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Unit I Tree Assignment

Make a taxonomic tree out of the following terms. Layer it in order to illustrate what is under
what. Additionally, match the definition to each term and write the corresponding letter beside
the spot on the tree. Finally, indicate the rank of each term. D refers to doman, K refers to
Kingdom, SK refers to Subkingdom, P refers to Phylum, SP refers to Subphylum, and NR refers
to Not Ranked. Since this is the first tree, the shape is given.

Tree: Terms
● ___________ ( ) 1. Archaea
● ___________ ( ) 2. Bacteria
● ___________ ( ) 3. Bilateria
○ ___________ ( ) 4. Chordata
5. Cnidaria
○ ___________ ( )
6. Ctenophora
○ ___________ ( ) 7. Eukarya
○ ___________ ( ) 8. Eumetazoa
● ___________ ( ) 9. Fungi
■ ___________ ( ) 10. Metazoa
● ___________ ( ) 11. Placozoa
● ___________ ( ) 12. Plantae
13. Porifera
● ___________ ( )
14. Protozoa
■ ___________ ( )
15. Vertebrata
● ___________ ( )
○ ___________ ( )

A. Simplest animals, marine, non-parasitic multicellular I. Photosynthesis from endosymbiosis, most produce seeds
B. Animals. move, breath, sexual reproduction, blastula, J. Have membrane-bound organelles, nucleus
heterotrophic K. Invertebrate marine animals, use cilia
C. Bacteria: extremophiles, linkages L. Notochord, dorsal neural tube, pharyngeal slits, tail,
D. Bacteria: no linkages, diverse endostyle
E. Single-celled eukaryotes, heterotrophic M. Heterotrophic decomposers, chitin in cell walls, have
F. Use cnidocytes to capture prey, jelly-like microorganisms
G. Sponges, porous, circulate water N. Bilateral embryonic symmetry, most animals, triploblasts
H. Subkingdom of Metazoa O. Vertebrae, most chordates, notochord becomes spine,
neural tube becomes spinal cord.

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