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Commercial Data:

The data related to the management of the business. It includes the items’ data required for
set-up or service initiation.

With reference to the provided Case Study;

Item Crucial Assumption

Furniture Must be bought but can be purchased
economically after some research
Workers Are needed but can be placed in a small
number with average salary (such people
would be found after using some previous
Electricity and Fuel A necessity but can be used wisely such as
using power saving bulbs, shutting-off
unnecessary electronic machines
Publicity ‘You will definitely try that thing; you are
hearing at lest once a month’

Expenditure Cost
Furniture and Materials SR30,000 *one time
Workers Salary SR7500/month
Electricity and telephone Bill SR12,000/year
Publicity SR3000 *one time
Office Rent SR40,000/year
Fuel and Maintenance of Transport Vehicle SR6000/year

Total Budgetary amount: SR119,800

Total commercial cost: SR45,333/month

Commercial cost provided from the commercial data is 37.84% of the total
budgetary amount.

Technical Data:
The data related to the product or service of the company. It comprises of all the information
corresponding the product.

With reference to the provided Case Study;

Item Crucial Assumption

Purchase of Machinery If there would be no machines related to the
service promised to provide by the company
than there would be no work/progress
Transport Transport service is required to provide
service but, in the beginning, a smaller
number of vehicles can be used.
Maintenance Timely maintenance and replacement of
machines will lead to adequate profit.

Expenditure Cost
Computers, photocopy machine, scanner, fax SR33,000
machine, internet router etc. purchase
Transport Vehicle SR20,000
Maintenance Tools and spare printers for SR6000

Total Budgetary amount: SR119,800

Total Technical Cost: SR59,000

Technical cost provided from the technical data is 49.25% of the total budgetary

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