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EP 1861


TH CH 150

LAMB 2011 news from your parish church
Happy birthday... you!
thority and did such amazing things that he
was soon surrounded by crowds of followers.
the newly built St Soon he was on his way to a gruesome death.
Stephen’s church held its first ever service, and He'd committed no crime. His enemies had
the parish of St Stephen, South Lambeth came him arrested, tried and found guilty on false
into being. Ever since, St Stephen’s has been charges. He didn't even object. He seemed to
home to a group of people committed bringing know that he'd come in order to die.
the love of Jesus Christ to our corner of London. He’d made extraordinary claims and promises.
It didn’t come out of the blue. For some time He claimed to be the Son of God. He offered a
500 people had been attending services in a completely new life – even for the outcasts of
public hall on Dorset Road. But the new 1200- society. For one long weekend it seemed that
seat church, soon filled twice each Sunday, al-
lowed most of the population of the parish to A day that changed they’d been empty words. But when he rose
from the dead, he proved the sceptics wrong,
meet and worship Jesus.
And with 21 district visitors (the fore-runners of
everything and started a movement that has lasted to this
today's social workers), the church also started If you join us on Easter Sunday, you might find
a life-long mission to make a difference in the how that history can become part of you.
lives of those who were struggling with practical a man came back to life from the
and health needs. dead. On Friday he'd been executed, died and
Inside this issue of Encounter, you can read the put in the grave. On Sunday morning the grave
full story. There were ups and downs along the was empty and he was alive again, talking, The empty tomb...
...what does it mean?
way, but for 150 years St Stephen’s continued walking and eating with his astonished friends.
to work, here in the midst of the community. He was no ordinary man. His birth was marked
If you join us on Easter Sunday, you’ll be part of by events that are still celebrated 2000 years
history! later. As a young man, he spoke with such au-
The church in your community - 150 years
St Michael’s Church, Stock-
well, founded a National
St Stephen's and Infant School on Dorset
church held its first Road, and established a
service on 23rd ‘worship centre’ there.
April 1861. Built on
'a waste piece of The church built the New
ground at the back Dispensary (now 44
of Albert Square', Wilkinson St) to provide
the 1200-seat subsidised medical care
church had been for those who couldn't
paid for by the vicar afford it.
of Stockwell.
As well as taking The Fegan’s Society (now
over the running Fegan’s Child and Family
and funding of the Care) was founded.
school, St
Stephen’s had 21
volunteer District
Visitors (the fore- Parliament began to provide
runners of social some funding to church schools.

The State began to take over responsibility for deal-

Rev J Grundy became vicar. He found a difficult ing with the problems of society, and the Church was
situation caused by the 'outward drift' of better- relegated to the ‘spiritual’ aspects of life. People
off people to the suburbs, which decreased the were becoming sceptical about traditional Christian
church's income while increasing the needs. He beliefs and looking for secular answers.
became very hard up and his health suffered.

St Stephen’s School was the only local school to con-

After 36 years as vicar, Rev Grundy died in the tinue throughout the war, despite suffering two direct
church while preparing for a service. Electric lighting hits from bombs. The children had to walk in a croco-
was installed in his memory. dile to Spurgeon’s Orphanage for lunch.
The typical congregation was only 7 people! 12 vicars turned
The first black children came to
down the job before Rev Corbett agreed to take it on for 3 years.
St Stephen’s School
But in 1961 nineteen people turned it down and St Stephen’s
was nearly closed. Rev Carroll had the ‘courage and imagination’
they were looking for. By 1965, the typical congregation was
40-50 adults and 150 children
When it came time
to demolish the
spire, it took 5 hours
The building was a massive problem - much too big and coming to just to get a safe
the end of its natural life. A building firm was contracted to demol- set-up ready. A
ish and rebuild the church and vicarage, in exchange for a 99-year crowd gathered to
lease on the rest of the land, to build flats. say goodbye... but a
Mervyn Stockwood, Bishop of Southwark, consecrated the new bonfire had been
building. Not everyone liked the functional and fortress-like design, built where it was
but it was celebrated as a sign of new life - a striking contrast to supposed to land, so
the fading grandeur and decay that it replaced. they had to delay
until next morning.

There were so many children

that the teachers finally
couldn’t cope. Sunday School The "church without
for children over 7 was closed walls" project brought us St Stephen’s ran its first
down, and the children were the building we know community barbecue on
welcomed to the main service, today. New large win- the Dorset Road Estate.
so that the church could con- dows replaced the 1969
centrate on building up the "slits". The annexe provid-
adult congregation. It took 7 ed a clear entrance, a
years before those groups place to sit, an accessi-
could be restarted. ble toilet and kitchen St Stephen’s held a
area. A new floor, ceiling Community Advice Day,
and lighting transformed ran the CAP Money
the dark and gloomy wor- course on managing
ship area into a bright, finance, and held a
inviting space. week of events entitled
‘Hope in Hard Times’.
Children’s corner
Looking to the
Count The Eggs
We at St Stephen's have given church family and
ourselves a mission statement - others were available in church
‘To make disciples of Christ and to offer practical support, from
to serve our community in form filling to bike maintenance
Christ’. At the heart of all that to blood pressure checking. We
we do is our desire to see more are planning one later this year -
people in our community come we’ll let you know when it is.
to understand and experience We also offer courses in money
the love of Jesus for themselves. management and budgeting -
Jesus showed us that a life serv- the next one is in May. To book
ing others is a life that pleases a place please ring and leave a
Him. So we want to find ways, message on the answerphone,
within our resources, to bless or email us (see below).
the residents of our parish. Every blessing and joy to you
In January, we held a this Easter-time.
‘Community Advice Day’ when Bill Wilson

How many How many

pink? green?




How many How many WI

blue? orange? N


Published by St Stephen’s Church, St Stephen’s Terrace, London SW8 1DH
Church office: ( 020 7735 8461 8

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