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Accounting skills are very beneficial for corporate world.

Companies are in search of people looking for

candidates that possess strong accounting skills. These people are considered to be one of the factors in
achieving organizational success.

As a student, I believe that we can apply accounting skills in our daily lives. In some circumstances, we
cannot notice it but we are really doing it.

Making a budget

Every household requires to make a budget so that your expenses remains within the income. To avoid
overspending, people should prepare a budget and follow it religiously.

As a student, during face to face classes, we received allowances from our parents. We exercise
accounting skills through making budget or making a plan on hoe to spend our allowance.

An accountant does the same thing for an individual, organization, or business to make a profit. They
will look at the over-all financial aspects of the business and or organization.

Choosing the Right Investment

Accounting skills can be applied to form wise financial investments. With the help of accounting skills,
you can invest your hard-earned finance on business like sari-sari store or even in a bigger scope.

Securing your Future

During this time of pandemic, people are anxious about their future. They spend a lot of time assessing
and planning their finances for the future.

You can use your accounting skills to plan for your future. Retirement fund. Tuition. Etc.


In all these ways accounting skills help in the efficient financial planning of your household or business.
Whether it is making a thriving career or securing better grades in exam, accounting skills are useful in
daily life.

As future accountant and manager, I have been privilege to acquire accounting skills and probably I can
use it for the rest of my life.

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