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The following is a checklist that you can use to track your progress and make sure that

you learn all of the information packed into the main training course. You can also add
items if you need to.

Your Five Big Power Resources

Your affiliates
Your email list or contact list
Your customers and subscribers
Your long term customers, subscribers and contacts
Your joint venture prospects

What To Do With Your List

Use it as a media outlet (news, resources, tools, value)
Turn your subscribers into long term customers
Build your affiliate base and network
Build and gather joint venture prospects
Drive traffic using promotions

Building Your Affiliates From Your List

Give away high commission per sale
Reach out and contact your list and others to let them know
Present resources to help with promoting your offer for affiliates

Turning Your List Into Joint Ventures

Contact your list to present opportunities
Remember that people on your list might be powerful marketers
Don't do a mass mailing just requesting joint ventures
Provide a valuable report about your JV opportunity or offer and send to your
list for free

What To Do With Your Customers

Treat them with more patience, don't make mistakes
Focus on providing value to them so that they become long term buyers
Send them highly relevant offers to the niche or subject at hand
*Keep your list organized and manage your customers separate from others
Turning Your Customers Into Joint Ventures
Apply the same methods of contact as you did for your ordinary list
Talk to your customers personally on a 1 on 1 basis to establish relationships

Turning Long Term Customers Into Affiliates

Understand that this may not be suitable depending on your product
Avoid doing this for most cases because of the amount of money these
customers have spent on you. They may be offputting.
Only contact these customers with your best work

Turning Long Term Customers Back Into Customers

Consider high ticket more personalized offers for these customers
Offer them high value products or offers that are exclusive to them
Don't give them the same information you give your normal customers
Keep in contact with them regularly and even on a personal level

What To Do With Your Affiliates

Offer them high commission on top notch products
Give them special incentives to promote your offers
Establish personal relationships with them to gain favorability
Avoid sending promotional ads to them, as it dilutes your importance

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