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Single Parent: A single parent is an individual who raises a child or children on their own.

Extended Family: An extended family refers to a family unit that extends beyond the nuclear
family, including relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

Blended Family: A blended family is formed when two individuals with children from
previous relationships enter into a new marriage or partnership.

Migrant Family: A migrant family refers to a family that has relocated from one region or
country to another, often due to economic, political reasons.

Nuclear Family: A nuclear family is a traditional family structure consisting of a married

couple and their biological or adopted children, living together in one household.

Transracial Adoptive Family: A transracial adoptive family refers to a family where parents
adopt a child who is of a different racial or ethnic background than their own.

Childless: Childless refers to individuals or couples who do not have any biological, adopted,
or foster children. It describes a family or household without dependent children.

Foster Family: A foster family is a temporary caregiving arrangement in which individuals or

couples provide a safe and nurturing home for children who cannot live with their biological
parents due to various reasons, such as abuse, neglect, or parental incapacity. The goal of
foster care is to provide a stable environment for children until they can be reunited with their
biological family or placed in a permanent adoptive home.

Gay or Lesbian Family: A gay or lesbian family refers to a family structure where parents or
caregivers are of the same sex.

Racial Family: The term "racial family" is not commonly used. However, it could refer to a
family unit comprising individuals who belong to the same racial or ethnic group, sharing
common ancestry, heritage, or cultural practices.

Bi-racial Family: A bi-racial family consists of individuals from two different racial
backgrounds. It occurs when parents or caregivers are from different racial or ethnic groups
and have children who are of mixed racial heritage.

Immigrant Family: An immigrant family refers to a family unit that has moved to a different
country or region to establish a new permanent residence.

Conditionally Separated Family: The term "conditionally separated family" is not

commonly used, and its specific definition may vary depending on the context. In general, it
could refer to a family that is temporarily separated due to specific circumstances or
conditions, such as work-related travel, military deployment, or educational pursuits.

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