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Compassionate lecturer
Mr. Yoyok F, A.Md Kep., M.Pd

By :
Group 1
1. Arisna Yuda Wati
2. Dwi Novianti
3. Herliana Kusandari



Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ who has given blessings, grace, and love to all his people.
Praise God, the author has completed the task of this very simple paper, as the fulfillment of
the task of a group paper.

With the completion of this paper, the author would like to thank Mr. Yoyok F, A.Md Kep.,
M.Pd as a lecturer who helped me in guiding this material.

All the power and efforts of the author to compile this paper, but with limited time, energy
and lack of experience, of course there are still many shortcomings in it, for that the author
apologizes profusely, and criticism and suggestions are highly expected to improve the
author's steps. forward. So, hopefully it can be useful for all of us. Amen.

CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................................4
1. Background..................................................................................................................................4
2. Formulation of the Problem........................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2........................................................................................................................................5
BASE OF THEORY............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Defination Of Scanning.............................................................................................................5
2.2 Use Of Scanning.........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Example Of Scanning Articles In Nursing...............................................................................6
2.4 Exampel of Scanning Strategy Question..................................................................................6
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................................................7
1. Conclusion................................................................................................................................7
2. Suggestions...............................................................................................................................7
1. Background
One of the factors that affect the effective speed of reading is the mastery of
appropriate reading strategies and techniques according to the purpose and type of reading
material you are dealing with. A good fast reader is also a flexible reader. A reader who can
adjust the speed of reading and also what strategies and techniques are most appropriate to
use in mastering a reading material. That way a fast reader can get the desired information
from a reading material in a shorter time.

2. Formulation of the Problem

1. What is the definition of scanning?

2. How to use scanning?

3. What are samples of scanning articles in nursing?

4. What are samples of scanning strategy question?

3. Writing Purpose

1. Eksplain the definition of scanning

2. Ekplaining the use of scanning

3. Knowing samples of scanning articles in nursing

4. Knowing sample scanning strategi question

2.1 Defination Of Scanning
Scanning is a reading technique to get information without reading anything else. So
in reading scanning students go directly to the problem they are looking for, namely about
special facts and certain information.
Or Scanning is an activity where we look for something that has been seen before on a text
media or other media in a fast time, without the need to understand all the information
contained in the media, which can only be reached with the part we are looking for.
2.2 Use Of Scanning
Scanning has many functions, especcially in daily life, scanning is used to find
specific things from long readings.
Usually scanning is used to :
 Look up phone numbers
 Look up word in dictionaries
 Look for numbers
 Look for entries in the index
 Look for television shows
 Look for travel lists
 Look for statistical numbers

How to read scan :

1. Move the eye like an arroe directly slide down to find the information that has been set.
2. Once found the speed is slowed down to find a complete description of the information
3. Readers are requered to have a good understading of the characteristics they are reading
2.3 Example Of Scanning Articles In Nursing

Patient Name List

No Name Phone Number Room Name

1 Ananda Brian 085678765678 Rose
2 Ana Putri 085765897546 Jasmine
3 Cibuh Les 085989989990 Tulip
4 Cani Dahye 085789976788 Rose
5 Farah Thai 085786987654 Tulip
6 Galang Putra 085765890876 Rose
7 Galuh Dam 085678543123 Rose
8 Humansa Sae 085654124590 Tulip
9 Haeli Omar 085879098678 Tulip
10 Imanji Uhi 085890098765 Rose
11 Jessika Huan 084326547899 Jasmine
12 Jeje Lai 085673909739 Tulip
13 Kumala Aoe 085673663764 Jasmine
14 Kuara Male 085673427333 Tulip
15 Mutiara Mai 085678534278 Rose
16 Nihai Juala 085763573733 Tulip
17 Nia Ozaka 085673542767 Jasmine
18 Yulaman Dieli 085653427362 Rose

When a nurse searches for a patient's name room, a nurse must look for a list of patient
names, by using a scanning technique the nurse can immediately find her patient's room by
searching for the name by directly looking at the alphabet according to the name prefix being
sought. For example, Jessika Huan, a nurse immediately reads or goes to letters that start with
2.4 Exampel of Scanning Strategy Question

1. How to read a dictionary?
2. Do you read the calender using the scanning technique ?
3. By using scanning technique, how do I find book information quickly ?
4. Why reading a guidebook includes reading scanning ?
5. What are the advantages of readng scanning ?
1. Determine the root word of the term you want to search
2. Determine the first letter of root word
3. Open the dictionary to the first letter page
4. Look for the word you want to know meaning

2. Yes I do, reading the calendar can use scanning techniques when we want to find holidays,
we can go directly to the red dates.
3. By using a scanning technique we can immediately look for it through the table of contents
and look for what part we are looking for and look for on which page the information is
4. In the manual, the guidebooks are organized by categories, such as laptop manuals, in the
guidebooks the steps will be presented and later there will be a title for what we are looking
for in the guidebook. Regardless of the others we only focus on one title that we are looking
5. - Faster completion of a reading so that we feel enthusiastic to read other readings.
- Makes it easier for us to quickly master the information.
- Can help someone to make judgments and decide something.
- Helping students to find out certain information and facts from a reading.

1. Conclusion
Scanning reading is a reading technique that is used to get the desired information or
facts in a very fast time. This technique is done by scanning the words or keywords that
are being searched for. Therefore, reading scanning does not need to read the entire
contents of the text, but only directly look for the gist or information that we are looking

2. Suggestions
Let us improve scanning reading because according to the author, scanning reading is
very beneficial. In addition to saving time, we can also speed up what words we want to
search for and reading scanning is very easy to do.

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