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2012 C2 H2 Physics

Tutorial 13B: DC Circuits

Suggested solutions to Self-review questions
25 Ω
S1. b) 100 Ω
First find the effective resistance across the parallel:
Reff = (1/2)(10) = 5.0 Ω 2
Then, apply potential divider principle: i) P = I R
V = [5.0/(5.0+10)] x 12 = 4.0 V 0.81 = I (100)
Answer: (B) I = 0.090 A
ii) Current flowing through 25 Ω = I/2
iii) Hence, P = (I/2) R
S2. = (0.090/2) (25) = 0.051 W
Tabulate and compare power output under different
scenarios: S5.
S1 closed
V /R1 a) Consider R1: P1 = I1 R1
2 20.0 = (2.0) R1
S1 closed V /R2
2 2 R1 = 5.0 Ω
S1 and S2 closed V /R1 + V /R2
To find R2, we need to know V2 first.
Obviously power output is highest when both
V2 = V1 = R1 I1 = (5.0)(2.0) = 10 V
switches are closed.
And by conservation of charge,
I1 + I2 + I3 = 3.50
Moreover, noting that R2 > R1,
2 2 2.0 + (10/R2) + 10/10 = 3.50
V /R2 < V /R1
10/R2 = 0.50
Answer: (A)
R2 = 20 Ω
b) e.m.f. = V1 = V2 = V3 = 10.0 V
Firstly, determine the resistance of P, from the graph:
Rp = 6 / 0.001 = 6 kΩ
c) I2 = 10.0 / 20 = 0.50 A
At the same p.d. across the combination, a higher
current is observed. So the combination cannot be a
d) Power supplied = ɛ.I = 10 x 3.5 = 35 W
series connection,  parallel. 2
Power dissipated = V (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 )
= 35 W
From the graph again, at V = 6V, I = 0.003 A, so
Reff = 6 / 0.003 = 2 kΩ
S6a). I1 = I2 + I3 ----- (1)
Next, find Rcd and Rgh :
and (1/ Reff) = 1/RP + 1/RQ -1
Rcd = [(1/12) + (1/6) + (1/4)] = 24 Ω
1/2 = 1/6 + 1/RQ -1
Rgh = 8 + [(1/5) + (1/20)] = 12 Ω
RQ = 3 kΩ
Effective external R = [(1/12) + (1/24)] = 8 Ω
To find I2 and I3 , we must know the p.d. across cd or
gh, which is also the terminal p.d. across the cell.
Terminal p.d. V = [8/(8+1)] (27) = 24 V
I2 = V / Rcd = 24/24 = 1.0 A
I3 = V / Rgh = 24/8 = 3.0 A
I1 = I2 + I3 = 1.0 + 3.0 = 4.0 A
b) Applying potential divider principle along
branch cd:
p.d. across the parallel =[2/(2+22)] x 24 = 22 V
current through 12 Ω = V/12 = 2.0/12 = 0.17A

Let V1, V2, V3 denote p.d. across R1, R2, R3.
R1 : R2 : R3 = V1 : V2 : V3
= 2 : 1 : 3,
by potential divider principle.
Answer: (C)

Dark: Vx = [500/(500+1000)] x 30 = 10 V
Bright: Vx = [500/(500+100)] x 30 = 25 V
Hence, there is a rise of 15 V.
Answer: (B)

From graph, at 7.30am, R = 1.5 kΩ
For output to be 6.0 V,
[(1.5 + Rx) / (1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + Rx)] x 9 = 6
Solving, Rx = 4.5 kΩ
Answer: (C)

At the balanced length,
VXS = 1.02 ------ (1)
VXS = [l1 / ( l1 + l2 )] Vxy ------ (2)
Vxy = [( l1 + l2 )/ l1 ] (1.02)
Answer: (E)


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