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In your opinion, why is the circus still a popular form of entertainment in the modern electronic age?

Today, the circus remains a popular form of entertainment. Despite the fact that different forms of
entertainment are now available in the palms of our hands via phones, tablets, and laptops. The major
reasons for this, in my opinion, are the children and the traditional attraction of it.

Firstly, when people did not have and utilize technology, the circus was a place where people came to
see and feel. The majority of people like to see something unique. Acrobats and occasionally animals
such as tigers, elephants, and other exotic creatures amuse the audience at the circus. People are
enthralled by the acrobats' performance from a rope suspended high in the air, as well as the animals'
obedience to the trainers' orders. When I was a child, I was allowed to go to the circus by my parents. I
felt very excited and good when I watch the performances. As soon as it ended, I told my parents that I
wanted to come and see it again.

Secondly, it is appropriate for people of all ages, including children and adults. The acrobats, jugglers,
and animals pique the interest of youngsters who are naturally interested about everything. Adults may
find that coming to the circus helps them alleviate tension and remember how much fun they had as
children. For example, every weekends parents and their children may enjoy it together. It makes family
members love each other more.

To sum up, even in this current day of technological advancements and a plethora of methods for
people to occupy themselves, the circus remains a popular form of entertainment. It has its own style
and is appropriate for people of all ages.

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