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♥ Utmost Ideal face, weight, height, body, musculature, virility, sexual

drive, wardrobe, gender, symmetry, charisma, speech patterns, quirks,
cadence, attention span, fortune, self-expression, fashion sense, senses,
confidence, identity, heritage, sleep cycles, sleep, morals, morality,
beliefs, material possessions, aesthetic, hair, skin, vibe, aura, life,
scenarios, family, wealth, living conditions, accommodation, rent,
mortgage, impact, air quality, affinity, pain tolerance, vision, lifestyle,
belief, physicality, social media presence, personality, popularity,
intelligence, skills, mentality, friends, hygiene, breath, relationships,
privacy, first impressions, gait, posture, scent, voice, energy,
motivation, job, career, lifestyle, hobbies, abilities, balance, flexibility,
stamina, body language, strength, speed, mood, activeness,
manifestations, mental health, reputation, school, gaze, resting face,
facial expressions, presence, gestures, mannerisms, talents, ambition,
social prowess, grades, patience, beauty, genetics and health at all
times far beyond the best you can conjure in your mind — they’re just
that nonpareil!

♥ After one listen, you are completely unrecognisable — Inside and out!
You’ve been elevated far past the limits of what you’ve believed to be
possible and now it shows!

♥ Like how the caterpillar leaves its cocoon as a beautiful butterfly post
metamorphosis — you transform from good-looking to god-tier after
simply one listen. Sure, you were cute before, but now, you’re beyond

♥ You’re nature’s magnum opus — over 7 billion years of refinement

have lead up to the moment of your inception. You are not a person,
you are a CONCEPT, something far more immortal than the universe

♥ There’s no need to travel further, as even the most nomadic of people

are aware that they will no-one more beautiful than you. You are the
beginning, the middle, and end to a journey, and also the start of a
new one.

♥ It would cause others physical pain to tear their starving eyes away
from you — and it would be futile regardless — because their eyes
would always be dragged back!

♥ Leave everyone in awe by simply how unreal, gorgeous, talented and

unique you are — there is nothing more exquisite than your existence!

♥ Forget pretty privilege — now there’s you privilege! Be aided

immensely in every aspect in life to the point where it feels like you’re
playing life in easy mode.

♥ Your life, your rules, and that applies now more than ever! Your life
may always be on easy mode, but you can always just switch the
difficulty. Why? Because you are the one and only sovereign of not
only your life, your reality, but also all realities!

♥ It could be the first or 100th time someone has seen you, but the initial
reaction would always be the same — “WHY ARE YOU SO
TRANSFIXING???” Your beauty is like an iOS update, it constantly
reinvents itself whilst being original, staying fresh, and keeping
everyone sweating in anticipation — they never know what to expect.

♥ Your beauty is like an abrupt, harsh slap in the face, it’s unexpected,
electrifying, and provokes others — no-one is prepared — even you —
for the impact it gives.

♥ Your touch leaves goosebumps, your voice sends shivers down spines,
and your gaze ignites tingles. Every single aspect of you is wondrous,
supernatural, and riveting.
♥ Regardless, of race, bias, cultural background, gender, sexuality, sex,
memory or age, anyone could be given a picture of you and
unanimously agree that it is the most beautiful thing they have ever
seen, and will ever see. You are undeniably an unforgettable 100/10 .

♥ Rejection? What’s that? You always get your way instantly. I mean,
who could possibly resist you?

♥ Anyone could spend years dissecting your face and STILL not find
any flaws in it — you have not just breached, but OBLITERATED the
limits of perfection.

♥ Forget blue butterflies, waterfalls, solar eclipses, or aurora! You are a

once in a lifetime experience that everyone wishes to endlessly

♥ Leave your old friends, partners, and estranged family members

seething in self-hatred for ever doing you wrong! How could they be so
foolish and blind to antagonise, vilify, undervalue, ignore or displease
the superior excellence that is you! They’re constantly begging on
their knees for mercy and finding ways to improve themselves and
thus be worthy of your presence.

♥ People constantly flirt with you, and only you — you live rent free in
people’s minds 25/8.

♥ Everyone cannot comprehend the concept of intentionally being rude,

disrespectful or hostile to you. The mere idea of gaining your ire sends
ominous shivers down everyone’s spines.

♥ Changing your life is as easy as selecting a new mode on a video game

— it’s effortless. Easily change your past, present, and future! The
possibilities are endless, just like you!
♥ You are flawless and bewitching from any angle, any camera, any
pose, any lighting, any device, any distortion, and any perspective.
You are universally agreed to be the most unattainable beauty
standard ever on camera, and off it.

♥ You are audiogenic, photogenic, videogenic and more! Even the worst
of technology cannot even dampen your attractiveness in the slightest.

♥ Constantly be romantically or sexually pursued, desired, and courted.

People go out of their way to improve to even get a glimpse at you.

♥ Every single moment with you is a blessing — people have finally

found happiness and it’s with you.

♥ Babies, animals, and even senior citizens know that you’re the shit!
Have a natural affinity with everyone!

♥ Be literally always asked for your autograph on the street because

people assume there’s no way you’re not famous with an appearance
like that!

♥ Your crush/crushes are completely smitten by you, they would jump at

the opportunity to ask you out!

♥ Always have fun, productive, engaging, and entertaining

conversations, no matter what! Your life is endless excitement!

♥ Your hard work always pays off, more so than you had ever expected!

♥ It’s like people telepathically just KNOW what you want and hand it
over on a silver platter to you! Be bombarded with high quality,
thoughtful gifts 25/8. People would drain their entire bank account,
earnings, savings, insurance, trust fund, mortgage, investments, and
inheritance if it meant even slightly pleasing you.

♥ If you were a video game character (which wouldn’t be hard to believe

considering how flawless you are) then your stats would all be maxed
out! Not just that, but you’d constantly unlock new achievements with
virtually no effort!

♥ No fictional character can compare to how much of a Mary Sue/Marty

Stu you are. How favourably you are treated has long surpassed

♥ People hang on to every one of your words. Your voice and words are
like the rarest commodities to ever exist, and people would hate to
waste them!

♥ Being c-cancelled? What’s that? If anything, people should be scared

that they’re going to be cancelled for not acknowledging how hot you
are! The notion of cancelling you has never come into fruition, and
never will! It’s like everyone wears rose-tinted glasses or turns a blind
eye when it comes to you!

♥ All embarrassing moments and memories people have of you simply

cease to exist. Your record is spotless, irrespective of what you do!

♥ People romanticise your existence, they adore the very proposition of


♥ The odds could be one googolplex:1 against you and you’d still win
every time! What the hell even is your supernatural luck? You’re like a
hack character or deus ex machina, you’re simply broken beyond
♥ Everyone could NEVER get tired of you! You always bring something
new to the table and despite someone spending 10,000 years with you,
they wouldn’t even be CLOSE to unraveling HALF of what you have to
offer. You’re better than drugs, because not only are you addictive, but
you also have no drawbacks.

♥ Like the newest, most prolific and trendiest blockbuster film —

everyone wants to see you — no matter the cost.

♥ Akin to a moth to a flame, people may get hurt falling in love with you
— but they wouldn’t want it any other way.

♥ Almost like magnets, your opposite polarity simply forces everyone to

keep on coming back to you.

♥ Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you want, it’s simply just
the irrefutable truth that you’re unavoidable. It’s like life itself is a
constant reminder of your existence — and people revel in it!

♥ The mere thought of you is so tantalisingly attractive that everyone

gets hopelessly addicted to it — falling deeper and deeper into the
most unbelievable black hole that is you.

♥ Just like a black hole — you’re super dense with fortune — it’s like
you’re jam packed with intelligence, luck, ambition, peace of mind,
self-love, happiness, skill, personality, athleticism, creativity, beauty
and talent that there’s no space for anything else.

♥ Even the most irredeemable scum would convert if it meant a chance

of just being in the same vicinity of you.

♥ Your compliments are like disaster aid — guiding people to a better

life during the worst.
♥ Your smile is like a shooting star — people cherish and wish on it for
good luck.

♥ Your words are like the light at the end of a dark, hopeless tunnel —
raising everyone’s hopes.

♥ And your touch is like a once in a lifetime miracle — the titillating

sensation forever engraining itself into one’s memory.

♥ As much as your worst enemies would like to deny the grandeur of

your existence — they truly couldn’t. Beneath the layer of antagonism
they show towards you, they too are utterly thrilled and fascinated by
your existence. This isn’t simply amusement — it’s limerence. They
could never actually hurt you — they wouldn’t dare.

♥ Have the strongest, fastest, most accurate, prevalent and consistent

bitch, toxicity, and predator repellent. You never encounter those who
could damage your mental health — ever. And if such people are
already in your life, they go through the most dramatic redemption
arc to be worthy of your presence.

♥ A glare from you simultaneously causes people to feel fuzzy inside yet
sends an terrifying shiver down their spine. It leaves them conflicted
between running away or getting even closer.

♥ Forget butterflies, physical contact from you gives people the whole
zoo! You are people’s first, and last major crush.

♥ Your online influence is undeniable, positively be famous on every

single platform that you desire. You always present your arguments in
a concise, logical manner and never let your emotions overrule your
critical thinking.
♥ Make your ideal amount of money off your internet notoriety — it’s
like people throw money at you to say stuff — regardless of dumb it is.

♥ Have people blow up your messages and replies on all apps with
unadulterated, honest messages of pure admiration. They may have
never met you, but they now sure damn wish they could.

♥ People feel compelled to agree with you — almost like if they don’t
they’ll surely regret it.

♥ Never let people’s negative energy affect you — smack that shit right
out of your life effortlessly.

♥ Your ideal exes come crawling back to you in their best behaviour.
How blind could they have been to besmirch you in the first place!

♥ You are always the first choice. It’s borderline irrational the positive
bias everyone has towards you.

♥ Have insane privilege in every aspect of your life. From money — to

relationships — you only receive the best of the best.

♥ Be a hot person magnet — it’s like you have a harem of your ideal
attractive people!

♥ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — except from you. Everyone

thinks you are hottest thing they have ever seen — full stop.

♥ Have the most effective skills in analysing ones temperament. People

are a mystery — except to you — because it’s almost like you have x-
ray vision into people’s intentions, thoughts, burdens, experiences,
dreams, personalities, past, present and future.
♥ Your predicting capabilities are beyond supernatural. Like where’s
your crystal ball?!

♥ Anything you wear you simply make work! You could be wearing a
literal trash bag but people would still think you are the greatest, most
innovative fashion icon on earth. Whenever you upload a picture of
your outfit online, it’ll be sold out to everyone the next day! Well,
except from you of course — because everyone always has a spare
supply when it comes to you.

♥ Your massive influence is indisputable. Irrelevant? You are relevancy

itself. There’s not a single person on earth who doesn’t know your
name and luxuriate in it.

♥ You don’t even have to put an effort into making lifelong friends —
they simply come to you!

♥ You attract — not chase. And that’s how your life has always been.

♥ All embarrassing or compromising material of you — whether it be

memories, photos, information, accounts, comments, or footage — are
completely and permanently erased from existence right now!

♥ Your reputation has always been crystal clean and will continue to be
— just like your criminal and school records.

♥ You could merely be at an event for the first time ever and you’d be the
main attraction for the rest of the night within seconds. Forget her
birthday party — it’s YOUR birthday party now.

♥ People literally beg to buy you stuff. It’s like they have an evolutionary
reflex to pamper you!
♥ People never accompany you for the clout — only for the divine
experience that is you.

♥ Conduct yourself in an orderly manner. Never do anything that would

compromise yourself in the future. But even if you did, it wouldn’t
matter because everything always goes your way. It’s like destiny is
rigged to favour you eternally.

♥ Get invited to legitimately every party there is — there’s no way

people are gonna miss out on you.

♥ Your engagement on all your social media platforms is

extraordinarily high. Anything you upload literally trends at #1 in
seconds and stays there for weeks.

♥ Have the most carefree, understanding, empathetic, amusing, good-

looking, positive wealthy, healthy, and supportive parents there are!
You could go missing for 4 weeks and come back in the middle of the
night and they would simply smile in relief and make you a hot
chocolate. No matter where you are, they know that you are safe. You
have the most autonomy ever known to mankind.

♥ You and your loved ones have the strongest privacy and protection
shield ever! None of your ideal information will ever be leaked!

♥ Live your life to the fullest — every day is yet another irreplaceable

♥ Your first impressions are always THE first impression. You couldn’t
have made a better impact if even you tried!

♥ Everything about you is glorious — from your delicious scent, to your

sonorous voice, to the way you shutdown clowns within seconds. You
are the appetiser, the main meal, the dinner, and the dessert!
♥ Stop overthinking — there’s no need to care about what others think
because you already know they’re smitten!

♥ Jealous of you? Please! People are just happy that they get to keep on
knowing that you exist.

♥ Always be the most fascinating person to talk to — your broad and

detailed knowledge of practically everything keeps conversations long
and interesting.

♥ You’re the jack of all trades — and the most of all as well. Leave people
ecstatic waiting to see what unbelievable feat you’re going to pull off

♥ You always, without fail, exceed people’s expectations. You get better-
and-better every single second!

♥ Everyone feels naturally indebted to you — as though you helped them

through a pivotal moment of their life.

♥ Embody your ideal quotes, characters, moments, words, colours,

objects, architecture, scenery, people, songs, playlists, aesthetics and

♥ Have the most shocking, almost frightening duality. One moment

you’re I.N and another you’re Michael Jordan and “taking it
personally”. Your versatility is unparalleled.

♥ Nothing in this world could phase you. You are the definition of

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