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‘86 THI Mat cit — BDI DaNH TOAN — PHAN THY NBQG ANH — BINH TH) HOA SER — LONG van THOV CONG PHA TIENG ANH 1 CUOM SACH GIOP Em TY TIN HON TRONG KY THI THPT qUaG GiA CCU AL NBA KUAT BAH BAI HOG QUOC GIA HA HOI 16 Hang Chudi ~ Hai B& Tring — H3 NOI ‘Dien thoai: Bién tap — Ché bin: (04) 39714896; in Iy xudt ban: (043) i ifn tap: 171501 Fax: (04) 397; Chiu tréch nhigm xudt bin: Giidm débe — Téng bin tap: TS. PHAM TH] TRAM. Bién t6p xudt bin: PHAN HAINHU' Bién tip chuyén nganh: NGUYEN KHANH HOA Ché bin: CONG TY CG PHAN GIAO DUC TRYC TUYEN VIET NAM— VEDU CORP Trink bay bia: NGUYEN SON TUNG ‘Sita ban in: LUONG VAN THUY - NGUYEN THI THU HUONG * D6 tic lién Bit: CONG TY CO PHAN GIAO DUC TRUC TUYEN VIET NAM - VEDU CORP Dia chi: 101 Nguyén Ngge Nai, phuémg Khuong Mai, quén ‘Thanh Xuan, Ha NGi SACH LIRN KET CONG PHA TIENG ANEL1 Ma s6: 2L— 1405 PT2017 {In 1000 cutn, khé 19 x 27cm tai CONG TY CP IN VA TRUYEN THONG KET THANH. Dia chi: S65 ngach 26/56 dung Cau Dign, Phung PhG Dién, Quan Bée Tw Lim, TP Ha N@i. ‘$6 xc nhan DKXB: 3914 ~ 2017/CXBIPH/02- 363/DHQGHN, ngay 06/11/2017, Quy&t dinh xuat bin 86: 1425 LK-XH/ QD - NXBBHQGHN, ngay 23/11/2017 In xong va n6p has chidu nam 2017. ISBN: 978 — 604 ~ 62-9831 -1 LOL NOL DAU BO CONG PHA TIENG ANH GIUP Gi CHO EM? Quy thay ¢6, quy phy huynh va céc em hoc sinh dang cém wen tay cugn CONG PHA TIENG ANH 1. Bay 18 cudn thd nhat trong b9 sich gém ba cuGn do Lovebook phat nant nh’m gkip cdc em hoc sinh chinh phuc toan b6 kién thie tiéng Anh hoe tit Idp 10 dén Idp 12, ti 46 “cong pha” thanh cOng Ki thi THPT Quéc gia. 6 thi THPT Qué gia 14 duge BO Gizo duc va Dao tao G8 mdi cach thie 6 chic WW nam 2017, va sé 4dige duy ti én dinh trong nhiéu nam tgp theo. V6i céch thic t6 chite mdi nay, hoc sinh s& lam bai thi mén tiéng Anh theo hinh thde irfe nghiém khdch quan, dé thi gém 50 cau hai vat that gian lam bal 60 phit. Nam 2017, ‘N61 dung thi n&m trong Chusng ttn idp 12 THPT; nam 2018, n6i dung thi dm trong Chung tinh 1p 11 va lop 12 THPT; ty nam 2019 118 di, n6i dung thi nm trong Chuong tinh cp THPT. \Niim dap dng nhu cu cla déng Géo céc em hoc sinh, cdc thay c0 gido va cde bc phy huynh vé mét 9 sdch hg théng toan kign thie tigng Anh cén thit cho Ki thi THPT quéc gia noi riéng va tt cd ca W thi tiéng Anh 8 KhGi THPT lén THCS, €6i ngd tc gid Lovebook da bién soan bd Gong Phi Anh (g6m 3 t9p). Cy thé: Cong Pha Anh 1: Hé théng toan bé Nod Phép Tiéng Anh cén thiét nhat trong chuong trinh THCS Fan ‘THPT va céc dang bai tép phét sinh ti Nod Phap vi dy nfw tim I6i sai, vit al cu, n0i cau, dién ti. Vay nen, ‘cdc em hoc sinh ti ldp 8, 9 hoan toan o6 thé sit dyng cudn Céng Phé Anh 1 dé On luyén cho cdc Ki thi HSG va a thi vao l6p 10. Ngoai hé théng 21 chi a8 ng php 6 dong, ching t6i cén bé sung phan phan tich ou tue dé thi THPT quéc gia chinh thdc cla BGD ti nam 2017 cho tdi nam 2021 dy trén o¢ sé cac chi dé nga phap dude d6 cp @ dau sch. Gan cu6i sdch la hé thong 30 dé On tap téng hdp cae chi 48,dang bai o6 trong séch kam theo dp &n chi tt. Cudi cing 12 phan “Glossary”. Ton bd hé théng ti vung quan trong xuat hign trong ‘Sach déu duge thdng ké cy thé theo trinh ty G8 quy dg gid tién tra eu va khde sdu them t2 vung. (Cong Pha Anh 2: Hé th6ng ‘ai toin b6 céc dang bai tap xoay quanh ti, cy ti ting Anh 6 hai khdi 1dp 11 v8.12. Gée chit 48 chinh duige ching t6i dB cp trong séch nhu sau: Phat am & Trang arm, Dign ti vio doan van, Til vung va két hop til. Riéng phén tit wing, ching t6i phan dinh r6 theo timg f6p, tig Unit trong SGK a céc ern trén 6p tin theo d6i va sat voi xu hung ra 66 THPT qu6c gia cla BGD trong nhiing nam te. Cang ging fut Gong Phi Anh 1, 8 cubi séch Cong Phd Anh 2, ching th efing bé sung 10 68 On tap Kern dap an chi tét a8 ‘cée em hoc sinh cing c6 that chdc n6i dung kin thdc trang séch. Khéng chi mong mudn cdc em sé ving vang Ind véi 4c dang bai tap c6 trong d6 thi THPT quéc gia, chang t6i cing tin tung chée chan rang von tit vung cia céc em sé tr nén phong phd va chéc chan hn rét niu sau khi dge xong Cong Phd Anh 2, ‘Géng Pha Anh 3: H8 thong lal toa bd cae bai doc higu cién hinh nat, ch a8 thedng xx hin trong a8 ‘thi THPT qu6éc gia chinh thie cla BGD trong nhdhg nm gan day. 0 cudn thir 3, ching tai chia dang épe hiéu ‘thanh 2 phn léng bigt Phén bai 7 cdu va phdn bai 8 cau. Tat cd bao gém 125 bai doc Oude tinh bay chi tél, ‘ou thé, cung cdp cho ode em @éy Gi nhdng thi thuat, tY wing céin tit 48 ¢6 thé hoc tot chuyén 68 doc hidu trong cfc Ki thi THPT quéc gla noi ring va céc K thi tiéng Anh n6i chung. Ging pking nbu cut Cong Phi Anh 4, phn cudi sch ching tdi cing bién tap thém phdn “Glossary” 68 quy dc gia tgn tra cétu, theo d6i. ‘Ngodi ra, ching tei can bd sung thém rit nhiéu tai idu, 66 thi di km sdch b@ sch trong sudt qua tinh sil dung séch. Quy théy 0 va céc em sau hi nhgn duge séch vui long Khai bao siich chinh hang theo hung din tal dja chi website: itp:// ‘Voi I6i viet 68 dong, xic tich nhung tuon dm bao tinh chi tiét nhét c6 thé (tét cd bai tap trong b6 Cong Phé Anh du c6 Gap an chi i dua trén od s@ ti khéa trong cu hoi, suy lugn va dich nghia), chang to hy vong ‘ing cée em hoc sinh $6 cim thay vige hoe tiéng Ant @ trudng higu qua hon, va thd vi han, Qua dé, cdc em sé at duge nhitng két qua cao trong céc Ki thi tiéng Anh sép toi. ‘Mac d0 da co nhiéu nd yc, ciing voi mt mong mud thiét tha mang dén cho quy dc gid rm6t tai ligu tham Kido b6 fch, song ching tity nhan thie dug ring vn kndng thé nao tranh Khidl nhng sal sét, c& v8 ni ddung va tinh thd. Vi vay xin quy dc gid réng long chia sé véi ching t8i qua céc kénh fién lac: + Email: - Facebook: htips’//wuw facebook convlovebookcaretionganh - Website; http// = Big thogi: 19002825 ‘Ching toi v6 cing cdm tal Chiic quy dc gid sé c6 nhing gidy phiit that sy thd vi, bd Ich Ki doc cudn sch nay! Chie cdc em hos sinh, dc bigt la céc em hoe sinh Ip 12 dat dude két qua thi THPT Quéc gia cao rnd, d® vao ngoi truding Bai hoc, Cao dang ma minh hang md wdc! Riéng cac em hoc sinh 16p 9 sit dung cud ‘Gong Pha Anh 1, ching t6i cing chic céc em sé dau vao ngol tutng THPT mong musn cia céc em etng nhit ia inn Tran trong LOI TRI AN ‘Dé hoan thanh b6 sch nay, ching toi 44 nbn dugc rat nhiéu sy tre gidp cia anh em, ban be va déng nighigp. Déu tien va trén hit, chiing toi xin git 61 cdm on, biét on séu se nhl 16: gia dinh, nhing nguti yéu thudng da hang ngay, hang dém lo figu gidp ching tei céc cong vige gia dinh a8 ching 10% c6 that gkan tap rung hoiin thanh dy dn va an di, d6ng vién nhing lic bé tic. La cm dn tidp theo ching ti xin gi tél hal em: Nguyén Phuong Anh — cy hoc sinh lop chuyén Anh — Khoi THPT chuyén Su Pham ~ Ha NGi, hign dang hoc tal tridng ‘Dal hoc Ngoal Thutdng Ha NO K56, em L6 Nai Lién — cyut fc sint dp chuyén Van — khdi THPT chuyén Su Pham Ha NOt — hién dang hoe tai trtdng Dai hoc Nooai Thuong Ha Noi K56. Hai em da nhiét tinh gidp ching tai rt niu trong qua tinh tap hp ndi dung, 42 gu phén Doc hidu va Dién tt trong bé sch, Ching t6i mong cée em ri lun niet inh nhu vay va thanh cng hon nda & mdi tung Ngoai Thuong. Tiép theo, ching ti xin dude ‘tt Idi cém dn t6i cc ¢8 ché, dng nghiép dang céng tic tai SO GD — DT tinh Ninh Binh. Trong nhing kic khd ‘nan nhét ca dy an, moi ngudl trong co quan da khdng ngting cd vd, Ong vién chting ti. That fa khong co gi guy gid va ¥ nga han bling nhing lai dng vien, chia s& hang ngay cla chinh céc ding nghigp cia minh. Ngoai ra, chiing t8i cing xin dude gif lai cdm dn t6i 16 tigng Anh cia cdc trudng THPT Nho Quan A, THPT Hoa Lu A, THPT Kim San A. Hoan thign xong ban thdo mdi chi di duge 50% ching dung, chuta thé hin thanh nn mot ccuén sfch név Khdng trai qua khdu doc duyét, “soi” ting trang, ting chd trong séch. Bay c6 16 1a cong viéc tt ‘mi va doi hi sy tép trung cao nhét trong c& qué trinh xay duing BG sdch Céng Pha Anh, Ching t6i da rét may smn Khi nhgn duge suf giip 48 nhigt tinh cita céc déng nghigp. GuGi cing, ching tbi muh gt c&m on toi cc em hoc sinh tén lop ma ching ti dang tr tiép glzng day. Chinh sy trai nghiém ban thao ban dau cia céc em da ip chiing ti Giéu chinh va bé sung a cho bi sch them gn gol, dé tiép can nhét d6i voi hoe sinh. Can gi hanh phic hdn khi bo sch cia minh o6 dau n cha cchinh hoc sinh yeu quy tn Nop mint day a6. (Cong Phd Anh 1 ‘More than a book MUC LUC Phan 1: Cac chii dé ngit phap C. Dap an va giai thich ..... Chi 66 2: Cau bj dong A_Ly thuyét .... B. Bai tap van dyng .. . Dép 4n va gid thich C. Bap an va gidi thich ... ‘Chi 68 4: ng ti! nguyén thé va danh ding tit Chit 66 6: QUAD BY en AL Ly thuyat B. Bai tap van dung .. B. Bai tap van dung .. Bap an va gid thich Chit 6 8: Lien ty A. Ly thuyét B. Bai tap vén dung C. Bép an va gid hich Ghé 6é 9: Te chi sf tugng A. Ly thuyét.. B. Bai tap van dung .. 104 C. Bap an va gil thich 106 Chis a6 10: enh 48 quan he A Ly thuyét ic ye Chi dé 11: Mgnh dé chi sy nhugng bo A. Ly thuyét... 8. BA gp van dung C. Dap an va giai thich ... Chi 6412: Ménh 8 chi myc dich Chit 68 14: Men 66 chi i ALLY thuyét B. Bai tip van dung . Dip an va git thich Chi dé 18: B40 nga A Ly thuyét 8. Bai tap van C. Dap én va gid thich Chi dé 16: Cau tung thuat .. ALY thuyét B. Bai tap van . Dap én va gia thich Chil 68 17: Cau hit dud A. Ly thuyét B. Bai tip van dung C. Bap an va gi thi (Chi 66 18: Cau didu Kipn .... ALLy thuyét.. B. Bai tap van dung C. Dap dn va giai thich (Chit G8 19: Cau gid inh ALy thuyét B. Bal t&p van dung C. Dap &n va gidithich ‘Chi Ge 20: So sénh ALY thuyét. B. Baitip van dung ©. Dap an va gia thich 66 21; Tinh hudng giao tiép A Ly thuyét 8. Bai tap van dung G. Dap 4n va gai thich Phan 2: Phan tich cdu tric dé thi Dang bal s6 4: Bint / cum tit Dang bai s6 2: Tim Idi sai DDang bal s6 3: Tinh hudng giao tiép Dang bai s6 4: NOI cau Dang bal s6 5: Vit fai cu Phan 3: Dé luyén tng hgp RESESSESERRESESRgS exgyRe HESSESSRRReBeRE Bae 5 Cong Phé Anh 1 Mare than a book 1: GAC CHU DE Nev PHAP ‘Todn b6 Nei Php tigng Anh cn thiét cho céc ki thi tigng Anh OTHCS vi THPT dude chang 16 ci: dong lai trong 21 chi d2. Phin cdc chii dé ngil php duige thiét ké cy thé nbu sau: A~ L¥ thuyét (Hé thing 06 dong ede muc If thuyéi quan trong va minh hoa cu thé bing ede vi du) B - Bai tp vn dung (Myc B duge chia thanh 2 phin nhd, Phas! bao gdm cic bii Lip tinh ty duge ‘chon loc ti toln 66 céc dé thi Dai hoe, THPT quéc gia cia BGD. Phin 2 bao gdm he thding csc bai tp chi. Ine do ching tdi xy dung va téng hop ti céc nguda uy tin nuide ngoai). C - Giii thich chi tiét (Céc ¢4p an trong bai tap tng hop duge gai y gid théng qua ui: Khéa va gi 8 quy dc gia c6 ca hoi ndm viing kin thie ngit phdp lin quan dén ting edu hie lai cde viin dB ngit php, edu tric quan trong théng qua I&i gid chi tid. then Ngoaii ra ching t6i cong ‘Ching ti hy vong ring, quy doe gid sé ty tin hon vai ngif phap tiag Anh cia minh, tao nén ting tt cho vic hoc céc Ki ning khéc sau may. Pin bak din ti than tw - Fir stops. te achiouement: ~ Lib tt heac ob myo dich - Pan prapasefully : » Chute b cay tm Page prayofily ~ Si hash teh one Paced pastiody ~ Hien ds bon bi -Parsu persistently. William Arthur Ward LOVEBOOK.VNI 13 chit dé Nha sich Lovebook: cid Dé 1: THI DONE TU A. LY THUYET 1 cic THi BOne TU TENG AN Lom Dee oe 1. Higa tai don * Cu nie: $ + V(s/es) = Sich io - cere ly tn, Qtr tt ue, om cea A | -on gto etyevey ay. | same cease, = Noi v6 mét chan Wy, su that. ~The sun rises in the east, seldom, rarely, never, once @ woek, twice 2 year, every dn tanh cng xy ra trong qué Kid con eo di th bi tiv. thé ln ra trong = Din ta hanh dng dién ra (au dal. = She lives in the city centre. ay. ~ Dign ta hanh dng trong tung lai fen quan in 7 ‘G6n lich tinh, ké hogch. The last train leaves at 4:45. 2. Hign tal tp dién * Céu trie: § + am/is/ are + V-ing * Gach ding: (trang ti chi tht gian: ~ Dign th mot hanh dng dang din ra tai thd now, right now ‘km 0. ~ Tey are doing thet assignment now. | ar preset, = Din td mgt anh ct hn isi atthe moment, ‘ba in ng ry ra ang GUAM | Wr are revising forthe fal ex. forth present near he Ding sau eft ménh eh, ng = Be quit The aby is sleeping. ne bi. ay is ~ Didnt hanh dng Ca dude Hen k6 hoach — | - am having a farewell party next cum) ti rah Hen: the in gl gn week, ie am) mba - Noi vé sy thay di, phat trién 6 hin ta, ~ Your English is improving day by Gay. | - visten! ~ Dién ti mét hanh Ong nhat thei, thuding ding | - What is your daughter doing these = Be quiet! i today, this week, this month, these days,.._ | days? = Keep silent... = Ding voi trang ti always, constantly, ~ He is always helping the poor. condnualy, repeatedly, forever... nhén | - They are constady speaking lof manh hoac dién 14 diéu buc minh, Khé chiu. | other people, | 3. Hig tai hodn tanh cde (eum) wk: * Chu tréc: § + have/ has + PPu atwady, yot just, ever, My friend has lived in London since 2010. never, since, fr, recently, Iatoly, so far, url now, up ‘0 now, up Bll now, up tothe st Sjust”). «ib Pan ong ao a nd = Vhave seen this film. Hanan sung Kg thet gin, several many... times, = Didn ta hah dng wa moi xy ra (06 720 | | he has ust finished her work. ‘before, fov/in/during/over the last ten years, how long, . = Didn ta hant dong xay ra trong qua khd ma | - He has washed his car. (it looks Cau trie: kt qua edn Wien quan dn hin ta clean) This i the frst time/ second = Noi v6 trai nghigm cude sting. = Ihave never visited this palace. ‘me LOVEBOOKYN! 13, Cong Pha Tiéag Anh 1 More than a book “2 Higa tai hod than fp dé Ce trang ws * Céu ric: 8 + have/ has + been + V-ing all day/ week. * C&ch ding: for, ince, so fr, up i now, ieanemetaiae™ [agmneame [oem nm an hows, recent. ‘ung | 8. Qué kh don * bd tric: S + Voey PPL * Céch ding: + Din t2 mOt hanh 66ng xay ra va hoan tat a sorte ny Mark started ts job a month apo. | rang tis ~ Din t thoi quen hoe han é6ng Kp fat ‘tong qua kh. ~ Dign td anh ding tu da 8 qué Kn? eng coon itn ra hig ta ~ My father offen got up at 8 o'clock when he was young. ~ We worked for that company for 5 ars, yesterday, ago, last night ‘weel/ manth, inthe past, in = Ké lai mOt chudi hah dng xay ra lien tue ~ Last night, she stayed at home, trong qué kod, Watched a movie and chatted wih her son, 6. Qua khd tgp didn * CSu tic: S + was/ were + V-ing * Céch ding: ~ Din ti mit hanh dng Cang eign ratai mét | - This time last week, | was watching a } Cac (eym) tit: ‘tt dim trong qua Kod. film on TV, while, at that ime, tthe ~ Dign td mot nanh dng dang dién ratrong | - When we were playing footbal it | Ver¥ moment, at 8 o'clock ‘qu Ket thl c6 mot hanh dng khéo xen vao.__| started to rain, this moming, at tis time ~ Dim thal hay mtu Hanh Gg didn ra | - While he was sleeping, the chikren | (@St ee), al day/ week” ‘song song trong quid kh. were playing noisily. month, those days... ae anh bn na tam 3.48 | was doing my research se days. Didn t di bye min tong qua kh. = He was always coming lat 7. Qué kl hodn thanh * Céu tri: $ + had + PPu Ca (ibn) tt + Cich ding ~ Din t mgt Ranh dng vay ra va hoan tt true mgt th ion @ qua Kn. - Dién & mgt han dong xy ra va han tt ‘ude mét hanh dng Kc trong qua kh ~ By the end of last week, they had Completed their project. + Before! went to school, | had had breakfast. already, ever; never, ater, before, as soon as, by, by the time, up to then, by then, when, unt. 8. Qua kif hoan thanh tigp din > Clu tre: S + had been + Ving * Céch ding: Nh anh tinh fit tye ofa mot hanh dong ‘cho Gi Kn mgt han dng Ke xy ra trong qu kh ‘When she arrived, | had been waiting {or three hours. Gac cum ti: ‘unt then, by the ime, for, since, when, prior to that time, LOVEBOOKYNI 15 Phan ¥: Cac chit 8 ng php Nha sich Lovebook 9. Twang tai don * Cia trée: S + will/ shall + V * Gach ding: Di ta moe han dng sé xdy ra trong ‘vary a. = We wit buy a car next week, ; Dink cy ih ie oa any - t's cold. It shut the window. ta adn . Ga trang ti Du Gdn, ign t mot y én vé mat vige sé | -ftwil probably rain this atemoon. — | net month week... in 3 vxdy ra trong tutong ial. = Mt pay you back naxt morth. days, tomorow, soa, inthe . = Will you help me with my work? future, - ‘vara it hia, 8 nghi, yéu ou. “Ti ep you with yor fb. tonight, 10, Tung fai gn * Chu tréc: S + amy is/ are + going + toV * Gach ding: mit thal diém trong tung lal, = Dién 1 mgt hanh dng sé hoan tét rude ‘mgt hanh dng Khéc trong ting la. Completed my frst book. Before you come back, she wil have witten this leter Gée trang ti: ‘next monty week..., tomorrow, in 3 days, soon, ‘in the future, tonight, Cac trang tit: >in the future, this time next ~at + pid oy thé + thal gian 8 tuong la at 9am tomorrow. Cée (eum) tit by the time, by then, by the ~ Digs th mit nh ng oién ra 8 tung lal | - Look atthe dark clouds inthe shy. H's cha ten thy t8, bing ching trong hign tai. _| going to rain. ~ Didnt dy dinh 8 twang fal (68 dude quyét | - I have saved enough money. 1 am inh hoe C6 KE hogch tit ruse). ‘going to buy a house. | 11. Tung lai tiép dién * Cutréc: S + wil shall + be + V-ing * Céch ding: = Dién tH mot han ong dang xdy ratai mgt | - AL10 am tomorrow, 1 willbe doing thi cidm trong tong lal. ny final test on economics. = Dién th mot htnh Ging o6 KE hoach din ra. | - She will be having a class at 9.30 on _vao that ciém oy thé trong tung fa Sunday moming. ~ Didnt hai hay nhidu hanh dng sé xy ra | ~ This time tomorrow, Is be gong to 6ng thes trong tung lal. Hanoi and you wif be siting forthe test. 12. Tudag fai hoan than * Cha tc: § + will shall + have + PPe * Chch ding: = Dida th mathanh dng s6 hoan t&ttrude | - By the ond of next week, | wil have ‘sTuDY TIPS enn 68 trang nod chi sian of thé cing os cubic, Néu ding 0 ‘cu S® gan cach vi (68 chinh bling cu phy. ied (ng Phd Ting An 1 More tha It, MEnH BE TRANG Ned CHI THO Gla Ménh 48 trang nit chi thoi gian c6 chde nang tgng dudng véi trang nod chi thé gian ‘clia cau. Ménh 6€ nay sit dung mt trong cae lén ti chi thdl olan va thong di kbm vor minh 48 chinh. Ex -When we were in New York, we saw several plays. ~~ phone you as soon as ! get back from work, = We stayed there until it stopped aining. Céc ln tit chi tho! gian gdm cé: when {khi), while (trong Ki), as {khi, trong Kt), until, ll (cho &n Khi, as soon as, once (ngay khi), before (true khi), affer (sau Khi), as long as, so long as (chiing nao ma), since (ui khi), by the time, no sooner ... than, hardly ‘when, barely ... when, scarcely ... when (ngay th) ok ap: at thi qué kd trong cae ménh dé thd gian Ex: - She said goodbye before she tft. - I started school when I was six. - We stayed there until we finished work. - My mother wert home as soan as she finished work at the office. 12 Ex: - While | was going to school, | met my fiend. ~ As | was walking home, it began to rain. = The telephone rang while Tommy was faving a bath. 13. ‘Exc - He was talking on the phone when | arved. = | was watching TV when he retumed home fram work. 14. 18. Ex: - After | had finished my homework, | went to bed. ~ She gota job 2s soon as she had graduated from university. Baas — 16. eee as eases er Exc - She had left before he arived. ~ By the time he arrived, we had already finished work. LOVEBOOKYNI 17 Phin 1: Céc chit dé ng php Nha sich Lovebook a ape aay Dea . Co a ‘Ex: He had no sooner retumed from abroad than he fell. = No sooner had he retumed from abroad than he fel Ut. ‘= He had hardly returned from abroad when he fot ill. ‘= Hardly had he returned from abroad when he fol i eee ere Ex; - He had worked hard until he retired, = Until he artived, | had been waiting for him for more than an hour. 18. Rr pn m re vie ae eee Be Iwas not uni | had met er that! knew the truth = Not uit had met her di! now the trth. 1.10, Ree ee a ee [Ex - | have worked here since | graduated. = Since | moved here, I have never met my next-doar neighbour. ka! Didn dat thi hign tal trong céc ménh dé thai gian = He often drinks a glass of mifk before he goes to bed. - After my parents have dinner, they often watch TV Bl fate at night. = When Mary finishes her work, she plays badminton with her cofleagues. = You can use my car as long 2s you drive caretuly. ‘Dign dat thi tuong lai trong céc ménh dé thai giant 3A. sTuoy Ts ning. ding tH tng Exc - When Bob comes, we wil give him a present. ‘trong MD trang nga chi thoi -- We'll be able to leave for the airport as soon as the tax arrives, gan, Khi MB chinh ob @ng ~ He will go home after he has finished his work. WO thi tng lai th MD TN Belore she leaves, she is going to firsh her work. chi thdi gian ding & th hig = V"bwait here until they come back. Bet gee te ee ' AS soon 28 | finish reading this book, | wil retum ito you. finish my homework. ~ Please wait for me until | come back. 11 go tn bed afer have ; ‘inished my homework. 32 sit ura. + by the time + $ + Exc He will have left by the time you arrive. LOVEROOK.YN I 1H Pha Anh 1 B. BAI TAP VAN DUNG ‘More than a book L, Cau hdl tinh ty (tir cdc dé thi cia Bo GD - BT) 1. The boat was sailing north when a tenbie storm ‘A. was breaking B. would break ©. had broken . broke 2.1__ work last week, but I changed my mind. A. would start B. had started . have started . was going to stat ‘3. Due to ever more spreading poaching, there a dramatic decfne in the umber of elephants over the last decade. ‘Aches been B. is C.was —_. had beon 4. "You'l recognize Jenny wien you soe her. She aed hat* wl wear 8. willbe wearing C. wears . is wearing 5. Jane___law for four years now at Harvard. ‘Ais studying B. has been studying 6. studies D, studied 5. How long ago_to leam French? A did you start were you starting ©. have you started. would you start Il, Bal tap 7. It is blowing so hard. We such a terible storm, ‘A. have naver known, B. have never been knowing C. never know 1. had never known 8, Our industrial output fiom $2 miion in 2002 10 $4 milion this year. A rises B, has risen ©. was rising D. rose 94 with my aunt when Iam on holiday in Ho Gh Minh Gity next month. A. will have been staying 8, wit have stayed C. stay D. willbe staying 10. | havent visted my hometawn for a few years. ‘A. [have been in my hometown fora few years. B. 1 was in my hometown for afew years. C. I didnt visit my hometown a few years ago. D. I ast visited my hometown a few years ago. choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences, EXERCISE 2. 1. That was the fst time Tom ___ to Paris. ‘A.was —B. hasbeen C. had been D. is 2. The doctor wil examine the patient 2s soon as he tere, A. will got B. is getting C. got D. gets 3. Helen _by the time we arrive. A wil eave B. wil have left 6. wit be leaving Dis leaving 4.1__him unt he visited my company fast week. ‘A hadh't seen B. haven't seen ©. didnt see D. wouldnt see 5.We___lunch when the telephone. ‘A. have just started — rang B. just started — was ringing ©. had jst started — rang D. am having — rings 6.He___theamywhenhe 18. A joins —is B. joined — was 6. joined — is D. 1s joining — has been 7. This time lst Friday, we__ to Moscow. A few B. had flown C. were being flown. were fying ‘8, When Bil gets home, is chiiren___ in the yard. ‘A. will be playing 8. willbe played 6. are playing D. are played 9.He___afterhe___alforafong time, A dies —is B. died —had been ©. dies hasbeen. died -is. 10. tt__evary day so far this week. ‘A has rained 8. rained ©. rains is raining EXERCISE 2. 1, The gits _to the cinema. They won't be back Until ten o'clock. LOVEBOOK YN! 19) Phi dé ng phap, Nha séch Lovebook A wert }. were 6. have been 1D. have gone 2.1__ alt propeations below you __horne tonight. [A have made/ wil have come B. am making/ will come . wil have made/ come , have made/ will come 3. More and more people___up smoking. A ghe 8. are giving . have given 0. wil give 4. After you _ your exam, 1_ you aut to eat. All ight? AA fist take 'B. were finshed woukd take . have finished wil take 0. finished) had taken 5. "How many times ___ to the new beauty spot in ‘our neighborhood?” ~ “A few times.” ‘A have you been B. would you be C. were you D. are you 6. In general, by the 2* year of production, the pice of a ‘few products _significantly. ‘A will decrease ‘will have decreased . has decreased 0. wil be doorsased 7. The minibus, which takes people tothe other side of theisand, sal tiamand___at 6pm. ‘Ais leaving - is returing B. will ieave - will return: . leaves - returns D. is going to leave ~is going to return 8. Something tells me that you__to a single word | ____ inthe past ten minutes. ‘A. haven‘ listened” was saying B. haven't been listening’ have said (. didnt ister said D, haven't Estened/ said & Uptothen,!___ such a big fire. ‘A had never seen B, have never seen . never seen D. never see 10. While she___ inner, her husband __ after the chldren, ‘A. cooked - looked EXERCISE 3. Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction. 1. ASsoon as | wil finish my report, 't call you ard we'll go out to dinner. 2. Mark was istening to musi after his sister was reading a book, A B c D ‘3. The composer Verdi has written the opera Aida to celebrate the opening of the Suez Canal, but the opera a B c 1435 not performed unt 1871. D 4. When it is raining, | usually go to schoo! by bus. A 8 c BD 5. Ever singe | was a child, |had been afraid of dogs. AB ¢ o 6. When | got home, rene was hing in bed thinking about the wonderful time she’s had, A B c D ‘7. The professor had already given the homework assignment when he had remembered thal Monday was a holiday. A a c o 8. | have been hoping to. meet you before | read your first novel. A B c D ‘9. The average adutt has got from two to five colds each year. A B c oD LOVEBOOKYNI 20

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