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Explain what a personal SWOT is and how it can help you to be aware of your strengths
and weaknesses.

A personal SWOT matrix is a framework for analysing an individual’s strengths and weaknesses as

well as the opportunities and threats that one can face. This enables focus on strengths, minimizing
weaknesses, and taking the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available.

A personal SWOT would help me become aware of strengths by answering the following:

 What advantages do I have that others don't have (for example, skills, certifications,
education, or connections)?

 What do I do better than anyone else?

 What personal resources can I access?

 What do other people (and boss, in particular) see as my strengths?

 Which of my achievements am I most proud of?

 What values do I believe in that others fail to exhibit?

 Am I part of a network that no one else is involved in? If so, what connections do I have with
influential people?

A personal SWOT would help me become aware of weaknesses by answering the following:

 What tasks do I usually avoid because I don't feel confident doing them?

 What will the people around me see as my weaknesses?

 Am I completely confident in my education and skills training? If not, where are am I


 What are my negative work habits (for example, am I often late, am I disorganized, do I have
a short temper, or am I poor at handling stress)?

 Do I have personality traits that hold me back in my field?

2. Produce your own personal SWOT and upload a copy to the POE3 component at the
bottom of your learning plan. (POE3)

See work-sheet

3. Briefly summarise what your personal SWOT shows.

(POE Guide 3a)

Strengths: I am highly skilled at producing structurally sound designs and in giving reliable
advice regarding temporary works and in this way I am able to support site teams. I am able
to provide high quality service to our clients at Kier. I can be trusted and relied upon to
complete difficult tasks with little assistance and within deadlines.
Weaknesses: I have fewer connections compared to my peers in the team. I am softly
spoken, unassuming and introspective. I am perceived as not very confident or assertive.
Opportunities: My ability to provide reliable advice and support to site teams can be used as
a tool to bring in more work. Opportunities to widen network as the Office Sustainability
Champion and on Linkedin.
Threats: Not having a wide and strong network, and not being assertive could har my career

4. Describe which pieces of feedback you used from POE1 (your 360-degree feedback report)
and POE2 (your specific piece of written feedback) in producing your personal SWOT.
(POE Guide 3b)

Strengths: “The fact that I am good at managing time and workload effectively. I seek ways to
improve performance even more. I can leverage a lot of valuable experience (both work and study)
prior to joining Kier.”

Weakness: “The fact that I am quiet, appear not so confident and unassertive”

Opportunities: “The fact that I can continue to form good relationships with colleagues and clients.
As I work more with the same clients I will begin to attract repeat work more often, as is already
starting to happen.”

Threats: “I am naturally softly spoken, which can be a challenge when working in the construction
industry. My ideas may be overlooked in a busy client meeting with dominant characters. This is
something I may have to work harder at to overcome vs someone who is naturally louder.”

5. Explain how using the feedback you received from POE1 and POE2 helped you to be open
and honest when creating your personal SWOT. You may wish to give an example of a
specific weakness you may not have included without this feedback.
(POE Guide 3b)

Without this feedback I would not have realised that I come across as quiet and therefore not very
confident. The fact that I am able to work independently and with little assistance has led me to
think that this is proof enough of confidence in my abilities. However, the way that I am perceived by
my colleagues and superiors plays a crucial role in career progression and I am now aware that I
need to work on my communication skills.

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