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Self-powered boiler using Thermo Electric Generator by using Terbium Substrate.

In recent years, an increasing concern of environmental emission , in particularly Global warming

and limitation of Energy sources has Resultant in Extensive researches of generating electrical
energy. Thermo electric power generators have emerged as a promising Alternative Green and Clean
technology due to its Distinct advantages. Thermo Electric Power Generators by Terbium substrate
(TEG) offers potential of direct Conversion of waste Heat energy into Sustainable electrical energy
Input and has improves in Overall efficiency of Energy Conversion System.

A self-powered boiler system comprises to produce a thermal

communication of hot combustion and Thermo Electric material by Terbium substrate material has
potential to generate electricity by an temperature difference established between hot and cold
junction of two dissimilar materials to develop an voltage from temperature gradient (Seebeck
Phenomenon ). Vast quantities of waste heat discharged from boilers are converted into usable
grade of electric power. They can be used in many cases such as used in co-generation system to
improve the overall efficiencies of energy conversion system.

In order to proceed this function ,the thermo electric materials possess high
Natural occurrence, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity, Electrical resistivity and Magnetic
ordering , Magnetic susceptibility and also High-figure of merit. An important objective in Thermo
electric Material to reduce the Cost- per Watt. Moreover it can be reduced by optimising the device
geometry, Composition of Terbium Substrate and also Simply by operating the device at a large
temperature difference. Thus the thermo electric material in boiler makes the capable of reducing
capital cost , increasing Stability , Savings energy source and protecting Environment.

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