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Brass Birmingham Flow Chart for BOTs

Differences from the Official Rulebook: How to read the Flow Chart
Action Descriptions 1) In terms of Actions, follow A), if fail, then follow B) and lastly C).
Build Applies to Bot but Bot never Overbuilds 2) In terms of Priority, follow 1), if fail, then follow 2, and subsequent numbers
3) Bot generally will always Build as first action unless its an Exception 1 or 2
Sell Applies to Bot (4VP Bonus for any Merchant Bonus)
4) Bot general strategy is to flip as much of its tile (Priority: Build & Sell) followed by
Network Applies to Bot Network. As such, Bot is compensated with VPs if it Develop or Pass.
Develop Applies to Bot (with additional 3VP) 5) Bot is assumed to be highly efficient and can spend at any given time. However,
Loan Not applicable to BOT high spending = start later.
6) Rationale for Exception 1: It's very difficult to Network in Railway Era without
Scout Not applicable to BOT
Coal, which lead to difficulty in Sell action and subsequently Build action.
Others Descriptions 7) Rationale for Exception 2: Bot may not be able build multiple combos like a
Income Tracker & Spending Not applicable to BOT human Player. Hence, Bot will adopt low risk approach and will sell when it 3
Consume Resources Applies to Bot unflipped M/P/C tiles first before any Build action.
"Your Network rule" Applies to Bot (includes Build and Network) 8) 2 Variant: Build is introduced. It will be very risky for Bot to Build all over the
space which is mitigated under Variant 1 especially at 4p game. Variant 2 is still
Pass Applies to BOT (with additional 5VP) viable at 2p or first few turns of the Era.

Bot Draw 2 Cards from the Draw Deck based on turn order

Exception 1: Its Railway Era and Bot is not connected to any Coal Market Sell
A) Network Bot always flip Tiles that yields the highest VP
B) Build a Coal Mine*
C) Network Beer Consume Priority:
* If fail via Cards, follow Build Space Priority 1) Merchants Beer*
2) Bot's own Beer
3) Other Bot's Beer (if connected)
Exception 2: Bot has 3 unflipped M/C/P tiles OR Bot left with 2 turn during any Era 4) Players Beer (if connected)
A) Sell * Bot receives 4VP as standard bonus
B) Build Brewery*
C) Network
* If fail via Cards, follow Build Space Priority Network
Bot always build 2 Links during Railway Era if coal & beer are available
Network Priority: To connect:
Build 1) Closest Merchant Space it can Sell its M/C/P
Variant 1: Concentrated behaviour (Suggested for all the turns) 2) A location where it can provide the most VP
A) Build based on Location Card (M/C/P)* 3) A location where Bot gain most VP from links.
B) Build based on Industry Card (B/I/C)^ 4) A location where Bot has no Tile of its own
C) Network
* If there are 2 Location Card, follow Build Space Priority and Build Priority. Skip B) Iron & Coal Consume Priority:
^ If there are 2 Industry Card, follow Build Space Priority. Bot can Build 2 times. 1) Bot's own Iron & Coal
2) Other Bot's Iron & Coal
Variant 2: Diversified behaviour (Suggested at 2P or first few turns in an Era) 3) Player's Iron & Coal
A) Build based on Location Card (M/C/P)* 4) Buy Iron & Coal from Market
B) Build based on Industry Card (B/I/C)*
C) Network
* Bot always build in 2 location whenever possible. If only 1 location, proceed C) Develop
1) Remove 2 Tiles (Ie: consume 2 Iron)
Build Space Priority 2) Bot never removes the last 2 Tiles of any particular Industry Tiles.
1) Build on a location where its connected to the Merchant Space* 3) Bot gains 3VP for every Develop action
2) Build on a location closest to the Merchant Space*
3) Build on a available location where Bot already have a tile Develop Priority:
* Priority for Merchant Space where Bot can Sell its M/C/P 1) In Railway Era only, remove obsolete Tiles
2) Remove lowest level of all the Tiles first*
Build Priority 3) Remove Tiles with lowest VP. If tie, remove those with lowest links.
1) M/C/P that provides the highest VP * For example, Bot will not remove level 3 of Brewery if there are still Level
2) Brewery 2 Cotton Mill or Coal Mine in Bot's Mat.

3) Iron Mine*
4) Coal Mine*
* Bot will not build Iron Mine or Coal Mine when the Market is full OR Pass
Bot has has more than 4 Coals / Iron on the Map. Bot gains 5VP for every pass action

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