and working night shifts, can eventually cause chemical changes that will turn genes on or off over time.

- Hormonal imbalances can be a trigger for cancer development - getting your hormones balanced can
help prevent cancer
- There are chemicals that mimic estrogen, such as BPAs and other chemicals in plastics, also chemicals
in lotions, perfumes, and face creams
- Processed foods can also affect cancer growth
- Breast implants have now been linked with cancer development

• Cancer Links
- Autoimmune Disease & Breast Cancer. There has been a link found between autoimmune disease
and breast cancer growth. Autoimmune disease is a signal that the immune system is weak and
therefore cancer has the opportunity to grow more rampantly in this environment.
- Osteoporosis & Cancer. Cancer has been shown to have a link to osteoporosis which is also a concern
for women. Knowing this link may help you to identify if you have a risk of developing either disease and
then how to help your body overcome these conditions

• Healing the Body

- Detoxing. Detoxing your body from heavy metals can be a great step in getting your body systems
working properly and enabling them to fight disease, including cancer
- Healthy Diet. Remember to eat your vegetables and fruits. Plant based diet can strengthen your
immune system which can aid in healing your body. Food such as flax seed can have benefit of regressing
cancers that are hormone sensitive. When switching over to plant based, it is essential to consider
supplements such as Vitamin B12.
- Organic soy can actually help slow, reverse or prevent cancer
- We do not recommend non-organic soy as it is a GMO product and is laden with hormone-altering
pesticides which may be carcinogenic
- Supplements are great for detoxing, fighting parasites, reducing inflammation, and boosting your
body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Adding the right supplements to your diet can help your body fight
diseases, including cancer. Turmeric is great for anti-inflammatory and boosts your immune system.
- Probiotics. Having a healthy microbiome is essential to prevent leaky gut and to fight inflammation and
- Reducing Stress is another way of healing the body. Essential oils and breathing techniques can
help with reducing the stress level. The oils are not just for stress but can also aid with healing the body
by using specific oil for specific health condition. It can be used topically, internally, and aromatically. The
more modalities you use, the higher recovery rate.
- Essential Oils. Essential oils have been shown to have amazing healing properties that are very
symbiotic with the body. Using these plant medicines can boost your immune system.


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