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Bioequivalence Studies

In vivo Bioequivalence of Oral Antidiabetic

Agents: Pioglitazone Tablets
Hong Wong a, Yildiz Ozalp b, Audrey Lainessea, and Recep Serdar Alpan b

SFBC Anapharm a, Sainte-Foy, Quebec (Canada), and EIS Eczacıbaşı İlaç Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.b, Istanbul (Turkey)


The study was designed to evaluate the µg · h/mL and 10.62 µg · h/mL for the

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bioequivalence of two pioglitazone (CAS test and reference formulations, respec-
112529-15-4) formulations. The trial was tively. The median Tmax for the test tab-
performed in 26 healthy male volunteers lets was 1.50 h and for the reference was
with the aim of comparing a new generic 1.75 h. The ratios test/reference formula-
product (tablets containing 30 mg pioglit- tion for AUC0-inf, AUC0-t and Cmax were
azone hydrochloride, test) with the ori- 99.70 %, 100.13 % and 99.17 %, respec-
ginator product (reference). The trial was tively. Furthermore, the 90 % geometric
performed according to an open, cross- confidence intervals of the mean ratio of
over design in one study centre. In each ln-transformed AUC0-inf were narrow and
of the two study periods (separated by a symmetrical around 100 %, i.e. 90.59 %
wash-out of 14 days) a single oral dose of to 109.72 %, for AUC0-t 90.69 % to
30 mg (test or reference) formulation 110.55 %, whereas for Cmax they were
was administered. Blood samples were 87.52 % to 112.37 %. As in the case of pi-
taken up to 120 h post dose, the plasma oglitazone, mean values of the principal
was separated and the concentrations of bioequivalence parameters of hydroxypi-
pioglitazone and its principal active me- oglitazone did not differ significantly
Key words tabolite hydroxypioglitazone were deter- after administration of the test and refer-
mined by LC-MS-MS method. AUC0-inf, ence formulations.
䊏 CAS 112529-15-4 AUC0-t, Cmax and Tmax were calculated for In the light of the present study it can
䊏 Pioglitazone, bioequivalence, both formulations. be concluded that the two evaluated piog-
clinical pharmacokinetics The mean Cmax of pioglitazone ranged litazone formulations, i.e. test formula-
between 1.01 µg/mL and 1.05 µg/mL, tion of pioglitazone hydrochloride and
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. while the mean AUC0-inf and AUC0-t reference formulation, are bioequivalent
54, No. 9a, 618−624 (2004) ranged between 10.89 µg · h/mL and in terms of the rate and extent of absorp-
10.98 µg · h/mL as well as between 10.56 tion.


In-vivo-Bioäquivalenz oraler Antidiabe- der Testzubereitung und der Referenzzu- AUC0-t, Cmax und Tmax wurden für beide
tika: Pioglitazon-Tabletten bereitung oral appliziert wurden. Die Prü- Zubereitungen berechnet. Cmax für die Te-
fung war als offene, randomisierte, Cross- st- bzw. Referenzzubereitung betrug im
In der vorliegenden Studie sollte die over-Prüfung in einem Studienzentrum Mittel 1,01 µg/mL bzw. 1,05 µg/mL, für
Bioverfügbarkeit von zwei Pioglitazon angelegt. Blutentnahmen erfolgten bis zu die AUC0-t 10,56 µg · h/mL bzw. 10,62
(CAS 112529-15-4)-Zubereitungen unter- 120 h nach der Applikation. Im abge- µg · h/mL. Der Mittelwert der AUC0-inf be-
sucht werden. Dazu wurde eine Bioäqui- trennten Plasma wurde die Bestimmung trug 10,89 µg · h/mL (Test) bzw. 10,98
valenzprüfung an 26 gesunden männ- von Pioglitazon und Hydroxypioglitazon µg · h/mL (Referenz). Bis zum Erreichen
lichen Probanden durchgeführt, denen (aktiver Metabolit) mittels HPLC-MS-MS maximaler Plasmaspiegel (tmax, Median-
30 mg Pioglitazon-enthaltende Tabletten vorgenommen. Die Parameter AUC0-inf, wert) vergingen 1,50 h (Test) bzw.

Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 54, No. 9a, 618−624 (2004)

618 Wong et al. − Pioglitazone
Bioequivalence Studies

1,75 h (Referenz). Das mittlere Verhältnis 87.52 %−112.37 % für Cmax). Wie für Pio- die Testzubereitung der Referenzuberei-
Test/Referenz lag bei 99.70 % (AUC0-inf ), glitazon selbst waren die Mittelwerte der tung bioäquivalent ist.
100.13 % (AUC0-t) bzw. 99.17 % (Cmax) Bioäquivalenzparameter für Hydroxypio-
Die 90 %-Konfidenzintervalle für die glitazon nach Applikation der Test- und
mittleren Verhältnisse der logarithmier- der Referenzzubereitung nicht signifi-
ten Zielparameter waren eng und symme- kant voneinander verschieden. Auf der
trisch um 100 % (90,59 %−109,72 % für Grundlage der vorliegenden Ergebnisse
AUC0-inf; 90,69 %−110,55 % für AUC0-t; kann der Schluß gezogen werden, daβ

Schlüsselwörter: CAS 112529-15-4 · Pioglitazon, Bioäquivalenz, klinische Pharmakokinetik


Pioglitazon hidroklorür aktif maddesi içe- trasyonları LC/MS/MS metodu ile öl- güven aralıkları dardı ve % 100 civarında
ren iki tablet formülasyonu ile yapılan in çüldü. AUC0-inf, AUC0-t, Cmax ve Tmax her simetrikti. Sözkonusu güvenlik aralıkları
vivo biyoeşdeğerlik çalışması iki formülasyon içinde hesaplandı. Piogli- AUC0-inf için % 90.59 ile % 109.72, AUC0-t
tazonun ortalama Cmax değeri 1.01 µg/ için % 90.69 ile % 110.55 arasında iken
Bu klinik çalışma pioglitazon (CAS mL ile 1.05 µg/mL arasında iken, orta- Cmax için % 87.52 ile %112.37 arasın-
112529-15-4) içeren iki tablet formülasyo- lama AUC0-inf ve AUC0-t test ve referans daydı. Pioglitazon ile birlikte değerlendi-
nunun karşılaştırılması amacıyla 26 ilaçlar için sırasıyla 10.89 ng · h/ml ile rilen aktif metaboliti hidroksipioglitazo-
kadın ve erkek sağlıklı gönüllüde, her gö- 10.98 ng · h/ml ve 10.56 ng . h/ml ile nun biyoeşdeğerlilik göstergelerinin test
nüllüye aç karnına, tek doz 30 mg piogli- 10.62 ng · h/ml arasındaydı. Test ve refe- ve referans ürün karşılaştırmasında an-

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tazon tablet verilerek; açık, tek merkezli, rans tabletleri için medyan Tmax sırasıyla lamlı değişiklikler göstermediği saptandı.
randomize, çapraz tasarımlı ve arasında 1.50 saat ve 1.75 saatti. Test formülasyon- Mevcut çalışmanın ışığında, değerlendiri-
14 günlük temizlenme dönemi olacak şe- larının ortalamalarının referans formü- len iki piyoglitazon formülasyonunun
kilde iki periyodlu, olarak yapıldı. Kan ör- lasyon ortalamalarına olan oranları (test ve referans) emilim hızı ve kana ge-
nekleri oral dozu takip eden 120 saatlik AUC0-inf, AUC0-t ve Cmax için sırasıyla çen miktar anlamında biyoeşdeğer oldu-
aralık içinde alındı ve plazmaları ayrıldık- % 99.70, % 100.13 ve % 99.17’ydi. Ayrıca, kları sonucuna varıldı.
tan sonra pioglitazon ve onun aktif meta- AUC0-inf (ln-transformed) ve AUC0-t nin
boliti hidroksipioglitazon plazma konsan- ortalama oranlarının % 90’lik geometrik

Anahtar kelimeler: CAS 112529-15-4 · Pioglitazon, biyoeşdeğerlik, klinik farmakokinetik

1. Introduction pared with placebo, pioglitazone significantly reduced

serum triglycerides and increased high density lipo-
Pioglitazone (CAS 112529-15-4) is an orally adminis-
tered insulin sensitising thiazolidinedione agent that protein cholesterol with no change in low density lipo-
has been developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes protein or total cholesterol [4].
mellitus. Pioglitazone activates the nuclear peroxisome In humans pioglitazone undergoes extensive metab-
proliferator activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ), which leads olism, yielding primarily keto- (M-III) and hydroxy- (M-
to the increased transcription of various proteins regu-
IV) derivatives of pioglitazone. These two active metab-
lating glucose and lipid metabolism [1]. These proteins
olites mainly contribute to the extended glucose-lower-
amplify the post-receptor actions of insulin in the liver
ing effects. The hepatic metabolism of pioglitazone is
and peripheral tissues, which leads to improved glyca-
catalysed mainly by CYP2C8 and CYP3A [5]. However,
emic control with no increase in the endogenous secre-
unlike troglitazone, studies have provided no evidence
tion of insulin. Studies show that pioglitazone stimu-
to suggest that pioglitazone administration leads to in-
lates the uptake of glucose and fatty acids into cells by
promoting the synthesis and expression of cellular glu- hibition or induction of any of the P450 isoenzymes in-
cose and fatty acid transporters [2, 3]. In placebo-con- volved in drug metabolism. Therefore pioglitazone may
trolled clinical studies, pioglitazone, whether used as have a lower potential for drug interaction. In patients
monotherapy or in combination with sulphonylurea, with renal impairment a decrease in AUC of pioglita-
metformin or insulin, effectively improved glycaemic zone and its major metabolites MIII and MIV was ob-
control in patients with type 2 diabetes as evidenced served with increasing kidney failure. This suggests in-
by significant reductions in HbA1c and fasting plasma creased hepatic clearance of the drug secondary to re-
glucose. Pioglitazone also had a beneficial effect on the duced protein binding in plasma, with no net change
abnormal lipid profile seen in type 2 diabetes. Com- in free plasma drug concentrations [6].

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The present paper describes the results of a bioequi- the between-run accuracy ranged from 90.52 % to 96.53 % with
valence trial of two pioglitazone formulations, i.e. a new precision ranged from 2.61 % to 4.35 %. The within-run accu-
pioglitazone hydrochloride generic product as the test racy for pioglitazone ranged from 87.83 % to 96.57 % with pre-
cision ranging form 1.47 % to 6.91 %. For hydroxy-pioglitazone,
formulation and an orginator product used as the refer-
the within-run accuracy ranged from 87.80 to 96.33 % with pre-
ence formulation.
cision ranging form 0.96 to 5.78 %. The method has been
shown to be accurate and repoducible and was successfully
applied for the analysis of clinical samples.

2. Methods 2.4. Pharmacokinetic analysis

2.1. Subjects Pharmacokinetic parameters, for both pioglitazone and
Twenty-six healthy, adult, non-smoking male volunteers, aged hydroxypioglitazone, were obtained using non-compartmental
between 18 and 55 years, participated in this single-center, methods. Cmax, the maximum observed concentration, and
single-dose, randomised, open-label, two-way cross-over bio- Tmax, the time to reach that peak concentration, were deter-
equivalence study conducted at Anapharm Inc. (Sainte-Foy, mined for each subject and for each treatment. AUC0-t, the area
Quebec, Canada). All subjects met the inclusion and exclusion under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to
criteria described in the protocol and were judged eligible for the time of the last non-zero concentration was calculated us-
the study, based on medical history, demographic data, med- ing the linear trapezoidal rule. The AUC0-inf, the area under the
ication history, physical examination, vital signs and clinical concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity (extrapo-
laboratory tests. The study was conducted in accordance with lated) was calculated as: AUC0-t + Ct/Kel, where: Ct = the last
internationally-accepted standards of Good Clinical Practices, non-zero concentration. The residual area, the percentage of
Good Laboratory Practices, local regulatory requirements, and extrapolated area under the curve, was calculated as: 100*(1-
the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (Edinburgh, Scot- AUC0-t/AUC0-inf ). To calculate the elimination rate constant
(Kel), regression analyses were performed on the natural log

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land, 2000).
(ln) of plasma concentration values (y) versus time (x). The Kel
2.2. Pharmacokinetic study was taken as the slope multiplied by (−1) and the apparent
half-life (T1/2 el) as (ln 2)/Kel.
Each subject received either Treatment A [pioglitazone hydro-
chloride 30 mg tablet, manufactured by Eczacıbaşı Pharmaceu-
2.5. Statistical analysis
ticals, Istanbul, Turkey (test)] or Treatment B [30 mg tablet (ref-
erence)] after a supervised overnight fasting of at least 10 h, in Using General Linear Models procedure (GLM, SAS Institute,
accordance with the randomisation schedule, with a wash-out Cary, NC, USA), ANOVA was performed on Kel and T1/2 el and
period of 14 days between doses. on ln-transformed AUC0-t, AUC0-inf and Cmax at the alpha level
During each study period, blood samples were taken from of 0.05. The model included sequence, subject within se-
each subject pre-dose and at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, quence, period and treatment as factors. A non-parametric
4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 16.0, 24.0, 36.0, 48.0, 72.0, 96.0 test, the Wilcoxon’s test was carried out to compare the Tmax
and 120 h post-dose (n = 23). Plasma was obtained from each between treatments. Ratio of means test/reference (Treatment
blood sample and stored in a −80 °C (−65 °C to −85 °C) freezer, A/Treatment B) and 90 % geometric confidence interval for the
pending assay for pioglitazone and hydroxypioglitazone (M-IV) ratio of means, based on the least-squares means from the
plasma concentrations. ANOVA of the ln-transformed data, were calculated for AUC0-t,
AUC0-inf and Cmax.
2.3. Analytical method
Plasma concentrations of pioglitazone and hyroxy-pioglitazone
were measured by a sensitive and specific LC/MS/MS method.
Analysis was perfomed on a PE SCIEX API 4000 (Perkin Elmer, 3. Results
Toronto, Canada). Positive ions were measured using MRM 3.1. Pharmacokinetic study
(Multiple Reaction Monitoring) mode with m/z 357.1 → 135.1
All 26 subjects who were enrolled completed the study.
for pioglitazone and 373.1 → 150.1 for hydroxy-pioglitazone.
The lower limit of quantitation for pioglitazone and hydroxy- In accordance with the study protocol, plasma samples
pioglitazone were 10.12 ng/mL and 0.99 ng/mL, respectively. of the first 24 subjects completing the study were ana-
The standard curve ranges of the plasma concentrations for lysed and used for pharmacokinetic and statistical anal-
pioglitazone and hydroxy-pioglitazone were 10.12 ng/mL to yses. The plots of the mean plasma pioglitazone and
1517.40 ng/mL and 0.99 ng/mL to 742.05 ng/mL, respectively. hydroxypioglitazone levels over 120-h sampling period
Pioglitazone and hydroxy-pioglitazone were extracted from for both untransformed and ln-transformed data are
plasma by using liquid-liquid phase extraction. Chromato- presented in Fig. 1 and in Fig. 2. At it is observed in
graphic conditions: The mobile phase used was a mixture of these figures, the plasma concentrations of pioglitazone
methaol/ammonium acetate in a 1/1 ratio. The reverse phase
and its main metabolite hydroxypioglitazone did not
chromatography was performed on a Zorbax SB-C18 (2), 75 ×
differ significantly after administration of both formula-
4.6 mm, 3.5 µm (CS, Brockville, Canada), with a flow rate of 1
mL/min and an injection volume of 20 µL. The chromato-
tions, i.e. pioglitazone test and reference tablets.
graphic run time lasted 4.5 min and linearity over the calibra- Table 1 summarises the pharmacokinetic parameters
tion range was 0.9971 for both analytes. The between-run accu- of pioglitazone in 24 fasted healthy male subjects who
racy ranged from 90.20 % to 100.65 % for pioglitazone with pre- received a single dose of the two pioglitazone formula-
cision ranged from 3.33 % to 4.34 %. For hydroxy-pioglitazone, tions in two different occasions, separated by a washout

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C [ng/mL]






0.0 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 60.0 66.0 72.0
Time (h)
lnC (ng/mL)




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0.0 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 60.0 66.0 72.0
Time (h)

Fig. 1: Top: Mean concentration-time curves of pioglitazone after administration of the test (pioglitazone hydrochloride, 30 mg) (䊐)
and reference formulations (originator product, 30 mg) (+). Bottom: Mean ln-transformed concentration-time curves of pioglitazone
after administration of the test (pioglitazone hydrochloride, 30mg) (䊐) and reference formulations (originator product, 30 mg) (+).

period of 14 days. The mean Cmax were 1015.46 ng/mL mL for the test and reference formula, respectively. The
and 1051.75 ng/mL, while the mean AUC0-inf were median Tmax was 1.50 h for the test tablet and 1.75 h
10887.82 ng · h/mL and 10984.58 ng · h/mL for the test for the reference formula. The mean T1/2 el was 10.71 h
and reference formulations, respectively. The mean for the test formulation and 9.96 h for the reference
AUC0-t were 10560.15 ng · h/mL and 10619.09 ng · h/ formulation. Mean Kel values for the test and reference

Table 2: Pharmacokinetic parameters (means ± SD) of hydroxy-

Table 1: Pharmacokinetic parameters (mean ± SD) of pioglitazone
pioglitazone after a single 30 mg oral dose of pioglitazone hy-
after a single 30 mg oral dose of pioglitazone hydrochloride to 24
drochloride to 24 healthy male volunteers under fasting condi-
healthy male volunteers under fasting conditions.
Parameter (unit) Test Reference Parameter (unit) Test Reference
AUC0-t (ng · h/mL) 10560.15 ± 3001.05 10619.09 ± 2971.27 AUC0-t (ng · h/mL) 21651.75 ± 5984.51 21961.09 ± 6246.84
AUC0-inf (ng · h/mL) 10887.82 ± 3042.26 10984.58 ± 3011.16 AUC0-inf (ng · h/mL) 22592.14 ± 6486.82 22912.12 ± 6819.22
Cmax (ng/mL) 1015.46 ± 238.15 1051.75 ± 351.89 Cmax (ng/mL) 404.75 ± 102.29 410.21 ± 115.38
Residual area (%) 3.11 ± 2.29 3.53 ± 2.04 Residual area (%) 3.93 ± 1.41 3.91 ± 1.71
Tmax (h)a) 1.50 ± 1.13 1.75 ± 0.75 Tmax (h)a) 16.0 ± 4.0 14.0 ± 6.0
Kel (h-1) 0.0764 ± 0.0272 0.0811 ± 0.0278 Kel (h-1) 0.0300 ± 0.0033 0.0303 ± 0.0039
T1/2 el (h) 10.71 ± 5.27 9.96 ± 4.78 T1/2 el (h) 23.40 ± 2.72 23.24 ± 3.28
AUC0-t = the area under the plasma concentration-time curve AUC0-t = the area under the plasma concentration-time curve
from time zero to the time of the last non-zero concentration, from time zero to the time of the last non-zero concentration,
AUC0-inf = the area under the concentration-time curve from time AUC0-inf = the area under the concentration-time curve from time
zero to infinity, Cmax = the maximum observed concentration, Resi- zero to infinity, Cmax = the maximum observed concentration, Resi-
dual area = the percentage of extrapolated area under the curve dual area = the percentage of extrapolated area under the curve
calculated as: 100 · (1 − AUC0-t/AUC0-inf ), Tmax = the time to reach calculated as: 100 · (1 − AUC0-t/AUC0-inf ), Tmax = the time to reach
that peak concentration, Kel = the elimination rate constant, T1/2 that peak concentration, Kel = the elimination rate constant, T1/2
el = the elimination rate constant. el = the elimination rate constant.
a) a)
For Tmax, medians and interquartile ranges are presented instead For Tmax, medians and interquartile ranges are presented instead
of means and SD. of means and SD.

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Bioequivalence Studies

C (ng/mL)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (h)
lnC (ng/mL)



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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (h)

Fig. 2: Top: Mean concentration-time curves of hydroxypioglitazone after administration of the test (Pioglitazone hydrochloride, 30
mg) (䊐) and reference formulations (originator product, 30 mg) (+). Bottom: Mean ln-transformed concentration-time curves of
hydroxypioglitazone after administration of the test (Pioglitazone hydrochloride, 30 mg) (䊐) and reference formulations (originator
product, 30 mg) (+).

formulations were 0.0764 h-1 and 0.0811 h-1, respec- ng · h/mL for the test and reference formula, respec-
tively. tively. The median Tmax were 16.0 h and 14.0 h for the
The same pharmacokinetic parameters for hydroxy- test and reference formulations, respectively. The mean
pioglitazone are presented in Table 2. The mean Cmax T1/2 el was 23.40 h for the test formulation and 23.24 h
were 404.75 ng/mL and 410.21 ng/mL, while the mean for the reference formulation. Mean Kel values for the
AUC0-inf were 22592.14 ng · h/mL and 22912.12 ng · h/ test and reference tablet were 0.0300 h-1 and 0.0303 h-1, re-
mL for the test and reference formulations, respectively. spectively. For both pioglitazone and hydroxypioglita-
The mean AUC0-t were 21651.75 ng · h/mL and 21961.09 zone the mean residual areas were lower than 20 %.

Table 4: Hydroxypioglitazone ratios of least-squares means and

Table 3: Pioglitazone ratios of least-squares means and the 90 % the 90 % geometric confidence intervals (CI) based on the pair-
geometric confidence intervals (CI) based on the pairwise com- wise comparisons of the ln-transformed AUC0-t, AUC0-inf and
parisons of the ln-transformed AUC0-t, AUC0-inf and Cmax. Cmax.
AUC0-t AUC0-inf Cmax AUC0-t AUC0-inf Cmax
Ratio 100.13 99.70 99.17 Ratioa)
98.87 98.89 99.61
90 % Geom. CI (%)b) 90.69 to 110.55 90.59 to 109.72 87.52 to 112.37 90 % Geom. CI (%) b) 91.35 to 107.01 91.28 to 107.13 91.25 to 108.72
Intra-subject CV (%) 20.18 19.51 25.61 Intra-subject CV (%) 16.05 16.29 17.81
a) a)
Calculated using least-squares means according to the formula: Calculated using least-squares means according to the formula:
e(test-reference) × 100. e(test-reference) × 100.
b) b)
90 % Geometric confidence interval using ln-transformed data. 90 % Geometric confidence interval using ln-transformed data.
CV = coefficient of variation. CV = coefficient of variation.

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ANOVA did not detect any statistically significant dif- the two active metabolites mainly contribute to the ex-
ference between treatments for ln-transformed AUC0-t, tended glucose-lowering effects [7].
AUC0-inf and Cmax, and untransformed T 1/2el and Kel for The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
both pioglitazone and hydroxy-pioglitazone. Moreover, bioavailability of the tested pioglitazone hydrochloride
Wilcoxon’s test did not detect any statistically signifi- 30 mg tablet manufactured by Eczacıbaşı Pharmaceu-
cant difference between treatments for untransformed ticals and a reference pioglitazone 30 mg tablets admin-
Tmax for both pioglitazone and hydroxypioglitazone. istered as a single oral dose.
The mean ratios as well as the 90 % geometric con- The mean residual area for pioglitazone and
fidence intervals of the mean ratio of ln-transformed hydroxypioglitazone lower than 20 % for both evaluated
AUC0-t, AUC0-inf and Cmax of the test and reference for- formulations indicated that both the duration of sam-
mulation for pioglitazone and for hydroxypioglitazone pling time and the sensitivity of the analytical method
are displayed in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. In were sufficient. The plots of the mean pioglitazone and
accordance with the study protocol, the hypothesis of its main metabolite − hydroxypioglitazone did not differ
bioequivalence of the formulations was accepted if the significantly, indicating comparative pharmacokinetic
90 % confidence intervals of the mean ratio of the test profile of the two evaluated drug formulations.
to reference products were within the acceptance range For the parent compound, i.e. pioglitazone, the mean
of 80 % to 125 % for ln-transformed AUC0-t and within Cmax were 1015.46 ng/mL and 1051.75 ng/mL, while the
the acceptance range of 75 % to 133 % for ln-trans- mean AUC0-t were 10560.15 ng · h/mL for the test tab-
formed Cmax for both pioglitazone and hydroxypioglita- lets and 10619.09 ng · h/mL for the reference formula-
zone. This was evidently true for pioglitazone [test tion. The results of the present trial regarding pharma-
product vs. reference product: (90.59 % to 109.72 %)] for cokinetics parameters correspond to published data [4,
AUC0-inf, [test product vs. reference product: (90.69 % to 7, 9]. A median time to maximum serum concentration
110.55 %)] for AUC0-t and even met the more restrictive of 1.5 h was reported (range 0.5 to 3.0 h), which was not
influenced by an administered dose of the drug from 2

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requirement of 80 % to 125 % [test product vs. reference
product: (87.52 % to 112.37 %)] for Cmax. Bioequivalence to 60 mg. For both single and multiple doses, both the
was also demonstrated with hydroxypioglitazone [test maximum serum concentration and the area under the
product vs. reference product: (91.28 % to 107.13 %)] for curve of pioglitazone serum concentration against time
AUC0-inf, [test product vs. reference product: (91.35 % to increased linearly with increasing dose.
107.01 %)] for AUC0-t and even met the more restrictive Pioglitazone is an enantiomeric parent drug given as
requirement of 80 % to 125 % [test product vs. reference a racemate. The ratio of the enantiomers in human
product: (91.25 % to 108.72 %)] for Cmax. The pioglita- plasma is 1:1 [7]. This information and the fact that pi-
zone intra-subject CVs for AUC0-t, AUC0-inf and Cmax oglitazone exhibits linear kinetic behavior was taken
were respectively 20.18 %, 19.51 % and 25.61 %. The into account when planning the current trial. It was
hydroxypioglitazone intra-subject CVs for AUC0-t, AUC0- therefore decided that no enantioselective analytical
method will be needed.
inf and Cmax were respectively 16.05 %, 16.26 % and
17.81 %. As for the secondary bioequivalence parameter Tmax,
the median values of the two analysed pioglitazone for-
3.2. Drug tolerance mulas were comparable, i.e. 1.50 for the test tablet and
1.75 h for reference one. These observations testify that
During the study, adverse events were mild or moderate
the two pioglitazone formulations are very similar in
in severity and no serious, severe or significant adverse
terms of the rate of absorption. Furthermore, the sim-
events were reported. The laboratory screening pre-
ilar values of T1/2 el and Kel of the evaluated tablets in-
sented no signs of adverse events or adverse drug reac-
dicate comparable rate of pioglitazone elimination from
tions. Subjects were monitored for adverse events as
the body.
specified in the protocol. A total of 38 post-dose adverse
Since hydroxypioglitazone is an active metabolite of
events were recorded: 12 following administration of
pioglitazone [4, 7], its kinetics was also evaluated. Ac-
the test product, 24 following administration of the ref-
cording to the currently valid CPMP Note for Guidance
erence product, and 2 associated with clinically signifi- for the Evaluation of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence,
cant post-study laboratory results (exact onset time and the evaluation of hydroxypioglitazone would not have
date unknown). All adverse events were followed by been absolutely necessary due to the linear kinetics of
complete restitution within a short time period. Thus, pioglitazone. The results of the present trial demon-
the products were well tolerated overall. strate that the 90 % confidence intervals for the metab-
olite were narrower and the intra-individual CV’s were
lower compared to those of the parent compound. It
4. Discussion can be thus concluded that in the case of pioglitazone,
Pioglitazone is a thiazolidinedione that increases insu- the parent compound is more appropriate for the
lin sensitivity in target tissues. It is well-absorbed, with evaluation of bioequivalence and a simultaneous evalu-
a mean absolute bioavailability of 83 % and reaching ation of the metabolite is not absolutely necessary.
maximum concentrations in around 1.5 h. It is metab- Based on the results of the present studies it can be
olised by the hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme system concluded that the two pioglitazone formulations, i.e.
with the formation of two principal active metabolites, the test formulation manufactured by Eczacıbaşı Phar-
i.e. keto- (M-III) and hydroxy- (M-IV) derivatives of pi- maceuticals and the reference preparation, are bioequi-
oglitazone. The half-life of the drug is about 9 h, but valent.

Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 54, No. 9a, 618−624 (2004)

Wong et al. − Pioglitazone 623
Bioequivalence Studies

5. References [7] Hanefeld, M. Pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of

pioglitazone. Int. J. Clin. Pract. Suppl. 121, 19 (2001)
[1] Lehmann, J., Moore, L., Smith-Oliver, T. et al., An antidia-
[8] CPMP Note for guidance: Investigation of bioavailability
betic thiazolidinedione is a high affinity ligand for peroxisome
and bioequivalence. CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 (1998)
proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR γ). J. Biol. Chem. 270,
[9] Eckland, D., Danhoh, M., Clinical pharmacokinetics of
12953 (1995)
pioglitazone. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes. 108 (Suppl. 2),
[2] Sandouk, T., Reda, D., Hofman, C., The antidiabetic agent
S234 (2000)
pioglitazone increases expression of glucose transporters in
3T3-F442A cells by increasing messenger ribonucleic acid tran-
script stability. Endocrinology 133, 352 (1993)
[3] Motojima, K., Passilly, P., Peters, J., Expression of putative
fatty acid transporter genes are regulated by peroxisome pro-
liferator-activated receptor α and γ activators in a tissue- and
inducer specific manner. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 16710 (1998)
Recep Serdar Alpan, MD, PhD, MSc,
[4] Gillies, P., Dunn, Ch,. Pioglitazone. Drugs 60, 333 (2000)
[5] Nowak, S., Edwards, D., Clarke, A., et. al., Pioglitazone: Eczacıbaşı Pharmaceuticals,
effect on CYP3A4 activity. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 42, 1299 (2002) Büyükdere Caddesi, Ali Kaya Sk. No: 7,
[6] Edwards, G., Eckland, D., Pharmacokinetics of pioglita- Levent, 34394, Istanbul (Turkey)
zone in patients with renal impairment. Diabetologia 48 Fax: +90 212 3508650
(Suppl. 1), A230 (1999) [abstract] E-mail:

Downloaded by: NYU. Copyrighted material.

Bioequivalence Study of Rofecoxib
Rossen Koytchev a, Yildiz Ozalp b, Aydin Erenmemisogluc, Mike John van der Meer d, and Recep Serdar Alpan b

Cooperative Clinical Drug Research and Development a, Neuenhagen (Germany), EIS Eczacıbaşı
İlaç Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.b, Istanbul (Turkey), Erciyes University School of Medicinec, Kayseri (Turkey),
and Trident Bioanalytics Ltd.d, Cork (Ireland)


The study was designed to evaluate the by an HPLC method. The mean Cmax
bioavailability of two rofecoxib (CAS were 192.07 ng/mL and 187.35 ng/mL,
162011-90-7) tablet formulations. while the mean AUC0-t were 3613.84 ng ·
Key words Twenty-four healthy male volunteers h/mL and 3501.56 ng · h/mL for the test
were administered a 25 mg tablet of the and reference formulations, respectively.
䊏 CAS 162011-90-7 test formulation (Ecrox) containing ro- The median tmax was 3.75 h for the test
䊏 Ecrox fecoxib or the originator product (refer- tablet and 4.00 h for the reference formu-
䊏 Rofecoxib, bioequivalence, ence). The trial was performed according lation. The mean t1/2 el was 10.66 h and
clinical pharmacokinetics to an open, cross-over design with a 10.61 h for the test and reference formu-
wash-out period of 7 days. Blood lation, respectively. Mean MRT values for
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. samples were taken up to 72 h post dose, the test and reference tablets were
54, No. 9a, 624−628 (2004) the plasma was separated and the con- 15.34 h and 15.33 h, respectively. No sig-
centrations of rofecoxib were determined nificant differences of pharmacokinetic

Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 54, No. 9a, 624−628 (2004)

624 Koytchev et al. − Rofecoxib
Praktikum Biofarmasi Farmakokinetika II

REZA AZIZUL H./110117250
1. Latar Belakang

Pioglitazone 5-((4-(2-(5-ethyl-2-pyridinyl)ethoxy)phenyl)methyl)-2,4-
thiazolidinedione, mempunyai rumus empiris C19H20N2O3S, dan rumus strukturnya
digambarkan sebagai berikut :

Pioglitazone adalah obat antidiabetik golongan tiazolidindion peka insulin yang

diberikan secara oral yang telah dikembangkan untuk pengobatan diabetes mellitus tipe
2. Studi menunjukkan bahwa pioglitazone merangsang pengambilan glukosa dan asam
lemak ke dalam sel dengan mempromosikan sintesis dan ekspresi transpoter glukosa
seluler dan asam lemak. Konsentrasi plasma puncak terjadi dalam 2 jam dan
bioavailabilitas melebihi 80%. Cmax rata-rata pioglitazone berkisar antara 1,01 μg / mL
dan 1,05 μg / mL, sedangkan rata-rata AUC0-~ dan AUC0-t berkisar antara 10,89 μg ·
jam / mL dan 10,98 μg · jam / mL serta antara 10,56 μg · jam / mL dan 10,62 µg · jam
/ mL masing-masing untuk formulasi uji dan referensi. Tmax rata-rata untuk tablet uji
adalah 1,50 jam dan untuk referensi adalah 1,75 jam.

Menurut BPOM, salah satu kriteria obat oral yang perlu diuji bioekivalensi in vivo
adalah obat yang digunakan untuk kondisi yang serius yang memerlukan respons terapi
yang pasti (critical use drugs), yang salah satu contohnya adalah obat oral
hipoglikemik, yang mencakup golongan tiazolidindion. Dengan kata lain, uji
bioekivalensi in vivo ini perlu dilakukan terhadap obat pioglitazone. Oleh sebab itu,
perlu dirancang penelitian untuk mengevaluasi bioekivalensi dari formulasi
pioglitazone generik baru yang ingin diedarkan. Evaluasi bioekivalensi ini dilakukan
dengan membandingkan biovailabilitas dari formulasi pioglitazone generik baru yang
ingin mendapat izin edar terhadap formulasi pioglitazone inovator.

2. Tujuan Penelitian

Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji bioekivalensi tablet Pioglitazone HCl 30 mg

yang diproduksi oleh pabrik Eczacıbas¸ı Pharmaceuticals di Istanbul, Turki terhadap
tablet pioglitazone HCl 30 mg inovator (Actos ®).

a. Tujuan umum : Untuk menjamin efikasi, keamanan dan mutu tablet Pioglitazone
HCl 30 mg yang diproduksi oleh pabrik Eczacıbas¸ı Pharmaceuticals di Istanbul,
Turki yang beredar.
b. Tujuan khusus : Untuk menjamin obat tablet Pioglitazone HCl 30 mg yang
diproduksi oleh pabrik Eczacıbas¸ı Pharmaceuticals di Istanbul, Turki bioekivalen
dengan obat inovator dan untuk menentukan bioavailabilitas relatif pioglitazone
pada formulasi obat uji untuk uji klinis produk yang akan diedarkan.

3. Rancangan Penelitian
3.1 Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengevaluasi bioekivalensi tablet Pioglitazone HCl
30 mg uji terhadap tablet pioglitazone HCl 30 mg inovator (Actos ®) sebagai
3.2 Penelitian ini dilakukan sesuai dengan standar yang diterima secara internasional
dari Praktik Klinik yang Baik, Praktik Laboratorium yang Baik, persyaratan
peraturan lokal, dan prinsip-prinsip Deklarasi Helsinki (Edinburgh, Skotlandia,
3.3 Di dalam penelitian ini terdapat 26 subyek yang terdaftar menyelesaikan studi,
dimana 2 subyek merupakan subyek cadangan. Sesuai dengan protokol penelitian,
sampel plasma dari 24 subjek awal yang menyelesaikan penelitian dianalisis dan
digunakan untuk analisis farmakokinetik dan statistik.
3.4 Uji coba dilakukan sesuai dengan desain menyilang acak label terbuka di satu pusat
studi, saat masing-masing dua periode penelitian, dimana per periode penelitian
memerlukan waktu selama 5 hari (dipisahkan oleh periode wash out selama 14
hari), dengan total waktu penelitian selama 24 hari.
Subyek Produksi Obat
Waktu I Waktu II
1 A B
2 B A
3 A B
4 B A
5 A B
6 B A
7 A B
8 B A
9 A B
10 B A
11 A B
12 B A
Periode Wash
13 A B
out 2 minggu
14 B A
15 A B
16 B A
17 A B
18 B A
19 A B
20 B A
21 A B
22 B A
23 A B
24 B A
25 A B
26 B A

4. Kriteria Pemilihan Subyek

Berjenis kelamin pria, sehat, tidak merokok, berusia antara 18-55 tahun. Subyek
ditentukan memenuhi kriteria protokol melalui penilaian terhadap rekam medis, data
demografi, riwayat pengobatan, tanda vital dan uji laboratorium.

5. Prosedur
5.1 Perlakuan terhadap Subyek
5.1.1 Subyek diminta berkumpul pada pukul 06.00 untuk melaksanakan prosedur
uji. Sebelumnya subyek telah dipuasakan selama 10 jam, dengan kata lain
tidak mengkonsumsi makanan atau minuman selain air putih sejak pukul
22.00 sehari sebelumnya.
5.1.2 Sebelum diberikan obat, sampel darah subyek diambil terlebih dahulu
sebanyak 10,0 mL pada pukul 07.00 (t0). Lalu, pada pukul 07.15 subyek
diberi 1 tablet pioglitazone HCl uji (Perlakuan A)/referensi (Perlakuan B)
yang diminum bersama air putih. Sampel darah subyek lalu diambil
sebanyak 10,0 mL tiap jam ke 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5,
5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 16.0, 24.0, 36.0, 48.0, 72.0, 96.0, dan 120.0 setelah
obat diminumkan.
5.1.3 Sampel darah tersebut diambil bagian plasma dengan mensentrifugasi
darah yang sudah diberi antikoagulan. Plasma yang didapat lalu disimpan
pada freezer dalam suhu -80° C (-65° C s/d -85° C) sampai dilakukan
5.1.4 Setelah pemberian obat pertama, dilakukan prosedur yang sama dengan
memberikan obat pembanding setelah periode wash out.
5.1.5 Sarapan dan makan malam yang sudah distandarkan diberikan ke subyek
pada 4 dan 10 jam setelah obat dikonsumsi.
5.2 Detail Bahan Penelitian
5.2.1 Bahan Penelitian
Tablet pioglitazone HCl 30 mg generik diproduksi oleh pabrik Eczacıbas¸ı
Pharmaceuticals di Istanbul, Turki sebagai obat uji dan tablet pioglitazone
HCl 30 mg inovator (Actos ®) sebagai obat referensi.
5.2.2 Jadwal Pengamatan dan Pengumpulan Sampel
Sampel darah diambil 15 menit sebelum subyek meminum obat pada pukul
07.00 (t0) dan pada jam ke 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0,
6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 16.0, 24.0, 36.0, 48.0, 72.0, 96.0, dan 120.0 setelah obat
t (jam) Keterangan
0.0 07.00 Sampel sebelum obat diberikan (10,0 mL)
0.5 07.30
Sampel sebelum Cp max (10,0 mL)
1.0 08.00
1.5 08.30
1.75 08.45 Sampel sekitar Cp max (10,0 mL)
2.0 09.00
2.5 09.30
3.0 10.00
3.5 10.30
4.0 11.00 Sampel setelah Cp max (10,0 mL)
4.5 11.30
5.0 12.00
6.0 13.00
8.0 15.00
10.0 17.00
12.0 19.00
16.0 23.00
24.0 07.00
36.0 19.00
48.0 07.00
72.0 07.00
96.0 07.00
120.0 07.00

5.3 Efek samping

Fraktur tulang, mati rasa/numbness, gangguan penglihatan, peningkatan berat
badan, edema makular, insomnia, kanker kandung kemih (tidak umum), disfungsi
liver (jarang).

6. Kriteria Pengeluaran Subyek

6.1 Subyek yang hipersensitif dengan pioglitazone
6.2 Subyek dengan riwayat gagal jantung
6.3 Subyek yang sedang/sebelumnya mengidap kanker kandung kemih
6.4 Subyek dengan hematuria tidak terinvestigasi makroskopik

7. Macam Cuplikan Biologik

7.1 Waktu-waktu pengambilan :
Darah: 15 menit sebelum minum obat, jam ke 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 1,75; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5;
4.0; 4.5; 5.0; 6.0; 8.0; 10.0; 12.0; 16.0; 24.0; 36.0; 48.0; 72.0; 96.0 dan 120 setelah
obat diminum.
7.2 Gambaran cara penanganan cuplikan:
7.2.1 Pengambilan darah :
a. Disinfeksi dengan alcohol swab daerah kulit subyek yang akan
b. Pasang ikatan (tourniquet) pada tangan bagian atas subyek.

c. Beri label identitas subjek pada tabung. Untuk preparasi plasma,

dinding dalam tabung diberi antikoagulan.

d. Tegangkan kulit di atas vena subyek dengan jari tangan kiri agar vena
tidak bergeser, kemudian tusuk vena dengan jarum IV canula.
e. Setelah darah terlihat mengalir dari pembuluh darah vena ke dalam
jarum, tarik jarum keluar, tinggalkan plastik IV canula di dalam
pembuluh darah dan masukkan pelan-pelan sampai batas yang

f. Masukan syringe ke dalam hub canula kemudian ambil sampel darah

sesuai yang dibutuhkan

g. Tutup IV canula dengan instopper, lalu plester IV canula dengan

h. Lepas ikatan tourniquet dari lengan subyek.
i. Catat waktu saat subyek minum obat pada catatan pengambilan darah.

j. Pengambilan berikutnya buka instopper, lalu ulangi poin f hingga h.

k. Beri tanda/paraf catatan pengambilan darah sesuai kolom waktunya

setiap selesai melakukan pengambilan darah.

7.2.2 Penanganan darah :

a. Sampel darah diambil bagian plasma dengan cara mensentrifugasi
darah yang sudah diberi antikoagulan.
b. Konsentrasi plasma pioglitazone dan hidroksi-pioglitazone diukur
dengan metode LC / MS / MS yang sensitif dan spesifik
7.2.3 Penyimpanan sampel :
Simpan pada suhu −80 °C (−65 °C to −85 °C) freezer

8. Kriteria Pemasukan Dan Pengeluaran Cuplikan

Data cuplikan dapat dikeluarkan dari studi jika:

a. Subyek muntah setelah minum obat Pioglitazone selama pengambilan sampel

b. Subyek diare selama pengambilan sampel darah

9. Pertimbangan Etik
9.1 Formulir Persetujuan Dari Subyek
(No: 001/04/Form/____/Subjek_Pioglitazone/I/2020)
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Nama :

Alamat :
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir :
Pekerjaan :

No. KTP :

Menyatakan bahwa semua penjelasan di atas telah disampaikan kepada saya dan semua
pertanyaan saya telah dijawab oleh dokter, saya mengerti dan bila masih memerlukan
penjelasan, saya akan mendapat penjelasan dari dr.....................................

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan kesadaran penuh dan tanpa paksaan, dengan
menandatangani surat ini saya setuju untuk menjadi sukarelawan dalam penelitian ini.

Calon Sukarelawan,

(Nama Jelas)

Diketahui oleh:
Saksi I Saksi II

(Nama Jelas) (Nama Jelas)



Tim Peneliti laboratorium ...... sedang melakukan penelitian uji bioekivalensi sediaan
tablet Pioglitazone HCl. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kualitas tablet
Pioglitazone HCl yang diproduksi oleh pabrik Eczacıbas¸ı Pharmaceuticals di Istanbul, Turki
sama baiknya dengan produk inovatornya (Actos®). Hal tersebut dilihat dari
bioavailabilitasnya, yaitu presentase dan kecepatan zat aktif dalam suatu produk obat yang
mencapai sistemik atau tersedianya dalam sirkulasi sistemik dalam bentuk utuh atau aktif
setelah pemberian produk obat, yang dilakukan dengan mengukur kadarnya dalam darah
terhadap waktu. Oleh karena penelitian ini harus dikerjakan pada sukarelawan sehat, maka
kami mengundang Anda untuk ikut serta dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian akan dilakukan dalam
jangka waktu 24 hari.

Bila anda berminat, pertama-tama kesehatan anda akan diperiksa terlebih dahulu.
Untuk itu, kami akan mengambil contoh darah dari pembuluh darah di lengan Anda untuk
memastikan bahwa anda memenuhi syarat. Pemeriksaan meliputi fungsi ginjal dan fungsi hati.
Anda akan diberikan hasil asli pemeriksaan kesehatan ini. Syarat lain yang harus dipenuhi
adalah tidak merokok, sehat, dewasa, berusia 18-55 tahun, tidak hipersensitif dengan
Pioglitazone, tidak punya riwayat gagal jantung, tidak sedang atau pernah mengidap kanker
kandung kemih, dan tidak mengidap hematuria tidak terinvestigasi makroskopik.

Bila Anda memenuhi syarat, pada suatu pagi (tanggal akan ditentukan) Anda akan
diminta datang ke Anapharm Inc, Kanada, setelah sebelumnya puasa semalam setidaknya 10
jam terlebih dahulu. Peneliti akan mengambil darah Anda 15 menit sebelum menelan obat, lalu
setelah minum obat pengambilan darah akan dilakukan pada jam ke 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 1,75; 2,0;
2,5; 3,0; 3,5; 4.0; 4.5; 5.0; 6.0; 8.0; 10.0; 12.0; 16.0; 24.0; 36.0; 48.0; 72.0; 96.0 dan 120. Setiap
kali pengambilan darah sebanyak 10,0 ml. Anda boleh sarapan dan makan malam pada 4 dan
10 jam setelah obat dikonsumsi. Anda diperbolehkan untuk duduk santai di ruangan yang sudah
disediakan sambil menonton acara televisi atau membaca majalah. Prosedur ini akan diulangi
dua minggu kemudian dengan obat pembandingnya. Obat Pioglitazone ini digunakan sebagai
obat antidiabetik oral.
Adapun efek samping yang mungkin timbul berupa gejala mati rasa, gangguan
penglihatan, peningkatan berat badan, dan patah tulang.

Penelitian ini akan memberikan manfaat langsung kepada Anda, namun hasilnya akan
dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat luas.

Anda bebas menolak ikut dalam penelitian ini, dan bila Anda sudah menyatakan
bersedia ikut, juga bebas mengundurkan diri setiap saat selama penelitian berlangsung.
Sebaliknya bila Anda tidak mematuhi instruksi yang diberikan peneliti atau Anda di tengah
penelitian menunjukkan kriteria pengeluaran subyek, Anda juga dapat dikeluarkan dari
penelitian ini setiap waktu.

Keikutsertaan Anda dalam penelitian ini bersifat sukarela dan rahasia. Peneliti akan
merahasiakan semua data identitas Anda. Pada akhir penelitian setiap subjek penelitian akan
diberi insentif sebesar Rp 5.000.000,- sebagai tanda terima kasih berpartisipasi dalam

Penelitian ini telah disetujui oleh Komisi Etik Fakultas Kedokteran ..... Bila Anda
membutuhkan penjelasan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi penanggung jawab penelitian ...........
dan penanggung jawab medis: dr. ............; Telp: ........

Atas perhatian dan partisipasinya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Penanggung Jawab Penelitian


Nama Sukarelawan :
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

Efek yang Mulai Selesai Keterkaitan Keparahan
tidak efek samping
diinginkan dengan obat
Tanggal Jam Tanggal Jam Ya Tidak

Hubungan sebab akibat dengan uji obat berdasarkan penilaian peneliti:
1 = tidak ada
2 = mungkin
3 = pasif

** Efek samping yang tidak diinginkan dianggap serius jika subyek mengalami:

- Mati rasa
- Gangguan penglihatan
- Patah tulang
- Pasien harus dirawat di rumah sakit.
9.2 Tindakan Darurat
Jika ada reaksi yang tidak diinginkan dari subjek terkait penggunaan obat
Pioglitazone, dapat menghubungi nomor peneliti ………… atau bagian UGD
Rumah Sakit ……. dengan nomor …….. untuk mendapat pertolongan segera.

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