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My respect to our

First and foremost, I'd want to congratulate each and every one of you. You should be quite pleased
with yourself for achieving this objective. You did an excellent job. I'm sure you're all eager to have
your degrees in your hands and go out into the world.

Congratulations to the families of individuals who are graduating and receiving certificates, and
please know that your support during this process has had a significant influence. I'm sure you're
happy of your grads as they come to the end of this chapter of their lives and begin their new

Graduates, many of you, I'm sure, have definite plans and a decent notion of what's next, some of
you have a fairly good concept of what you want to do next, a dream and a lot of hope to get you
there, and some of you are simply shocked that you made it this far! The days ahead will be exciting
and challenging, but it will all depend on you and your dedication. According from Ralph Waldo
Emerson. “Do not follow the route wherever it may lead. Instead, go somewhere where there isn't a
path and leave a trail.”
You now have one of the most crucial tools you'll need to carve your way forward. It's not about the
diploma; it's about what you've learned along the road and what you do with the knowledge you've
received on your route to today's graduation. Your destiny is completely in your control, and no one
else's. Take advantage of this chance.

Best wishes for your future pursuits and welcome to our 25 th Commencement Exercises!

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