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1. What does scaffolding allow children to do?

A. appreciate social context and learn skills

B. explore their environment
C. make friends
D. none of these
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE: According to Piaget, children
A. must complete each stage but, in any order
B. can miss some stages but must meet the last one
C. must complete all stages by the time they are 5
D. must complete all the stages in the same order
3. Piaget�s theory focusses on children developing what?
A. mental representations
B. language
C. cognitive schemas
D. theory of mind
4. When children have an awareness of the world around them and are rapidly
developing language skills, they are entering which stage?
A. the concrete operational
B. the sensorimotor
C. the preoperational
D. the formal operational
5. 11. Which of the following is a general criticism of Piaget's work?
A. his work had little evidence to support it
B. he did not take into account social influences
C. his statistics were flawed
D. he overanalyzed his results
6. When the likelihood of carrying out a behavior is increased by simply watching
the behavior and its consequences being reinforced by someone else, this is known
A. Social Learning Theory
B. Modelling
C. Vicarious reinforcement
D. Vicarious punishment
7. It occurs when the likelihood of an observer performing a particular behavior
decreases after having seen a model�s behavior being punished.
A. Social Learning Theory
B. Modelling
C. Vicarious reinforcement
D. Vicarious punishment
8. Motivation is influenced by a number of factors: According to Bandura we are
more likely to imitate models when:
A. We like the model, we identify with the model, we are familiar with the model
and the model is consistent
B. We like the model, the model shows us affection, we are familiar with the model
and the model is consistent
C. We like the model, we identify with the model, we are familiar with the model
and the model is inconsistent
D. We like the model, the model shows us affection, we are unfamiliar with the
model and the model is consistent
9. What is considered a strength of Bandura's Social Learning Theory?
A. contributed greatly to the understanding of how environmental factors shape
B. Concerned with important human social behaviors
C. An evolving theory that is open to change
D. All of the above
10. What is considered true of Bandura's theory?
A. Overlooks the extent to which children learn on their own and the extent to
which modeling is influenced by cognitive stages
B. Limited attention to human social behaviors
C. Children do not learn to seek out reinforcements
11. Which is a theory of Vygotsky's?
A. Cognitive Learning Theory
B. Guided Discovery
C. Zone of Proximal Development
D. Multiple Intelligences
12. Which option is key while incorporating Vygotsky's theories in your classroom?
A. Scaffolding
B. Learning Styles
C. Hands-on activities
D. Discovery Learning
13. The zone of proximal development is:
A. The most a child can learn in a given day
B. The gap between what the child can do on their own and what they cannot do
without assistance
C. What the child already knows
D. The intelligence level the child is projected to be at given point
14. Which area was NOT one of Vygotsky's main focuses in child development?
A. Language
B. Social Learning
C. Culture Impact
D. Cognition
15. Three of the following teachers are using scaffolding to help their students
learn. Which one is not necessarily providing scaffolding?
A. Ms. Applegate gives her students a structure to follow when they write their
first essay.
B. Ms. Chen gives her class some hints about how to solve an especially difficult
word problem.
C. Mr. Donaldson takes his students on a field trip to the local art museum.
D. Mr. Bernardo teaches students how to swing a softball bat effectively by gently
guiding each student through the correct movement a few times.
16. Which view of knowledge is concerned with the immediate context and process of
knowing more than the product of knowledge?
A. Radical Constructivism
B. Social Constructivism
C. Situated Cognition
D. Sociocultural
17. Coach Mac treats his PE classes a little differently than he does his football
team. In PE he focuses on the actual environment of the gym, the quality of the
equipment the students have, and the way they understand the game being played. In
PE class Coach Mac never keeps score�it doesn�t matter who wins, what matters is
how students play and what they think while they�re playing. What view of knowledge
is this teacher�best�illustrating?
A. Radical Constructivism
B. Social Constructivism
C. Situated Cognition
D. Sociocultural
18. Ms. Smiley refuses to �test� her students� �knowledge.� She believes that
knowledge is best understood as the individual�s ability to read the existing
environment and use that understanding to guide thoughts and actions. What view of
knowledge is this teacher�best�illustrating?
A. Radical Constructivism
B. Social Constructivism
C. Situated Cognition
D. Sociocultural

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