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Nama : Nabila Luthfiah

Npm : 2019510145P

Titip Rindu Buat Ayah

Ebiet G.Ade
Di matamu masih tersimpan selaksa peristiwa
Benturan dan hempasan terpahat di keningmu
Kau nampak tua dan lelah
Keringat mengucur deras
Namun kau tetap tabah
Meski napasmu kadang tersengal
Memikul beban yang makin sarat
Kau tetap bertahan
Engkau telah mengerti hitam dan merah jalan ini
Keriput tulang pipimu gambaran perjuangan
Bahumu yang dulu kekar, legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar
Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia
Ayah, dalam hening sepi kurindu
Untuk menuai padi milik kita
Tapi kerinduan tinggal hanya kerinduan
Anakmu sekarang banyak menanggung beban
Engkau telah mengerti hitam dan merah jalan ini
Keriput tulang pipimu gambaran perjuangan
Bahumu yang dulu kekar, legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar
Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia

Say Longing for Father

In your eyes, there are still a hundred events
The bumps and thumps carved on your forehead
You look old and tired
Sweat pouring down
But you are still steadfast
Even though your breath is sometimes short of breath
Carrying the burden that is getting laden
You still hold on
You have understood the black and red of this path
The wrinkles of your cheekbones are a picture of struggle
Your shoulders that were once stocky, blackened by the sun
Now thin and bent
But the spirit never fades
Even though your steps are shaking sometimes
You remain loyal

Father, in the silence I miss

To reap our rice
But longing remains only longing
Your son is now bearing a lot of burdens
You have understood the black and red of this path
The wrinkles of your cheekbones are a picture of struggle
Your shoulders that were once stocky, blackened by the sun
Now thin and bent
But the spirit never fades
Even though your steps are shaking sometimes
You remain loyal

 This song tells about the longing and views of a child to his parents. In the song,
it describes how the struggle of a father with all his shortcomings and fatigue in
living life, event to the extent of his breath being cut for the family he loves. On
the other hand,
The lyrics of this song are also very good at narrating a life struggle of an old
person who already understands the salts of life. After becoming aware of the
twists and turns of the father's life, the child is reminded of the burdens of life that
he also has to live.

 Why you choose this song?

 Because, the song is very touching and makes people who listen to it move.

Iwan Fals.

A thaousand miles the path you took

Ribuan kilo jalan yang kau tempuh

Passed through the obstacles for me, your son

Lewati rintang untuk aku anakmu

My beloved mother, still kept walking

Ibuku sayang masih terus berjalan
Even the sole of the foot
Walau tapak kaki

Full of blood full of pus

Penuh darah penuh nanah
Like an air
Seperti udara

The love you give

Kasih yang engkau berikan

there’s no way I can paid it

Tak mampu 'ku membalas


I want to hold it
Ingin kudekap

And cry on your lap

Dan menangis di pangkuanmu

TilI I fall asleep

Sampai aku tertidur

As when I was child back then

Bagai masa kecil dulu
Then prayers
Lalu doa-doa

Cover my whole body

Baluri sekujur tubuhku

With what to reply

Dengan apa membalas


A thousand miles, the path you took
Ribuan kilo jalan yang kau tempuh

Passed through the obstacle for me, your son

Lewati rintang untuk aku anakmu

My dear mother is still walking

Ibuku sayang masih terus berjalan

Even the sole of the foot

Walau tapak kaki

Full of blood full of pus

Penuh darah penuh nanah
Like air
Seperti udara

The love you give

Kasih yang engkau berikan

Unable to "I replied

Tak mampu 'ku membalas


 In this song tell about Respect your mother, she who takes care of you from you
is still a red baby who cries a little, a little pooping, a little pee, who can't do
anything, until you grow up and become a beautiful and handsome person, don't
hurt her.
Don't insult her, don't embarrass your mother, your mother doesn't ask for
anything from you.
Especially if your mother raises you alone without a husband, imagine the
struggle where she has to take care of you and also has to earn a living for you,
rest assured that you can't do the same as your mother, don't hurt her..
 Why you choose this song?
 Because, this song describes the sacrifice of parents for children and their
families. That's a mother. All this time we are on her lap, she has always prayed.
Prayer spreads through her body

Nadin Amizah

Bun, life goes on like an asshole

Bun, hidup berjalan seperti bajingan

Like a hedgehog with no friends

Seperti landak yang tak punya teman

He barked like the sound of rain

Ia menggonggong bak suara hujan

And you are my prince, take the role

Dan kau pangeranku, mengambil peran
Bun, when it's broken I will be loved
Bun, kalau saat hancur ku disayang

Especially when I became a champion

Apalagi saat ku jadi juara

When you don't know your direction there

Saat tak tahu arah kau di sana

Be dashing when I can't

Menjadi gagah saat ku tak bisa
I explain a little about me and you
Sedikit ku jelaskan tentangku dan kamu

So that the whole world knows

Agar seisi dunia tahu
My stubbornness is the same as yours
Keras kepalaku sama denganmu

The way I get angry, the way I smile

Caraku marah, caraku tersenyum

Like heartbeats linked

Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut

My life is burning because of you

Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu
I'm still here
Aku masih ada sampai di sini

Seeing you as strong as hell

Melihatmu kuat setengah mati

Like heartbeats linked

Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut

My life is burning because of you

Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu
Bun, I still don't understand many things
Bun, aku masih tak mengerti banyak hal

Everything is swimming in the head

Semuanya berenang di kepala

And you and everything you know about him

Dan kau dan semua yang kau tahu tentangnya

Becomes answer when I ask

Menjadi jawab saat ku bertanya
I explain a little about me and you
Sedikit ku jelaskan tentangku dan kamu

So that the whole world knows

Agar seisi dunia tahu
My stubbornness is the same as yours
Keras kepalaku sama denganmu

The way I get angry, the way I smile

Caraku marah, caraku tersenyum
Like heartbeats linked
Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut
My life is burning because of you
Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu
I'm still here
Aku masih ada sampai di sini

Seeing you as strong as hell

Melihatmu kuat setengah mati

Like heartbeats linked

Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut

My life is burning because of you

Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu
May you live long here
Semoga lama hidupmu di sini

Watching me fight to the end

Melihatku berjuang sampai akhir

Like heartbeats linked

Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut

My life is burning because of you

Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu

 This song explains that life sometimes goes wrong, full of scorn and scorn and
scorn. However, a mother will always be there for her child whether it is broken
or when the child is successful. So that the mother is the one who encourages
the child.
Become a place to die when you have questions in your head. The character of
the child is also inseparable from the mother. Mutual and related. At the end of
the song, there is a sentence about the hope of the child for the mother, "I am still
here, seeing you strong half to death" and "May you live here for a long time,
seeing me fight to the end."

 Why you choose this song?

 Because because in this song there are many lines that make my heart touched
and I love her voice
Waktu Yang Salah
Fiersa Besari
Don't ask my feelings
Jangan tanyakan perasaanku

If you can't switch either

Jika kau pun tak bisa beralih

From the past that haunts you

Dari masa lalu yang menghantuimu

Because this really isn't fair

Karena sungguh ini tidak adil
I didn't mean to hurt you
Bukan maksudku menyakitimu

But it's not easy to forget

Namun tak mudah 'tuk melupakan

Long story that I've been through

Cerita panjang yang pernah aku lalui

Please just rest assured me

Tolong yakinkan saja raguku
Just go, you go away from me
Pergi saja, engkau pergi dariku

Let me kill feelings for you

Biar kubunuh perasaan untukmu

Even though it's hard to walk

Meski berat melangkah

My heart is just not ready to be hurt

Hatiku hanya tak siap terluka
Give our story a little time
Beri kisah kita sedikit waktu

The Universe sent you for me

Semesta mengirim dirimu untukku

We are the right taste

Kita adalah rasa yang tepat
At the wrong time
Di waktu yang salah
Life is indeed a choice
Hidup memang sebuah pilihan

But the heart is not to be chosen

Tapi hati bukan 'tuk dipilih

When only half of you are present

Bila hanya setengah dirimu hadir

And half more for him

Dan setengah lagi untuk dia
Just go, you go away from me
Pergi saja, engkau pergi dariku

Let me kill feelings for you

Biar kubunuh perasaan untukmu

Even though it's hard to walk

Meski berat melangkah

My heart is just not ready to be hurt

Hatiku hanya tak siap terluka
Give our story a little time
Beri kisah kita sedikit waktu

The Universe sent you for me

Semesta mengirim dirimu untukku

We are the right taste

Kita adalah rasa yang tepat

At the wrong time

Di waktu yang salah
This is not what I wanted
Bukan ini yang kumau

Then what did you come for?

Lalu untuk apa kau datang?
Miss can not be arranged
Rindu tak bisa diatur

We never understand
Kita tak pernah mengerti

You and I hurt

Kau dan aku menyakitkan
Just go, you go away from me
Pergi saja, engkau pergi dariku

Let me kill feelings for you

Biar kubunuh perasaan untukmu

Even though it's hard to walk

Meski berat melangkah

My heart is just not ready to be hurt

Hatiku hanya tak siap terluka
Give our story a little time
Beri kisah kita sedikit waktu

The Universe sent you for me

Semesta mengirim dirimu untukku

We are the right taste

Kita adalah rasa yang tepat

At the wrong time

Di waktu yang salah

At the wrong time

Di waktu yang salah

 This song tells the story of a couple who love each other, but one of them still
remembers the past story with his former lover, and has not been able to move
on from their previous story.
No doubt this makes their relationship a little complicated. However, on this
journey, he hopes that in the future their story will improve, with the request of
the couple who have not been able to forget their past, to ask for a little time to
let go of all their pasts and move forward to compose a new story.

 Why you choose this song?

 Because I like this song and the meaning are so deep. And I think the singer sing
this song from the bottom of his heart and I feel that

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