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Contrast Jean Piaget’s theory to that of Lev Vygotsky’s theory on the cognitive process in your own
words and in no less than 5 sentences.
- Piaget asserted that all children pass through a number of universal stages of cognitive
development, he believes that the child was more independent and that development was guided
by self-centred, focused activities. Piaget also believes that humans create their own
understanding of the world, and it consists of different system of process to acquire
knowledge. Whereas, Vygotsky argued that social learning preceded cognitive development or in
other words, culture affects cognitive development. He placed more emphasis on social
contributions to the process of development. Vygotsky believed that cognitive development varied
across cultures.

2. If you were to choose among the theories of human development, what do you think would best
describe how and why we develop? Clearly state your reason in no less than 5 sentences.
- If I were to choose which theories of human development best describe why we develop, I would
choose The Psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson. Psychosocial theory provides a broader perspective
of human development from after we are born through-out our entire lifespan. It also emphasizes
the role of social nature of us humans and the relevant influence social relationships have on
human’s development. I am in bias with the encompassing notion that we develop through an
unfolding of our personality in predetermined stages, and that our environment and surrounding
culture influence how we progress through these stages. That through our experiences and conflicts
we faces along the way, it serves as a turning point of our development.

3. Re-state the process of Pavlov’s classical conditioning in your own understanding noting the different stages
of conditioning using your own example.
- The classical conditioning of Ivan Pavlov involves 3 stages. The first stage, before conditioning is like
the neutral stage because the stimulus has not yet created a response and no behaviour has been
learned yet. The second stage or the During conditioning stage, is when the UCS or for example
when the father release his belt the child cowers in fear because he/she knew that the father would
surely beat her/him up. The UCS is the pain that the belt inflict to the kid causing it to cower. And
the Conditioned stimulus is when the kids cowers whenever the father holds the belt.

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