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Climate, Weather, and Life Guided Reading- 

Lesson 3.2 
 Open SAVAS: Easy Bridge App 
 Open Chapter 3 Lesson 2 
 Answer questions below 
1. What is the difference between climate and weather? 
Climate – Long period of time (year to year) 
Weather – Short period of time (day to day) 
2. How does the global climate system work? 
The global climate system is powered and shaped by the total amount of solar energy retained in
the biosphere as heat, and by the unequal distribution of the heat between the equator and the
3. How is the earth’s average temperature determined? 
Earths average temperature is determined by the balance between the amount of heat that in the
atmosphere and the amount of heat that is lost to space 
4. What is the greenhouse effect? 
 This balance is largely controlled by the concentrations of three gases in the atmosphere—carbon
dioxide, methane and water vapor. These gases, called greenhouse gases, act like glass in a
greenhouse. These gases allow visible light to enter but trap heat. 
5. How does the sun’s rays differ around the globe? 
        Because earth is curved and tilted on its axis, solar radiation strikes the surface at angles that vary
from place to place and at different times of the year. 
6. Explain how global winds and ocean currents are created. 
        The pattern of rising and sinking air creates circulating cells of air that rise, travel north or south,
sink towards earth’s surface, warm, and then rise again. Ocean currents are driven and shaped by patterns
of warming and cooling, by winds, and by the location of continents. 
7. How are regional climates shaped? What factors are involved? 
 Regional climates are shaped by latitude, by the transport of heat and moisture by winds and ocean
currents, and by geographic features such as mountain ranges, large bodies of water, and ocean currents 
8. How does climate change occur? 
Climate change involves changes in temperature, clouds, winds, patterns and amounts of precipitation,
and the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. 
9. How have humans impacted the earth’s climate? 
    Fossil fuels, Greenhouse gases, Aerosols, Pollution, Littering etc. 
10. After a rapid change in global climate, what can happen to species? 
Species can go extinct 

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