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Langmuir 2008, 24, 3061-3069 3061

Contribution of Molecular Pathways in the Micellar Solubilization of

Monodisperse Emulsion Droplets
Suwimon Ariyaprakai and Stephanie R. Dungan*
Department of Food Science and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
UniVersity of California, DaVis, One Shields AVenue, DaVis, California 95616

ReceiVed October 15, 2007. In Final Form: December 8, 2007

It is often proposed that oil solubilization in anionic and nonionic micelles proceeds by different mechanisms, with
diffusion of the oil molecule thought to control the former, and the latter interfacially controlled. In order to investigate
this hypothesis, the effect of aqueous phase viscosity, salt, and surfactant concentration during the solubilization
process was studied. The progressive decrease in average droplet size of nearly monodisperse emulsions during
solubilization in SDS or Tween 20 micellar solutions was monitored by light scattering, and the change in turbidity
was measured by UV-vis spectrophotometer. The solubilization rates were analyzed using a population balance
approach to calculate the mass transfer coefficients. Increasing the aqueous viscosity by adding sucrose reduced the
mass transfer coefficients of n-tetradecane and n-dodecane but had a smaller effect on n-hexadecane. The strong
dependence of the solubilization rate for the shorter chain length alkanes on aqueous viscosity supported a mechanism
in which the oil undergoes molecular diffusion before being taken up by micelles. The dependence of the solubilization
kinetics on surfactant concentration appeared consistent with this mechanism but yielded a slower micellar uptake
rate than previously predicted theoretically. As the solute chain length increased in nonionic surfactant solutions, an
interfacial mechanism mediated by micelles appeared to contribute substantially to the overall rate. Addition of salt
only slightly increased the solubilization rate of n-hexadecane in SDS solutions and, thus, indicated a weak role of
electrostatic interactions for ionic surfactants on the overall mechanism.

Oils such as long-chain alkanes are normally insoluble or only
slightly soluble in water. In the presence of surfactant micelles,
oil transfers into these micelles in a solubilization process, and
therefore, the aqueous oil solubility is increased significantly.
This process is important in many areas such as detergency, drug
and flavor delivery, emulsion stability, and biological absorption
of hydrophobic compounds.1-5 As shown in Figure 1, two
alternative pathways for oil to be solubilized into micelles,
molecular (pathway I) and micelle-mediated (pathway II), have
been proposed and debated. In the first, oil molecules must diffuse Figure 1. Two proposed pathways for oil molecules to transfer
from an emulsion droplet into an aqueous micellar solution.
individually away from the oil/water interface before being taken
up by surfactant micelles; while in the latter, there must be a Carroll7 measured the solubilization rate of a single oil drop,
direct detachment of surfactant micelles at the oil/water interface attached to a fiber in aqueous nonionic surfactant solutions. He
for micelles to take up the oil molecules. also supported a micelle-mediated pathway as the primary
In one of the first studies of these mechanisms, Chan et al.6 mechanism. Carroll7 further proposed that the time required for
investigated the effect of convection on the rate of fatty acid demicellization determines the rate at which surfactant is supplied
dissolution from a solid disc into ionic surfactant solutions. The to the oil drop interface and that this surfactant adsorption process
micelle-mediated pathway was assumed to be controlling, and controls the overall solubilization kinetics. Using the same drop-
it was theoretically analyzed by considering five mechanistic on-fiber technique, Ward8 obtained experimental results that
steps in series: micelle diffusion to the fatty acid/water interface, agreed with the mechanism proposed by Carroll, for the case of
micelle adsorption at the interface, filled micelle formation as oils with low water solubility (<10-6 wt %), such as alkanes
the fatty acid is incorporated into micelles, filled micelle with 12 or more carbons. For oils with higher aqueous solubility,
desorption from the interface, and filled micelle diffusion into however, the molecular diffusion pathway was suggested to be
the water continuum. The solubilization rate measured from increasingly important.
experiments was most consistent with their theoretical predictions Prak et al.9 also proposed that an interfacial, pathway II
for control by the rate at which the filled micelle desorbs/diffuses. mechanism controlled the solubilization of n-octane, n-decane,
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 1-530-752-5447. and n-dodecane in micelle solutions. They found that the measured
Fax: 1-530-752-4759. E-mail: mass transfer coefficient increased with decreased oil solute size,
(1) Borel, P. Clin. Chem. Labor. Med. 2003, 41, 979. increased surfactant chain length, and decreased micelle capacity.
(2) Crisp, M. T.; Tucker, C. J.; Rogers, T. L.; Williams, R. O.; Johnston, K.
P. J. Controlled Release 2007, 117, 351. They found these results to be consistent with a mechanism in
(3) Kabalnov, A. S. Langmuir 1994, 10, 680.
(4) Patist, A.; Kanicky, J. R.; Shukla, P. K.; Shah, D. O. J. Colloid Interface (7) Carroll, B. J. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1981, 79, 126.
Sci. 2002, 245, 1. (8) Ward, A. J. I. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 1989, 89B, 375.
(5) Torchilin, V. P. Pharm. Res. 2007, 24, 1. (9) Prak, D. J. L.; Abriola, L. M.; Weber, W. J.; Bocskay, K. A.; Pennell, K.
(6) Chan, A. F.; Evans, D. F.; Cussler, E. L. AIChE J. 1976, 22, 1006. D. EnViron. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, 476.

10.1021/la703204c CCC: $40.75 © 2008 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 03/07/2008
3062 Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 Ariyaprakai and Dungan

which micelles collide with and dock at the interface, with the For cases where pathway II contributes to the solubilization
subsequent uptake of solute from the drop controlling the overall mechanism, certain elements of the mechanism could be strongly
rate. This mechanism is similar to one proposed for water-in-oil affected by electrostatic repulsion, such as surfactant adsorption
microemulsions incorporating proteins10 or amino acids.11 Chen to the emulsion interface. To assess the role of these interactions
et al.12 and Kralchevsky and co-workers13,14 also explained their during solubilization in ionic surfactants, the effect of addition
experimental observations with this mechanism for n-hexadecane of salt on the solubilization rate of n-hexadecane into SDS aqueous
and triglyceride oils. These works9,12,13 were mainly focused on solutions was also investigated. Addition of salt should strongly
nonionic surfactants. reduce electrostatic repulsion and, thus, accelerate steps limited
By contrast, Kabalnov3 strongly supported the dominant role by such repulsion.
of the molecular diffusion pathway (I) for solubilization in ionic
surfactant solutions. He based his conclusions on an observed Materials and Methods
independence of Ostwald ripening rate on micelle concentration. Materials. n-Hexadecane, n-tetradecane, and n-dodecane with
He suggested that the electrostatic repulsion between surfactants >99% purity were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).
adsorbed on the oil/water interface and the micelle headgroups Sodium dodecyl sulfate (Ultrapure) was obtained from USB
eliminated the possibility of a micelle-mediated interfacial Corporation (Cleveland, OH). Both Tween 20 and sodium chloride
pathway (II). Later, Kabalnov and Weers,15 Dungan et al.,16 (certified ACS crystal) were obtained from Fisher Scientific
Todorov et al.,17 and Sailaja et al.18 examined theoretical (Pittsburgh, PA). Sucrose (granulated white pure cane sugar) was
approaches to describe quantitatively this reaction-enhanced supplied by C&H Sugar Company (Crockett, CA). Deionized water
(pathway I) mechanism. was passed through an Ultrapure ion exchange filter (Barnstead
Corporation, Dubuque, IA) before use.
The objective in this work is to gain more information about
Emulsion Preparation. An alkane-in-water stock emulsion,
the importance of the molecular diffusion pathway during the consisting of 20 wt % alkane and 0.2 wt % SDS or 0.6 wt % Tween
solubilization process into either ionic or nonionic micelles by 20, was prepared by first mixing these in water with a high-speed
studying the effect of the viscosity and surfactant concentration blender (Ultra-turrax T25, IKA Labortechnik, Germany) and then
on solubilization kinetics. Previously, Chen et al.12 and Dungan further homogenizing with a high-pressure laboratory homo-
et al.16 increased viscosity by adding a water-soluble polymer genizer (Mini-Lab, type 8.30H, Rannie, Denmark) at a pressure of
and found that the enhanced viscosity did not reduce the 200-400 bar. The stock emulsion was fractionated22 to be nearly
solubilization rate in nonionic surfactant solutions. However, monodisperse with various mean sizes to yield a span ∼0.5-0.6
although the presence of dissolved polymer would strongly hinder or a relative standard deviation ∼19-23%. Surfactant above the
the diffusion of colloidal bodies such as micelles, it would have critical micelle concentration (cmc) was added directly to the emulsion
only a small influence on the diffusion of low-molecular-weight in order to induce depletion forces between larger droplets in the
system. These largest emulsion droplets flocculated and creamed,
compounds such as the solute.19 Thus, in the present research, while smaller ones were left below. A separatory funnel was used
the effect of viscosity was investigated using sucrose in to separate the two layers. The same procedure was repeated with
monodisperse alkane-in-water emulsions that were gradually both cream and bottom layers until an emulsion with a desirable
solubilized in an aqueous micellar solution. As a low-molecular- narrow size distribution was obtained. The added surfactant con-
weight compound, sucrose has the ability to retard the movement centrations, and hence the strength of the depletion force, was
in water of the transferring solute in its molecular form.20 By varied and adjusted, to yield the desired result. A more detailed
using a nearly monodisperse emulsion, the rate at which the size description of this procedure is described by Ariyaprakai and
of the oil droplet diminishes could be monitored,21 and combined Dungan.21
with turbidity measurements to provide two approaches to The wt % of oil in the obtained monodisperse emulsion was
measure the solubilization rate. These experiments were con- determined by measuring the density of emulsion at room temperature
using a 1-mL pycnometer (Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ).
ducted in both anionic and nonionic micellar solutions.
For solubilization experiments, the obtained concentrated mono-
This study also examines the relationship between solubili- disperse emulsion was diluted to ∼0.04 wt % oil with an aqueous
zation flux and surfactant concentration, which plays a predicted surfactant solution without additive, a solution with 30 wt % sucrose,
role in the molecular pathway mechanism. In pathway I, increased or one with 100-300 mM sodium chloride. Surfactant concentrations
surfactant concentration is expected to enhance the flux of solute in the range 1-4 wt % were employed. This diluted emulsion was
into the micellar solution as φmic1/2, where φmic is the volume kept in a plastic bottle in a water bath at 30 ( 1 °C (n-hexadecane
fraction of micelles in solution. We examine this prediction in or n-tetradecane) or at room temperature of 22 ( 1 °C (n-dodecane)
the present work, and compare our findings to models given in for turbidity and light-scattering measurements. We note that for
Kabalnov and Weers.15 n-hexadecane and n-tetradecane the temperature was controlled at
30 °C in order to be consistent with our previous studies.16,21,23
(10) Dungan, S. R.; Bausch, T.; Hatton, T. A.; Plucinski, P.; Nitsch, W. J.
However, for n-dodecane, the experiment was much faster and
Colloid Interface Sci. 1991, 145, 33. occurred within 1 h; thus, the sample cuvette was retained in the
(11) Plucinski, P.; Nitsch, W. J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97, 8983. UV-vis spectrophotometer without temperature control for the whole
(12) Chen, B. H.; Miller, C. A.; Garrett, P. R. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. experimental period.
Eng. Aspects 1997, 128, 129.
(13) Christov, N. C.; Denkov, N. D.; Kralchevsky, P. A.; Broze, G.; Mehreteab, The control experiment in which emulsion was diluted with water
A. Langmuir 2002, 18, 7880. (no added surfactant) showed that both emulsion droplet size and
(14) Kralchevsky, P. A.; Denkov, N. D.; Todorov, P. D.; Marinov, G. S.; turbidity did not change for the entire experimental period. This
Broze, G.; Mehreteab, A. Langmuir 2002, 18, 7887. confirmed that there were negligible levels of excess micelles in the
(15) Kabalnov, A.; Weers, J. Langmuir 1996, 12, 3442.
(16) Dungan, S. R.; Tai, B. H.; Gerhardt, N. I. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. emulsion after fractionation and dilution and, thus, no measurable
Eng. Aspects 2003, 216, 149. solubilization occurred without added surfactant. The result also
(17) Todorov, P. D.; Kralchevsky, P. A.; Denkov, N. D.; Broze, G.; Mehreteab, provided evidence of the stability of our emulsion system, since no
A. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2002, 245, 371. coalescence or Ostwald ripening was detected.
(18) Sailaja, D.; Suhasini, K. L.; Kumar, S.; Gandhi, K. S. Langmuir 2003,
19, 4014.
(19) Contreras-Lopez, E.; Champion, D.; Hervet, H.; Blond, G.; Le Meste, M. (21) Ariyaprakai, S.; Dungan, S. R. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2007, 314, 673.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2000, 48, 1009. (22) Bibette, J. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1991, 147, 474.
(20) Covarrubias-Cervantes, M.; Champion, D.; Debeaufort, F.; Voilley, A. (23) Tai, B. H. The Kinetics of Solubilization and Transport by Micelles in
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53, 6771. Oil-in-Water Emulsions. M.S. Thesis, University of California, Davis, 1999.
Solubilization of Monodisperse Emulsion Droplets Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 3063

Figure 2. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse hexadecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % Tween 20 micellar
solutions with and without sucrose. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial
concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % hexadecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.

Figure 3. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse tetradecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % Tween 20 micellar
solutions with and without sucrose. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial
concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % tetradecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.

Measurement of Aqueous Oil Concentration. Turbidity of the The surface mean diameter was calculated from ds ) ΣiVi/Σi(Vi/di),
diluted emulsion samples during solubilization was measured where di is the midpoint of the size interval i and Vi is the volume
periodically by using an UV-vis spectrophotometer (Model UV- percent of particles in that interval.
160A, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Pleasanton, CA) at a Measurement of Saturation Oil Concentration (Cmiceq). Glass
wavelength of 800 nm. The measured turbidity was converted to oil vials of emulsions were prepared with different initial oil concentra-
droplet concentration by using a calibration curve, and the aqueous tions suspended in aqueous solution with a fixed surfactant
oil concentration could be found from a mass balance. concentration. These were kept in a water bath at 30 ( 1 °C for
The calibration curves were prepared from emulsions with a range n-hexadecane and n-tetradecane or at room temperature (22 ( 1 °C)
of known initial oil droplet concentrations and droplet sizes,23,24 and for n-dodecane. The decrease in oil turbidity over time in each vial
therefore, the relationship of turbidity to oil concentration as a function was measured by using a UV-vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength
of droplet size could be found. For experiments with sucrose, of 800 nm. After ∼700 h for n-hexadecane, 120 h for n-tetradecane,
calibration curves were prepared separately using surfactant solutions and 50 h for n-dodecane, the turbidity approached a constant value
with 30 wt % sucrose. The presence of sucrose reduced the refractive as micellar solutions became saturated. The remaining turbidity from
index difference between the droplets and the continuous phase the excess oil beyond the solubilization limit was plotted against the
significantly, which increased the error in these turbidity measure- prepared initial oil concentrations,25 and the saturation oil concentra-
ments. In addition, we found that the presence of dodecane-containing tion was found from the x intercept. The details of this procedure
Tween 20 micelles appeared to affect somewhat the relationship are described by Ariyaprakai and Dungan.21 In order to measure
between turbidity and oil droplet concentration. For these reasons, saturation oil concentrations in sucrose solutions, emulsions with
it was found to be more accurate to analyze the turbidity measurements different initial oil concentrations were kept in glass vials containing
to yield a normalized aqueous oil concentration, derived by calculating 30 wt % sucrose in aqueous surfactant solution.
the fraction of oil lost from the droplets relative to the initial measured
oil droplet concentration. In this form, small errors in the calibration Results
relationship largely cancel out, and the result closely approximates
the amount of oil in the aqueous phase compared to the total oil in Figures 2-4 show data measured during solubilization of dilute
the system. These results were used to confirm qualitatively the (∼0.04 wt %), nearly monodisperse alkane emulsions into 3 wt
trends seen with the light-scattering data. % nonionic surfactant solutions. Measurements of the average
Measurement of Oil Droplet Size Distribution. A light-scattering drop size (part a) and aqueous oil concentrations (part b) are
particle size analyzer (S3500, Microtrac, Montgomeryville, PA), shown for solutions containing either 0 or 30 wt % sucrose. The
with a tri-laser system of 780 nm wavelength and analysis based on sucrose solution had a 3.2-fold larger viscosity than that of the
modified Mie scattering, was used to measure the size distribution solution without sucrose. As shown in Figure 2, this enhanced
of emulsions. Refractive indices for n-hexadecane, n-tetradecane,
viscosity did not have a discernible effect on the solubilization
and n-dodecane are 1.43, 1.43, and 1.421, respectively, and values
for water and 30 wt % sucrose solutions are 1.333 and 1.381, kinetics of n-hexadecane oil in the 3 wt % Tween 20 aqueous
respectively. Appropriate aqueous solutions were used as reference. solution. Data are presented from both light scattering and turbidity
measurements, and both support this same conclusion. However,
(24) McClements, D. J.; Dungan, S. R. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng.
Aspects 1995, 104, 127. (25) Weiss, J.; McClements, D. J. Langmuir 2000, 16, 5879.
3064 Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 Ariyaprakai and Dungan

Figure 4. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse dodecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % Tween 20 micellar
solutions with and without sucrose. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial
concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % dodecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.

Figure 5. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse hexadecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % SDS micellar
solutions with and without sucrose. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial
concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % hexadecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.

Figure 6. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse tetradecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % SDS micellar
solutions with and without sucrose. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial
concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % tetradecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.

from Figures 3 and 4, the higher viscosity reduced the lengths were influenced by aqueous viscosity. However, on the
solubilization rate of n-tetradecane and n-dodecane significantly. basis of the light-scattering data, hexadecane solubilization rates
The viscosity effect appears to influence the dodecane solubi- seemed to exhibit a weaker dependence on sucrose’s presence
lization most strongly. than did the shorter-chain oils.
Dungan et al.,16 in contrast, did not see a very strong influence Unfortunately, additives that increase the aqueous viscosity
of viscosity on the rate of n-decane solubilization into 2 wt % will also tend to alter to some extent activities in the aqueous
Tween 20 micellar solutions. This study examined polydisperse solution. To account for such effects, we measured the equilibrium
emulsions, for which the decrease in droplet size could not be oil concentrations Cmiceq in the micellar solutions in the presence
monitored and therefore only turbidity data could be analyzed. and absence of sucrose. The measured saturation oil concentra-
The turbidity decrease in these decane experiments was so rapid tions in 3 wt % surfactant solution with and without sucrose are
that early-time data, which is most sensitive to the kinetic shown in Table 1. The saturation oil concentration in the micelles
mechanism, was not captured. This fact, coupled with the lower was between 30% and 50% higher in the presence of 30 wt %
sucrose concentrations used, may explain why an effect of sucrose than in its absence for all oil types and for both Tween
viscosity could not be clearly observed in our earlier study and 20 and SDS.
provided additional motivation for the present investigation. Table 2 presents values of the mass transfer coefficients keff
The corresponding results for SDS micellar solutions are given for n-dodecane solubilized in 1-4 wt % Tween 20 and SDS
in Figures 5-7. Here, solubilization rates for all three chain aqueous solutions. These values were obtained from fitting the
Solubilization of Monodisperse Emulsion Droplets Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 3065

Figure 7. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse dodecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % SDS micellar
solutions with and without sucrose. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial
concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % dodecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.
Table 1. Saturation Concentrations and Effective Mass Transfer Coefficients, keff (from Population Balance Analysis of Light
Scattering Results), of 0.04 wt % Oil Solubilized in 3 wt % Surfactant Solutions with 0 wt % or 30 wt % Sucrose
Tween 20 SDS
keff Cmiceq keff Cmiceq
(m/s) (kg/m3 ) (m/s) (kg/m3)
n-hexadecane 0 wt % sucrose 1.19 × 10-9 0.607 0.22 × 10-9 0.673
30 wt % sucrose 0.84 × 10-9 0.802 0.13 × 10-9 0.887
n-tetradecane 0 wt % sucrose 1.16 × 10-8 0.705 0.34 × 10-8 0.970
30 wt % sucrose 0.57 × 10-8 0.949 0.13 × 10-8 1.440
n-dodecane 0 wt % sucrose 0.96 × 10-7 0.759 0.26 × 10-7 1.296
30 wt % sucrose 0.29 × 10-7 1.065 0.10 × 10-7 1.870

Table 2. Saturation Concentration, Cmiceq, and Effective Mass The effect of salt addition on solubilization kinetics of
Transfer Coefficients, keff (from Population Balance Analysis of hexadecane into SDS micelles is displayed in Figure 10. As the
Light Scattering Results), of n-Dodecane Solubilization salt concentration increased from 0 to 300 mM, the solubilization
mass transfer rate of ∼0.04 wt % n-hexadecane in 3 wt % SDS aqueous solution
saturation oil coefficient keff was slightly increased.
wt % concentration (m/s) (light scattering
surfactant Cmiceq (kg/m3) data and eq 1)
1% SDS 0.242 0.69×10-7
2% SDS 0.730 0.39×10-7 Effect of Sucrose Addition on Solubilization Rates. The
3% SDS 1.296 0.26×10-7 increase in Cmiceq upon addition of sucrose (Table 1) likely resulted
4% SDS 2.087 0.17×10-7 from effects of sucrose on the surfactant micelle properties.
1% Tw20 0.277 1.03×10-7 Acharya et al.26 found that, with added sucrose up to 0.5 M (∼17
2% Tw20 0.506 1.06×10-7
3% Tw20 0.759 1.00×10-7 wt %), the cmc of both Tween 20 and SDS decreased and the
4% Tw20 1.050 0.92×10-7 aggregation number of the micelles increased. Micellar growth
could create a larger capacity for solute, causing the increased
population balance to light-scattering data presented in Figures Cmiceq values we measured in the presence of sugar. Interestingly,
8a and 9a. As described by Ariyaprakai and Dungan,21 this balance higher Cmiceq values in the presence of sucrose would tend to
consists of tracking the decrease in droplet radius as drive a faster solubilization process, so that the effect of viscosity
on slowing solubilization kinetics may be even larger than is
dR(i) keff apparent in Figures 2-7. We decouple these effects of equilibrium
) (c - Cmiceq) (1) solubilization from the kinetics by using the population balance
dt Foil aq
described above (Table 1).
Here R(i) is the radius of the ith droplet, caq is the oil concentration The slower rates of solubilization for systems of higher
in aqueous solution at time t, and Foil is the density of the oil viscosity, shown especially in Figures 3-7 and Table 1, signal
solute. Values for R(i) and caq are obtained from our light-scattering a likely role of diffusion in the controlling mechanism for solute
measurements, combined with a mass balance on the amount of transfer. Previous studies within emulsions on the effect of initial
total oil in the system. Cmiceq was measured independently (Table droplet size, convection, or addition of polymers,16,21 as well as
2), and the oil density is given in Table 3. The corresponding studies on single, large drops,17,27 indicate that diffusion of
turbidity data are also presented in Figures 8 and 9 (part b). keff micelles does not play the dominant role. This means that, within
values for dodecane can be compared to those for n-hexadecane the pathway II mechanisms, viscosity should not have a major
and n-tetradecane already provided by Ariyaprakai and Dungan.21 influence on the rates. Thus, systems exhibiting a strong viscosity
For dodecane, keff with SDS micelles decreased with an increase dependence, in our view, are far more likely to be controlled by
of surfactant concentration from 1 to 4 wt %, as was the case pathway I than II. Further, these previous studies indicate that
for the other alkane solutes. However, the mass transfer the controlling mechanism cannot consist of a pure diffusion
coefficients for dodecane into Tween 20 solutions appeared mechanism but instead requires molecular diffusion coupled to
approximately constant. The mass transfer coefficients for Tween
(26) Acharya, K. R.; Bhattacharyya, S. C.; Moulik, S. P. J. Photochem.
20 in Table 2 are of the same order of magnitude as for SDS, Photobiol. A 1999, 122, 47.
but higher by a factor of ∼2-5. (27) Pena, A. A.; Miller, C. A. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2001, 244, 154.
3066 Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 Ariyaprakai and Dungan

Figure 8. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse dodecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into Tween 20 micellar solutions
of various concentrations. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial concentration
in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % dodecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.

Figure 9. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse dodecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into SDS micellar solutions
of various concentrations. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to initial concentration
in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % dodecane. Curves are fits with the population balance model.
Table 3. Physical Properties of Alkane Solutes and Surfactants Used in Experiments
parameter n-hexadecane n-tetradecane n-dodecane
chemical structure C16H34 C14H30 C12H26
molecular weight (g/mol) 226.4 198.4 170.3
oil density (kg/m3) 773 763 750
specific molar volume (m3/mol) 2.93×10-4 2.60×10-4 2.27×10-4
aqueous solubility, Cweq (kg/m3)a 9.6×10-9 4.22×10-7 3.5×10-6
diffusion coefficient in water, 5.9×10-10 6.4×10-10 5.6×10-10
Dw (m2/s)b
diffusion coefficient in 30 wt % 2.3×10-10 2.5×10-10 2.1×10-10
sucrose aqueous solution,
Dw (m2/s)b
parameter Tween 20 SDS
chemical structure C58H114O26 CH3(CH2)11OSO3Na
molecular weight (g/mol) 1227.5 288.4
cmc (wt %) 0.0061 0.24
micelle radius (nm) 3.2 2.2
micelle aggregation number 86 50
From Taylor.28 b
Calculated from the Wilke-Chang equation at 30 °C for hexadecane and tetradecane and at 22 °C for dodecane.

a fast and irreversible solute uptake reaction step. The early time accounts for the strong effect of sucrose addition on the
flux, J, in this case can be represented by16 solubilization kinetics exhibited in Figures 3-7.
Effects of Viscosity and Solute Chain Length. A decrease
J ) Cweq xkr+Dwφmic (2) in the alkane chain length from 16 to 12 is associated with a
decrease in solute size, an increase in solute diffusion coefficient,
where Cweq is the aqueous solubility of the oil solute, kr+ (s-1) and an increase in solute solubility in water. Estimated values
is the rate constant of uptake of oil molecules from water into for these properties are given in Table 3. For systems controlled
the micelles, and φmic is the volume fraction of micelles in aqueous by pathway I, eq 2 predicts a linear dependence of solubilization
solution (i.e., the micelle concentration.) Equation 2 predicts an rate on Cweq. The values for solubility presented in Table 3,
inverse dependence of flux on viscosity µ through the contribution which are taken from Taylor,28 indicate that the solubility in
of Dw, the diffusion coefficient of the oil molecule in aqueous water drops by more than 2 orders of magnitude as we go from
solution. The Stokes-Einstein or Wilke-Chang equation predicts dodecane to hexadecane and that this effect explains the substantial
that Dw ∼ µ-1, a prediction confirmed experimentally for sucrose
solutions.20 The resulting dependence of flux on µ-1/2 likely (28) Taylor, P. AdV. Colloid Interface Sci. 2003, 106, 261.
Solubilization of Monodisperse Emulsion Droplets Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 3067

Figure 10. Solubilization kinetics of nearly monodisperse hexadecane-in-water emulsions as a function of time into 3 wt % SDS micellar
solutions with various concentrations of NaCl. Data represent (a) surface mean diameter (ds) and (b) aqueous oil concentration relative to
initial concentration in emulsion. Initial emulsions contained 0.04 wt % hexadecane.

slowing of the solubilization kinetics as the chain length increases likely leading to a small reduction in solubility. Such a reduction
(Figures 2-7). It is important to note, however, that controversy could contribute to the small increase in micellar saturation
remains over the magnitude of solubility values for very long concentrations for the solutes in sucrose solution reported in
chain alkanes,21,28-30 with some researchers reporting much higher Table 1. Unfortunately, literature values for the aqueous solubility
values than those given in Table 3. of alkanes in the presence of sucrose are not available. However,
Our comparison is given a more quantitative basis by using a recent solubility study of flavor compounds in water and in
the population balance model (eq 1) to extract effective mass sucrose solution31 showed that, for the most hydrophobic flavor
transfer coefficients from our light-scattering data for dodecane. (ethyl hexanoate), solubility in a 30% sucrose solution was
These values are given in Table 2 and can be compared with reduced about 25% relative to that in water alone and that the
values given in our previous paper for tetradecane and hexadecane. effect of sucrose was weaker for the more nonpolar solutes. This
For these three solutes in solutions of either SDS or Tween 20 result would suggest that any impact of sucrose on alkane
micelles, the mass-transfer coefficient dropped by a factor of 10 solubility should be small. Furthermore, such an effect would
as we increased the chain length by two carbons. act only within the molecular pathway mechanism, where it would
The strong dependence of solubilization kinetics on the length slightly augment the influence of sucrose on the kinetics. Thus,
of the oil solute chain proved to be important in interpreting our such a contribution should not alter substantially our mechanistic
viscosity results in Figures 2-7. The strong dependence on comparisons above.
viscosity for the shorter-chain alkanes like n-dodecane and Surfactant Concentration Dependence. Several researchers
n-tetradecane were consistent with the molecular diffusion have noted that in a pathway I mechanism, the solubilization
pathway described in eq 2, where oil must diffuse in molecular flux should increase as the square root of the micelle
form out into the water first, before being picked up by micelles. concentration.15-17,21 This dependence is shown in eq 2. In Figure
For hexadecane with its very low water solubility, this molecular 11 is presented the solubilization flux, J, plotted as a function
diffusion pathway may become so inefficient that it allows of φ1/2 for each alkane and for both surfactants. Micelle volume
pathway II to start to contribute substantially to the solubilization fractions were determined using the parameters in Table 3. A
process. The result is a reduction in the influence of viscosity reasonable linear correlation between J and φ1/2 generally exists,
on the solubilization kinetics for solutes of increased chain length, although we note that other scalings of J on micelle concentration
especially for the Tween 20 system. would also work. By comparing the slopes in Figure 11 with the
If in surfactant solutions with either 0 or 30 wt % sucrose, we predictions of eq 2, we may extract the rate constant kr+ for the
assume that φmic and Cweq in eq 2 are approximately constant and micelle uptake reaction. The obtained values for kr+ for Tween
that kr+ is also proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the oil 20 micelles are 1.0 × 109 s-1 for n-hexadecane, 5.2 × 107 s-1
molecule;15 eq 2 predicts that the flux in the solution without for n-tetradecane, and 7.8 × 107 s-1 for n-dodecane. For SDS
sucrose should be larger by a factor of 2.6 than that in the 30 micelles, this comparison yielded 4.2 × 106 s-1 for n-tetradecane
wt % sucrose surfactant solution. Using the extracted mass transfer and 6.4 × 106 s-1 for n-dodecane. The latter rate constants
coefficients, keff, obtained from fitting light-scattering results to measured for tetradecane or dodecane solubilization are quite
the population balance and our measured saturated oil concen- close to the value measured by Todorov et al.,17 using single
trations Cmiceq (see Table 1), the ratio of fluxes in the low- and large decane droplets transferring into SDS micelles.
high-viscosity systems can be determined experimentally. We The uptake rate constants for Tween 20 micelles are at least
find that, for n-hexadecane, n-tetradecane, and n-dodecane solutes, an order of magnitude higher than for SDS, and kr+ for
this ratio is 1.1, 1.5, and 2.4, respectively, for Tween 20 micelles. n-hexadecane solubilized in Tween 20 solutions is more than an
For SDS micellar solubilization, the ratios are 1.3 (C16), 1.8 order of magnitude higher than for the other oils. We believe this
(C14), and 1.8 (C12). The obtained values are closer to the latter observation is an indirect reflection of a contribution from
predicted factor of 2.6 for the shorter alkanes, as expected on the pathway II mechanism, as discussed above. Because pathway
the basis of the above analysis. II here enhances the solubilization rate, ignoring its contribution
It should be noted that there is likely to be some effect of results in an inflated value for kr+. For the case of n-hexadecane
sucrose addition upon the solubility of alkanes in water, most solubilized in SDS micellar solutions, the data for J did not show
a clear linear dependence on the square root of the micelle
(29) Coates, M.; Connell, D. W.; Barron, D. M. EnViron. Sci. Technol. 1985, concentration.
19, 628.
(30) Shaw, D. G.; Maczynski, A.; Goral, M.; Wisniewska-Goclowska, B.;
Skrzecz, A.; Owczarek, I.; Blazej, K.; Haulait-Pirson, M. C.; Hefter, G. T.; Kapuku, (31) Covarrubias-Cervantes, M.; Bongard, S.; Champion, D.; Voilley, A.
F.; Maczynska, Z.; Szafranski, A. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 2006, 35, 687. FlaVour Fragr. J. 2005, 20, 265.
3068 Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 Ariyaprakai and Dungan

Figure 11. Values for solubilization flux, keffCmiceq. keff obtained from fits of light scattering measurements (symbols) or calculated
(s, ---) using predictions of kr+ from Kabalnov and Weers.15 SDS (9, s) or Tween 20 (b, ---) used with (a) hexadecane, (b) tetradecane,
or (c) dodecane emulsions.

We can compare these experimentally determined uptake rate and co-workers indicated the presence of such a resistance in
constants with theoretical estimates based on diffusion control their measurements of decane transfer from single large drops
at the surface of the micelle, as discussed by Kabalnov and into SDS micellar solutions.17 This step is illustrated in Figure
Weers.15 This estimate assumes that once solute reaches the 1 and is described theoretically by eq 25 of Dungan et al.16 By
micelle itself, it is taken up at an infinitely fast rate relative to inverting the latter equation, we see that the interfacial resistance
its diffusion time through the region surrounding the micelle, so can be calculated by subtracting the bulk transport resistance
that (Cmiceq/Cweq xDwkr+φmic), determined theoretically as in Figure
11, from the total measured resistance (1/keff) found from our
kr+ ) 3Dw/Rmic2 (3) experiments. However, for the SDS system in particular, the
interfacial resistance (1/ki) obtained in this fashion was found to
From this estimate for kr+, the overall solubilization flux can be be an order of magnitude larger than that from the resistance for
calculated from eq 2. These theoretically predicted rates are plotted transferring the oil molecule through the bulk phase. This would
in Figure 11 and compared with the results measured from this imply that bulk diffusion steps make a negligible contribution
study. For all alkanes and both surfactants, the rates obtained to the overall mechanism, which would contradict the strong
from the experiments were found to be much slower than from viscosity dependence we observed in our data. The putative values
the theoretical estimate, with the exception of n-hexadecane for ki we calculate for both types of surfactants, furthermore,
solubilized in Tween 20. This general trend may indicate that display a substantial dependence on overall surfactant concentra-
the uptake rate kr+ is actually much smaller than the calculated tion, which seems implausible this far above the cmc. Therefore,
value from eq 3, and therefore, the diffusion-controlled assumption although the interfacial resistance may make some contribution,
for micelle uptake does not hold. In particular, we note that the such an effect is likely to be combined with a rate constant, kr+,
faster solubilization fluxes for the Tween 20 systems indicate a of oil solute uptake that is lower than predicted for diffusion
larger value of kr+ than for the SDS systems. A diffusion- control around the micelle.
controlled reaction at the surface of the micelle, however, depends
Flux of hexadecane into Tween 20 micelles, on the other hand,
inversely on square of the micelle radius and, thus, predicts slower
proceeds more rapidly than predicted by a molecular pathway
micelle uptake reactions for the larger Tween 20 micelles (see
with reaction-enhanced diffusion, as calculated theoretically by
Table 3). Neogi32 proposed in his theoretical study that the energy
eqs 2 and 3. Here reaction-enhanced diffusion is no longer a
barrier encountered by the solute as it tries to enter the micelle
likely dominant mechanism, consistent with the weak dependence
may be significant. Such an energy barrier would reduce kr+
on viscosity that we observed with this system. The interfacially
below the diffusion-controlled limit.
driven pathway II instead appears controlling for this case.
Alternatively, we can explain the differences between diffusion-
controlled theory and experiment in Figure 11 by positing the The results in Figure 11 for hexadecane and the accompanying
presence of an additional interfacial resistance (1/ki) within shift in mechanism also seem to signal a change in the relation
pathway I, associated with transferring individual oil molecules between flux and nonionic surfactant concentration. We showed
across the emulsion drop interface and into the water. Todorov previously that keff values for hexadecane solubilization in Tween
20 solutions are independent of surfactant concentration over
(32) Neogi, P. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2003, 261, 542. the range studied.21 Consequently, it is expected that J ∼ φmic
Solubilization of Monodisperse Emulsion Droplets Langmuir, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008 3069

for this case, yielding the stronger dependence of flux on surfactant within Tween 20 micelles. This strongly suggests that both
concentration displayed in Figure 11. pathways I and II can contribute, at least for nonionic micelles.
Role of Electrostatic Interaction for Ionic Surfactants. For In contrast to pathway I, which depends importantly on molecular
solutes with 12 or 14 carbons solubilized within SDS micelles, diffusion through the bulk solvent, pathway II is an interfacially
there seems a clear contribution from a pathway I mechanism, dominated mechanism. In Tween 20 micelles, we thus believe
in particular steps controlled by reaction-enhanced diffusion. we observed mixed kinetics, in which parallel diffusive and
However, for hexadecane solubilization in SDS, the evidence interfacial steps occurred. The competition between the two
from our experiments is more ambiguous. A reduced dependence mechanisms depended on which pathway was more efficient.16
on viscosity was observed by light scattering measurements but The magnitude of the viscosity effect in Figure 4 for n-dodecane
was not obvious in the turbidity measurements. Furthermore, was the largest, as a consequence of the relatively high aqueous
there was no clear direct relationship between flux and the square oil solubility of this solute, thus allowing a greater contribution
root of the micelle concentration in Figure 11. We decided to from molecular diffusion through the water. As the solute chain
explore whether there could be contributions also from pathway length was increased to 14 and then to 16, there was a major
II by testing the effect of salt concentration on solubilization reduction in aqueous solubility, making the molecular pathway
kinetics in this system. Pathway II involves transfer of oil directly less efficient. This allowed the interfacial pathway II to begin
into a micelle at the emulsion interface, and it has been to contribute. For n-hexadecane, where viscosity had very little
proposed6,7,9,12 that this path may be controlled by collision of influence on the solubilization kinetics, we believe that direct
micelles with the interface, dissolution of micelles prior to transfer of solute into the micelles at the interface began to
adsorption, or budding of micelles off from the droplet interface. dominate the overall kinetics. The dominance of the interfacial
For anionic surfactants with their charged micelle and emulsion mechanism for hexadecane can also account for the relatively
surfaces, it would be expected that these mechanisms would high values of the flux of solute into Tween 20 micelles, compared
show a strong dependence on salt concentration, as salt screens to predictions from pathway I theories (Figure 11). The
electrostatic repulsion or alters interfacial curvature energies. contributions of a second, parallel mechanism is also able to
However, Figure 10 shows only a weak enhancement in explain the higher “apparent” solute uptake rate constant found
solubilization rate in the presence of 100 or 300 mM NaCl for Tween 20 micelles compared to SDS.
compared to the no-salt case. Such a weak effect would be For anionic SDS, the molecular pathway I is proposed as the
consistent with the molecular transfer steps associated with main pathway for the solubilization process, in agreement with
pathway I but would not seem to support a role for micelle earlier researchers. From Figures 6 and 7, the extent of the effect
collision or growth at the emulsion interface. Furthermore, from of viscosity on the solubilization rate was observed to be very
Figure 10 we see no indication that reduction of the Debye length similar for tetradecane and dodecane. A significant effect of
through addition of salt is sufficient to reduce electrostatic viscosity on n-hexadecane solubilization in Figure 5 indicates
repulsive barriers and thus to shift the solubilization mechanism that a molecular diffusive pathway was important here as well,
toward pathway II. but interfacial mechanisms may also have been playing a role.
The small effect of salt seen in Figure 10 could be attributed The weak effect of salt in this system and the slow flux rate in
to other effects of NaCl on SDS properties. Addition of salt Figure 11 compared to theory suggests that this interfacial step
should increase the micelle radius and solubilization capacity,33 was likely molecular in nature and not associated with collision,
which would in turn enhance the solubilization rate. Oil solubility dissolution, or formation of micelles at the emulsion interface.
in molecular form in the aqueous solution would be probably be For both anionic and nonionic micelles, the solute uptake rate
decreased in the presence of salt, which would tend to counteract appeared to be lower than that predicted by diffusion control at
the former trend. Interactions between individual molecules of the micelle surface.
solute and surfactant at the emulsion interface and at the micelle The strong correlation of rate with alkane chain length
surface might also be affected. These contributions, which are confirmed that viscosity retarded the movement of individual oil
associated with steps in the molecular pathway I mechanism, molecules, rather than surfactant micelles or monomers. For the
apparently lead to an effect, albeit small, of NaCl on the case of the pathway II dominant mechanism (n-hexadecane in
solubilization kinetics. Tween 20 solutions), the rate-limiting step must be one relatively
unaffected by the aqueous viscosity. For micelle adsorption/
Conclusions: Summary of Mechanisms desorption steps that depend on bulk diffusion of micelles, a
Our results allow us to evaluate the two mechanistic pathways viscosity increase would also retard the solubilization rate. Thus,
illustrated in Figure 1 in terms of their dependence on the aqueous these steps are not controlling within pathway II mechanisms,
viscosity, surfactant concentration, and the addition of salt. Since leaving other possibilities, such as a surface barrier to adsorp-
viscosity has a strong influence on solubilization rate, especially tion14,34 or the “budding” of micelles from the interface, as
for the shorter alkanes, n-dodecane and n-tetradecane, a molecular potential rate-limiting steps in transferring hexadecane and other
pathway I is proposed as a dominant contributing mechanism. very long chain solutes.
For the longer chain-length alkane, n-hexadecane, a weaker
dependence on viscosity was generally observed, particularly
(33) van Os, N. M.; Haak, J. R.; Rupert, L. A. M. In Physico-Chemical Properties
of Selected Anionic, Cationic and Nonionic Surfactants; Elsevier: Amsterdam, (34) Todorov, P. D.; Marinov, G. S.; Kralchevsky, P. A.; Denkov, N. D.;
1993; p 34. Durbut, P.; Broze, G.; Mehreteab, A. Langmuir 2002, 18, 7896.

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