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Antivirus Software in the Organization

Student’s Name
Tutor’s Name

What do you think it could be better to improve the antivirus software?

In recent years, cybercriminals have increasingly targeted businesses and organizations.

Based on the famous quotation "Perfect Security is just an illusion," there can never be a perfect

anti-virus or a 100% risk-free application, meaning there can never be a 100% secure system or

anti-virus. According to Bishop et al. (2012), cyber-attacks must, however, be defended against

in multiple layers to minimize risks and lessen their impact. As the hacker works through the

multiple layers of defense, each layer adds complexity to the system, which restricts the hacker's

maneuverability and limits the scalability of their attack. In a multi-layered approach, the

appropriate security approach can be implemented at the right time. Threats are identified and

eliminated in the early phases of an attack so that they will not cause harm to the system or

minimize the chances of them infiltrating it.

How safe do you feel to use antivirus software in your organization, and what other

precautions do you use to prevent virus, malware, etc.?

I have stored hundreds of people's data on my computers and have helped hundreds of

friends and family members. I have combined Virus protection with malware detection and a

smart penetration scanning program, but today several well-known companies offer all-in-one

protection. I take extra precautions when it comes to protecting my data from encryption. You

may be required to pay a ransom for the removal of your photos, documents, videos, etc., if

unencrypted data is accessed. Generally, you won't get your things back no matter what you pay

(Stephen, 2017).

Install quality antivirus: Several users of computers believe that free antivirus

applications, such as those offered as part of Internet service providers' bundles of services, are

sufficient to prevent a computer from becoming infected with viruses (Connolly, & Wall, 2019).

Unfortunately, these free anti-malware programs usually do not offer adequate protection against

threats that grow every day.

And finally, make sure you have real-time anti-spyware protection installed.


Bishop, P. G., Bloomfield, R. E., Gashi, I., & Stankovic, V. (2012). Diverse protection systems

for improving security: a study with AntiVirus engines.

Connolly, L. Y., & Wall, D. S. (2019). The rise of crypto-ransomware in a changing cybercrime

landscape: Taxonomising countermeasures. Computers & Security, 87, 101568.

Stephen, J. (2017). Beware the ransomware: Protecting your data more important than

ever. Wisconsin Law Journal.

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