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Here were the brief explanations of events in a series of

enhancements through the starting point up until to the

current point in the “Civil Engineering” field.

“The Ancient Roots”

When people are exhausted from roaming around for the reason they don’t
have their own houses back then. It
is the moment where they start
building their houses together with
the buildings in their cities. That in
connection with this ; the
development of construction starts
occurring however it is in the form
of trial, and the mistakes found are
helpful on the design processes
however it is also in the form of less effective approaches.

At the impressive side Mesopotamia, and Egypt had some of the most skilled
engineers of ancient times. It was perhaps proven behind the beautiful structures
they made that up until now some were still standing. Which basically gives tangible
proof to early engineers. But in general here are the structures made by the early
engineers. Such as the “Qanat System” which is a water management system
appearing on several communities that are still functional, the “Appian Way” builded
by Romans, and the “Great Wall” builded by Chinese. Plus in addition there is still
evidence of sprawling irrigation,
and aqueduct system ; that
managed the flooding, and
provide water ; in some parts of
America, and Europe. Those said
structures are only few evidences
that showcase how intelligent the
engineering knowledge is. Before
the development of computers
installed by different softwares just to help in the civil engineering field.
“Becoming A Specialization”

Speaking of “Civil Engineering” and “Architecture”, these two were existing

before without specialization in their
corresponding field. It is because it
doesn’t need specialization, instead these
two professions are studying both fields.
That it is belief design, and structural
integrity both needed consideration, or
else nothing will remain standing.

Surprisingly all of that altered in the 18th century. That civil engineering was
known broadly as those developments that aren’t exclusive to the military. That
kinda unrealistic where it could question in
our mind ; how come the military is
connected to civil engineering?. However
afterwards of this realization it is the moment
the term “Civil Engineering” arises. Together
with the initial opening of the first school for
engineering which is the “National School of
Bridges, and Highways” in 1747 in France.
Also about the U.S., its first school for engineering was the “Norwich University”.
Which became the first true professional society of Civil Engineers that received the
royal charter in 1828 in London.

“The Modern Approach”

Since these days everything has been through to a lot of changes that turns
out to be modernized. As well as the “Civil Engineering” wherein these days it
addresses the complex design with advanced technology. Particularly the CAD, CAM,
and many more ; which results in
accommodating the design process,
examining the structural simulations, and
many more. It absolutely works well
whether a civil engineer is planning
roadways, designing a bridge, addressing
floodplain management, and etc. That it
is tough to search for something civil engineer isn’t involved.

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