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Medan, November 3th 2021



Copyright © AISTSSE, 2021
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
written permission of the publisher.

November, 2021

As chairman and on behalf of the organizing committee, I am

delighted to welcome you all to the 8th Annual International Seminar on
Trends In Science and Science Education (AISTSSE) 2021, hosted by the
Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Medan State University,
Indonesia. As the year comes to the second decade of 21st century,
there have been changing in whatever field of human endeavor
affecting science and science education that create paradigm shift and
in practical routine. The application of natural science in the current
decade in the industrial world is also a serious concern as a form of the
contribution of the world of science in the industrial field. The theme of
this exciting forum is ‘Implementation of Science and Science Education
Research on Supporting of Digital-Based Industries”, which embraces
six main topics, including:
1. Fundamental and applied research in mathematics including basic
mathematics, applied mathematics and statistic
2. Fundamental and applied research in physics including theoretical
physics and computation, geophysics, material science and
3. Fundamental and applied research in biology including
fundamental biology, applied biology and biotechnology
4. Fundamental and applied research in chemistry including
instrumentation, basic chemistry, and applied chemistry
5. Science education
6. Computer science

AISTSSE 2021 is conducted to provide a forum for researcher,

academicians, teachers, school principals, government agencies,
consultants to share their insights related to the Trends In Science and
Science Education. The committee are really honored to have attention
from approximately 150 speakers and participants from five different
countries. They come from United State of American, Turkey, Japan,
Finland, and of course Indonesia. About 20 universities from all over
Indonesia participate in this event. It is expected that those who
participate in the seminar will afterwards be familiar and able to

interact with their international counterparts in their scientific area.
This is in line with the vision of Universitas Negeri Medan to become a
world class and character building university.
The committee received more than 100 seminar abstracts and full
papers from science education, biology, chemistry, physics, and
mathematics sciences. Most of the abstract have been edited and bound
into an abstract collection book which is a part of the seminar kit. The
seminar full papers are now in editing stage by the committee before
publish in seminar proceeding that will be available in both printed and
on-line forms, in the next November 2021. Please, remind the
committee if you want to get the copy of the seminar proceeding.
For this year conference, we invited six plenary speakers with solid
expertise from different countries and regions. We are extremely
grateful to:
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd (The Senate Chairman of Universitas
Negeri Medan, Indonesia)
2. Prof. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil (Istanbul Gelisim University,
3. Prof. Yashwant Pathak (Associate Dean, Taneja College of
Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA)
4. Prof. Masahiro Furuya (Graduate School of Advanced Science and
Engineering, Waseda University, Japan)
5. Pasi Vilpas, M.Sc (The Sotunki Upper Sec. School & Distance
Learning Centre, Vantaa, Finland)
6. Slamet Suparmaji, S.Si, M.M (Vice President, PT. Smartfen Telecom,
Tbk, Indonesia)

These speakers will present different lines of trends in science and

science education. In addition, we reviewed and selected abstracts for
concurrent parallel session of presentations. We also invited five
invited speakers with different expertise field to initiate the
presentation in parallel sessions. We are also extreme grateful to :
1. Prof Dr Tatang Herman (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
2. Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si (Universitas Negeri Malang)
3. Dr. Sc. Anugrah Ricky Wijaya (Universitas Negeri Malang)
4. Nadi Suprapto, Ph. D (Universitas Negeri Surabaya)

5. Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.Si, Ph.D (Universitas Pendidikan

We believe that we can learn plenty of things from different

presenters. This year’s conference is attended by participants coming
from different counties and regions in and beyond Indonesia. Selected
papers will be published in indexed journal. The conference is not able
to come into a reality without whole hearted support from many
parties. Therefore, on behave of the committee, I would like to take this
opportunity to extend my appreciation to the Rector of Medan State
University, the Dean of the Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
the invited plenary speakers, paper presenters, delegates and guests,
and participants that have supported us to host this conference. In
addition, my sincere thanks go to my organizing team and student
volunteers for un-tiring efforts to make this conference as a memorable
one. Last but not least, it is a pleasure to inform you that we are going
to make this AISTSSE into annual international conference, proudly
hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan
State University. So, I do hope we will meet again in next year

Thank you
Organizing Committee

Moondra Zubir, M.Si, Ph.D

Chairman AISTSSE 2021


First, let us be thankful to the one and all-powerful God that on

this fine morning we are still given bodily and spiritual health and can
gather together in this conference, on Virtual Seminar hosted by
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan.
A warm and special welcome to Rector of Universitas Negeri
Medan, Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M.Kes, The Senate Chairman of
Universitas Negeri Medan, Prof. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd as well as one of
keynote speakers in this conference, Vice Rector I, II, III and IV
Universitas Negeri Medan, All Deans in Universitas Negeri Medan,
Director of Graduate Program (Pascasarjana) Universitas Negeri
Medan, LPPM Chairman and LPPMP Chairman of Universitas Negeri
A warm and special welcome also goes to our keynote speakers,
Prof. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil from Istanbul Gelisim University,
Turkey, Prof. Yashwant Pathak from Taneja College of Pharmacy,
University of South Florida, USA, Prof. Masahiro Furuya from Graduate
School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan,
Pasi Vilpas, M.Sc from The Sotunki Upper Sec. School & Distance
Learning Centre, Vantaa, Finland) and Slamet Suparmaji, S.Si, M.M from
PT. Smartfen Telecom, Tbk, Indonesia,
And for all invited speakers, Prof Dr Tatang Herman from
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si from
Universitas Negeri Malang, Dr. Sc. Anugrah Ricky Wijaya from
Universitas Negeri Malang, Nadi Suprapto, Ph. D from Universitas
Negeri Surabaya and Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.Si, Ph.D from
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
And for all invitees, Professors in our Faculty, participants who
attended this morning.
This seminar, The 8th International Seminar on Trends in Science
and Science Education 2021 is an annual seminar organized by Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan.
This year seminar is focusing on how big the contribution of
research to the development of technology in industry field, according

to our theme this year, namely: Implementation of Science and
Science Education Research on Supporting of Digital-Based
The committee expects the information exchange among
researchers in this seminar will encourage collaboration among the
different actors in science and science education community so as to
achieve a better result for the benefit of the community.
As the year comes to the second decade of 21st century, there have
been changing in whatever field of human endeavor affecting science
and science education that create paradigm shift and in practical
routine. The key question of this conference is then, to what extend the
Institution of science and science education develop, implement,
manage, and accommodate to prepare lectures and students learn that
reflect the roles and competencies as required in this era; what trends
and policy shifted in science and science education that shape and have
strong impact on the direction of the institutions.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the important
role of the honorable Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M.Kes, rector of
Universitas Negeri Medan for giving us his full support and attention
and for providing his precious time to be with us and to honour us by
opening this seminar. My sincere thanks also go to all members of the
committee and to all staff of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Science for their continuous support and hard work because without
their assistance this seminar may not have taken place today.
We wish you good luck and success in this endeavor.

Thank you very much

Prof. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si

Dean of Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Medan


Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

First of all, let us thank Allah, the Almighty, for blessing and guiding
us into the right path, and for granting all means and opportunities
together here to attend this very meaningful occasion. On behalf of the
Medan State University, we are greatly honored and pleased to welcome
you all to the 8th Annual International Seminar on "Trends in Science
and Science Education” has become an issue which is dynamic,
progressive and always worth discussing. Science and Science Education
professors, teachers, experts and practitioners have always been very
keen on conducting both academic discussions and researches in order
to find new ideas, strategies, methods, approaches and paradigms in
Trends in Science and Science Education in Indonesia.
However, plenty of the people practicing in Trends in Science and
Science Education in Indonesia are not aware of them. Many issues
concerning Trends in Science and Science Education still remain unclear
and need to be disclosed. To raise awareness of the paradigms in Trends
in Science and Science Education in Indonesia, Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences of Medan State University holds this conference to
offer you a unique opportunity to share ideas and experiences and to
discuss evolving paradigms in Trends in Science and Science Education
in Indonesia, which we definitely hope to result in the improved Trends
in Science and Science Education in Indonesia.
We would also like to extend our gratitude especially to Prof. Dr.
Syawal Gultom, M.Pd (The Senate Chairman of Universitas Negeri
Medan, Indonesia), Prof. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil (Istanbul Gelisim
University, Turkey), Prof. Yashwant Pathak (Associate Dean, Taneja
College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA), Prof. Masahiro
Furuya (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda
University, Japan), Pasi Vilpas, M.Sc (The Sotunki Upper Sec. School &
Distance Learning Centre, Vantaa, Finland), Slamet Suparmaji, S.Si, M.M
(Vice President, PT. Smartfen Telecom, Tbk, Indonesia), Prof Dr Tatang
Herman (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si
(Universitas Negeri Malang), Dr. Sc. Anugerah Ricky Wijaya (Universitas

Negeri Malang), Nadi Suprapto, Ph. D (Universitas Negeri Surabaya) and
Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.Si, Ph.D (Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha)
who have accepted our invitation to become the keynote speakers and
invited speakers of today's Conference. Finally allow me on behalf of the
big family of Medan State to wish you a fruitful and pleasant
international conference.

Wassalamu 'alaikum w.w.

Medan, 3 November 2021

Dr. Syamsul Gultom SKM., M.Kes

Rector of Universitas Negeri Medan


Moondra Zubir, Ph.D

Said Iskandar Al Idrus, M.Si.

Dr. Ani Sutiani, M.Si.

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd (Indonesia)
2. Prof. Dr. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil (Turkey)
3. Prof. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D (Indonesia)
4. Prof. Dr. Martina Restuati, M.Si. (Indonesia)
5. Prof. Yashwant Pathak(USA)
6. Prof. Dian Armanto, M.Pd., (Indonesia)
7. Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Sc (Indonesia)
8. Prof. Masahiro Furuya (Japan)
9. Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd (Indonesia)
10. Pasi Vilpas , M.Sc (Finland)
11. Prof. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D (Indonesia)
12. Prof. Dr. Asmin, M.Pd. (Indonesia)
13. Slamet Suparmaji, S.Si, M.M (Indonesia)
14. Prof. Dr. Mukhtar, M.Pd. (Indonesia)
15. Prof. Dr. Pargaulan Siagian, M.Pd
16. Prof. Dr. Sahat Saragih, M.Pd.
17. Prof. Dr. Edi Syahputra, M.Pd
18. Prof. Dr. Hasratuddin, M.Pd
19. Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S
20. Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si.
21. Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.SI.
22. Prof. Dr. Mara Bangun Harahap, M.S.
23. Prof. Dr. Nurdin Bukit, M.Si.
24. Prof. Dr. Sahyar, M.S.
25. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si.
26. Prof. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si.
27. Prof. Dr. Tri Harsono, M.Si.


1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd

Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
2. Prof. Yashwant Pathak
Taneja College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA
3. Prof. Masahiro Furuya
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda
University, Japan
4. Pasi Vilpas, M.Sc
The Sotunki Upper Sec. School & Distance Learning Centre,
Vantaa, Finland
5. Prof. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil
Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey
6. Slamet Suparmaji, S.Si, M.M
Vice President, PT. Smartfen Telecom, Tbk


1. Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
2. Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
3. Dr. Sc. Anugrah Ricky Wijaya
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
4. Nadi Suprapto, Ph.D
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
5. I Wayan Muderawan, M.Si, Ph.D
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia

Time Activities PIC/Moderator
07.30 – 08.00 Join to Zoom Meeting Link All
Opening Ceremony
1. MC Speech
2. Indonesian National
3. Pray
4. Chairperson Report
Master of Ceremony
5. Welcoming Speech of Dean
08.00 – 09.00 ➢ Nadia Ulfa
of Mathematics and
➢ Felix Valentino
Natural Science
Universitas Negeri Medan
6. Welcoming Speech and
Official Opening of Rector
of Universitas Negeri
Plenary Lecture 1
Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom,
M.Pd Dr. Ely Djulia, M.Pd.
09.00 – 09.30
(The Senate Chairman of
Universitas Negeri Medan,
Plenary Lecture 2 :
Prof. Yashwant Pathak
09.30 – 10.00 Nora Susanti, Apt, M.Sc
(Taneja College of Pharmacy,
University of South Florida,
Plenary Lecture 3 : Physics
Prof. Masahiro Furuya
10.00 – 10.30 Dr. Eng. Jubaidah, M.Si
(Graduate School of Advanced
Science and Engineering,
Waseda University, Japan)
Plenary Lecture 4 : Sciences
10.30 – 11.00 Elfrida Ginting, Ph.D
Pasi Vilpas, M.Sc
(The Sotunki Upper Sec.

Time Activities PIC/Moderator
School & Distance Learning
Centre, Vantaa, Finland)

Plenary Lecture 5 :
Mathematics Science
Prof. Anton Abdulbasah Hana Dewi Marina
11.00 – 11.30
Kamil Hutabarat, M.Si
(Istanbul Gelisim University,
Plenary Lecture 6 :
Computer Science
Dr. Dewi Wulandari,
11.30 – 12.00 Slamet Suparmaji, S.Si, M.M
S.Si, M.Si
(Vice President, PT. Smartfen
Telecom, Tbk)
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Break
Room 1 : Mathematics and
Mathematics Education
13.00 – 15.30 Invited Speaker : Prof. Dr. Hana Dewi Marina
Tatang Herman Hutabarat, M.Si
PARALLEL Universitas Pendidikan
SESSION Indonesia
Room 2 : Biology and
13.00-13.20 Biology Education
Ahmad Shafwan
Invited Speakers : Invited Speaker : Dr. Sri
Pulungan, M.Si.
20 min each Rahayu Lestari, M.Si
Universitas Negeri Malang
13.20 – 15.30 Room 3 : Chemistry and
Presenters: Chemistry Education
7 min each Invited Speaker : Dr. Sc. Elfrida Ginting, Ph.D
Anugrah Ricky Wijaya
Universitas Negeri Malang
Room 4 : Physics and
Physics Education
13.20 – 15.30 Invited Speaker : Nadi Dr. Eng. Jubaidah, M.Si
Presenters: Suprapto, Ph. D
7 min each Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Room 5 : Chemistry and
Chemistry Education Siti Rahmah, S.Pd, M.Sc
Invited Speaker : I Wayan

Time Activities PIC/Moderator
Muderawan, M.Si,Ph.D
Universitas Pendidikan
Aristo Hadinata, S.Pd,
Room 6 : Science Education
Room 7 : Biology and Wasis Wuyung Wisnu
Biology Education Brata, M.Pd
Room 8 : Computer and
Budiman Nasution M.Si
Physics Science
Room 9 : Mathematics and Kana Saputra S, S.Pd,
Mathematics Education M.Kom
Room 10 : Mathematics Irham Ramadhani,
Sciences S.Pd, M.Pd
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee Break
Vice Dean 1 FMIPA
15.45 – 16.00 The Best Presenter Award

16.00 – 16.15 Closing Ceremony Dean FMIPA UNIMED

ROOM # 01
(Mathematics Education)
Moderator : Hana Dewi Mariana Hutabarat, M.Si
Invited Speaker : Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman (Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia)
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00063 Nuraini Sri Bina Mathematics Education
Mangaratua M.
2 A00065 Mathematics Education
3 A00069 Rahmi Ramadhani Mathematics Education
4 A00074 Nuraini Mathematics Education
5 A00075 Dwi Novita Sari Mathematics Education
Kms. Muh. Amin
6 A00080 Mathematics Education
7 A00085 Asrin Lubis Mathematics Education
8 A00091 Anim Mathematics Education
9 A00094 Izwita Dewi Mathematics Education
10 A00103 Ely Syafitri Mathematics Education
11 A00104 Elfira Rahmadani Mathematics Education

ROOM # 02
( Biology Science)
Moderator : Ahmad Shafwan Pulungan, M.Si
Invited Speaker : Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si (Universitas Negeri
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00001 Melva Silitonga Biology Science
2 A00025 Eni Susanti Biology Science
3 A00034 Isnaini Nurwahyuni Biology Science
4 A00049 Ahmad Shafwan S Pulungan Biology Science
5 A00050 Mhd. Yusuf Nasution Biology Science
6 A00053 Cicik Suriani Biology Science

ROOM # 02
( Biology Science)
Moderator : Ahmad Shafwan Pulungan, M.Si
Invited Speaker : Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si (Universitas Negeri
7 A00062 Abdul Rasyid Fakhrun Gani Biology Science
8 A00064 Zulaini Biology Science
9 A00073 Misrahanum Biology Science
10 A00081 Zulheri Noer Biology Science
11 A00108 Fauziyah Harahap Biology Science
12 A00119 Dewi Simangunsong Biology Science

ROOM # 03
(Chemistry and Chemistry Education)
Moderator : Elfrida Ginting, Ph.D
Invited Speaker : Dr. Sc. Anugrah Ricky Wijaya (Universitas
Negeri Malang)
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00039 Gulmah Sugiharti Chemistry Education
2 A00102 Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean Chemistry Education
3 A00113 Ayi Darmana Chemistry Education
4 A00005 Ida Duma Riris Chemistry Science
5 A00092 Indra Surya/Indra Surya Chemistry Science
6 A00092 Indra Surya/Indra Surya Chemistry Science
7 A00026 Eddiyanto Chemistry Science
8 A00122 Asep Wahyu Nugraha Chemistry Science
9 A00044 Muhammad Yusuf Chemistry Science
10 A00044 Muhammad Yusuf Chemistry Science

ROOM # 04
(Physics and Physics Education)
Moderator : Dr. Eng, Jubaidah, M.Si
Invited Speaker : Nadi Suprapto, Ph.D ( Universitas Negeri
No ID No Presenters Name Topics

ROOM # 04
(Physics and Physics Education)
Moderator : Dr. Eng, Jubaidah, M.Si
Invited Speaker : Nadi Suprapto, Ph.D ( Universitas Negeri
1 A00012 Irham Ramadhani Physics Education
2 A00013 Abubakar Physics Education
3 A00077 M Hasanul Fatta Physics Education
4 A00079 Muhammad Andi Tiadarma Physics Education
5 A00087 Irfandi Physics Education
6 A00101 Ratna Tanjung Physics Education
7 A00130 Aurelia Astria L. Jewaru Physics Education
8 A00070 Abdul Rafid Fakhrun Gani Physics Science
9 A00112 Mukti Hamzah Harahap Physics Science
10 A00138 Suprianto Physics Science

ROOM # 05
(Chemistry and Chemistry Education)
Moderator : Siti Rahmah, M.Sc
Invited Speaker : I Wayan Muderawan, M.Si, Ph.D (Universitas
Pendidikan Ganesha)
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00042 Erna Helena M Tampubolon Chemistry Education
2 A00093 Hardyanto Lumban Gaol Chemistry Education
3 A00106 Wulan Dwi Safitri Chemistry Education
4 A00116 Neni Alyani Chemistry Education
5 A00153 Nanang Rahmad Wijaya Chemistry Education
6 A00135 Nur Apriliani Djafar Chemistry Education
7 A00006 Jasmidi Chemistry Science
8 A00007 Hafni Indriati Nasution Chemistry Science
9 A00082 Zainuddin Muchtar Chemistry Science
10 A00035 Destria Roza Chemistry Science
Dhiyandra Imansari
11 A00151 Chemistry Science
12 A00152 Winsyahputra Ritonga Chemistry Science

ROOM # 06
(Biology and Science Education)
Moderator : Aristo Hadinata, S.Pd, M.Pd
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00019 Halim Simatupang Science Education
2 A00024 Septian Prawijaya Science Education
3 A00068 Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak Science Education
4 A00068 Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak Science Education
5 A00096 Effendi Soewono Science Education
6 A00134 Fitri Lestari Issom Science Education
7 A00142 Hestiana Science Education
8 A00146 Sariyani Kudadiri Biology Science
9 A00071 Risjunardi Damanik Biology Science
10 A00059 Hendro Pranoto Biology Science
11 A00132 Herlisman Lim Biology Science
12 A00123 Khairiza Lubis Biology Science
13 A00143 Erlintan Sinaga Biology Science
14 A00124 Dina Handayani Biology Science

ROOM # 07
(Biology and Biology Education)
Moderator : Wasis Wuyung Wisnu Brata, M.Pd
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00003 Roberi Sepda Fian Sinaga Biology Education
2 A00008 Githa Indriana Biology Education
3 A00056 Fira Aulia Mardha Biology Education
4 A00056 Fira Aulia Mardha Biology Education
5 A00072 Hasmi Syahputra Harahap Biology Education
6 A00095 Ermila Nasution Biology Education
7 A00098 Dedi Anto S Biology Education
8 A00133 Yonanda Mellyarosa Br Tarigan Biology Education
9 A00140 Qonita Nur Rohmania Biology Education
10 A00147 Lola Zeramenda Br Tarigan Biology Education
11 A00155 Hasruddin Biology Education

ROOM # 07
(Biology and Biology Education)
Moderator : Wasis Wuyung Wisnu Brata, M.Pd
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
12 A00109 Ely Djulia Biology Education
13 A00149 Lazuardi Biology Science
14 A00148 Herbert Sipahutar Biology Science
15 A00126 Meida Nugrahalia Biology Science

ROOM # 08
(Computer and Science Education)
Moderator : Budiman Nasution, M.Pd
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00021 Hermawan Syahputra Computer Science
2 A00045 Rizki Ramadhani Computer Science
3 A00128 Zulfahmi Indra Computer Science
4 A00139 Syaifudin/ Hafiz Adi Wijaya Computer Science
5 A00139 Syaifudin/ Hafiz Adi Wijaya Computer Science
7 A00055 Nursiya Bito Mathematics Education
8 A00020 Chairunisah, S.Si., M.Si Mathematics Education
9 A00105 Dona Fitriawan Mathematics Education
10 A00032 Deo Demonta Panggabean Physics Education
11 A00156 Sabani Physics Education
12 A00083 Wawan Bunawan Physics Education
13 A00052 Dewi Wulandari Physics Education
14 A00117 Motlan Physics Education

ROOM # 09
(Mathematics and Mathematics Education)
Moderator : Kana Saputra S, S.Pd, M.Kom
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00014 Arnita Computer Science
2 A00016 Faridawaty Marpaung Mathematics Science
3 A00017 Nerli Khairani Mathematics Science
4 A00031 Isnanik Juni Fitriyah Mathematics Science

ROOM # 09
(Mathematics and Mathematics Education)
Moderator : Kana Saputra S, S.Pd, M.Kom
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
5 A00043 Budi Halomoan Siregar Mathematics Science
6 A00048 Lasker Pangarapan Sinaga Mathematics Science
7 A00057 Marlina Setia Sinaga Mathematics Science
8 A00022 Muhammad Badzlan Darari Mathematics Science
9 A00004 Glory Indira Diana Purba Mathematics Science
10 A00009 Zainal Azis Mathematics Education
11 A00047 Katrina Samosir Mathematics Education
12 A00054 Nurhasanah Siregar Mathematics Education
13 A00107 Erlinawaty Simanjuntak Mathematics Education
14 A00046 Tri Andri Hutapea Mathematics Education

ROOM # 10
(Mathematics Science)
Moderator : Irham Ramadhani, S.Pd, M.Pd
No ID No Presenters Name Topics
1 A00066 Ismail Hanif Batubara Mathematics Science
2 A00076 Didi Febrian Mathematics Science
3 A00078 Elmanani Simamora Mathematics Science
4 A00084 Andrea Arifsyah Nasution Mathematics Science
5 A00090 Sudianto Manullang Mathematics Science
6 A00099 Nilam Sari Mathematics Science
7 A00118 Abil Mansyur Mathematics Science
8 A00010 Muliawan Firdaus Mathematics Science
9 A00015 Sri Lestari Manurung Mathematics Science
10 A00018 Denny Haris Mathematics Science
11 A00125 Fevi Rahmawati Suwanto Mathematics Science
12 A00127 Roswita Hafni Mathematics Science
13 A00038 Mulyono Mathematics Science
14 A00041 Hamidah Nasution Mathematics Science
15 A00058 Susiana Mathematics Science

ID Title & Author Page
Impact of digital and gene technology towards Drug
delivery through precision medicine 1
Yashwant Pathak
Digital Twin to Digital Triplet: Machine Learning,
Keynote Additive Manufacturing and Computational Fluid
Speaker Dynamics Simulations
Masahiro Furuya
Keynote Practical Solutions to Distance Learning in Science
Speaker Pasi Vilpas
Stochastic Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis
(DEA) Using Sample Average and Sample Median
Approximation 4
Marah Doly Nasution, Herman Mawengkang, Anton
Abdulbasah Kamil, Syahril Efendi, Sutarman
Keynote COVID-19 and the Telecommunications Industry
Speaker Slamet Suparmaji
Student Learning Obstacles In Solving Contextual
Mathematical Problem 6
Tatang Herman*, Khalida Rahmi, Nadya Syifa Utami
Novel of Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System
Invited Single Bulb Garlic: Stability and Cytotoxicity Test
Speaker Sri Rahayu Lestari, Abdul Gofur, Fauziatul Fajaroh,
Siti Imroatul Maslikah, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek
Assessment and Monitoring Heavy metal pollution and
Invited Pb isotopes in sediment by Inductively Coupled
Speaker Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Anugrah Ricky Wijaya, and Shigeru Ohde
Twenty Years Research on Philosophy of Science: A
Note of Physics Educator 10
Nadi Suprapto
Modified Cyclodextrins and Their Application in Drug
Delivery 11
I Wayan Muderawan
Contribution of Student Independence and Digital Skills
A00003 to Learning Outcomes 12
R S F Sinaga, Hasruddin, F Harahap
The Influence of Learning Style on Science Process
A00008 13
Skills of Digestive System Material For Class XI High

ID Title & Author Page
School in Kisaran District, Asahan Regency
G Indriana*, M Silitonga, F Harahap
Students' Self-directed Learning with Technology on
A00056 Online Learning Using social media 14
F A Mardha*, W W W Brata, C Suriani, N Pratiwi
Students' learning motivation in online learning using
A00056 social media 15
H S Y Chaniago*, W W W Brata, C Suriani, N Pratiwi
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and
Biology Learning Achievement Student’s In Class XI IA
A00072 16
At SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran
H S Harahap, T Harsono and Irwansyah
Development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) High School Biology Teaching
A00098 Book on Students' Science Literacy Skills in Growth 18
materials and Plant Development
DS Anto, Hasruddin, T Gultom
Analysis of Aspects of Science Literacy in Hematology
A00133 Textbooks at Medan State University 19
Y M Tarigan, M Silitonga, E Djulia
Development of Electronic Module Based on ASICC
Strategy on Virus Materials for Class X to Empower
A00140 Critical Thinking 20
Q N Rohmania, I N Afifah, Fatnatin, P R Primandiri,
M Nurmilawati, A M Santoso
Analysis of Student Needs for the Unimed Biology
Education Study Program in the Implementation of
A00147 21
Animal Development Lectures
L Z Tarigan, S Edi, H Sipahutar
Implementation Of Digital Books On Student’s Critical
A00155 Thinking Skill In Biology Learning Evaluation Course 22
Hasruddin, Aryeni, W Arwita
Pre Service Biology Student’s knowledge about
Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge
A00109 (TPCK) as Prerequisite for Professional Biology 23
E Djulia, W W W Brata, Amrizal
Correlation of Learning Using Google Classroom and
A00025 “Kelas Maya Rumah Belajar” With Student Learning 24

ID Title & Author Page
E Susanti, F Harahap, A Hasairin
Optimization of Micropropagation Technique for
Propagation of Benzoin Sumatrana (Styrax benzoin) as
a Step to Produce Good Quality Seedlings for
A00034 25
Conservation of Forest Plants Producing Medicines
Raw Materials
I Nurwahyuni, M Situmorang, R Sinaga
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Infection on Roots of
A00049 Teruntum 26
A S S Pulungan, M Y Nasution, D N Sinaga
Percentage of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Colonization on Pidada Putih Plants (Sonneratia alba)
A00050 27
M Y Nasution, A S S Pulungan, A Nasuiton , D C
Transcriptomic analysis of a wild and a cultivated
varieties of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium, over fruit
A00053 28
development and ripening
C Suriani, E Prasetya, T Harsono
Ethnoecological Studies: Environmental Management
of the Local Community in Angkola Sangkunur, North
A00062 30
Sumatera, Indonesia
A R F Gani, Sueb, U S Hastuti
The Effect of Brain gym and Coffee Oil treatment with
Cognitive Functions on the Elderly Group in Jati Village,
A00064 East Langkat District 31
Zulaini, D S Diningrat, A N Sari, N S Harahap,
Activity of Jamblang Leaf Extract (Syzygium cumini L.
Skeels) With Various Solvents against Clinical Isolate
A00073 32
M Misrahanum, H Helwati, N Cazia, S Sadli
Pathotype Grouping Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
Isolate from North Sumatra, Indonesia Using Local
A00081 33
Differential Rice Plants
Z Noer, Maimunah, E Pane, E Prasetya
Rooting of Sipahutar Pineapple ( Ananas comosus L. )
In vitro
A00108 F Harahap, Y Fernando, Suci Rahayu, D F Siregar, 34
Ermila Hafni Nasution, A S Salsabila, and C G
Sihombing, Nusirwan, Ayu Putri Ningsih

ID Title & Author Page
Analysis of Scientific Literacy Aspects in Biology
A00119 Textbooks for Class X SMA N in Toba Regency 35
D Simangunsong, E Djulia, T Gultom
Exploration of Zingiberaceae Family in Tangkahan
Ecotourism Forest, North Sumatra Province
A00124 36
D Handayani, W D Puspita, D Purnama, Y E Ritonga
and H Prakasa
The Entrepreneurial Culture Among Students In The
A00126 Department Of Biology, FMIPA UNIMED 37
M Nugrahalia, N Pratiwi, M N S Rangkuti, Hasruddin
Hydroponic Vegetable Cultivation with Nutrition Film
Technique System in A Greenhouse Based on The
A00132 38
Internet of Things
H Lim, R Pinontoan, and H P. Uranus
Bioactivity compound Prediction of Saurauia vulcani as
A00143 immunostimulant : An In Silico Approach 39
E Sinaga, S Ilyas, S hutahaean, P Sitorus
Local Potential Of Medicinal Plants By Pakpak Ethnic In
A00146 Sitinjo I Village, Dairi District, North Sumatera 40
S Kudadiri, F Harahap, M Restuati
Performance of Laying Chickens with Feed
Supplementation with Bangunbangun Leaf Flour
A00001 (Plectranthus amboinicus Lour Spreng) 41
M Silitonga, E Sinaga, H Pranoto, P M Silitonga, P
Growth Induction of Cattleya sp. with Plant Growth
A00095 42
Ermila Hafni Nasution, Fauziyah Harahap,
Hasruddin, Novita Wahyuni
Learning Media Course Development Of Chemistry
Learning Program
A00039 43
G Sugiharti, M Dalimunthe, F A Syuhada, H A
The Development and Implementation of An Innovative
Inquiry-Based Learning to Build Students' Higher Order
A00042 44
Thinking Skills in Teaching of Inorganic Reactions
E H Tampubolon, M Situmorang, I D Riris
Development of Innovative Learning Resources Based
A00093 on Projects and Multimedia in Improving Students 46
Thinking Skill on the Teaching of Cation Analysis

ID Title & Author Page
H I Gaol, M Situmorang, A Wahyu
Development of E-Modules to Improve Students' High
A00102 Order Thinking Skills 47
F T M Panggabean, P M Silitonga, M Sinaga
Project-Based Learning Sources Innovation on Anion
A00106 Analysis 48
W D Safitri, M Situmorang
Moral Lessons From The Atomic Concept In Chemistry
Value Education Cources
A00113 49
A Darmana , Jasmidi, HA Nasution, M Fadila, N K
Training on the Application of Appropriate Chemical-
Based Technology Using the Mobile Training Unit
A00116 Model for Behavior Change in Remote Village 50
M Alyani, M M Madya
Compatibility of Mixtures of Bitumen and Natural
Rubber Using Graft Copolymerization of Natural
A00153 Rubber and Glicidil Methacrylate (NR-g-GMA) in 51
Modification of Bitumen-Rubber
N R Wijaya, Tamrin, Eddiyanto, J A Laksmono
Misconception Analysis Using The Three-Tier Multiple
Choice Diagnostic Test In Colligative Properties Of
A00135 52
Solutions For Students Of Class XII MAN
N A Djafar, M Pikoli, A L Kilo
Efficiency of Ammonia Adsorption by Metal Modified
Activated Carbon of Oil Palm Empty Bunches
A00006 53
Jasmidi, R Selly, A P Ningsih, H I Nasution, S
Rahmah, L F, M Zubir
Synthesis of Magnetic Activated Carbon from Oil Palm
Empty Bunches to Increase The Removal of Mn(II)
A00007 Heavy Metal 54
H I Nasution, S Rahmah, T F Sudarma, Jasmidi, R
Selly, Y D Efendi, M Zubir
Process and Characterization of Graft
Copolymerization of Natural Rubber (Sir-20) with
A00026 55
Maleat Anhydride
Eddiyanto, B Nainggolan, M Sipayung
Anti-Bacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of the Stem of
A00035 56
the Coffee Parasite (Scurulla ferruginea (Robx. Ex Jack)

ID Title & Author Page
Danser) and its Secondary Metabolite Isolation
D Roza, E Indriani, Y A Wiliranti, R Selly, T J Ningsih
The Potential Ability of the Fungus Aspergillus niger in
A00044 the Biodegradation of PS/PCL Polyblend Plastic Film 57
M Yusuf, R M Siregar, R Siregar
Biodegradation Study of LDPE/PCL Polyblend Plastic
Film by Using The Fungus Aspergillus niger
A00044 58
R M Siregar, M Yusuf, Nufajriani, N Dari, R Siregar,
M Rahmah, M H Nasution, and P A Widodo
Structure Characterization of Young Coconut Husk
Biodegradable Plastics
A00082 59
Z Muchtar, G E Sarumaha, S Rahmah, S A Sari, M
The Using of Oleamide for Improving the Strength of
A00092 Natural Rubber/Silica Vulcanizates 60
Indra Surya, Mimpin Ginting
Effect of Oleamide on the Torques Behaviors of Natural
A00092 Rubber/Precipitated Silica Compounds 61
I Surya, M Ginting
A Study of Structure and Thermodynamic in the Spin
Transition Event in the [Fe2(Htrz)6(trz)3]Cl,
A00122 [Fe4(Htrz)10(trz)5]Cl3, and [Fe6(Htrz)14(trz)7]Cl5 62
Complexes Using Hartree-Fock Method
A W Nugraha, A Sutiani, D Onggo, M A Martoprawiro
Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activity of the Ethanol
extract of the Leaves of the Sijukkot (Lactuca indica)
A00005 63
I D Riris, A Silalahi, M Damanik, N Susanti
GC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling of Ethanol Extract of
A00148 Timonius flavescens Leaves 64
H Sipahutar, A Y D Lumbangaol, E Prasetya
Molecular Identification of Zingiber loerzingii Valeton
A00149 using Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions 65
Lazuardi, F harahap, E Prasetya
Morphology and Transformation Fourier Infra Red
Spectral Characters of Cow, Goat, and Rabbit Skin
A00151 66
D I Kurniawan, I K Kusumaningrum,
Suharti, H O Rusdi, Ponimin, A Annihayah
Effects of Waste Plastic Polyethylene Additive on the
A00152 67
Properties of Bituminous Binder

ID Title & Author Page
W Ritonga, S Humaidi, K Tarigan, Motlan, Eddyanto
Development of Virtual Reality-Based Science
A00021 Educational Games 68
H Syahputra, M Restuati, A Sutiani, R A Nolly
Analysis Of Early Childhood Obesity Level During The
Covid-19 Pandemic Using Machine Learning Approach
A00045 69
In Medan City
R Ramadhani, G N Eza, Srinahyanti, N A Saragih
Augmented Reality Development with Android-Based
A00128 Marker Based Tracking Method on learning media 70
Z Indra, Idramsa
Handwriting Prediction Using the Support Vector
A00139 Machine Method in Web-Based Applications 71
Syaifudin, D Pratiwi, A K Charles, H Wijaya, K Nisa
Visualization of Corona Virus Disease 2019
A00139 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Data Analysis 72
Hafiz Adi Wijaya, Syaifudin, Teddy Siswanto
Lepidoziaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Batang Toru
A00071 Forest Area, West Block, North Sumatra 73
R Damanik, N Pasaribu, E S Siregar, Syamsuardi
Developmental Media Study Of Animation Video Based
Sparkol Videoscribe to Enhance a Student’s
A00004 74
Mathematically Visual Ability
G I D Purba, Mariani, N A Sinaga
The Effect of Self-Video Task on Students Conceptual
A00009 Understanding of A Function and Its Derivative 75
Z Azis, T H Harahap, S W Dachi
The Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Learning
A00010 Activities on Students Critical Thinking Skills 76
M Firdaus, Mukhtar, M B Darari, Z Azis
Development of Set and Logic E-Book with Flip Pdf Pro
A00015 77
S L Manurung, Susiana, N R Refisis
The Development of Web-Based Virtual Laboratory for
Programming Language in Mathematics Education
A00018 78
D haris, E Syahputra, Chairunnisah
The Development of Digital Module: Project-Based
Learning Activities in Regression and Variance Analysis
A00020 79
Chairunisah, Nice Rejoice Refisis, Denny Haris

ID Title & Author Page
Online Questionnaire to Measure Self Regulated
Learning of Mathematics Education Students in State
A00022 80
University of Medan
M B Darari, K Saputra
Development of Electronic Learning Materials Assisted
by Animated Videos as a Supporting System for The
A00047 Online Learning of Real Analysis to Improve Students' 81
Critical Thinking Skills
K Samosir, M Panjaitan, M C Simanullang
Development of Technological Instruments Pedagogical
Content Knowlade for Prospective Mathematics and
A00054 82
Natural Sciences Teachers
N Siregar, A Andriani, N Siregar, P Lestari
Incorporation of ICT-Based Multimedia In Mathematics
Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: Its Effects On
A00055 Students’ Learning Activity, Interest, Motivation 83
and Metacognitive Knowledge
N Bito, S Ismail, K Usman
Student Motivation Analysis on Learning Outcomes
A00063 Assessment with Quizizz 84
N S Bina, S F Sihotang, Zuhri
The Development of Interactive Augmented Reality-
Based Learning Media
A00065 85
M M Simanjorang, S Gultom, P N J M Sinambela, E
Flipped Classroom Model in Descriptive Statistical
A00069 Learning Based on Malay-Deli Context 86
R Ramadhani, S Saragih, Nuraini
Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Ethnomathematics
Context toward Students’ Mathematics Literacy on
A00074 Transformation Geometry Materials 88
Nuraini, S Saragih, R Ramadhani, N Azmi, Khairiani,
I Hanif, A Isnaini, D N Sari
Analysis Mathematical Communication Skills Based On
A00075 Java Culture Through Blended Learning 89
D N Sari, S Saragih, Nuraini
Types of Student Errors in the Trajectory of Thinking
Solving Analytical Geometry Questions Based on
A00080 90
Newman's Error Analysis (NEA)
K M A Fauzi, and Y Hia

ID Title & Author Page
Designing Augmented Reality As A Mean To Support
Distanced Learning At University During Covid-19
A00085 91
A Lubis, A Ritonga, A A Nasution
Implementation of the Etnomatics Based Process-
Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (Pogil) Model on
A00091 Students' Mathematical Communication Ability 92
Anim, S Saragih, E Rahmadani, N Sari, H Suciawati, E
Implementation of PBL (Project Based Learning) Model
Through a Stem Approach (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) on Students’ Critical
A00103 93
Thinking Skill in Junior High School
E Syafitri, S Saragih, N Sari, A Anim, R Umami, E
Implementation of Discovery Learning Model on
Students' Mathematical Literacy Skills
A00104 95
E Rahmadani, S Saragih, Anim, E Safitri, S Rakiyah, N
Achievement Motivation And Response In
Implementation of Online Learning During The Covid-
A00105 19 Pandemic And Their Relationship With Students 96
Learning Outcomes
Zubaidah R, Dona Fitriawan
Effect of Teaching Materials Assisted by Video Tutorials
A00107 to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills 98
E Simanjuntak, H D M Hutabarat, G I D Purba
The Nurturant Effects from the Development of a Local
A00094 Culture-Based Mathematical Learning Model 99
Izwita Dewi, Nurhasanah Siregar, Ade Andriani
Performance of The University Senate and The
Formulation of Academic Policy at Universitas Negeri
A00150 Medan 100
Syawal Gultom, Winsyahputra Ritonga, Abil
Mansyur, Maya Oktora
Image Segmentation of Healthy Food Using Hue
A00014 Saturation Value 101
Arnita, F Marpaung, A Widianto, M Hidayat
Transportasi Network System Analysis Using Ford-
A00016 102
Fulkerson Algorithm in Medan City

ID Title & Author Page
F Marpaung, Arnita, N Sari
Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) Method in Crude
A00017 Palm Oil (CPO) and Kernel Inventory Control 103
N Khairani, H M P Harahap
Optimization of Micropropagation Technique for
Propagation of Benzoin Sumatrana (Styrax benzoin) as
a Step to Produce Good Quality Seedlings for
A00031 104
Conservation of Forest Plants Producing Medicines
Raw Materials
I Nurwahyuni, M Situmorang, R Sinaga
Analysis of Teaching Material Needs in the Form of
General Physics E-Modules Based on Scientific
A00032 105
D D Panggabean, J Sinuraya, Irfandi, Y B Butar
Development of Digital Interactive Student Worksheet
to Increase the Prospective Teachers’ Problem-solving
A00043 106
B H Siregar, Kairuddin, A Andriani
Optimal Control of The Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2)
A00048 SEIR Model in Indonesia 107
L P Sinaga, D Kartika, N Ni’mah, C Monalisa
The Development of Basic Physics Teaching Material
Based on STEM for Biology Student
A00052 108
D Wulandari, D Roza, A S S Pulungan, M A Rangkuti,
W W W Brata, Y Ifda, I Ramadhani, R H L
Using Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Regional Original
A00057 Income in the Tourism Sector 109
M S Sinaga, Y M Rangkuti
Antisocial Behavior In Adolescents: Factors Affecting
A00058 Them 110
Susiana, Chairunisah, R Hidayatin
Anti-diabetes activity in vitro and in vivo methanol
A00059 extract of cingkam stem bark (Bischofia javanica) 111
H Pranoto, M Nugrahalia, W D P Sari
Improving Student Mathematics Communication Ability
Through Problem Based Learning Assisted by
A00066 Augmented Reality Based on Culture 112
I H Batubara, S Saragih, N Nuraini, D N Sari, A Anim ,
I P Sari
A00076 Metric Dimension of The Branched-Prism Graph 113

ID Title & Author Page

D Febrian, Mulyono, B Marpaung

Bootstrap Percentile for Estimating Confidence Interval
of Heteroscedasticity Linear Regression Model
A00078 114
E Simamora, A Mansyur, E Wydiastuti
Technology-Based Mathematics Leaning: What Should
Be Considered To Design Holographic Digital Learning
A00084 115
A A Nasution , D Armanto , Elfitra
The Development Of Actuarial Mathematics E-Book
A00090 Using Sigil Application 116
S Manullang, M Panjaitan, H D M Hutabarat
Improving Student's Problem Solving Ability Through
Problem-Based Learning In Cultural Context
A00099 117
N Sari, S Saragih, E Rahmadani, E Safitri, S Rakiyah,
Needs Analysis on Learning devices to Support Blended
Based High School Physics Teaching of North Sumatra
A00117 119
Motlan, J Sinuraya, S Mihardi
Mathematical Modeling of Gross Regional Domestic
Product Growth Rate of North Sumatra Province by
A00118 120
Business Field Using Local Polynomial Regression
A Mansyur, E Simamora
Morphometric Differences between Male and Female of
Cherax quadricarinatus from Sukkean Village, Toba
A00123 121
Lake, Indonesia
K Lubis, M Sudibyo, P Prastowo, N Laili
Ethnomathematics: An Analysis of Frieze and
A00125 Crystallographic Patterns on Ulos 122
D Kartika, F R Suwanto, D Y Niska
Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Educations
Learning Model During The Covid-19 Pandemic (in
A00127 Establishing and Completing The Linear Program 123
Model with The Utilization of Quantity Method Soft
Roswita Hafni, Zulia Hanum, Lailan Safina Hasibuan
Analysis Of Achievement Indicators National Creativity
A00046 Competition Based 124
T A Hutapea, Rahmatsyah, I Siregar

ID Title & Author Page
The Study of Some Properties of a Circulant Matrix
A00038 125
Mulyono, Abil Mansyur
Mathematical Modeling of the Spread of Corona Virus
Disease 19 (COVID-19) with Vaccines
A00041 126
Hamidah Nasution, Nerli Khairani, Faiz
Ahyaningsih, Febi Alamsyah
Analysis And Design of Stem-Based General Physics
A00012 Lecture Material 127
Irham Ramadhani, Yul Ifda Tanjung, Purwanto
Analysis of Students' Conceptual Knowledge and
A00013 Character Based on CBT in General Physics Courses 128
A Bakar, Y I Tanjung, A M Siregar
Implementation of e-Learning Module to Increase
Physics Learning Outcomes
A00077 129
A Hamid, F Herliana, M H Fatta, E Mahzum, Elisa,
and Musdar
Development of Creative Thinking Skills Test
Instruments on Kinematics Materials For SMA/MA
A00079 130
Students In Medan
M A Tiadarma, Sahyar, Wawan Bunawan
Development of Authentic Test Instruments With
Science Literacy Based on Mobile Learning System as a
A00087 Tool for Evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes 131
Irfandi, Deo Demonta Panggabean, Rajo Hasim
Development Android Based Interactive Learning
A00101 Media For Physics 132
R Tanjung, Rugaya, T F Sudarma
The Profile of Students’ Science Process Skill on
Thermodynamics topic through Authentic PBL with
A00130 STEM approach and Formative Assessment 133
A A L Jewaru, Parno, Nasikhudin, Nasikhudin, S
Kusairi, E Latifah
Computational Literacy Model: Solution To The
A00083 Problem Of Mechanical Wave Superposition 134
W Bunawan, Sahyar
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Content
A00083 Development using TUDIAMIPA 135
Sabani, Teguh Febri Sudarma, Wawan Bunawan
A00070 Design and Implementation Automatic Prayer Mat 136

ID Title & Author Page
Facing the Qibla in Vehicle Using Microcontroller
A R F Gani , A R F Gani
Development And Engineering Of Heat Press Machine
A00112 137
M H Harahap, W Ritonga, B Nasution, A D S
Tumanggor, P S F Yudha
Performance of Solar Home System for Servicing the
A00138 Electric Load of Lighting Lamps 139
Suprianto, F A Batubara
Validation of Teaching Books and Stem Subjects E-
Learning Content
A00019 140
Simatupang H Hardinata. A Ningsih W, Bukhari I
Sihombing R A
Optimization of SIPDA-Based Learning Using Canva
Interactive E-Modules in Course Basic Concepts of
A00024 141
Physics FIP UNIMED PGSD Study Program
S Prawijaya, F Rozi, A Siregar
The Use of Moodle as a Learning Management System
A00068 to Improve Student Learning Outcomes 142
M P Simanjuntak, N Marpaung, L Sinaga, E Siagian
Implementation of Problem-Based Student Worksheet
Assisted by Simulation in Improving Students’
A00068 Problem-Solving Skills on Static Fluid 143
Herta Astri Yudika Sinurat, Mariati Purnama
Simanjuntak, Juniar Hutahaean
Edutainment, Tools and Methods in K-12 Education
Development of ATCG (ATtack Covid Game)
A00096 144
Online and Electronic Board Games
E Soewono, R Pinontoan, M Sugata, J Jo
Description of the Teachers 'Well-Being Improvement
Strategy by Regular Teachers Teaching in Inclusive
A00134 145
Elementary Schools
F L Issom, D K Wulan, V R Sy, N A Fatimatuzzahra
Integration of COVID-19 Context in Science Learning on
Material Respiratory System Disorders Junior High
A00142 School 146
Hestiana, Djukri, I Wilujeng, A Azalia, D
Ramadhanti, S Yasaroh

Keynote Speaker

Impact of digital and gene technology towards Drug delivery

through precision medicine
Yashwant Pathak
Associate Dean for faculty Affairs and professor, Taneja College of Pharmacy, University of
South Florida, Tampa FL 33612 USA


In recent years, the digital technology and gene technology has grown significantly.
It is affecting almost all the walks of the life and Pharmacy is not exception to it. In
the pandemic Covid -19 for last two years Digital technology has come very handy
and was turned out to be an absolutely a big boon to all. The development of gene
technologies provided the Covid -19 vaccine and it has proved to be saving lives of
millions. This presentation discusses the impact of digital and gene technology, and
how these will help to build a new medicine called precision medicine. Future
challenges for pharmacy profession are enormous. With the increasing aging
populations, we need to come up with precision medicines to our geriatric patients.
During Covid -19 we realized that Pharmacist can be a great resource to patients as
well as provide Vaccinations to the patients. Newer areas of work are unfolding due
to the impact of digital technology and gene technology. These are very exciting
times for the Pharmacy profession and I am sure the pharmacists will come to
rescue of the healthcare in a big way and provide excellent services to the general

Keyword: Precision medicine, Gene technology, Digital technology, Aging

populations, Bioinformatics

Keynote Speaker

Digital Twin to Digital Triplet: Machine Learning, Additive

Manufacturing and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Masahiro Furuya
Cooperative Major in Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Waseda University, 3-4-1, Okubo, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, 169-8555, Japan

*Corresponding Author


The term ‘Digital Twin’ is often appeared everywhere to date, while the definition of
digital twin is diverged across industry and academia [1]. Grieves [2] seems to be
the first to propose the digital twin concept model to unifying the virtual and real
worlds in 2003. In general, digital twin refers to a digital replica of physical process
or systems [3]. We have proposed the digital twin concept of a mother design for
twin children (experiment and simulation) with a help of the additive manufacturing
technology. The lecture addresses our developed technologies of powder
production, powder metallurgy, three-dimensional modelling, additive
manufacturing to expand material variations for broadening the application of
additive manufacturing. Devised additive- manufacturing method [4] is devoted for
complex structures with scalable measurement and control systems, including wide
variety of thermal-hydraulic applications together with computational multi-fluid
dynamic simulations in terms of the nuclear safety. Finally, we introduced the digital
triplet concept to derive the regressive and well-correlated design on the basis of
knowledge and experiences with a help of machine learning and statistics.

Keyword: Digital twin, Digital triplet, Machine learning, Additive manufacturing,

Computational multi- phase fluid dynamics, Powder production,
Surface modification, Material processing, Scaling

1. Jones D, Snider C, Nassehi A, Yon J, Hicks B (2020) Characterizing the
Digital Twin: A systematic literature review, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing
Science and Technology, Vol. 29, 36 - 52.
2. Grieves M, Digital twin: manufacturing excellence through virtual factory
replication, 2019. Available from:
3. Liu M, Fang S, Dong H, Xu C (2021) Review of digital twin about concepts,
technologies, and industrial applications, Vol. 58, 346 – 361.
4. Furuya M, Arai T (2018) Pool Boiling on Porous Alumina Surface with and
without Crack - Additive- Manufactured Complex, Porous, Ceramic Heat-
Transfer Surface -, 10th International Conference on Boiling and
Condensation Heat Transfer, 12th – 15th March 2018, Nagasaki, Japan.

Keynote Speaker

Practical Solutions to Distance Learning in Science

Pasi Vilpas
Science Education, The Sotunki Upper Sec. School and Distance Learning Center, Vantaa


My presentation consists of five sections.

1) An introduction to traditional text based learning platforms
2) Virtual worlds on contact teaching from distance
3) Learning devices and pedagocical approaches in the virtual worlds of the
4) How to organize exams on distance learning
5) What makes school so resistant to change

In the first section I make clear what a typical text based learning platforms
1) Document storage
2) Interface for the actual lessons
3) Selection of applications
4) Video meeting possibility

I use Google as an example of this tradition.

Here is the list of respective solutions by Google.
1) Google Drive
2) Google Classroom
3) Google Apps
4) Google Meet

In the sections two and three I present virtual world project which me and my
colleagues had some years ago in the Sotunki Upper Secondary School (Distance
Learning Department). The project took place in Second Life virtual world.
Completely new kinds of learning and teaching tools were the most important result
of the project. A collection of these will be presented.

In the section four I demonstrate what to do when exams have to be organized

from distance. Identity authentication with screen shot videos and double checking
by sms-messages is our solution.

In the last section the topic is simple:

What Makes School so Resistant to Change?
I give my personal answer to this after 30 years experience as a teacher.

Keyword: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gilbert Ryle

Keynote Speaker

Stochastic Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

Using Sample Average and Sample Median Approximation
Marah Doly Nasution1, Herman Mawengkang2, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil3, Syahril
Efendi4, Sutarman5
1 University of Muhamadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
2,4,5 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Universitas

Sumatera Utara, Padang Bulan 20155, Medan, Indonesia

3 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul

34310, Turkey

*Corresponding Author


This paper study a new approximation model to solving stochastic data

envelopment analysis (SDEA) problem. The proposed approach is based on
problems that might occur in everyday life. This paper discusses the approach in
determining the efficiency and super efficiency ratings of a decision making unit
(DMU) in the DEA model with stochastic data. In determining efficiency, SDEA is first
transformed into an equivalent deterministic DEA by changing its chance
constraints in such a way that the SDEA problem can be solved easily. The author
proposes an approach technique called a sample median approximation (SMA) to
change the chance constraints so that it will be easy to get the optimal solution in
determining the efficiency of DMUs. In the process, the data to be processed first is
determined by the median average which will later be considered to represent the
actual sample average. As a numerical example, the author resolves the vendor
selection problem as presented by Wu and Olson (2006) in their paper. By taking
the same parameter value (α = 0.2 and beta = 0.9), the efficiency score and super
efficiency of the problem are obtained.

Keyword: Data envelopment analysis, stochastic data envelopment analysis,

deterministic data envelopment analysis sample median
approximation, decision making unit, efficiency, super efficiency,
Banker, level of risk, level of aspiration

1. Charnes, A. and Cooper, W.W. (1959) ‘Chance-constrained programming’,
Manage. Sci., Vol. 6, p.73-79.
2. Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W. and Rhodes, E. (1978) ‘Measuring the efficiency of
decision making units’, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 2,
3. Cooper, W.W., Shanling, L., Seiford, L.M., Kaoru, T., Thrall, R.M. and Zhu, J.
(2001) ‘Sensitivity and stability analysis in DEA: some recent developments’,
Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.217–246.
4. Efendi, S. (2013) Approximation based on Scenario to Manage the Decision
Making Unit (DMU) in the Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis (SDEA)
Model, Dissertation, University of Sumatera Utara.
5. Moskowitz, H., Tang, J. and Lam, P. (2000) ‘Distribution of aggregate utility
using stochastic elements of additive multi-attribute utility models’, Decision
Sci., Vol. 31, pp.327–360.

Keynote Speaker

COVID-19 and the Telecommunications Industry

Slamet Suparmaji
Industrial – Vice President PT Smartfren Telecom, Tbk. Indonesia


The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing widespread concern and economic

hardship for consumers, businesses and communities across the globe. The situation
is changing quickly with widespread impacts. We’ve prepared some general
guidance on COVID-19: What Telecommunication business leaders should know:
crisis management and response, workforce, operations and supply chain, financial
reporting, tax and trade, and strategy and brand. Most companies already have
business continuity plans, but those may not fully address the fast-moving and
unknown variables of an outbreak like COVID-19. Typical contingency plans ensure
operational effectiveness following events like natural disasters, cyber incidents and
power outages, among others. They don’t generally take into account the
widespread quarantines, extended school closures and added travel restrictions that
may occur in the case of a health emergency. Education has been one of the most
affected sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing us all to change existing
education system, cancelling physical classes and closing campus’ doors in response
to the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) issued by the government. So, how to
best deal with the situation? The key is adapting to the ever-changing pandemic
related conditions.

Keyword: Precision medicine, Gene technology, Digital technology, Aging

populations, Bioinformatics

1. The impact of COVID-19 on the Global Telecommunications Industry -
International Finance Corporations
2. The telecommunication industry in the post-COVID-19 world - Report of the
7th ITU Economic Experts Roundtable
3. Understanding COVID-19’s impact on the telecom sector - Respond:
Guidance for telecommunications executives

Invited Spekaer

Student Learning Obstacles In Solving Contextual

Mathematical Problem
Tatang Herman*, Khalida Rahmi, Nadya Syifa Utami
Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze the learning obstacles of primary and secondary school
students in solving contextual mathematical problems. The method used in this
study was a qualitative method through case study. There were 36 grade-five
students and 66 grade-eight students from one of primary and secondary school in
Bandung participated in this study. A diagnostic test of learning obstacles was
examined to the students then follow-up interview was conducted to several
students. The results showed that linguistics and mathematical formulations were
the main obstacles for majority of students in both primary and secondary schools
when they solved contextual mathematical problems. Thus, this finding suggests
that it is important to emphasize the mathematics learning in terms of language
understanding and formulating from the context of the problem.

Keyword: mathematical literacy, learning obstacles, contextual mathematical


1. Blum. W. (2011). Can modelling be taught and learnt? Some answers from
empirical research Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical
modelling ed G Kaiser, W Blum, R Borromeo Ferri and G Stillman (Dordrecht:
Springer Netherlands), pp. 15–30.
2. Blum, W. & Ferri, R. B. (2009). Mathematical Modelling: Can It Be Taught And
3. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(1), pp 45-58
4. Chang, Y. P., Krawitz, J., Schukajlow, S. & Yang, K. L. (2019). Comparing
German and Taiwanese secondary school students’ knowledge in solving
mathematical modelling tasks requiring their assumptions. ZDM, 52, pp. 59–
5. Daroczy, G., Wolska, M., Meurers,W. D. & Nuerk, H. C. (2015). Word
problems: a review of linguistic and numerical factors contributing to their
difficulty, Frontier in Psychology. 6 (348). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00348

Invited Spekaer

Novel of Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System Single

Bulb Garlic: Stability and Cytotoxicity Test
Sri Rahayu Lestari1*, Abdul Gofur1, Fauziatul Fajaroh2, Siti Imroatul Maslikah1, Nik
Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek3,4
1Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang,

Malang, East Java, Indonesia

2Department of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri

Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

3Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor

Bahru, Malaysia
4Center for Sustainable Nanomaterials, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial

Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author


Single garlic is a potential plant that is often used as medicine. Several active
compounds in single garlic are lipophilic, volatility, and unstable in gastrointestinal
fluids. The optimal delivery system for garlic's active compounds without reducing
its bioavailability is still being developed. Self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system
(SNEDDS) have offer valuable opportunities in drug delivery. This study aimed to
determination of stability and cytotoxicity SNEDDS from single bulb garlic (SBG).
Formulated SNEDDS SBG based on selection of carrier oil (Canola and Virgin
Coconut Oil), surfactant (Tween 80), and co-surfactant (PEG-400 and Glycerol). The
SNEDDS formula was characterized using visual, Transmission Electron Microscope
(TEM), Paticle Size Analyzer (PSA) and Zeta Potential. Furthermore, the physical
stability test was carried out by a thermodynamic test, a chemical stability test using
the DPPH method and gastrointestinal enzyme. Toxicity test was performed to
detect the safety of SBG-SNEDDS against TIG-1 and 3T3-L1 cells by the MTT method.
Analysis of data by descriptive and one-way ANOVA. SNEDDS made had a fast
emulsion time, neutral pH and had a transmittance percent above 90%. The
morphology of SNEDDS is spherical with a size between 50-60nm, nano emulsion is
homogeneous (PDI< 0.5), stable (ZP <-30mV). SNEDDS have high antioxidant, aliin
and allicin are well protected. TIG-1 and 3T3-L1 cell viability was above 80% after
exposure SNEDDS 2000mg/ml. Conclussion: The single garlic extract SNEDDS had
good physical stability and strong antioxidant activity. SNEDDS was able to protect
the single garlic active compound, and not toxic in 3T3-L1 and TIG-1 cell

Keyword: Cytotoxicity, Single garlic extract, SNEDDS

1. Deshmukh, A. S., Tiwari, K. J., & Mahajan, V. R. (2017). Solubility
Enhancement Techniques for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs. International
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology, 10(3), 3701–3708.
2. Gurpreet, K., & Singh, S. K. (2018). Review of Nanoemulsion Formulation and
Characterization Techniques. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
80(5), 781–789.

3. Kazi, M., Al-Swairi, M., Ahmad, A., Raish, M., Alanazi, F. K., Badran, M. M.,
Khan, A. A., Alanazi, A. M., & Hussain, M. D. (2019). Evaluation of Self-
Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SNEDDS) for Poorly Water-Soluble
Talinolol: Preparation, in vitro and in vivo Assessment. Frontiers in
Pharmacology, 10.
4. Mohd Izham, M. N., Hussin, Y., Aziz, M. N. M., Yeap, S. K., Rahman, H. S.,
Masarudin, M. J., Mohamad, N. E., Abdullah, R., & Alitheen, N. B. (2019).
Preparation and Characterization of Self Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery
System Loaded with Citraland Its Antiproliferative Effect on Colorectal Cells
In Vitro. Nanomaterials, 9(7), 1028.
5. Xue, X., Cao, M., Ren, L., Qian, Y., & Chen, G. (2018). Preparation and
Optimization of Rivaroxaban by Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System
(SNEDDS) for Enhanced Oral Bioavailability and No Food Effect. AAPS
PharmSciTech, 19(4), 1847–1859.

Invited Spekaer

Assessment and Monitoring Heavy metal pollution and Pb

isotopes in sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass
Anugrah Ricky Wijaya 1*, and Shigeru Ohde 2
1 Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Jl. Semarang No.5 Malang, 65145
2 Department of Marine Chemistry, University of The Ryukyus, 59 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa,


*Corresponding Author


Road-side dust and sediment is used as the media for assessment and monitoring
heavy metals to evaluate their polluted areas. The road-side dust and sediment
samples collected from Big Cities in Japan and Thailand and also Sumida and Chao
Phraya rivers to elucidate the sources of metals in urbanized areas. The samples
were leached using partial leaching (PL) (1% HNO3) to measure metal
concentrations and Pb isotopic ratios (208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb), and then use a
sequential leaching technique for geochemical fraction of metal contents sediment
by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). All of the metal
contents in samples were high compared with those in pristine background
indicating pollution areas. Based on the Pb isotope finger print using model single
stage 1 of samples, indicating Pb sources of big cities from Japan associated with
battery and solder. The fingerprints of Pb-Fly ash or municipal solid in samples were
found dominated in the sources of Pb in the Bangkok areas. The ranking of pollution
load indexes (PLI) of Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Zn contents was found from samples that
were located near to the center of Bangkok. The portion of geochemical fractions in
Chao Phraya sediment were higher to those in the Sumida River, indicating that
Bangkok city may be more polluted compared with those in Tokyo city.

Keyword: anthropogenic, heavy metal, PLI, Pb isotopes, sediment

Invited Spekaer

Twenty Years Research on Philosophy of Science: A Note of

Physics Educator
Nadi Suprapto1*
1 Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This paper aims to analyze the scientific trend of research on philosophy of science
(POS) during the last two decades and their interconnection with the philosophy of
physics. The researcher conducted a bibliometric study in Fall Semester 2021/2022
by utilizing the Scopus database. The metadata was composed of 2202 documents in
total. The results revealed that scientific publication on POS has been fluctuating
even though it was increasing from the 2000s to 2020s. The USA contributed the
most documents on POS as well as the UK dominated in this area. The University of
Cambridge was the most institution that contributed to this domain, and Mansur
Niaz was the most influenced author in this area. Then, the visualization of research
trends on POS resulted in seven clusters: student and education, researcher and
scientific research, cognitive science, metaphysics and religion, periodization,
philosophy and politics, philosophers and their discovery. The research findings
could aid related researchers to recognize the trend of POS research globally and
recommend directions for further study, especially for Indonesian researchers.

Keyword: philosophy of science, physics education, bibliometric analysis, cluster,


1. Suprapto, N., Kusnanik, N. W., Iriani, S. S., Wibawa, S. C., Sujarwanto, S.,
Yulianto, B., Suprapto, S., Hariyanto, A., & Nurhasan, N. (2021). The
comparison of Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR), Scopus, and SINTA
profile: A case of the top Indonesian Institutions. Library Philosophy and
Practice (e-journal), 5788, 1-11.
2. Suprapto, N., Prahani, B. K., & Deta, U. A. (2021). Research trend on
ethnoscience through bibliometric analysis (2011-2020) and the
contribution of Indonesia. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 5599,
3. Suprapto, N., Sukarmin, Puspitawati, R. P., Erman, Savitri, D., Ku, C.-H. and
Mubarok, H. (2021). Research trend on technological pedagogical content
knowledge (TPACK) through bibliometric analysis (2015-2019).
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Vol.10
no.4, in-press.
4. Wulansari, L., Ahmar, A. S., Rochmat, A. & Iskandar, A. (2020). The most-cited
articles in Data in Brief Journal: A bibliometric analysis using Scopus data.
Library Philosophy and Practice, 4566.
5. Yanuarti, E. A. & Suprapto, N. (2021). Ten years of research on history of
science (physics): A bibliometric analysis. Studies in Philosophy of Science
and Education, 2(1), 7-16.

Invited Spekaer

Modified Cyclodextrins and Their Application in Drug

I Wayan Muderawan
Departmen of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ganesha University of
Education, Singaraja-Bali 81117

*Corresponding Author


Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides containing intersaccharide α-1,4-

glycosidic bonds. The most common CDs are those consisting of six, seven, and eight
glucose units, which are called α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrins. The native CDs have
limited aqueous solubility therefore they have limited application in drug delivery
system. Cyclodextrins could be modified through substituting various functional
compounds on the primary and/or the secondary rim of the molecule. Through
modification, the applications of cyclodextrins can be expanded. Modified
cyclodextrins (MCDs) have much higher aqueous solubility compared to the parent
and the property of molecular recognition of MCDs can be utilized for targeted drug
delivery. In the pharmaceutical industry, MCDs have mainly been used as
complexing agents to increase aqueous solubility of poorly soluble drugs and to
increase their bioavailability and stability. Moreover, the future prospects of MCDs,
especially mono-substituted CDs, are quite bright since they are single isomer and
possess remarkably unique properties of forming inclusion complexes with drugs.

Keyword: modified cyclodextrins, inclusion complex, application, drug delivery

1. T. Loftsson, M. E. Brewster, J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 62, 1607-1621 (2010).
2. R. Khan, P. Forgo, K. J. Stine, V. T. D’Souza, Chem. Rev. 98, 1977-1996 (1998).
3. C. Dollendorf, M. Maier, R. Janda, H. Ritter, J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 77, 351–
361 (2013).
4. I W. Muderawan, T-T. Ong, W-H. Tang, D. J. Young, C. B. Ching, S. C. Ng, Tetrahedron
Lett. 46, 1747-1749 (2005).
5. I W. Muderawan, T-T. Ong, L. Teak. Chia, D. J. Young, D. J., C. B. Ching, C. B., S. C. Ng,
Tetrahedron Lett. 46, 7905-7907 (2005).

ID: A00003
Topic: Biology Education

Contribution of Student Independence and Digital Skills to

Learning Outcomes
R S F Sinaga*, Hasruddin, F Harahap
Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the contribution of students' independence and digital
skills to learning outcomes. This type of research is non-experimental using
quantitative data. The sample in this study consisted of 3 classes of 60 collage
studets who were taken randomly using random sampling technique. The data
analysis technique in this study was carried out using inferential statistics. The
results in this study are the coefficient of determination R2 of 0.237, then learning
independence contributes to student learning outcomes in the microbiology course
of FMIPA UNIMED in the new normal period of 23.7% with the contribution was low
category, and the value of the coefficient of determination R2 of 0.255, digital skills
contribute on student learning outcomes in the microbiology course, FMIPA
UNIMED in the new normal period of 25.5% with the contribution was low category.

Keyword: Student Independence, Digital Skills, Learning Outcomes

1. Handayani, N., & Hidayat, F. 2018. Hubungan Kemandirian Terhadap Hasil
Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Matematika di Kelas X SMK Kota Cimahi. 1
(2): 1–8.
2. Trilling, B. and Fadel, C. 2009. 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our
Times. San Francisco, Calif., Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Winartiningsih, W.E., Halimah, S., & Mahmu`ddin. 2018. Analisis
Kemandirian Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas VIII MTSN 1
Kotim. Equilibria Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Ekonomi, 3 (1), 28-
4. Rachmayani, Dwi. 2014. Penerapan Pembelajaran Rectprocal Teaching
Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Dan Kemandirian
Belajar Matematika Siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan UNSIKA, 2 (1):13. Rineka Cipta.

ID: A00008
Topic: Biology Education

The Influence of Learning Style on Science Process Skills of

Digestive System Material For Class XI High School in Kisaran
District, Asahan Regency
G Indriana*, M Silitonga, F Harahap
Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


The aim of this study was to analyze the learning style on science process skill class
XI digestive system in State Senior High School of Kisaran, Asahan. This method
applied a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population were all
students of class XI there are 792 public schools in State Senior High Schools of
Kisaran for the academic year of 2020/2021. Samples were taken from four school,
each one class totaling 144 student by using purposive sampling. To obtain the data,
the description test was used as an questionnaire to determine student learning
styles. Hypothesis testing was carried out with multiple linear regression analysis
with a significance level of 0,05. The research show that from learning style (visual,
auditorial, kinesthetic, audio/visual, visual kinesthetic, auditorial/kinesthetic) the
hight result is visual with a percentage of 38.19. Then the student science process
skills intrument with indicators such as observing, classifying, interpreting,
predicting, asking questions, hypothesizing, planning experiments, applying
concepts, and communicating in biology learning. The results on science process
skills of the digestive system material were categorized as good with a score of
82.06 and the highest indicator for observing obtained a mean score of 86.63 with a
very good category and the lowest indicator for applying the concept obtained score
of 79.16 a good category.

Keyword: Learning style, Science Process Skills, Dygestive System

ID: A00056
Topic: Biology Education

Students' Self-directed Learning with Technology on Online

Learning Using social media
F A Mardha*, W W W Brata, C Suriani, N Pratiwi
Department of Biology Education, State University of Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan,
North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the scale of student learning independence and
learning outcomes in online learning using several social media. The research
method used a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest design
with a purposive sampling technique. The instrument uses cognitive tests and self-
directed questionnaires learning with a technology scale (SDLTS), consisting of 10
questions with five choices. The results showed that increasing student learning
independence before and after learning through the application of Google Classroom
on the Circulation System material in grade XI. The increase is seen from the average
value of learning independence before learning is 78, while the after learning is
79.29. Furthermore, the paired sample t-test results for the experimental class
wherein the sig. (2-tailed) section, a value of 0.041 <0.05, was obtained.
Furthermore, an increase in student learning outcomes with an n-gain of 0.59 is
included in the medium category.

Keyword: Google Classroom, independent learning with technology, learning


ID: A00056
Topic: Biology Education

Students' learning motivation in online learning using social

H S Y Chaniago*, W W W Brata, C Suriani, N Pratiwi
Department of Biology Education, State University of Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan,
North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze the motivation and learning outcomes of biology before
and after using google classroom. The study used the One-Group Pretest-Posttest
Design. The sample was taken by using the purposive sampling technique. A total of
30 students were involved as participants in this study. The instruments used were
cognitive tests for the movement system material, motivation questionnaires, and
interviews. All instruments and learning tools were developed with validation from
experts from Universitas Negeri Medan. The results showed an increase in
motivation and learning outcomes after using google classrooms in the motion
system material—improvement in learning outcomes in the high category based on
N-Gain analysis. Statistical testing (paired t-test) also shows that learning outcomes
before and after treatment are significantly different from sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05.
These results indicate that the use of google classroom as a tool in e-learning can
positively impact student motivation and learning outcomes.

Keyword: Google Classroom, learning motivation, social media

ID: A00072
Topic: Biology Education

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Biology

Learning Achievement Student’s In Class XI IA At SMA Negeri
2 Kisaran
H S Harahap1*, T Harsono2 and Irwansyah3
1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Labuhabatu, Jl. SM Raja No.126 A
Aek Tapa
2Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar
Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221
3Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Quality University, Jl. Ngumban Surbakti No.18


*Corresponding Author


These research have the aims to know the relationship between emotional
intelligence and biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri
2 Kisaran. The population of this research is all students in class XI IA at SMA Negeri
2 Kisaran with amount is 135 student. This case, the sample taken with used total
sampling is 135 student, from the entire of the population. The research method
used is descriptive correlation, using the questionnaire it means as the collecting
data in research. Based on the data analysis result of the prerequisite test known
that is well the data of emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement that
are distributed normally and homogeneous. For technical data analysis known form
of the regression equation is Y = -14.28 + 22.67x that the regression is linear. It can
be seen of -
and significance test of regression Y on X that the value of Farithmetic > Ftable
(51.19 > 4.73). It can be concluded that the regression equation of Y = -14.28 +
22.67x does means
From the calculated of correlation coefficient obtained r = 0.53 and Index of
determination (I) = 28 % means that there is a positive and significant correlation
between emotional intelligence and student achievement, where the emotional
intelligence factors the contribution is 28 % to increase student achievement. The
hypothesis test which is obtained tarithmetic > ttable (7.21 > 1.96), so that the
hypothesis testing of Ho is rejected while of Ha is accepted. Based on the explanation
above, it can be concluded that there is relationship between emotional intelligence
and biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran.

Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Biology Learning Achievement, Questionnaire

1. Marquez, P., G. (2006). Relating Emotional Intelligence to Social Competence
and Academic Achievement in High School Students, Faculty of Education
University of Cádiz, Spain, Psicothema Vol. (18): pp. 118-123.
2. Ogundokun, M., O., and Adeyemo, D., A. (2010). Emotional Intelligence and
Academic Achievement, the African Symposium: an online Journal of the
African Educational Research Network, Vol. (10): pp. 120-128.
3. Gusmayanti. (2009). Skripsi Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan
Prestasi Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Swasta Tunas Pelita Binjai
Tahun pelajaran 2008/2009, UNIMED, Medan.
4. Minium, E., W., and Clarke, R., B. (2006). Elements of Statistical Reasoning,
London: John Wiley and Sons.

ID: A00098
Topic: Biology Education

Development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) High School Biology Teaching Book on
Students' Science Literacy Skills in Growth materials and
Plant Development
D S Anto*, Hasruddin, T Gultom
Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This research aims to produce a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

(STEM) biology teaching book on students' science literacy skills in valid plant
growth and development materials and find out the responses of biology teachers
and students and measure the effectiveness of books in learning. The research
design used is a type of research development research and development (R&D)
model Borg and Gall. The population in this study was students of class XII of State
High School IPA 1 Lawe Sigala-gala which amounted to 4 classes with a sample of 2
classes taken randomly. Data analysis techniques use quantitative and qualitative
descriptive. Product validation results based on expert assessment of materials of
93.71% are excellent, instructional design experts with a score of 96.41% are
excellent, linguists with scores of 92.70% are excellent, layout experts with scores of
95.74% are very good, and the responses of biology teachers and students obtained
grades of 90.71% and 86.35% in excellent categories. STEM based biology textbooks
developed effectively based on science literacy skills (Z=3.873 and P=0.000). An
increase in the average N-gain score in the experimental class showed an
improvement in science literacy skills with a value of 0.48 moderate category.

Keyword: Plant Growth and Development, Teaching Books, Science Literacy Skills

ID: A00133
Topic: Biology Education

Analysis of Aspects of Science Literacy in Hematology

Textbooks at Medan State University
Y M Tarigan*, M Silitonga, E Djulia
Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze the textbook of Hematology because most of the lecturers
use textbooks as a learning guide in the classroom. The analysis carried out leads to
an analysis of textbooks on scientific literacy, namely to determine the scope of
scientific literacy in textbooks. This study is a descriptive study that aims to explain
the scope of scientific literacy contained in the textbooks used on the Medan State
University campus. The population of this research is all materials of Hematology.
The sample of this study is one of the materials that are difficult to understand,
namely Hematopoiesis. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique. The
textbooks analyzed were 2 books. The data was taken using an observation sheet
containing scientific literacy indicators, which were then translated into percentages
for each book and indicator. The results of the research analysis show that the
aspects of scientific literacy that appear the most in each book are science as a body
of knowledge as much as 25%, science as a way to investigate as much as 27.5%,
science as a way of thinking as much as 32.5% and interaction. science and
technology with the community as much as 0%. The results of the study concluded
that the two textbooks used emphasized the presentation of facts, concepts,
principles, laws, theories and models and emphasized that students could remember
information through questions.

Keyword: Science Literacy, Textbooks, Hematologi, Content, Context, Process

1. Adisendjaja, Y.H. (2009). Analysis of Class X High School Biology Textbooks
in Bandung City Based on Scientific Literacy. Department of Biology
Education FPMIPA UPI. Bandung: Unpublished.
2. Arohman, M., Saefudin., & Priyandoko, D. (2016). Students' Science Literacy
Ability in Ecosystem Learning. Proceedings of Biology Education Conference,
13(1), 90-92.
3. Chiappetta, E.L., Fillman, D.A., and Sethna, G.H. (1991b). A Quantitative
Analysis of High School Chemistry Textbooks for Scientific Literacy Themes
and Expository Learning Aids. Journal of research in science teaching.
28(10), 939-951.
4. Firman, H. (2007). Analysis of Scientific Literacy Based on PISA Results
National Year 2006. Jakarta: Center for Educational Assessment, Research
and Development of the Ministry of National Education.
5. Husna, Rifnatul., Hasruddin, & Syarifuddin. (2013). Development of
Problem-Based Applied Microbiology Research Mini Book. Proceedings of
the Biology Education Conference. ISNN 2528-5742. Vol 10, No 1 (2013)

ID: A00140
Topic: Biology Education

Development of Electronic Module Based on ASICC Strategy

on Virus Materials for Class X to Empower Critical Thinking
Q N Rohmania1, I N Afifah1, Fatnatin2, P R Primandiri1, M Nurmilawati1, A M Santoso1
1 Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
2SMAN 1 Kediri

*Corresponding Author


Critical thinking is a living thing that currently needs to be empowered in the

learning process. The results of a preliminary study at SMAN 1 Kediri showed that
learning biology in class X MIPA during the pandemic was only limited to listening to
teacher explanations and doing assignments at the Lower Order Thinking Skills
(LOTS) level. Based on these problems, the solution that can be done is to develop an
e-module based on the ASICC strategy to empower students' critical thinking skills.
This study aims to obtain a valid, practical, and effective ASICC-based e-module
media to empower the critical thinking skills of class X MIPA A students of SMAN 1
Kediri. This research is development research with the Plomp model. The research
data was obtained from a questionnaire on the needs of learning materials from
teachers and students, according to the e-module based on the questionnaire results
from expert validation, are material and language experts, design and media experts,
teacher validation and student responses, implementation of e-module data from
the results of students' critical thinking scores. Data analysis with descriptive
statistics and descriptions of research results. The results showed that the ASICC
strategy-based electronic module was very valid 92% based on the results of
material and language validation, 78% valid based on the results of design and
media validation, 93% very valid based on practitioner validation. The results of
student responses are quite valid 88%. The results of the implementation of the e-
module based on students' critical thinking scores are 87. The ASICC strategy-based
e-module that has been developed is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning

Keyword: ASICC strategy, e-module, Critical thinking, development research

1. Akker, J., Bannan, B., Kelly, A.E., Nieveen, N., Plomp, T, (2013) Educational
Design Research, Enschede: Netherlands Institute for Curriculum
Development (SLO), 10 - 51.

ID: A00147
Topic: Biology Education

Analysis of Student Needs for the Unimed Biology Education

Study Program in the Implementation of Animal
Development Lectures
L Z Tarigan*, S Edi, H Sipahutar
Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze student needs for the implementation of Animal
Development courses. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research
is a stage of needs analysis and information gathering on the Borg & Gall
development model. The method used is survey. The survey was conducted based
on the experiences that have been passed by the respondents. The sampling process
is by means of random sampling technique. The population was carried out
involving 77 (seventy-seven) students of the 2017 Stambuk Biology Education study
program. The survey results obtained information, in general respondents thought
that 54.9% of Animal Development lectures were carried out well. The distribution
of assessments for the Animal Development Course shows the percentage > 30% are
categorized as difficult to learn and there are no scientific journals available during
Animal Development lectures. However, in the study of teaching materials provided
in the form of dictation, it was found that there were technical difficulties for
students in using the teaching materials, including: 1) The Diktat contains language
that is relatively difficult to understand and the pictures and writings contained in
the Diktat on animal development are less clear; 2) experimental animals are
difficult to find (results of independent interview: due to the nature of animals for
experiments); 3) difficulty in obtaining journals and textbooks related to the
material being studied; 4) difficulty observing small animals/organs; 5) found some
unclear images contained in the dictation; 6) difficulty memorizing Latin terms.
Student needs for the Animal Development course at the Department of Biology,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Medan State University
(Unimed) requires systematic development of textbooks (with reference to existing

Keyword: Needs Analysis, Courses, Animal Development

ID: A00155
Topic: Biology Education

Implementation Of Digital Books On Student’s Critical

Thinking Skill In Biology Learning Evaluation Course
Hasruddin*, Aryeni, Widya Arwita
Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar
Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the implications of digital textbooks on students'

critical thinking skills in biology learning evaluation courses. This development
research uses the ADDIE model with the number of research subjects as many as 80
students and 6 lecturers determined purposively. Data were collected by
questionnaires and tests, then analyzed using the percentage technique. The results
of the study found that the resulting digital textbooks were suitable for use and after
implementation the students' thinking quality in the evaluation course of biology
learning was obtained as follows: (1) Question of issue 82.18% (good), (2) Purpose
90.26% (very good), (3) Information 92.64% (very good), (4) Concepts 83.26%
(good), (5) Assumptions 80.12% (good), (6) Point of view 86.62% (good), (7)
Interpretation and inference 88.58% (good), and (8) Implications and consequences
86.74% (good).

Keyword: Digital Book, Evaluation, Critical Thinking.

ID: A00109
Topic: Biology Education

Pre Service Biology Student’s knowledge about Technological

Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPCK) as Prerequisite
for Professional Biology Teacher
E Djulia, W W W Brata, Amrizal
Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar
Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


The Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework describes

the kinds of knowledge required by teachers for the successful integration of
technology in teaching. It suggests that teachers need to know about the
intersections of technology, pedagogy, and content. Specifically, how these areas of
knowledge interact and influence one another in unique and specific contexts. This
study aims to analyze pre service Biology students knowledge about TPCK. About
203 Pre service Biology students involved in this descriptive study. By administered
50 TPCK items then analyzed descriptively and item analysis individually, the result
showed the average percentage of their technological knowledge is 63.53%,
pedagogical knowledge is 61.78%, and content knowledge is 74.15%. Technological
knowledge includes their knowledge about blended learning and IT-based media.
Pedagogical knowledge includes learning theories, learning objectives, evaluation,
learning strategies and approaches, learning resources, and lesson plan. Content
knowledge includes biology practicum, scientific methods, virus, bacteria, moss,
fern, vertebrate, gymnosperm, angiosperm, cell, human organ system, and
metabolism. The study imply the importance of advancing and reinforcing some
pedagogical course such as teaching learning strategies, curriculum analysis,
evaluation of biology teaching learning to build better preservice biology students
acquisition of TPCK.

Keyword: Pre service Biology Teacher, TPCK

ID: A00025
Topic: Biology Education

Correlation of Learning Using Google Classroom and “Kelas

Maya Rumah Belajar” With Student Learning Activities
Eni Susanti*, Fauziyah Harahap, Ashar Hasairin
Magister Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan. Jl. Willem
Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221
Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 4 Medan for Class XII students in the
2020/2021 academic year, aiming to determine the relationship between learning
using Google Classroom and “Kelas Maya Rumah Belajar” on student learning
activities. The population in this study were 10 science classes at SMAN 4 Medan
with a sample of 2 classes. The instrument used was an observation sheet for
student learning activities. The research method uses a quasi-experimental
technique with Spearman correlation data analysis at a significance level of 0.05.
The results showed that there was no significant relationship between the use of
Google Classroom and “Kelas Maya Rumah Belajar” on student learning activities.
This is because the chat feature on Google Classroom has not been utilized optimally
in the learning process and there are technical obstacles in the use of “Kelas Maya
Rumah Belajar”.

Keyword: Google Classroom, Kelas Maya, Rumah Belajar, Student Activities

ID: A00034
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Optimization of Micropropagation Technique for Propagation

of Benzoin Sumatrana (Styrax benzoin) as a Step to Produce
Good Quality Seedlings for Conservation of Forest Plants
Producing Medicines Raw Materials
I Nurwahyuni1*, M Situmorang2, and R Sinaga1
1Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi No.1 Padang Bulan, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20155,
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri

Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Psr V, Medan, North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20221

*Corresponding Author


Preservation of woody forest plants that have high economic value is very much
needed to prevent illegal logging as well as an effort to increase non-timber forest
production. One of the forest plants of North Sumatra that needs attention is
Benzoin Sumatrana (Styrax benzoin) because it produces frankincense resin which
is used as a raw material for medicines. Micropropagation technique is the right
strategy to produce seeds of the same plant as the parent plant in large and uniform
quantities in a relatively short time. This study aims to obtain the optimum
micropropagation technique to reproduce Sumatran Styrax from one of the best
quality parent plants as a strategy to increase the production of frankincense resin
as a medicinal raw material. The source of explants used shoots from the mother
plant which were cultured in media with various growth regulators. The research is
an experimental study with variations in growth regulators using a completely
randomized design with two factors, the concentration of 2,4-
Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 6‐Benzylaminopurine (BAP). The results
showed that the concentration of growth regulators 2,4-D and 6-BAP greatly
affected the growth and development of callus in culture media. The growth and
weight of callus was determined by the combination of the concentration of 2,4-D
and BAP in the culture medium. The highest callus growth intensity was obtained in
the treatment using a combination of 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/L BAP. Callus with
the highest weight was obtained by giving 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 10 mg/L BAP.
Optimization of micropropagation techniques in this study is still being carried out
in an effort to produce plant embryos that have leaves, shoots and roots that can be
developed into good quality Frankincense seeds.

Keyword: Benzoin Sumatrana, Styrax benzoin, Micropropagation technique,

Forest plants.

ID: A00049
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Infection on Roots of Teruntum

A S S Pulungan*, M Y Nasution2, D N Sinaga
Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar
Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are a form of symbiosis between fungi and plant roots.
According to previous research, it is stated that almost all plants can have symbiosis
with mycorrhizae (Sanmartín, 2020). One indicator of the symbiosis that occurs
between fungi and plant roots is by looking at the percentage of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi infection on plant roots. This study aims to determine the
percentage of root colonization of tertumum plants infected by arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi. The research method used is to take the root chili sauce of tertum
plants. Samples of teruntum plant roots were cleaned and soaked in 2% HCl.
Subsequently, it was cleaned and stained with trypan blue solution. The stained
roots were then cut into pieces with a size of 1 cm and arranged on a glass object
and observed under a microscope (Deguchi, 2017). Based on the observations made,
the results of the calculation of the percentage of root colonization in Teruntum
plants were 28%. If it is converted into the criteria table for the percentage of root
colonization, it is classified into the low category (Rajapakse, 1992).

Keyword: Colonization, Roots, Symbiosis, AMF, Teruntum

1. Sanmartín, N., Sánchez-Bel, P., Pastor, V., Pastor-Fernández, J., Mateu, D.,
Pozo, M. J., ... & Flors, V. (2020). Root-to-shoot signalling in mycorrhizal
tomato plants upon Botrytis cinerea infection. Plant Science, 298, 110595.
2. Deguchi, S., Matsuda, Y., Takenaka, C., Sugiura, Y., Ozawa, H., & Ogata, Y.
(2017). Proposal of a new estimation method of colonization rate of
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of Chengiopanax sciadophylloides.
Mycobiology, 45(1), 15-19.
3. Rajapakse, S., & Miller Jr, J. C. (1992). 15 methods for studying vesicular-
arbuscular mycorrhizal root colonization and related root physical
properties. Methods in microbiology, 24, 301-316.

ID: A00050
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Percentage of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization on

Pidada Putih Plants (Sonneratia alba)
M Y Nasution*, A S S Pulungan, A Nasuiton , D C Simanjuntak
Department Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar
Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


The diversity of AMF in the world is recorded around 250 species associated with
plants spread from the tropics to the subtropics and even the north pole (Schussler
& Walker 2010). One technique to determine a plant infected with AMF is to
determine the percentage of colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant
roots. One of the interesting plants to study is the white pidada (Sonneratia alba)
which lives in mangrove areas. This study aims to determine the percentage of
colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in white pidada plants (Sonneratia
alba). The research method used was to follow the sample root staining technique
using the staining method from Kormanik and McGraw (1982). Observing the
colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the roots of the sample plants was
carried out using root staining techniques. The results showed that the percentage
of colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Pidada puti (Sonneratia alba)
plants, which was 28%, was included in the class 3 category with a colonization
percent of 26-50 according to Rajapakse & Miller. Meanwhile, according to O'Connor
et al (2001) the above results are included in the medium category with a
colonization percentage of 10-30.

Keyword: Colonization, Arbuscular, Roots, Pidada Putih, Mangrove

1. Schüssler, A., & Walker, C. (2010). The Glomeromycota: A Species List With
New Families and New Gener. The Glomeromycota: A Species List With New
Families and New Gener.
2. Kormanik, P-P. and McGraw, A-C. (1982): Quantification of vesicular-
arbuscular mycorrhizae in plant roots. In: Methods and Principles of
Mycchorizal Research. N.C. ed., APS Press, 37 p
3. O'Connor, P. J., Smith, S. E., & Smith, F. A. (2001). Arbuscular mycorrhizal
associations in the southern Simpson Desert. Australian Journal of Botany,
49(4), 493-499.

ID: A00053
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Transcriptomic analysis of a wild and a cultivated varieties of

Zanthoxylum acanthopodium, over fruit development and
C Suriani, E Prasetya, T Harsono
1Departmentof Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Medan. Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, North Sumatera Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Zanthoxylum acanthopodium is one of the most important crops worldwide. Its

fruits contain metabolites produced over the maturation process like capsaicinoids
and carotenoids. This metabolic process produces internal changes in flavor, color,
texture, and aroma in fruits to make them more attractive for seed dispersal
organisms. The papper (Z. acanthopodium) is a wild variety of the Z. acanthopodium
species that is considered a source of genetic resources that could be used to
improve the current papper crops. In this study, we performed a transcriptomic
analysis on two fruit maturation stages: immature stage (green fruit) and mature
stage (red fruit) of a wild and a cultivated pepper variety. We found 19,811 genes
expressed, and 1,008 genes differentially expressed (DEGs) in at least one of the five
contrast used; 730 DEGs were found only in one contrast, and most DEGs in all
contrasts were downregulated. GO enrichment analysis showed that the majority of
DEGs are related to stress responses. KEGG enrichment analysis detected
differences in expression patterns in metabolic pathways related to
phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, secondary metabolites, plant hormone signal
transduction, carotenoid biosynthesis and sesquiterpenoid and triterpenoid
biosynthesis. We selected 105 tomato fruit ripening-related genes, and found 53
pepper homologs differentially expressed related to shape, size, and secondary
metabolite biosynthesis. According to the transcriptome analysis, the two peppers
showed very similar gene expression patterns; differences in expression patterns of
genes related to shape, size, ethylene and secondary metabolites biosynthesis
suggest that changes produced by domestication of chilli pepper could be very
specific to the expression of genes related to traits desired in commercial fruits.

Keyword: Zanthoxylum acanthopodium, North Sumatera, Transcriptome

Analysis, Metabolite, RNAseq

1. Cock P J A, Fields C J, Goto N, et al. (2010). The Sanger FASTQ file format for
sequences with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina FASTQ variants.
Nucleic acids research 38, 1767-1771. (FASTQ)
2. Hansen K D, Brenner S E, Dudoit S. (2010). Biases in Illumina transcriptome
sequencing caused by random hexamer priming. Nucleic acids research 38,
e131-e131. (Biases)
3. Jiang L, Schlesinger F, Davis C A, et al. (2011). Synthetic spike-in standards
for RNA-seq experiments. Genome research 21, 1543-1551. (spike-in)
4. Grabherr M G, Haas B J, Yassour M, et al. (2011).Full-length transcriptome
assembly from RNA-Seq data without a reference genome. Nature
Biotechnology 29, 644-652. (Trinity)
5. Nadia M D, Alicia O. (2014). Corset: enabling differential gene expression
analysis for de novo assembled transcriptomes. Genome Biology 15, 1-14.

ID: A00062
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Ethnoecological Studies: Environmental Management of the

Local Community in Angkola Sangkunur, North Sumatera,
A R F Gani, Sueb*, U S Hastuti
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Purpose of this study is to document ethnoconservation carried out by the local

community of Angkola. The research was conducted by interviewing, documenting,
and observing the corpus (knowledge), cosmos (belief), and praxis (utilization
practices) carried out by the local community of Angkola Sangkunur in utilizing their
environment. The data in this study were analyzed descriptively and described by
narrative. The results of this study are that there are various environmental
exploitation practices carried out by the local community of Angkola Sangkunur
such as Harangan rarangan, Ihan rarangan, and Lobuk rarangan. Harangan rarangan
is a system of prohibiting the use of forests to maintain the balance of the forest.
Ihan rarangan is a prohibition to use ihan (Neolissochilus thienemanni) which is
believed to keep the river clean in Rianiate village. Lobuk rarangan is a river
management system that is almost applied to every river in Angkola Sangkunur
District, this system is carried out by not using the river for a certain period of time
and harvesting after it. The conclusion is that the people of Angkola Sangkunur still
apply the customary system in the practice of using the environment based on their
knowledge and beliefs.

Keyword: conservation, environmental management, ethnobiology,

ethnoecology, local community

1. Nasution A, Chikmawati T, Walujo E, Zuhud E. Ethnobotany of
MandailingTribe in Batang Gadis National Park. J Trop Life Sci 2018;8:48–54.
2. Nasution A, Chikmawati T, Walujo EB, Zuhud EAM. Ethnoecology of
Mandailing Tribe in Batang Gadis National Park. IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ
Sci 2018;197.
3. Fatimah IN, Iskandar J, Partasasmita R. Ethnoecology of paddy-fish
integrative farming (Minapadi) in lampegan village, west java, indonesia.
Biodiversitas 2020;21:4419–32.
4. Wulandari I, Iskandar BS, Parikesit, Hudoso T, Iskandar J, Shanida SS, et al.
Ethnoecological study on the utilization of plants in ciletuh-palabuhanratu
geopark, sukabumi, west java, indonesia. Biodiversitas 2021;22:659–72.
5. Ludwig D, El-Hani CN. Philosophy of Ethnobiology: Understanding
Knowledge Integration and Its Limitations. J Ethnobiol 2020;40:3–20.

ID: A00064
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

The Effect of Brain gym and Coffee Oil treatment with

Cognitive Functions on the Elderly Group in Jati Village, East
Langkat District
Zulaini1*, D S Diningrat2, A N Sari3, N S Harahap, Kusdianti
1Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science, Medan State University Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University

Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

3Biology Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

*Corresponding Author


Cognitive impairment is a problem that often occurs in the elderly. The prevalence
of cognitive impairment is high in countries with a high elderly population.
Indonesia is the fourth country in the world that has the greatest elderly population
and is estimated to be the third highest in 2022. Among the preventive efforts
carried out are physical activity. This study was conducted to see whether there was
a relationship of providing brain gym treatment assisted by coffee oil supplements
on cognitive function in the elderly. This type of research was a cross sectional study
with non-probability sampling method. The study population was elderly ≥ 60 years
who were in East Langkat District and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The
total sample was 51 people with 13 men and 38 women. Physical activity levels
were assessed using the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ),
and cognitive function was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination
(MMSE). The data were processed by chi square statistical test using the SPSS
program. The univariate results showed that the percentage of elderly people who
were active was 29.4%, and those who were less active were 70.6%. The percentage
of elderly people with normal cognitive function was 82.4% and those who
experienced a decline were 17.6%. Bivariate results showed that there was a
relationship between the level of physical activity and cognitive function where the
value of p = 0.044 (p < 0.05). This study shows that there is a relationship between
the level of physical activity and cognitive function on the elderly in Jati Village,
Padang Timur District.

Keyword: cognitive function, physical activity, old age, brain gym, coffee oil

ID: A00073
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Activity of Jamblang Leaf Extract (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels)

With Various Solvents against Clinical Isolate Bacteria
M Misrahanum1*, H Helwati2, N Cazia1, S Sadli
1Department Pharmacy Department, FMIPA Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
2 Department Chemistry Department, FMIPA Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Jamblang (Syzygium cumini) is a plant that has uses for traditional medicine and has
the potential to be developed as an alternative to new antibiotics. This study is to
determine the phytochemical content and activity of jamblang leaf extract against
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Extraction of Simplicia
powder was carried out using the multilevel maceration method using various
solvents such as n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. Qualitative phytochemical
screening and GC MS analysis. The activity test used the disc diffusion method with a
test concentration of 1.25:2.5;5;10;20; and 30%. The results of the phytochemical
qualitatively shows that n-hexane extract containing alkaloids, flavonoids, and
steroids. The ethyl acetate extract contains alkaloids, saponins, and steroids, while
the methanol extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins,and
triterpenoids. The result from the GCMS analysis shows that the active fraction of
jamblang methanol extract contains compounds with the largest components being
HEXADECANOIC ACID, (7E,9E)-Dodecadien-1ol, ALPHA-EUDESMOL and Guaiol .
The activity test results showed that the n-hexane extract formed an inhibition zone
of 10.60 mm, the ethyl acetate extract formed an inhibition zone of 11.50 mm while
the methanol extract formed an inhibition zone of 20.80 mm at a concentration of
30%. Jamblang leaf methanol extract has a high potential as an antibacterial agent
against MRSA clinical isolates

ID: A00081
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Pathotype Grouping Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Isolate

from North Sumatra, Indonesia Using Local Differential Rice
Z Noer1*, Maimunah 1, E Pane1, and E Prasetya2
1Departement of Agrotechnology, Universitas Medan Area, Jalan Kolam Number 1, Medan
Estate Jl. Gedung PBSI, Medan 20223, North Sumatera, Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan
Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Bacterial leaf blight is one of the main diseases in rice in Indonesia and Asian
countries caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Xoo
bacteria can cause crop failure so that it can cause economic losses [1]. This study
aims to analyze the grouping of pathotypes of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
isolates from North Sumatra using local differential rice plants. The research was
carried out in several stages, namely isolation and characterization of Xoo and its
inoculation on 5 local differential varieties (Kencana, PB5, Tetep, Kuntulan, and Jawa
14) [2]. The results of isolation and characterization of Xoo in rice plants were gram
negative, catalase positive, positive oxidase, negative growth at 0.1% TZC, positive
growth on YDC medium, resistance to 0.001% Cu(NO3)2 [3], negative starch
hydrolysis, and growth in SPA medium showed yellow, round, smooth, convex, and
slimy characters [4]. The results of grouping the pathotypes of Xoo bacteria isolates
from North Sumatra were grouped into pathotypes IV (70%), X (10%), XI (10%),
and N (10%). Xoo isolates from North Sumatra tend to lead to malignant strains. The
results of the study are expected to provide important information on the X. oryzae
p.v oryzae pathotype in North Sumatra to be used in determining the development
of future agricultural strategies.

Keyword: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae, Bacterial leaf blight, North Sumatera,
Pathotype, Local differential rice

1. FAO (2018) FAO Rice Market Monitor (RMM). Food Agric. Organ. United
Nations XXI:
2. Djatmiko HA, Prakoso B, Prihatiningsih N (2011) Penentuan patotipe dan
keragaman genetik Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae pada tanaman padi di
wilayah karesidenan Banyumas. J Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuh Trop 11:35–
3. Schaal NW, Stall RE (1988) Xanthomonas. In: Lab. Guid. Identif. plant Pathog.
Bact. pp 81–94
4. Suparyono, Sudir, Suprihanto (2004) Pathotype Profile of Xanthomonas
oryzae pv. oryzae isolates From the Rice Ecosystem in Java. Indones J Agric
Sci 5:63–69

ID: A00108
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Rooting of Sipahutar Pineapple ( Ananas comosus L. ) In vitro

F Harahap1*, Y Fernando2, Suci Rahayu3, D F Siregar1, Ermila Hafni Nasution1, A S
Salsabila1, and C G Sihombing1, Nusirwan1, Ayu Putri Ningsih1
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University

Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

2Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem

Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

3Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera

utara, Jalan Bioteknology No.1, North Sumatera 20155, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Pineapple is a plant whose fruit has economic value, so it needs to be developed on a

plantation scale. This study aims to determine the best combination of media for the
growth of in vitro rooting Sipahutar pineapple. Complete Random Design was used
with 12 treatments with 3 replications in this study. The parameters used in the
observation were divided into the number of shoots, number of leaves and number
of roots. From the results of the data analyzed, it can be seen that in the treatment of
MS + 2 ppm Vitamin + 2 ppm Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) media, the highest
number of shoots was obtained, namely at 18.66 shoots on 12 week after planting
(WAP) observations. The lowest number of shoots on leaves was 11.33, the results
of data analysis showed that the highest number of leaf shoots was 8.00 on 12 WAP
observations on MS + 2 ppmVitamin + 2 ppm NAA media treatment. From the
treatment of MS media + 1 ppm Vitamin + 1 ppm NAA and MS + 2 ppm Vitamin + 0
ppm NAA, the lowest number of leaf shoots was obtained with an average of 0.33,
while the results of data analysis on root propagation resulted in the highest
number of leaf shoots 8.00 in 12 WAP observations on MS media + 2 ppm Vitamin
treatment. + 2 ppm NAA.

Keyword: NAA, In vitro, Pineapple, Vitamin.

ID: A00119
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Analysis of Scientific Literacy Aspects in Biology Textbooks

for Class X SMA N in Toba Regency
D Simangunsong1, E Djulia, T Gultom
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to obtain information about the scope of scientific literacy in high
school biology textbooks used in schools because most teachers use textbooks as
learning guidelines in the classroom. This research is a descriptive study that aims
to explain the scope of scientific literacy contained in the textbooks used in 3 schools
in Toba Regency, namely SMA N 1 Laguboti, SMA N 1 Uluan, SMA N Porsea. The
population of this research is all material in the Biology book for class X semester 1.
The sample of this research is one that is close to the community and exists in the
surrounding environment, namely the plant world. Samples were taken by
purposive sampling technique. The textbooks analyzed were 3 books of which the
three books were used in each school. The data was taken by using an observation
sheet containing scientific literacy indicators, which were then interpreted in the
form of percentages for each book and indicator. The results of the research
analysis show that the aspects of scientific literacy that appear the most in each
book are science as a body of knowledge as much as 50%, science as a way to
investigate as much as 37.5%, science as a way of thinking as much as 25%, science
as a way of thinking. thinking as much as 30% and the interaction of science and
technology with society as much as 25%. The results of the study concluded that the
three textbooks used in each school emphasized the presentation of facts, concepts,
principles, laws, theories, models and emphasized that students could remember
information through questions.

Keyword: Science Literacy, Biology Textbooks, Content, Context, Process.

ID: A00124
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Exploration of Zingiberaceae Family in Tangkahan

Ecotourism Forest, North Sumatra Province
D Handayani1, W D Puspita1, D Purnama1, Y E Ritonga1 and H Prakasa2
1Department of Mathematics Education State of University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
2SMAS DR. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Medan Labuhan, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Zingiberaceae or empon-emponan/ginger-ginger is a plant that is widely used by

the people of Indonesia, generally used as a flavoring in cooking and as an ingredient
in traditional medicines. Currently, there are still many species of the Zingiberaceae
family that have not been explored. Mean while, several areas in North Sumatra
have changed the function of land that used to be forest into oil palm plantations,
Eucalyptus and settlements. This of course will be very dangerous for species that
have not been identified which of course have the potential to be developed. The
purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of species from the
Zingiberaceae family that have the potential to be utilized and endemic in several
areas of North Sumatra. This research was conducted in the ecotourism forest of
Tangkahan, North Sumatra in July 2021. The plants used in this research are plant
species from the Zingiberaceae family which have potential as medicine and are
often used. This species of research is exploration and descriptive. Based on the
results of the study obtained as many as 10 species that were found, including the
genus Boesbergia, Globba, Zingiber, Hornstedtia, Amomum, Etlingera.

Keyword: Zingiberaceae, exploration, Medicine, North Sumatra, Tangkahan

Ecotourism Forest

ID: A00126
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

The Entrepreneurial Culture Among Students In The

Department Of Biology, FMIPA UNIMED
M Nugrahalia*, N Pratiwi, M N S Rangkuti, Hasruddin
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University
Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to improve the entrepreneurial culture among students, especially
students in the Department of Biology, FMIPA UNIMED. This is important so that
students have entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior. In line with the research
objectives, bio-entrepreneur practitioners who have experience in their respective
fields are invited to provide input to students and other interested participants. The
entrepreneur webinar was attended by 138 participants. Data collection techniques
were carried out by using a questionnaire to measure student interest and
motivation and interest in entrepreneurship. From the research results obtained
data that as many as 55 people started that the bio-entrepreneur webinar added
insight into entrepreneurship, 43 people started that they were interested
entrepreneurship, 36 people were curious about entrepreneurship and 4 people
stated that they participated because the webinar was inspiring. While the webinar
participants who have an interest in starting entrepreneurship as many as 111
people chose “yes” and 27 people chose no. So it can be concluded that the webinar
succeeded in raising the enthusiasm of the participants to start entrepreneurship.

Keyword: bio-entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, interest and motivation.

ID: A00132
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Hydroponic Vegetable Cultivation with Nutrition Film

Technique System in A Greenhouse Based on
The Internet of Things
H Lim1, R Pinontoan1, and H P. Uranus2*
1Depertment of Biology, University of Pelita Harapan, Jl. M. H. Thamrin Blvd 1100, Tangerang,
15811, Indonesia
2Depertment of Electrical Eng., University of Pelita Harapan, Jl. M. H. Thamrin Blvd 1100,
Tangerang, 15811, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Hydroponic is one of the popular methods to be applied when it comes to soilless

farming. In the absence of soil, plant growth conditions must be maintained
according to plant needs to grow optimally. This study aims to design a plant care
system that can be carried out remotely via internet of things. This study utilizes
nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic system installed in a greenhouse. Using
Arduino Mega 2560 as a microcontroller, DHT-11 sensor module to measure air
temperature and humidity, HC- SR04 ultrasonic sensor to measure the remaining
water level, DS18B20 temperature sensor to read water temperature, a TDS Gravity
sensor to read nutrient concentration, and relays to activate and deactivate
actuators. In this greenhouse system, data like air temperature and humidity, water
temperature, water level, and nutrient concentration can be monitored remotely via
Blynk IoT platform. The designed system combines all sensor readings and receives
real-time sensor data, which farmers can monitor and perform interventions
remotely. This study compared the growth of water spinach that grew outside
the greenhouse and those insides, both using the NFT method. The results
indicate that the water spinach grown in the greenhouse produced 7% heavier fresh
weight, 6.35% higher plant height, and was free from insect bites compared to those
grown outside the green house.

Keyword: Arduino Mega 2560, hydroponic, greenhouse, internet of things,

nutrient film technique, sensors, water spinach

1. Al-Rawahy, M., Al-Rawahy, S., Al-Mulla, Y. & Nadaf, S. (2019). Influence of
Nutrient Solution Temperature on Its Oxygen Level and Growth, Yield and
Quality of Hydroponic Cucumber. Journal of Agricultural Science, (11):75.
2. Bhagwat, S. D., Hulloli, A. I., Patil, S. B., Khan, A. A. & Kamble, A. S. (2018). Smart
Green House using IOT and Cloud Computing. International Research Journal of
Engineering and Technology, (3):5.
3. Hirofumi I. Y. K., Kaneda, Y., Imahara, J., Oishi, N., Kuroda, M., & Mineno, H.
(2016). A rel iable wireless control system for tomato hydroponics. Sensors,
16(5), 644.
4. Julyana, S., Suhendar, R.M. & Janizal. (2018). Sistem Pengendalian Nutrisi Pada
Tanaman Kangkung Hidroponik Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Arduino Mega
2560. Elektra. 3(2).
5. Wati, D. R. & Sholihah, W. (2021). Pengontrol pH dan Nutrisi Tanaman Selada
pada Hidroponik Sistem NFT Berbasis Arduino. Jurnal Multinetics, 7(1)

ID: A00143
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Bioactivity compound Prediction of Saurauia vulcani as

immunostimulant : An In Silico Approach
E Sinaga1*, S Ilyas1,*, S Hutahean1,*, P Sitorus2,*
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Medan 2155, Indonesia
2Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 2155,


*Corresponding Author


Immunostimulatory effect of Pirdot (Saurauia vulcani) has been reported

previously. However, molecular interactions tend to be involved in mechanism of
immunostimulatory activity has not been clarified. Our previous study indicated that
ethanol extract of Pirdot leaves affected significantly the number of erythrocyte and
spleen histological structure. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to
elucidate molecular bioactivity interaction of bioactive compound Pirdot with
protein induced immunostimulant function through in silico approach such as
protein-protein interaction and molecular docking study. As a result, there were
three bioactive compounds of Pirdot to interact with immunotherapeutic agents in
protein-protein interaction pathway, such as ursolic acid, stigmasterol, and
genistein. Moreover, its bioactive compound bound to active site of IL-8 and IL-6
that ursolic acid has the highest value than stigmasterol and genistein, respectively.

Keyword: Pirdot, bioactivity compound, interleukin, protein interaction, in silico

1. Ahmad Khan, M., Sarwar, A. H. M. G., Rahat, R., Ahmed, R. S., & Umar, S.
(2020). Stigmasterol protects rats from collagen induced arthritis by
inhibiting proinflammatory cytokines. International Immunopharmacology,
85, 106642.
2. Anastasia, G., Sitorus, P., & Satria, D. (2018). Wound Healing Activity of
Saurauia vulcani Korth Aqueous Leaves Extract Evaluation on Excision
Wound in Hyperglycemia Rats. Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceutical and
Biological Sciences (JIPBS), 5(3), 52–57.
3. Chi, C., Giri, S. S., Jun, J. W., Kim, H. J., Yun, S., Kim, S. G., & Park, S. C. (2016).
Immunomodulatory Effects of a Bioactive Compound Isolated from
Dryopteris crassirhizoma on the Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella.
Journal of Immunology Research, 2016, 3068913.
4. Jeong, H. G., Kim, H. G., & Hwang, Y. P. (2005). Involvement of cytokines in
the hepatic expression of metallothionein by ursolic acid. Toxicology Letters,
155(3), 369–376.
5. Li, T., Zeng, H., Zeng, Y., Zhang, X., Ren, Y., Gao, Y., Huang, Q., & Tan, J. (2021).
Characterization of the bioactive compounds with efficacy against gout in
Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction by UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS combined
with network pharmacological analysis. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 14(6),

ID: A00146
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Local Potential of Medicinal Plants by Pakpak Ethnic In

Sitinjo I Village, Dairi District, North Sumatera
S Kudadiri*, F Harahap, M Restuati
Magister of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Knowledge-acquaintance and experience the public about efficacious medicinal

plants develop from time to time. The biodiversity of the flora in Nusantara is a
valuable asset that it needs to be utilized. Each region has the potential nature and
knowledge of medicinal plants inherited from an ancestor to should be preserved
and developed. This study is to examine the potential medicinal plants in the local
community of Pakpak etnic that is occupied in the Sitinjo 1 village which is
commonly used in society and daily life. This study was conducted in September-
October 2021. The methodology method is observation and interviews and for the
next identification of the plants in the field. The results of this study conducted in
the villages around this village found that there are about 37 kinds of plant
medicinal frequently used by people to treat various diseases. Medicinal plants are
most commonly used in the Asteraceae, Solanaceae, and Zingiberaceae. This study
can still be developed because more possible plants could be obtained for the
efficacious plant in Pakpak ethnic in Dairi district.

Keyword: Biodiversity, Local Potential, Medicinal plant, , Efficacious

ID: A00001
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Performance of Laying Chickens with Feed Supplementation

with Bangunbangun Leaf Flour (Plectranthus amboinicus
Lour Spreng)
M Silitonga1, E Sinaga1, H Pranoto1, P M Silitonga2, P Ramadhayani1
1BiologyDepartment, State University of Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North
Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221
2Chemistry Department, State University of Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North
Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to examine the potential of Plectranthus amboinicus Lour Spreng
leaf flour PLP as a supplement to the performance of laying hens. 30 laying hens
aged 22 weeks were used and divided into 5 treatments and six replications. The
five treatments were P0 (fed without PLP), P1, P2, P3, and P4 namely the group that
was fed with PLP 2.5% in a row; 5%; 7.5%; and 10%. The study was conducted for
six weeks. Parameters measured were weekly body weight, feed efficiency, chicken
mortality rate, egg weight and cholesterol levels, uric acid, quality of carcass,
consumption and feed conversion. At the end of the study, the chickens were
slaughtered to obtain blood for the measurement of uric acid, as well as the
measurement of carcass quality. The data obtained were analyzed using one-way
ANOVA at a significance level of 95%. The results showed that PLP supplementation
in the feed reduced body weight and increased feed efficiency significantly (p<0.05).
There were no deaths in all treatment groups. The addition of PLP in the feed did not
affect egg weight but decreased yolk cholesterol levels, uric acid and significantly
increased the yolk color score and quality of carcass.

Keyword: Plectranthus amboinicus , Performance of Laying Chickens, uric acid

1. USDA (United States Departement of Agriculture, (2015), Composition of Foods
Raw, Processed, Prepared, United State Departement of Agriculture, United
2. Syahruddin,E., Herawaty, R., Ningrat, R.W.S., (2013), Effect Of Fermented Katuk
Leaf (Sauropus androgynus L. Merr) In Diets On Cholesterol Content Of Broiler
Chicken Carcass, Pakistan Journal Of Nutrition, 12(11).
3. Herron, K.L., Mary, M.M.G., David, W., Ingrid, E.L., Richard, M.C., Jose,M.J.,
Maria,L.F., (2006), The ABCG5 Polymorphism Contributes To Individua
Responses To Dietary Cholesterol And Caratonoids In Eggs, Departement Of
Nutritional Science, University Of Connecticut, Storss.
4. Haq, A., Muhammad, A., Shahid, R., Khuram, I., Atia, B., (2003). Effect Of Feed
Manipulation On Egg Production, Egg Cholesterol and Blood Constituen Of
White Leghorn Layers, Pakistan Journal Of Life and Social Science, 1(1) : 26 – 28
5. Goliomytis, M., Stelios, G.D., Panagiotis, S., (2014), Effect Of Hesperidin Dietary
Supplementation On Hen Performance, Egg Quality, And Yolk Oxidative Stability,
British Poultry Science, 55(1), ISSN: 0007-1668

ID: A00095
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Growth Induction of Cattleya sp. with Plant Growth Regulator

Ermila Hafni Nasution1*, Fauziyah Harahap2, Hasruddin2, Novita Wahyuni3
Education of Postgraduate school Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar,
Pasar V Medan Estate, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia
2Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri

Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia

3Department of Chemistry Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara,

Jalan Almamater, North Sumatera 20155, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Orchid plants are one of the most popular types of ornamental plants because of
their beauty and diversity, so this plant is widely cultivated and has a high selling
value. To preserve this plant, it needs to in vitro technology. The aim of this research
was to determine the best interaction of growth regulator naphtalene acetic acid
(NAA), benzyl amino purine (BAP) and interaction of both on growth induction of
Cattleya sp. The research method used a completely randome design with various
concentrations of naphtalene acetic acid (NAA: 0, 0,2, 0,4 ppm) and benzyl amino
purine concentration (BAP: 0, 1, 2, 3 ppm). The parameter observations are number
of buds, leaves and roots. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially
with ANOVA. The result showed there is no significantly effect of NAA, BAP and their
interaction on number of buds, number of leaver and number of roots. Within 12
weeks of observation the highest number of buds, leaves and roots was obtained
from combination of 0,4 ppm NAA + 0 ppm BAP were 7, 25 and 10. The lowest
number of buds, leaves and roots was obtained from combination 0 ppm NAA + 0
ppm BAP were 0, 5 and 1.

Keyword: Growth Induction, Plant Growth Regulator

ID: A00039
Topic: Chemistry Education

Learning Media Course Development Of Chemistry Learning

G Sugiharti*, M Dalimunthe, F A Syuhada, H A Nasution
Departmet of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


The availability of learning media for P3Kim Course (Development of Chemistry

Learning Program) is still very limited. In this study, the development of animation-
based P3Kim course media will be carried out, so the objectives of this study are to:
(1) develop animation media in P3Kim courses. (2) validate and revise the
animation media that has been developed, and (3) conduct individual trials, small
group trials, and large group trials, which in the next research will be conducted
trials of these developed media in the field. This research is a research and
development (research and development). Where the product developed in this
research is the animation media for the P3Kim course. The method used is
descriptive-explorative method to identify various symptoms and root problems
that occur in P3Kim course learning. The data analysis technique is calculated using
the percentage of feasibility and suggestions for improvement from lecturers and
validators. The results showed that the media developed by animation was in the
very feasible category with a feasibility value of 89.38%, and the results of student
responses obtained a score of 82 with very good criteria. The results of individual
trials were carried out with 3 students representing students who were smart, less
intelligent and not smart by 83% in the very good category. The results of the small
group trial with 12 students were 87.5% in the very good category. While the results
of the large group trial with 25 students found 83% results in the very good
category. While the results of student responses obtained as many as 82% of
students responded positively to the developed learning media This research
produces animation media that have been developed that can be used in P3Kim
courses, which are then expected to improve the quality of student learning.

Keyword: development, animation media, validation

ID: A00042
Topic: Chemistry Education

The Development and Implementation of An Innovative

Inquiry-Based Learning to Build Students' Higher Order
Thinking Skills in Teaching of Inorganic Reactions
E H Tampubolon1*, M Situmorang2*, I D Riris2
1 Magister of Chemisty Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221
2Departmet of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Higher order thinking skills are life skills that scientists need to have in solving
problems related to scientific work. Thus, these skills must be possessed by students
and can be built through active learning to familiarize themselves with using critical
thinking for problem solving. This study aims to develop an inquiry-based active
learning model to build higher order thinking skills as well as to improve learning
outcomes in teaching General Chemistry. This research was conducted at the Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, involving
undergraduate students who are studying General Chemistry. The research stages
are carried out by providing inquiry-based innovative learning resources for
Inorganic Compound Chemical Reactions, followed by standardization and
validation of teaching materials, and implementation of innovative learning
resources for active learning. The results of the study indicate that a complete
inquiry-based innovative learning resource package for teaching of Inorganic
Reactions has been well structured according to the competency-oriented
curriculum of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka
Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI). Respondents gave a positive assessment to all
components of the the developed learning resources. The implementation of
inquiry-based learning showed that students can carry out active learning well.
Students use developed learning resources in constructing their knowledge in
chemical reactions of inorganic compounds. The implementation of learning
resources with inquiry-based learning was carried out well. The presentation of
teaching materials in a learning package has been designed completely and
systematically, and is found effectively to guides students to learn actively to
complete inquiry tasks. Students are enabled to construct the relationship between
theoretical concepts available in learning resources and chemical reactions of
inorganic compounds, so that students understand inorganic chemical reactions.
The assessment of the inquiry task shows that the value of the inquiry report
portfolio showed very good reports. All parameters of learning activities are met
completely. The implementation of inquiry has built students' higher-order thinking
skills, which are categorized as very good. Students master the concept of chemical
reactions well, which is indicated by the high average score on learning outcomes in
the group of students who are given active inquiry-based learning. The active
learning model developed is proven to motivate students to learn the reactions of

inorganic compounds. The inquiry-based active learning model is relevant to be
used in teaching General Chemistry during abnormal times of the Covid-19
pandemic and especially during normal times because it has been proven to be able
to improve high-level thinking skills.

Keyword: Innovative learning, Active learning, Inquiry-based, Inorganic

reactions, General Chemistry

ID: A00093
Topic: Chemistry Education

Development of Innovative Learning Resources Based on

Projects and Multimedia in Improving Students Thinking
Skill on the Teaching of Cation Analysis
H L Gaol*, M Situmorang, and A Wahyu
Magister of Chemisty Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221
2Afiliasi Dua

*Corresponding Author


The development of information technology today is increasingly rapidly bringing a

positive impact on the world of education, especially it can improve the quality of
the learning process. The teaching and learning process in chemistry learning must
be able to adapt to the latest technology in maximizing learning activities. Students
thinking ability is one of the goals that must be achieved through the application of
learning innovations. This study aims to develop an innovative project-based
learning resource with multimedia to improve students thinking skills in teaching
cation analysis. This research was conducted at the Universitas Negeri Medan. There
are several stages in this research consisting of the development of project-based
learning packages on cation analysis, integration of projects and multimedia into
learning resource (examples of projects presented in learning resources in the form
of videos that can guide students in analyzing and building new knowledge
independently), and implementation of learning resources developed to improve
students' critical thinking skills. The experimental class was taught using a project-
based learning resource with multimedia, while the control class used a student
handbook. Based on the results of the study, there were differences between
students who were taught using learning resources developed in the experimental
class (M=80.49 ± 5.39) and had a higher score than students who were taught using
student handbooks in the control class (M=74.07 ± 6.13). Innovative project-based
and multimedia learning resources are very effective in improving student learning
outcomes in analytical chemistry.

Keyword: Innovative learning resource, Project with multimedia, Thinking Skill,

Student Outcomes, Cation analysis

ID: A00102
Topic: Chemistry Education

Development of E-Modules to Improve Students' High Order

Thinking Skills

F T M Panggabean, P M Silitonga, M Sinaga

Departmet of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


To face the 21st century, identification of student competencies that need to be

developed is very important. When students are directed to be able to think
critically, creatively and able to solve problems, it means that students are targeted
to have higher order thinking skills (HOTS). This study aims to develop a general
chemistry e-module for thermochemical material to improve students' higher order
thinking skills. The development model used refers to the ADDIE model. E-modules
are prepared and developed by taking into account the material and media aspects
and are designed to be HOTS-oriented using the Kvisof Flipbook Maker application.
The developed e-module is declared feasible to be applied in thermochemistry
learning based on the assessment of expert validators and has proven to be effective
in increasing student HOTS based on student HOTS results.

ID: A00106
Topic: Chemistry Education

Project-Based Learning Sources Innovation on Anion Analysis

W D Safitri* M Situmorang
Departmet of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in the quality of
education, so it needs to be improved. Teachers have innovations in modifying
learning devices according to the needs of students. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of implementing project-based innovative learning resources
on the subject of anion analysis on student learning outcomes and motivation, which
was carried out on 30 students of chemistry education at the State University of
Medan in the 2020/2021 academic year which were taken by random sampling.
Innovative learning resources are provided in the form of modules in pdf format,
mini project packages, learning videos, and practicum videos on the subject of anion
analysis. The instrument used in this study was a test instrument in the form of
multiple choice questions and a non-test instrument in the form of a student
learning motivation questionnaire. The result of the research is that there is an
increase in student learning outcomes, namely the increase in learning outcomes in
the high category (effective) by 66.67% and in the medium category by 33.33%.
Meanwhile, for students' learning motivation, it was found that 76.67% had very
high motivation and 23.33% had high motivation.

Keyword: Pandemic, Innovation, Learning resources, Learning outcomes, and

Learning motivation.

ID: A00113
Topic: Chemistry Education

Moral Lessons From The Atomic Concept In Chemistry Value

Education Cources
A Darmana , Jasmidi, HA Nasution, M Fadila, N K Nasution
Departmet of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl.
Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Efforts to present moral values in chemistry learning are one of the efforts to
increase the contribution of chemistry learning to the achievement of faith in taqwa
in the goals of national education in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the moral
lessons contained in the atomic concept.A qualitative approach has been used
involving three documents as data sources. Each document is the result of
discussions from different classes.The results of document analysis are described,
categorized, reduced, selected and synthesized. The results show that the moral
lessons learned are: (1) all creatures are composed of atoms, therefore it is not
worthy to be proud of each other. The superiority of man lies in the quality in his
function and role as a servant of Allah and as a caliph on earth; (2) atoms are typical
for an element and do not change. This implies that human interaction as social
beings should not change self-identity; (3) the particles that make up the atom
(electrons, protons and neutrons) with different characteristics are in certain
positions that allow the formation of a stable atomic structure. This provides lessons
so that we complement, complement, work together to obtain optimal results.
Exploration of moral lessons is expected to be carried out on other chemistry topics
simultaneously when studying scientifically.

Keyword: Moral lessons, chemistry, values, atoms

1. Benoist Y, Foulon P, Labourie F, et al. (Year) Anosov flows with stable and
unstable differentiable distributions. J Amer Math Soc Volume: StaringPage-
Ending Page.
2. Serrin J, (1971) Gradient estimates for solutions of nonlinear elliptic and
parabolic equations, In: Zarantonello, E.Z. Author, Contributions to Nonlinear
Functional Analysis, 2 Eds., New York: Academic Press, 35-75.
3. SARS Expert Committee, SARS in Hong Kong: From Experience to Action
Rule. Hong Kong SARS Expert Committee, 2003. Available from:

ID: A00116
Topic: Chemistry Education

Training on the Application of Appropriate Chemical-Based

Technology Using the Mobile Training Unit Model for
Behavior Change in Remote Village Communities
N Alyani1*, M M Madya2
1InstitutPemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Sumedang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The pine forest in Cipada Village, has 500 trees that are very productive and
produced pine fruits and were still categorized by the community as useless waste.
pine fruits waste that fell as much as 105,000 pieces /day. The surrounding
community is used to burning pines cones with plastic with a total waste weight of
24.5 kg/day, which is dangerous for the health of visiting tourists, could cause
nausea, dizziness, death, and can cause a 50% decrease in the number of tourists
from 48,000 thousand visitors/day. year. Therefore, training on appropriate
technology for processing pine fruit waste needs to be carried out. This training was
using a qualitative approach the mobile training unit (MTU) design. Its basics is
training of trainers (TOT) through the application of chemical science in making
products from pine fruits waste with the aim of making someone a trainer both
technically and non-technically. The results showed that there was an addition in
terms of community knowledging, skilling, and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit
from the results of utilizing pine fruit waste on individual income. Based on
qualitative testing, if pine fruit waste is treated properly it will generate a profit of
Rp. 13,507,500 / week. On the other hand, by utilizing the waste, the environment is
20% cleaner than waste. The outer scope of this method is very good to be applied
in remote villages to improve people's lives.

Keyword: Pine forest, Model training unit, Training of trainers, chemical science,
qualitative test

1. Yan N, Siti M, et al. (2021) Training on the Utilization of Waste Roses and
Chrysanthemums into Solid Bath Soap for Lembang Flower Farmers. J
Lentera Karya Edukasi Volume.1, No.1, pp.54-60.
2. Supandi, Pramulani M, et al. (2019). Making Carbol as a Floor Disinfectant. J
Solma Volume: 8, pp. 193- 200.
3. Shivani C, Shubham W, et al. (2017) Floor Cleaner Based On Sugar Based
Polymer. J International research of Engineering and Technology volume: 04-
09, pp. 76-79
4. Paul C, Michael C, et al. (2017) Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety: What is
The Current State of Availability of Information Regarding Ingredients in
Products and Their Function. J ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Volume: 6,2, 2094-2102

ID: A00153
Topic: Chemistry Education

Compatibility of Mixtures of Bitumen and Natural Rubber

Using Graft Copolymerization of Natural Rubber and Glicidil
Methacrylate (NR-g-GMA) in Modification of Bitumen-Rubber
N R Wijaya*, Tamrin, Eddiyanto, J A Laksmono
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to improve the performance of bitumen as an

adhesive in a mixture of asphalt-rubber by using compatibilizer material, graft
copolymer natural rubber with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) (NR-g-GMA). It was
carried out the grafting process using Hake's internal mixer through a melting
process in the presence of dicumyl peroxide (DCP). The grafting degree of GMA on
natural rubber was determined through acid-base titration and FTIR analysis. The
next process was mixed amount of bitumen (100 phr) and NR-g-GMA (5 phr) in an
external mixer at 180oC, 600 rpm, for 90 minutes. The mixed bitumen-rubber was
characterized its physical properties (penetration, softening point and ductility) and
rheology test to determine its resistance of modified bitumen at high temperatures
and its crack resistance at low temperatures. The results showed that the grafting
degree of GMA on natural rubber was 1.6% and FTIR analysis of NR-GMA showed
the carbonyl functional group C=O at a wave number of 1732 cm-1 indicating the
presence of GMA on NR. The penetration, softening point, and ductility test met the
bitumen standards. The rheological test showed that the addition of grafted natural
rubber with GMA was able to increase the rutting resistance at high temperature
and the crack resistance at high temperature.

Keyword: Bitumen, Natural Rubber, Glycidyl Methacrylate, Internal Mixer,


1. Neni Alyani 1*, M. Miftahul Madya 2American Society for Testing and
Materials. ASTM D 6560: Standard test method for determination of
asphaltenes (heptane insolubles) in crude petroleum and petroleum
products. Philadelphia: ASTM 12.
2. Behnood, A., Shah, A., McDaniel, R.S, Beeson, M., Olek, J., (2016), High
temperature properties of asphalt binders: Comparison of multiple stress
creep recovery and performance grading 54 systems, Transp. Res. Rec. J.
Transp. Res. Board. 2574: 131–143
3. Han, L., Zheng, M., Li, J., Li, Y., Zhu, Y., Ma, Q., (2017), Effect of nano silica and
pretreated rubber on the properties of terminal blend crumb rubber
modified asphalt, Constr. Build. Mater. 157: 277–291.

ID: A00135
Topic: Chemistry Education

Misconception Analysis Using The Three-Tier Multiple Choice

Diagnostic Test In Colligative Properties Of Solutions For
Students Of Class XII MAN
N A Djafar1, M Pikoli1, A L Kilo1
1 Chemical Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State
University of Gorontalo, Jalan Prof. Dr. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Bone Bolango, 96119,

*Corresponding Author


Misconception is an error in connecting one concept to another which causes the

formation of a wrong concept and contradicts the conception of experts. This study
aims to analyze the misconceptions of class XII science students in MAN 1 Gorontalo
City and MAN 1 Gorontalo Regency on the colligative properties of solutions. This
research is a qualitative descriptive study with a sample of 231 students of MAN 1
Gorontalo City and 65 students of MAN 1 Gorontalo Regency. Data collection using a
three-level multiple choice diagnostic test instrument. The test instrument used has
been declared valid by 3 experts, and the reliability is 0.8. Based on the analysis of
misconception data, it can be concluded that students who experience
misconceptions at MAN 1 Gorontalo City are 53%, and at MAN 1 Gorontalo Regency
it is 50%. Some of the misconceptions found in students' answers in this study: (1)
the more solute, the greater the vapor pressure that occurs, (2) the less solute, the
greater the increase in boiling point, (3) the more solute, the higher the boiling
point. the greater the freezing point that occurs, and (4) the greater the
concentration, the greater the osmotic pressure of the electrolyte solution.

Keyword: Colligative Properties of Solutions, MAN Gorontalo, Misconception

1. Arslan H.O, Cigdemoglu C, and Moseley C. (2012) A Three-Tier Diagnostic
Test to Assess Pre-Service Teachers’ Misconceptions about Global Warming,
Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Layer Depletion, and Acid Rain. International
Journal of Science Education 34(11): 1667-1686.
2. Hakim A, Liliasari, and Kadarohman A. (2012) Student Concept
Understanding of Natural Products Chemistry in Primary and Secondary
Metabolites Using the Data Collecting Technique of Modified CRI.
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences 4(3): 544-553
3. Laliyo L.A. R, Botutihe D.N, Panigoro C (2019) The Development of Two-Tier
Instrument Based on Distractor to Assess Conceptual Understanding Level
and Student Misconception in Explaining Redox Reactions. International
Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 18(9): 216-237
4. Brown Theodore L, (2017) Chemistry:The Central Science, 14 Eds., New
5. Pikoli M. (2018) Miskonsepsi Tentang Pembentukan Ikatan Kovalen dan
Ionik pada Mahasiswaa Pendidikan Kimia UNG. Jambura Journal of
Educarional Chemistry 13:115-120

ID: A00006
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Efficiency of Ammonia Adsorption by Metal Modified

Activated Carbon of Oil Palm Empty Bunches
Jasmidi1, R Selly1, A P Ningsih2, H I Nasution1, S Rahmah1, L F, M Zubir1*
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas

Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera
20221, Indonesia
2 Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas

Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera
20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


In this study, oil palm empty bunches were prepared into activated carbon (OPEB-
AC) and then modified by Fe and Cu (OPEB-FeCu-AC) which aims to increasing the
surface area of the activated carbon and initiated the active site of the activated
carbon to absorb foreign substance. Both of Activated Carbon is used to absorb the
dissolved ammonia, which is one of the liquid wastes produced in the palm oil
processing itself. The presence of Fe and Cu in the activated carbon site was
observed from XRD pattern which appears around 2 theta 30o to 37o. The optimum
absorption efficiency of OPEB-AC is 91% when the adsorbent used is 2 g and the
optimum concentration at 0.6 M for 60 minutes. Meanwhile, OPEB-FeCu-AC is able
to absorb dissolved ammonia with an absorption efficiency of 95% and a faster
adsorption time of 45 minutes when the optimum adsorbent weight is 4g of and
optimum concentration of 0.6M. The modifications of the oil palm empty fruit
bunches activated carbon was successfully to increase the adsorption capability of
dissolved ammonia with a faster absorption time.

Keyword: empty palm oil bunches, adsorption, ammonia

1. Dewanti, D. P. A. (2018). Cellulose Ptential of Empty Fruit Bunches Waste as
The Raw Material of Bioplastics Environmentally Friendly. Journal Teknologi
Lingkungan. 19(1) : 81-87.
2. Padzil, F. N. M., et al. (2020). Potential of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch
Resousrces in Nanocellulose Hydrogel Production for Versatile Aplications.
Journal Material. 1-26.
3. Dianto, F. et al. (2017). Harvest Management of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis
Jacq..) in Pelantaran Agro Estate, Kota Waringin Timur, Center Borneo.
Journal Bul. Agrohoti. 5(3) : 410-417.

ID: A00007
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Synthesis of Magnetic Activated Carbon from Oil Palm Empty

Bunches to Increase The Removal of Mn(II) Heavy Metal
H I Nasution1, S Rahmah1,, T F Sudarma2, Jasmidi1, R Selly1, Y D Efendi1, M Zubir1*
1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas

Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera
20221, Indonesia.
2Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas

Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera
20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Activated carbon from oil palm empty bunches (OPEB-AC) was modified by using
paramagnetic Fe and Cu metals to produce magnetically activated oil palm empty
fruit bunches (OPEB-MAC). The modified activated carbon was characterized by
XRD, and magnetic peaks were appeared around 2 theta 30o to 40o which indicated
of increasing the crystallinity properties of modified activated carbon. XRD result,
then was analysed using EXPO 2014 software to observe the crystal parameters and
showed different crystal orientations with the presence of Fe and Cu metals even
though the crystal system formed was both triclinic. The metal adsorption of Mn(II)
increased by using OPEB-MAC by 0.53 mg/g, almost two times higher than that of
Modified Activated Carbon (OPEB-AC) by 0.33 mg/g. The optimum condition for the
absorption of OPEB-MAC occurs when the adsorbent is used 1g, with a
concentration of Mn(II) of 15 ppm and a contact time of 60 minutes. While the
OPEB-AC was optimum at the concentration of Mn(II) is 10 ppm for 45 minutes and
0.5 g of adsorbent. The magnetic properties of this activated carbon increase the
active site of the activated carbon to enlarges the interaction of the activated carbon
with Mn(II) metal which is also paramagnetic.

Keyword: heavy metal, adsorption, empty palm oil bunches, activated carbon

1. Daneshfozoun, S., Abdullah, M. A., Afzaal, M., Asadpoor, R., & Abdullah, B.
(2018). Kinetics, Isotherms and Thermodynamics of Heavy Metal Ions
Sorption onto Raw and Agro-Based Magnetic Biosorbent. Res Adv Environ
Sci, 1, 27-42.
2. Peternelaa, J.,et al. (2018). Synthesis And Impregnation Of Copper Oxide
Nanoparticles On Activated Carbon Through Green Synthesis For Water
Pollutant Removal. Materials Research. Vol 21.(1)
3. Yussof, S., et al. (2014). Removal Of Cu(II) and Zn(II) Ions From Aqueous
Solutions Using Selected Agricultural Wastes: Adsorbtion And
Characterisation Studies. Journal Of Environtmental Protection. Vol 5 : 289-

ID: A00026
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Process and Characterization of Graft Copolymerization of

Natural Rubber (Sir-20) with Maleat Anhydride
Eddiyanto*, B Nainggolan, M Sipayung
Chemistry Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Medan Jl Williem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Modification of natural rubber by grafting copolymerization method using reactive

monomer maleate anhydride is of a technique of modification of polymer to change
the physical and chemical properties of the polymer. In this study, the grafting
copolymerization process was carried out in an internal mixer of Brabender type in
various amount of MA, type and its various concentration of peroxide. The product
of grafted MA onto NR was characterized by FTIR, thermal analysis, and its
crystallinity by XRD. The FTIR analysis showed that the increasing area peak
absorption at wave number of 1710 cm-1 of C=O carbonyl indicating MA grafted on
natural rubber. Based on the comparison of its carbonyl index, the highest grafted
degree of MA on natural rubber was 0.05 mr similarly, the comparison of IR
analysis results of MA concentration variations (3, 6, 9, 12) phr shows the largest
carbonyl index that appears in the C=O absorption area is in the KA-g-MA sample
with a MA variation of 12 phr with Carbonyl index = 45.81. The degree of MA
grafting on natural rubber structures increases with increasing MA concentration.
The termal analysis DSC and crystallinity by XRD describe that the presence of MA in
the graft copolymerisation does not change the shape of the crystallinity and melting
point of each solution blend significantly.

Keyword: Natural rubber, grafting, maleate anhydride, initiator

1. Al-Malaika, S and. Eddiyanto, E., (2010), Reactive processing of polymers:
Effect of bifunctional and tri-functional comonomers on melt grafting of
glycidyl methacrylate onto polypropylene, Polym. Degrad. and Stab, 95, 353-
2. C. Nakason ∗, A. K. (2004). The grafting of maleic anhydride onto natural
rubber. Polymer Testing, 35-41.
3. Eddiyanto, M. Said Siregar (2012). Grafting Maleat Anhidrat Pada Karet Alam
Siklis (Cyclic Natural Rubber/CNR) Dengan Inisiator Dicumyl Peroksida .
Agrium, 128-133.
4. Machado, A.V dan J.A. Covas. 2000. Monitoring Polyolefin Modification along
the axis of a Twin- Screw Ekstruder II Maleic Anhidride Grafting. Journal of
Polymer Science: Part A (38), 3919-1932

ID: A00035
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Anti-Bacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of the Stem of the

Coffee Parasite (Scurulla ferruginea (Robx. Ex Jack) Danser)
and its Secondary Metabolite Isolation
D Roza*, E Indriani, Y A Wiliranti, R Selly, T J Ningsih
1 Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan
Estate, Medan, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The aim of this study is to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract
of the stem of the coffee parasite (Scurulla ferruginea (Robx. Ex Jack) Danser) using
disc diffusion and microdilution methods. In this study, secondary metabolites were
isolated from coffee parasite stems using Vacuum Liquid Chromatography and
Column Chromatography and continued by characterised the compounds using GC-
MS (Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy). Based on the identification using GC-
MS, it was known that the stem of the coffee parasite contains diisooctyl phthalate.
The results of the antibacterial activity test of the disc diffusion method with an
extract concentration of 1% against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi,
Streptcoccus viridans, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus mutans, and Bacillus aureus
bacteria were 6.35 mm, 6.7 mm, 8.95 mm, 7 mm, 8.75 mm and 8, 2 mm respectively.
This result shows that the ability to inhibit bacterial growth of 1% extract is in the
medium category. The MIC values for Escherichia coli, Streptococcus mutans, and
Bacillus aureus bacteria were 2500 g/mL, while the MIC values for Staphylococcus
aureus, Staphylococcus typhi, Streptcoccus viridans were 5000 g/mL. The MBC
value of Streptcoccus viridans, Streptococcus mutans, and Bacillus aureus bacteria
was greater than 5000 g/mL, only Escherichia coli bacteria can be killed at a
concentration of 5000 g/mL and Salmonella typhi at a concentration of 2500 g/mL.
The test results showed that the stem extract of Scurulla ferruginea was only as an

Keyword: Scurulla ferruginea (Robx. Ex Jack) Danser, Staphylococcus aureus,

Salmonella typhi, Streptcoccus viridans, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus
mutans, Bacillus aureus

ID: A00044
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

The Potential Ability of the Fungus Aspergillus niger in the

Biodegradation of PS/PCL Polyblend Plastic Film
M Yusuf*, R M Siregar, R Siregar
1 Departement of Chemistry Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan
Estate, Medan 20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Currently, polystyrene (PS) has been widely used for household purposes such as
disposable tableware and packaging. Its very wide use can cause environmental
pollution because it is difficult to decompose. The purpose of this study was to
determine the potential ability of the fungus Aspergillus niger to degrade PS/poli(-
caprolactone) (PCL) polyblend plastic film compared to pure PS. Meanwhile the
biodegradation process is carried out for 28 days. In order for PS to be more easily
degraded, it is necessary to blend it with easily degraded polymers such as PCL. The
PCL used in this research is the result of -CL polymerization using a zirconium
complex as a catalyst. The data from the biodegradation test showed that the
addition of PCL to PS/PCL polyblend could increase the decomposition of polyblend
plastic film compared to pure PS.

Keyword: Biodegradation, polyblend, PS, PCL, Aspergillus niger

1. Yusuf M, Roza D, Nurfajriani, Gunawan H and Dari N. (2019). Synthesis of
bis(β-diketonato)zirconium(IV) chloride as a catalyst in the ring opening
polymerizations of ε-caprolactone. Rasayan J. Chem., 12, 19, 2132–2140.
2. Arcana I M, Bundjali B, Yudistira I, Jariah B, And Sukria L. (2007). Study on
properties of polymer blends from polypropylene with polycaprolactone and
their biodegradability. Polym. J., Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 1337–1344.
3. Oliveira T A, Barbosa R, Mesquita A B S, Ferreira J H L, Carvalho L H, Alves T
S. (2020). Fungal degradation of reprocessed PP/PBAT/thermoplastic starch
blends. J. mater res technol, 9(2):2338–2349.

ID: A00044
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Biodegradation Study of LDPE/PCL Polyblend Plastic Film by

Using The Fungus Aspergillus niger
R M Siregar1, M Yusuf1*, Nufajriani1, N Dari1, R Siregar1, M Rahmah1, M H Nasution1,
and P A Widodo1
1Departement of Chemistry Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan

Estate, Medan 20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is a polymer material that is difficult to degrade in

nature and causes waste to accumulate so that it can damage the environment. To
overcome this, it is necessary to blend LDPE with poly(-caprolactone) (PCL), which
is easily degraded. The PCL used in this research was obtained from ROP -CL using
a bis(dibzm)2Zr catalyst. Meanwhile, the composition ratio of LDPE and PCL
polyblend used is 10/4 (%w/w). Furthermore, the resulting LDPE/PCL polyblend
plastic film was tested for biodegradation by using the fungus Aspergillus niger for
28 days. Aspergillus niger is a type of fungus that is able to decompose plastic waste.
In general, the results of the biodegradation test showed that LDPE/PCL polyblend
plastic films were more easily degraded compared to pure LDPE.

Keyword: Biodegradation, polyblend, LDPE, PCL, Aspergillus niger

1. Yusuf M, Roza D, Nurfajriani, Gunawan H and Dari N. (2019). Synthesis of
bis(β-diketonato)zirconium(IV) chloride as a catalyst in the ring opening
polymerizations of ε-caprolactone. Rasayan J. Chem., 12, 19, 2132–2140.
2. Arcana I M, Bundjali B, Yudistira I, Jariah B, And Sukria L. (2007). Study on
properties of polymer blends from polypropylene with polycaprolactone and
their biodegradability. Polym. J., Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 1337–1344.
3. Oliveira T A, Barbosa R, Mesquita A B S, Ferreira J H L, Carvalho L H, Alves T
S. (2020). Fungal degradation of reprocessed PP/PBAT/thermoplastic starch
blends. J. mater res technol, 9(2):2338–2349.

ID: A00082
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Structure Characterization of Young Coconut Husk

Biodegradable Plastics

Z Muchtar*, G E Sarumaha, S Rahmah, S A Sari, M Zubir

Universitas Negeri Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera
20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to synthesize biodegradable plastics from young

coconut husk waste which is increasingly becoming a threat to the cleanliness of the
urban environment. Cellulose from young coconut husk waste was first isolated and
then carboxymethylated to produce carboxy methyl cellolose (CMC). Then the
synthesized CMC was blended with chitosan and glycerol in a ratio of 1:1 to obtain
biodegradable plastics. The results of XRD characterization shows that the structure
of alpha cellulose, CMC and biodegradable plastics are crystallin. There is no
significant difference in the crystal system but it’s intensity are increase from alpha
cellulose > CMC > biodegradable plastics. The bond angle, bond length and unit cell
volume of the crystal system also change insignificantly.

Keyword: Cellulose, Young Coconut Husk Waste, Carboxymethylation, Bioplastic

1. Mulyadi, I. (2019). Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Selulosa : Review. Jurnal
Saintika Unpam: Jurnal Sains Dan Matematika Unpam, 1(2), 177–182.
2. Amri, I., Khairani, & Irdoni. (2019). Sintesis dan karakterisasi bioplastik dari
bahan baku ubi kayu (starch cassava) dan serat nanas Idral. Chempublish
Journal, 4(2), 62–70.
3. Intandiana, S., Dawam, A. H., Denny, Y. R., & Firman, R. (2019). Pengaruh
karakteristik bioplastik pati singkong dan selulosa mikrokristalin terhadap
sifat mekanik dan hidrofobisitas. EduChemia, 4(2), 185–194.

ID: A00092
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

The Using of Oleamide for Improving the Strength of Natural

Rubber/Silica Vulcanizates
Indra Surya1*, Mimpin Ginting2
1 Chemical Engineering Department, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara,

*Corresponding Author


In this paper, oleamide was used as an additive to improve the tensile strength of
the natural rubber (NR)/silica compounds. The oleamide was made in a laboratory
by performing a reaction between oleic acid and urea. The oleamide is a sustainable
material, since the oleic acid is a fraction of palm oil. The oleamide was added into
the NR/silica compounds at 4 different compositions (2, 4, 6 and 8 phr). The silica
was used as a reinforcing filler for NR at a certain loading, 30 parts-per hundred
rubber (phr). The silica, oleamide and others rubber chemicals were compounded
with NR using a two-roll mill. Those compounds were vulcanized using a semi-
efficient recipe at 150 oC using a typical rheometer. Based on the tensile properties
of the vulcanized NR/silica with no/with oleamide which measured using a typical
tensometer; it was found that the addition of oleamide into the NR/silica
compounds improved not only the tensile strength but also the modulus and
elongation at break, compared to the NR/silica compound with no oleamide. The
strength improvement of the NR/silica compounds presumably was due to the
function of the oleamide which improved the degree of the silica filler dispersion
inside the NR compounds.

Keyword: Oleamide, natural rubber, silica, tensile strength, filler-dispersion

1. Saramolee P, Sahakaro K, Lopattananon N, Dierkes W K, and Noordermeer J
W M, (2015) Compatibilization of silica-filled natural rubber compounds by
combined effects of functionalized low molecular weight rubber and silane.
Journal of Elastomers & Plastics Volume 48, No. 2, 145-163.
2. Suzuki N, Ito M, Yatsuyanagi F, (2005) Effects of rubber/filler interactions on
deformation behavior of silica filled SBR systems. Polymer, Volume 46, No. 1,
3. Zhong B, Jia Z, Luo Y, Jia D, (2015) A method to improve the mechanical
performance of styrene-butadiene rubber via vulcanization accelerator
modified silica. Composites Science and Technology, Volume 117, 46-53.
4. Surya I, Ismail H, Azura A, (2013) Alkanolamide as an accelerator, filler
dispersant and a plasticizer in silica-filled natural rubber compounds.
Polymer Testing, Volume 32, 1313-1321.
5. Li Y, Han B, Wen S, Lu Y, Yang H, Zhang L, (2014) Effect of the temperature
on surface modification of silica and properties of modified silica filled
rubber composites. Compos Part A – Appl Sci, Volume 62, 52–59.

ID: A00092
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Effect of Oleamide on the Torques Behaviors of Natural

Rubber/Precipitated Silica Compounds
I Surya*, M Ginting
1 Chemical Engineering Department, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara,

*Corresponding Author


This report is about the effect of the oleamide incorporating on the torques
behaviors of precipitated silica (PSi)-strengthened natural rubber (NR)
compounds/mixtures. The raw rubber (NR) was strengthened with PSi at a locked
dosage (30 phr) and the oleamide was incorporated into the PSi-strengthened NR
mixtures from 2 to 8 parts per-hundred parts rubber (phr). The effect of oleamide
incorporating on the supreme torque, minimal torque and changed torque of the
PSi-strengthened NR mixtures were analyzed. It was detected that the oleamide
provided some impacts in torques behaviors of the PSi-strengthened NR mixtures.
The oleamide lowered the minimal torque but level up the supreme torque and
changed torque. The greater the oleamide dosages, the farther smaller was the
minimal torque but the farther greater was the changed torque. The changed torque
intensification was connected to the capacity of oleamide as one supplemental
softening ingredient for the PSi-strengthened NR mixtures. Presumably, the greasy
quality of oleamide caused reducing in minimal torque or viscousness but lifting up
the supreme torque or rubber-to-filler action/crosslinks grade, collectively.

Keyword: oleamide, natural rubber, precipitated-silica, viscousness, torque

1. Saramolee P, Sahakaro K, Lopattananon N, Dierkes W K, and Noordermeer J
W M, (2015) Compatibilization of silica-filled natural rubber compounds by
combined effects of functionalized low molecular weight rubber and silane.
Journal of Elastomers & Plastics Volume 48, No. 2, 145-163.
2. Suzuki N, Ito M, Yatsuyanagi F, (2005) Effects of rubber/filler interactions on
deformation behavior of silica filled SBR systems. Polymer, Volume 46, No. 1,
3. Zhong B, Jia Z, Luo Y, Jia D, (2015) A method to improve the mechanical
performance of styrene-butadiene rubber via vulcanization accelerator
modified silica. Composites Science and Technology, Volume 117, 46-53.
4. Surya I, Ismail H, Azura A, (2013) Alkanolamide as an accelerator, filler
dispersant and a plasticizer in silica-filled natural rubber compounds.
Polymer Testing, Volume 32, 1313-1321.
5. Li Y, Han B, Wen S, Lu Y, Yang H, Zhang L, (2014) Effect of the temperature
on surface modification of silica and properties of modified silica filled
rubber composites. Compos Part A – Appl Sci, Volume 62, 52–59.

ID: A00122
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

A Study of Structure and Thermodynamic in the Spin

Transition Event in the [Fe2(Htrz)6(trz)3]Cl,
[Fe4(Htrz)10(trz)5]Cl3, and [Fe6(Htrz)14(trz)7]Cl5 Complexes
Using Hartree-Fock Method
A W Nugraha1*, A Sutiani1, D Onggo2, M A Martoprawiro2
1Physical Chemistry Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar V Medan Estate Medan 20221 Indonesia
2Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to determine the structure data and determine the
magnitude ∆E, ∆H, ∆G, and ∆S in the [Fe2(Htrz)6(trz)3]Cl, [Fe4(Htrz)10(trz)5]Cl3, and
[Fe6(Htrz)14(trz)7]Cl5 complexes of a low spin state and a high spin state.
Determination of the magnitude of ∆E, ∆H, ∆G, and ∆S uses computational chemistry
calculations, while determining the structure of complex compounds using
visualization of computational chemical calculations. The computational chemistry
calculations using the function/ basis set UHF/6-31G(d). The computational
chemistry calculations using molecular structure modeling with two, four, and six
Fe(II) ions. The results of this study show that the distance data between of the
Fe(II) ions in the [Fe2(Htrz)6(trz)3]Cl complex at low spin state is 3.851Å, while at
high spin state is 4.019Å. [Fe4(Htrz)10(trz)5]Cl3 complex at low spin state is 3.819Å–
3.825Å, and at high spin state is 3.995Å–4.044Å, and [Fe6(Htrz)14(trz)7]Cl5 at low
spin state is 3.801Å – 3.822Å, and at high spin state is 3.949Å–3.992Å. The
thermodynamic quantities of ∆E, ∆H, ∆G, and ∆S in the [Fe2(Htrz)6(trz)3]Cl complex
were -613.595kJ/mol, -613.595kJ/mol, -662.855 kJ/mol, and 0.165kJ/mol.K
respectively, and the [Fe4(Htrz)10(trz)5]Cl complexes were -1164.916 kJ/mol, -
1164.916 kJ/mol, -1224.851kJ/mol, and 0.201kJ/mol.K respectively.

Keyword: the structure, the thermodynamic, the computational chemistry, and

the complex compound

ID: A00005
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activity of the Ethanol extract of

the Leaves of the Sijukkot (Lactuca indica) Plant
Ida Duma Riris, Albinus Silalahi, Marini Damanik, Nora Susanti
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Sijukkot (Lactuca indica L), the plants have been from an area in the village of
Parsaoran Sibisa Ajibata, Toba Samosir, North Sumatera, has long been used and
believed to be a medicinal plant, especially as a medicine for diabetes, although it
has never been studied. For that we in this study conducted research from the
Sukkot leaf of the extract ethanol. We feel it is important to research the activity of
these plants as antidiabetic and antioxidants. It is extracted plant leaves using 96%
ethanol. The antioxidant of ethanol extract leaves has been tested by the DPPH
method, the antioxidant has showed IC50 values of 118,94 ppm, it has a strong
antioxidant. We also tested the anti-diabetic activity of the ethanol extract of
sijukkot leaves by in vitro using the alpha amylase enzyme inhibition method and
the results showed the IC50: 132,413ppm, It has moderate anti-diabetic activity

Keyword: Lactuca indica L; Antioxidant; Antidiabetic

ID: A00148
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

GC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling of Ethanol Extract of

Timonius flavescens Leaves
H Sipahutar, A Y D Lumbangaol, E Prasetya
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Medan. Jl. Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


To ascertain the various phytochemicals in the leaf extract of Timonium flavescens

by GC-MS & evaluate its antidiabetic properties using in vitro assays. Serial
extraction was carried out with ethanol and water with increasing polarity using a
Soxhlet apparatus. The concentrated and dry extracts were subjected to GC-MS
analysis and also the antidiabetic activity was assessed using standard in vitro
techniques. GC-MS analysis confirmed the presence of various phytochemical
compounds in the leaf extract of T. flavescens. The main phytoconstituents found
were -sitosterol, pentanoic acid, almefrol, dihydrobenzofuran, nonanoic acid,
neophytadiene, dan campesterol. Antidiabetic studies showed that the ethanol
extract showed significant activity when compared to other solvent extracts. This
study provides scientific evidence that T. flavescens leaves have antidiabetic
properties. Thus, given their relative hypoglycemic potential, they may serve as
useful therapeutic agents for treating diabetes.

Keyword: Timonius flavescens, GC-MS, antidiabetic, phytochemical

ID: A00149
Topic: Biology SCIENCE

Molecular Identification of Zingiber loerzingii Valeton using

Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions
Lazuardi, F Harahap, E Prasetya
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Medan. Jl. Willem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Zingiber loerzingii is a plant that belongs to the rare and endemic category which is
spread throughout North Sumatra, Indonesia. DNA barcode is one of the molecular
techniques used to identify and classify living things. Studies on the development of
Z. loerzingii DNA barcodes are still very rare. This study aims to identify Z. loerzingii
using barcode internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) to identify 5 samples obtained
from the North Sumatra region. The maximum likelihood method is used to evaluate
the identification ability of ITS2 barcodes. According to the kimura-2 parameter
model, the intraspecific distance of the Z. loerzingii ITS2 sequence ranged from 0 to
0.00381. The Maximum Likelihood tree showed that the Z. loerzingii samples
clustered into one clade, which could be clearly distinguished from other species in
the Zingiber genus or in the Zingiberaceae family. The secondary structure of ITS2
provides another dimension for identifying species. In conclusion, the ITS2 barcode
effectively identifies Z. loerzingii, and the DNA barcode is an easy-to-use tool to
identify this plant.

Keyword: Zingiber loerzingii, Internal transcribed spacer 2, North Sumatera, DNA


1. CBOL Plant Working Group. 2009. A DNA Barcode for Land Plants.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 106: 12794-12797.
2. Chase, M. W., and Fay, M. F. 2009. Barcoding of Plants and Fungi. Science,
325: 682–683.
3. Chen, S., Yao, H., Han, J., Liu, C, Song, J., Shi, L., Zhu, Y., Ma, X., Gao, T., Pang, X.,
Luo, K., Li, Y., Li, X., Jia, X., Lin, Y., and Leon C. 2010. Validation of the ITS2
Region as a Novel DNA Barcode for Identifying Medicinal Plant Species. PLoS
One, 5(1): 1-8.
4. Ford, C. S., Ayres, K. L. Toomey, N., Haider, N., Staahl, J. V. a., Kelly, L. J.
Wikstrom, N., Hollingsworth, P. M., Duff, R. J., Cowen, R. S., Chase, M. W., &
Wilkonson, M. J. 2009. Selection of Candidate coding DNA Barcoding Regions
for Use on land Plants. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 159(1): 1-11.
5. Hosein, F. N., Maharaj, S., Johnson, W., Rostant, L., Ramdass, A. C., &
Rampersad, S. N., 2017. Utility of DNA Barcoding to Identify Rare Endemic
Vascular Plant Species in Trinidad. Ecology and Evolution, (7): 7311-7333.

ID: A00151
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Morphology and Transformation Fourier Infra Red Spectral

Characters of Cow, Goat, and Rabbit Skin
D I Kurniawan1, I K Kusumaningrum 1, Suharti 1, H O Rusdi 1, Ponimin 2, A Annihayah1
1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Malang State University
2 Art and Design Department, Faculty of Letter, State University of Malang

*Corresponding Author


The analytical method to determine the type of leather as a fashion product

material, which is fast and accurate, needs to be developed. The analysis of skin type
determination by matching the morphology and spectral character of FTIR (Fourier
Transform Infrared) is a fast and accurate. An analytical data base for matching
morphology and spectral characters should be provided. This article describes the
results of the morphological analysis of cow, goat and rabbit skins, as well as their
spectral characters analyzed by FTIR. The cow skin looks bumpy. hair comes out of
the follicle hole, only one hair comes out of one follicle hole. The cow skin has a
dense structure, the connective tissue under the epidermis is arranged in a
unidirectional manner. The surface of the cow hair looks scaly, and has a medulla.
Rabbit skin surface looks wavy and grained, the hair follicles were arranged in
groups, there are several follicles arranged in one group, consisting of one or more
follicles that secrete one large hair surrounded by several follicles that secrete
smaller hair. The rabbit skin dermis is less dense and more irregular structure than
the cow’s dermis tissue. The surface of rabbit hair has a coronal pattern, the hair has
not a round shaped medulla form. Goat skin surface looks keratinized, hair comes
out of the follicle hole, only one hair comes out from one follicle hole, the size of hair
is not uniform. The goat skin has a dense structure like cow skin structure, the
connective tissue under the epidermis is arranged in a unidirectional manner. The
cuticle surface of the goat hair looks scaly, and has a medulla in the center. The
pattern of cuticle is wave, the distance between the wave pattern is closer than the
wave pattern of cow’s hair cuticle. The results of FTIR analysis indicated that,
analyzed animal skins contained collagen, the level of similarity in the peak pattern
of FTIR absorption between cow skin and rabbit skin was higher when compared to
the level of similarity between the peak patterns of the spectrum of cowhide and
goat skin, or between rabbit and goat skin. The peak of collagen characteristics,
peaks around 1035 cm-1 and 1079 cm-1 can be found in the spectrum of cow, goat
and rabbit skin powder. The peak absorption which was always found in each
spectrum of cow, goat and rabbit skin powder was 1234 cm-1 and 1454 cm-1.

Keyword: -

ID: A00152
Topic: Chemistry SCIENCE

Effects of Waste Plastic Polyethylene Additive on the

Properties of Bituminous Binder
W Ritonga*, S Humaidi, K Tarigan, Motlan, Eddyanto
Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20221 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The main objective of this study was to minimize waste plastic polyethylene
pollution and improve properties of asphalt mixtures. Functionalization of
polyethylene with maleic anhydride was conducted in an internal mixer by melt
processing and it was characterized by FTIR and used as compatibilizer of mixture
of bitumen and waste plastic. The variation of waste plastic content in asphalt were
mixed in an external mixer and compared with the addition of the functionalized PE
in different concentration. The modified asphalt with waste plastic PE then
characterized in term of conventional properties and rheology characterization.
Tests of five types asphalt mixtures containing different PE content and a control
mixture without plastic PE were conducted. Based on results of rutting tests (58-
82oC), the addition of recycled plastic PE in asphalt mixtures could improve
engineering properties of asphalt mixtures, and the plastic content has a significant
effect on the performance of resistance to permanent deformation at high
temperature and cracking at low temperature.

Keyword: Post-consumer plastic, asphalt mixtures, polyethylene, rutting

properties, rheology.

ID: A00021
Topic: Computer SCIENCE

Development of Virtual Reality-Based Science Educational

H Syahputra1, M Restuati2, A Sutiani3, R A Nolly1
1Computer Science Department, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V
Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20221 Indonesia
2Biologi Department, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate,

Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20221 Indonesia

3Chemistry Department Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate,

Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20221 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is the development of virtual reality-based educational

games. The research method used is a qualitative method. This research is a
development research carried out with the Research and Development (R&D)
model. Data collection in this study was carried out by observation, discussion and
literature study and using the Prototype method as a software development method.
Virtual Reality Based Educational Game developed with Unity game engine, and
features an updated scoreboard, game continuation, and user interface. The results
of the research are in the form of virtual reality-based educational game media
products which are validated by media experts, black box testing materials and
processes so that Virtual Reality-based Educational Games can be said to be in
accordance with the initial objectives of their development. so that it can be an
interactive learning method for students.

Keyword: Virtual Reality, Games Education, Science Education

ID: A00045
Topic: Computer SCIENCE

Analysis Of Early Childhood Obesity Level During The Covid-

19 Pandemic Using Machine Learning Approach In Medan
R Ramadhani1*, G N Eza1, Srinahyanti1, N A Saragih2
1Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20221 Indonesia
2Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Childhood is a fundamental phase in influencing individual development. Early

childhood is in the most rapid stage of growth and development, both physically and
mentally. Child development includes 6 aspects, namely religious norms, cognitive,
language, art, motor and social emotions. This research is a descriptive research that
aims to make a systematic, factual and accurate picture that is carried out. Data
analysis carried out with the indicators described previously was entered into a
child's growth chart which was also differentiated according to gender using a
machine learning approach. After taking data and processing it using maschine
learning with an accuracy rate of 95%, it was found that at an early age, the male sex
was 66.15 with normal body mass index status, 6.5% overweight, 9.7% thin and
17.7%. excess, while the female gender obtained the results of 81.1% normal, 2.6%
thin and 15.8% obese. From the analysis carried out, it can be said that at an early
age in the city of Medan, even though during the pandemic period, they have limited
movement and steps that are still in normal body mass index status.

Keyword: Early Childhood, Obesity, Machine Learning, Medan, Covid 19

1. Roian, Ahmad, dkk. (2020) Pemanfaatan Machine Learning dalam Berbagai
Bidang Review Paper, Indonesian Journal on Compter an Information
Technology Volume : 5 No. 2020 p-ISSN :2527-449X e-ISSN :2549-7421
2. Talukhder, Ashis., Ahammed Benojir, (2020), Machine Learning Algorithms
for predicting malnutrition among uder-five children in Bangladesh.
Nutrition, Volume : 78 110861
3. Ramadhani, Rizki. (2020) Pengaruh Latihan Senam Aerobik Low Impact dan
Mixed Impact terhadap Indeks Massa Tubuh Member Muslimah Center Kota
Padang , Journal Prepotif. Volume : 4No.2 Oktober 2020

ID: A00128
Topic: Computer SCIENCE

Augmented Reality Development with Android-Based Marker

Based Tracking Method on learning media
Z Indra*, Idramsa
Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20221 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


In this digital era, people are required to use technology in their daily life. Likewise
in learning and teaching. The teaching and learning process will have a better
quality if it is accompanied by technology used as a learning medium. Learning
media is needed as an intermediary for teachers to minimize failure during the
learning process. In addition, interesting and interactive learning media can help
students absorb the material being taught, because in the learning process many
students have difficulty understanding lessons with conventional methods. One
technology that is currently popular and developing is Augmented Reality.
Augmented Reality technology with marker base tracking method allows users to
experience a virtual world that looks real with the help of additional tools. By using
Augmented Reality as an alternative learning media, especially science material, it
can become more interesting for students. Making this application is built using
Unity 3D software.

Keyword: augmented reality technology, unity 3d software, learning media,

android, marker base tracking method, science.

1. Azuma, R.T., 1997, A survey of augmented reality, Presence: Teleoperators
and Virtual Environments, 6, 4, 355–385.
2. Hanafi, M. R. (2015) Analysis and Design of Geometra Applications,
Geometry Learning Media for Mathematics Subjects Based on Android Using
Augmented Reality Technology. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
3. Vega, J. C. et al. 2017. Using Augmented Reality to Teach and Learn
Biochemistry. Journal Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 1(1).

ID: A00139
Topic: Computer SCIENCE

Handwriting Prediction Using the Support Vector Machine

Method in Web-Based Applications
Syaifudin 1*, D Pratiwi2, A K Charles1, H Wijaya1, K Nisa1
1Information System Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti
2Informatic Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti

*Corresponding Author


Current technological advances have progressively encouraged individuals to use

web-based applications. To determine the owner of a handwriting, one of the
manual methods is generally done by people. And it can be done by a web
application to find out the person's handwriting. The Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Method is a strategy of artificial intelligence used to recognize handwriting. This
study intends to create a handwriting recognition framework using the Support
Vector Machine (SVM) Method on a web-based application, with extraction features
that are important as the basis for describing and characterizing handwritten
images. The results obtained from predictions using the Support Vector Machine are
by using 16 data and there are 80 tests carried out in total. The results obtained
indicate that there are 25 incorrect prediction tests and 55 correct prediction tests
so that the level of accuracy obtained is 68.75%.

Keyword: Features Extraction, Handwriting, Prediction, Accuracy, Support Vector

Machine, Confusion Matrix

1. Chitlangia, A and Malathi, G (2019). Handwriting Analysis based on
Histogram of Oriented Gradient for Predicting Personality traits using SVM.
Elsevier: Procedia Computer Science, 165(384-390).
2. Syaifudin, Pratiwi,D and Trubus (2020). Handwritten security modeling
based on cosine and inner product method. Technology Reports of Kansai
University, 62(02):107–114
3. Pratiwi D, Syaifudin, Rahardiansyah T, Anggriani W, Hilman A, and
Chairunnisa N (2019). Texture traits with uniform-quantization in
handwriting documents for digital forensics investigation. The International
Conference on Aerospace and Aviation, 645:1–7
4. Davin R, Pratiwi D, Syaifudin, Rahardiansyah T and Rizki (2017).
Implementation of Inner Product to Analyze Digital Handwriting based on
Texture Traits. International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence, 114-118

ID: A00139
Topic: Computer SCIENCE

Visualization of Corona Virus Disease 2019

Deoxyribonucleic Acid Data Analysis
Hafiz Adi Wijaya1, Syaifudin1*, Teddy Siswanto1
1Information System Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti

*Corresponding Author


Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a biomolecular genetic code that present in every

population that stores and encodes genetic instructions. With increasing
technological advances and a lot of research of decoding DNA from various cultures,
one of which is a virus. DNA sequence from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19
DNA) virus data that has become a pandemic around the world now has genetic
mutations. This research tries to analyze DNA. The sequence of COVID-19 DNA data
is then extracted to obtain biological information on genetic makeup variables. Data-
analysis-can be arranged as-a process that consists of-several steps where raw data
is -and created to produce information and visualization of data needed to acquire
knowledge assets. The process of reading data is then analyzed and visualized using
biopython which is a special library for bioinformatics computing. Using the method
of Data Analysis Process which covers Data Extraction, Data Preparation, Data
Exploration & Visualization, Predictive Modelling, Model Validation, and
Dissemination. The results of this research display the visualization of data
extraction into information on COVID-19 DNA analysis based on the sequence of
DNA formers, as well as showing similarities of COVID-19 DNA so that it can be
identified using genetic mutations that occur.

Keyword: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), DNA Sequence Data, COVID-19,

Biopython, Data Analysis Process, Information, Visualization

1. Hamid Salma & Yassen Mohammad (2019). Novel coronavirus disease
(COVID-19): a pandemic (epidemiology, pathogenesis and potential
therapeutics). IJITEE ISSN: 2349- 5162, Vol.6, Issue 6, page no.92-98.
2. Mahapatra Supratim (2020). Clinically practiced and commercially viable
nanobio engineered analytical methods for COVID-19 diagnosis, IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12(5).
3. Salman Khan & Priti Signh (2020). Novel Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19)
genetically mutant of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome β-Coronavirus.”
IJITEE, Vol. 6 (2), 1697- 170.

ID: A00071
Topic: Ilmu Biologi

Lepidoziaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Batang Toru Forest

Area, West Block, North Sumatra
R Damanik1*, N Pasaribu1, E S Siregar1, Syamsuardi2
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi No.1 Kampus USU Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155 Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Andalas. Jl. Unand,

Limau Manis, Padang, West Sumatra, 25163, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The West Block Batang Toru Forest area is one of the forest areas that have high
humidity[1]. So that it is suitable for the habitat of various types of flora including
liverworts. Until now there is no data on liverworts family Lepidoziaceae from this
area. The purpose of this study was to provide data on the diversity and distribution
of Lepidoziaceae species in the West Block Batang Toru Forest Area, North Sumatra.
The collection of specimens in this study was using an exploratory survey method
on all paths around Camp Mayang [2]. Based on the results of the study, the total
types of Lepidoziaceae obtained were twelve species, Bazzania (11 species) and
Lepidozia (1 species). Family Lepidoziaceae are found as epiphytes on tree trunks,
rotten wood, and soil. The most common species found were Bazzania Francana,
while the least common were Bazzania calcarata and Bazzania pectinata.

Keyword: -

1. S. Utara, D. Provinsi, S. Utara, W. S. Utara, G. M. Fredriksson, and E. Lestari,
“Edisi III diterbitkan di Medan , November 2017 oleh Yayasan Ekosistem
Lestari / PanEco.”
2. E. S. Siregar, N. Pasaribu, and I. G. Nababan, 2018 “The liverworts family
Lepidoziaceae in Aek Nauli Parapat natural forests, North Sumatra,
Indonesia,” J. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 1116, no. 5, pp. 1–9, DOI: 10.1088/1742-

ID: A00004
Topic: Mathematics Education

Developmental Media Study Of Animation Video Based

Sparkol Videoscribe to Enhance a Student’s Mathematically
Visual Ability
G I D Purba*, Mariani, N A Sinaga
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Medan, Universitas Negeri Medan,
Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20221 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study aimed to describe a valid, practical, and effective Sparkol Video Scribe
based animated video study to enhance ability on a matter of the limit function in
mathematics education study program. The results of this study were a learning
animated video media which was valid, practical, and effective. Learning media was
declared valid based on the assessment of three media experts and educational
experts, with a percentage of validity respectively 79.85% and 79.74% in the very
proper category. The media was declare practical based on the assessment by
students response with such a percentage of 82.01% which had avery practical
category. The effectiveness of the media based on the n-gain score of 0.45 with the
interpretation there was an increase in the medium category. This research was
conducted in the Department of Mathematics Education, State University of Medan
(Unimed) and has the following targets/objectives to: (1) develop learning media
based on Sparkol Videoscribe to improve students' visual mathematical abilities; (2)
publish reputable scientific articles like indexed proceedings or web of science; (3)
produce research reports registered with Copyright; (4) produce teaching materials
with ISBN that can be used by students.

Keyword: Animated video, Sparkol videoscribe, Mathematical visual abilities

1. Akpinar, Y., Validation of a Learning Object Review Instrument: Relationship
between Rating of Learning Objects and Actual Learning Outcomes, Journal
of e-Learning Objects, 4(1), 2008, pp 291-302
2. Atsani, L G M Z., Transformasi Media Pembelajaran Pada Masa Pandemi
Covid-19, Jurnal Studi Islam, 1(1), 2020, pp 82-93
3. Rahmatika, D.F and Nining, R., Media Pembelajaran Matematika Bilingual
Berbasis Sparkol VideoScribe, Jurnal Matematika, 1(3), 2018, pp 385-393–

ID: A00009
Topic: Mathematics Education

The Effect of Self-Video Task on Students Conceptual

Understanding of A Function and Its Derivative
Z Azis*, T H Harahap, S W Dachi
Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Jalan
Kapten Muchtar Basri, Medan 20238, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study examines the impact of student self-video on the attainment of

conceptual understanding of function. A total of 60 Mathematics Education students
at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara participated in the study. Half of the
participants were taught with regular practical teaching, whilst the other half
supplemented the teaching with a self-video task aimed at promoting reflection on
performance. Students' conceptual understanding was measured in an objective
structured examination. Students received significantly higher scores in the
examination when the teaching had been supplemented with a self-video task.

Keyword: Self-video task, conceptual understanding, calculus, online learning

1. Coles A, Brown L. (2016). Task design for ways of working: making
distinctions in teaching and learning mathematics. J Math Teacher Educ, 19,
2. Kaiser G, Busse A, Hoth J, König J, Blömeke S (2015). About the Complexities
of Video-Based Assessments: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to
Overcoming Shortcomings of Research on Teachers’ Competence. Int J of Sci
and Math Educ, 13, 369–387.
3. Seago N, Koellner K, Jacobs, J (2018). Video in the Middle: Purposeful Design
of Video-Based Mathematics Professional Development. Contemporary
Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(1), 29-49.

ID: A00010
Topic: Mathematics Education

The Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Learning

Activities on Students Critical Thinking Skills
M Firdaus1*, Mukhtar1, M B Darari1, Z Azis2
1Mathematics Department, Medan State University, Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan
20221, Indonesia
2Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Jalan

Kapten Muchtar Basri, Medan 20238, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The increasing development of immersive technology has provided students with

greater opportunities to be actively involved in learning. However, there are still few
empirical studies that explore the effect of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) based
activities on students' critical thinking skills. To address this gap, this study develops
a series of IVR-based multivariable calculus lessons and further examines the effects
of these lessons on critical thinking skills. This study used a quasi-experimental
approach where pretest and posttest were carried out to measure critical thinking
skills. A total of 90 third-year mathematics education students from two classes
were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Students in the
experimental group were taught by virtual reality-based learning activities, while
students in the control group were taught by regular practical teaching. The results
showed that the experimental group scored significantly higher on critical thinking
skills than the control group. Our study provides empirical evidence for the use of
IVR in improving critical thinking skills.

Keyword: Immersive virtual reality, learning activities, critical thinking skills,

multivariable calculus

1. Liu R, Wang L, Lei J, Wang Q, Ren Y. (2020). Effects of an immersive virtual
reality-based classroom on students' learning performance in science
lessons. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(6), 2034-2049.
2. Molina-Carmona R, Pertegal-Felices M L, Jimeno-Morenilla A, Mora-Mora H.
(2018). Virtual Reality Learning Activities for Multimedia Students to
Enhance Spatial Ability. Sustainability, 10(4), 1074.
3. Firdaus M, Mukhtar, Darari M B, Azis Z. (2021). Designing Interactive Videos
in Online Multivariable Calculus Course to Support Student's Critical
Thinking. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1819 012057.

ID: A00015
Topic: Mathematics Education

Development of Set and Logic E-Book with Flip Pdf Pro

S L Manurung*, Susiana, N R Refisis
Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20221 Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The implementation of the learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic

underwent a change in learning styles. Where, learning is usually done offline,
during a pandemic, learning activities are carried out fully online. Reflecting on the
need for online learning activities, namely teaching materials in digital form, we
carried out development research with a 4D development model (Define, design,
develop, and Desseminate) from Thiagarajan (1974). In this study, the research
subjects were students in semester 1 in class Dik-E 2021, Mathematics Education
study program, FMIPA Unimed. The purpose of this research is to produce a product
in the form of an E-book with the FLIP PDF PRO application that is suitable for use
for students in the "Set and Logic" lecture. The results of this E-book research,
according to experts, show that the E-book "Set and Logic" which was developed has
very decent criteria with an average score of 4.64 based on the results of the
assessment of material expert validators and media expert validators. Meanwhile,
according to the positive response, students have a percentage gain of 85.71%,
which indicates that this E-book is practically used in the "Settings and Logic"
lectures. Therefore, this teaching material is included in the appropriate criteria and
can be used in the "Set and Logic" lecture activities.

Keyword: E-book, Four-D Development Model (4-D), Set and Logic

ID: A00018
Topic: Mathematics Education

The Development of Web-Based Virtual Laboratory for

Programming Language in Mathematics Education
D Haris1*, E Syahputra1*, Chairunisah2
1Department of Mathematics Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
2Department of Mathematics, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This research is motivated by the need for practical experience in the laboratory to
support the theoretical experience of concepts in algorithms and programming
languages courses. However, the reality is that in experiments from theoretical the
concept has not been integrated into online learning which is the main choice in
learning during this pandemic of covid19, so students have difficulty increasing their
understanding in compiling and writing programs that have an impact on their low
problem-solving innovation. This study aims to design a web-based virtual
laboratory to support students' ability to solve problems and arrange them in an
effective program. This research method uses development research
(Developmental Research) with the research subjects are 40 students of
mathematics education at the State University of Medan. This study describes the
first of three stages of research, namely analyzing the curriculum and examining the
characteristics of a web-based virtual laboratory that is in accordance with the
characteristics of mathematics education students. The results of the study indicate
that the initial web-based virtual laboratory model is feasible from the point of view
of material experts and media experts.

Keyword: web-based virtual laboratory, programming language, learning media

ID: A00020
Topic: Mathematics Education

The Development of Digital Module: Project-Based Learning

Activities in Regression and Variance Analysis Courses
Chairunisah1*, Nice Rejoice Refisis2, Denny Haris1
1Department of Mathematics Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
2Department of Mathematics, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Departing from efforts to improve the quality of independent learning lectures on

regression and variance analysis courses, it is necessary to involve information and
communication that affect the progress of learning media innovation. The purpose
of this study is to design an integrated digital module for online learning in the
regression and variance analysis course. This study describes the results of research
conducted with developmental research methods from planning, developing and
implementing digital modules for regression and variance analysis courses for
mathematics education students. The results showed that the development of digital
modules was feasible and easy to use. This research is recommended to improve
students' mastery in studying regression and variance analysis.

Keyword: digital module, regression and variance analysis, learning media

ID: A00022
Topic: Mathematics Education

Online Questionnaire to Measure Self Regulated Learning of

Mathematics Education Students in State University of
M B Darari1, K Saputra2
1Lecturerin Mathematics Education Programme at State University of Medan
2Lecturer in Computer Programme at State University of Medan

*Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menggambarkan efektivitas angket kemandirian

belajar mahasiswa di Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Unimed. Angket dikembangkan
sebagai jawaban atas kekhawatiran terhadap kemandirian belajar daring
mahasiswa selama masa pandemi. Angket disusun berdasarkan 9 kriteria yang
dikemukakan oleh Sugandi, yaitu; 1) inisiatif belajar, 2) Mendiagnosa kebutuhan
belajar, 3) Menetapkan target dan tujuan belajar, 4) Memonitor, mengatur, dan
mengontrol, 5) Memandang kesulitan sebagai tantangan, 6) Memanfaatkan dan
mencari sumber belajar yang relevan, 7) Memilih dan menetapkan strategi belajar,
8) Mengevaluasi proses dan hasil belajar, dan 9) Self Eficacy yang sesuai. Indikator
tersebut disesuailan dengan butir pertanyaan yang dipublikasi oleh Murray Fisher.
Temuan dari respon yang diberikan mahasiswa mengungkapkan bahwa sikap
kemandirian siswa dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Faktor yang sangat berperan
adalah inisiatif dalam belajar dan bagaimana mahasiswa mengatur dan mengontrol
proses perkuliahan secara mandiri

Keyword: Online Questionnaire, Self Regulated Learning, Mathematics Education


ID: A00047
Topic: Mathematics Education

Development of Electronic Learning Materials Assisted by

Animated Videos as a Supporting System for The Online
Learning of Real Analysis to Improve Students' Critical
Thinking Skills
K Samosir*, M Panjaitan, M C Simanullang
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, 20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Critical thinking skill is one of the competencies that students require to have to
master abstract mathematical knowledge including in online learning. The online
learning in Mathematics Education Study Program of Universitas Negeri Medan was
implemented through a Learning Management System known as the Sistem
Pembelajaran Daring (SIPDA). Based on the preliminary data, the online learning
using SIPDA was still not sufficient to strengthen students' critical thinking skills to
master the learning contents of Real Analysis. This study aims to develop electronic
learning materials assisted by animated videos, as a supporting system for the
online learning of Real Analysis to improve students' critical thinking skills. The
research design used is a 4-D development research design, which consists of
Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate stages. The instruments used in this study
are 1) the validation sheets, 2) the practicality and effectiveness assessment sheets
of the use of electronic learning materials assisted by animated videos, 3) the
practicality observation sheets on the use of electronic learning materials assisted
by animated videos, 4) the tests of students’ critical thinking skills, and 5) the
questionnaire of students’ response. The results of this study are the valid, practical,
and effective electronic learning materials assisted by animated videos to improve
students' critical thinking skills in the online learning of Real Analysis.

Keyword: Development Research, Online Learning, Electronic Learning Materials,

Animated Videos, Real Analysis

ID: A00054
Topic: Mathematics Education

Development of Technological Instruments Pedagogical

Content Knowlade for Prospective Mathematics and Natural
Sciences Teachers
N Siregar1*, A Andriani1, N Siregar2,P Lestari3
1Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20221 Indonesia
2Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Indonesia
3Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The development of science and technology can be one way to improve the quality
of learning carried out by a teacher. 21st-century teachers must have knowledge
and skills in using various technology tools, both traditional and modern, to facilitate
learning and improve learning outcomes. A prospective teacher must own the ability
to use technology in education. This study aims to develop a valid and reliable
TPACK instrument for science teacher candidates at Medan State University. This
research is quantitative. The sample of this study involved 100 mathematics and
science students consisting of semesters 5 and 7. Data were descriptively and
quantitatively with the help of IBM SPSS software version 2. The results showed that
some statements needed to be revised. However, the instrument has met face
validity and content validity. These results are also supported by evidence of high-
reliability scores and validity scores. The tool in this study, therefore, can be
developed in further research.

Keyword: TPACK, Pre-service teacher, Quantitative Research

1. Schmidt, D.A., Baran, E., Thompson, A.D., Mishra, P., Koehlr, M.J., & Shin,
T.S. (2009).Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): The
Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument for Preservice
Teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 123–149.
2. Lestari, P., Siregar, N.,Sujaya, K., Mulyani, D A., Syarifudin, M T., (2021). Self-
Determination and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK):
How Novice Teachers in Mathematics Education Surviving and Thriving in
Disruption Era. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1819(2021)012017.
3. Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). A Review Of Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Educational Technology And Society, 16(2),
4. Gomez, L. E., Arias, B., Verdugo, M. Á., & Navas, P. (2012). An Outcomes-
Based Assessment of Quality of Life in Social Services. Social Indicators
Research, 106(1), 81–93.

ID: A00055
Topic: Mathematics Education

Incorporation of ICT-Based Multimedia In Mathematics

Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: Its Effects On Students’
Learning Activity, Interest, Motivation and Metacognitive
N Bito*, S Ismail, K Usman
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, the Gorontalo State
University, Sudirman Street, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The rapid advancements of science and technology have been highly influential to
the learning activity and to the shift of teachers’ role and students’ characteristics.
Such a condition calls for a re-orientation for an innovative teaching method,
particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic that restricts the direct interaction
between teachers and students. ICT-based multimedia is among the applicable
methods of online learning strategy to develop students’ cognitivity, affective
competence, and skills that are in conformity with the learning objectives. The
purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of incorporation of ICT-based
learning multimedia in junior high school during COVID-19 pandemic. The assessed
indicators were the learning activity, interest, motivation, and metacognitive
knowledge. The study employed Four-D model (consisting of Define, Design, Develop,
and Disseminate) to develop the learning multimedia. The results revealed that the
developed ICT-based learning multimedia was effective. Based on the observation,
the percentage of students’ activity arrived at 82.35 percent, categorized as “good”.
Moreover, the questionnaire data of students’ learning motivation and interest also
yielded “good” criteria with percentage of 85.20 percent. In the meantime, the
students’ learning outcomes in the dimension of metacognitive knowledge resulted
in 80.22 percent, or at “passed” criteria. Therefore, the ICT-based multimedia in
curved side geometric shapes was regarded as effective to use within mathematics
learning process in junior high school.

Keyword: ICT-based multimedia, Learning activity, Interest, Motivation,

Metacognitive knowledge

ID: A00063
Topic: Mathematics Education

Student Motivation Analysis on Learning Outcomes

Assessment with Quizizz
N S Bina1*, S F Sihotang1, Zuhri2
1Potensi Utama University, Medan
2STIM Sukma, Medan

*Corresponding Author


Pandemic times require online learning. One way to overcome the problem of
assessing student learning outcomes online so that students feel interested and
compete fairly is to use an application, namely Quizizz. This study aims to describe
students' motivation to assess learning outcomes with quiz based Quizizz, describe
quiz results and describe the assessment application used, namely Quizizz. The
research method used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Descriptive
qualitative was conducted to collect student motivation data using google form, then
quantitative data was obtained by giving a test in the form of a quiz on the subjects
of Research Statistics, Business Statistics and Economic Mathematics using Quizizz.
Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS-assisted descriptive statistics. This
research was conducted on 146 students majoring in English Education, Information
Systems and Economics at the Potensi Utama University, Medan, Indonesia. The
result shows that the students' motivation is great towards the assessment of
learning outcomes with Quiz based Quizizz. The Quizizz application deserves to be
one of the assessment tools.

Keyword: assessment, learning outcomes ,motivation, quiz, quizizz

1. Andika, R., Sari, I. K., Ningsih, Y., Masniladevi, & Helsa, Y. (2019). Assessment
for learning of mathematics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1321(2).
2. Deeley, S. J. (2018). Using technology to facilitate effective assessment for
learning and feedback in higher education. Assessment and Evaluation in
Higher Education, 43(3), 439–448.
3. Kippers, W. B., Wolterinck, C. H. D., Schildkamp, K., Poortman, C. L., &
Visscher, A. J. (2018). Teachers’ views on the use of assessment for learning
and data-based decision making in classroom practice. Teaching and Teacher
Education, 75, 199–213.
4. Sujadi, I., Kongsoongnoen, K., Perdana, F. A., Kurniawati, I., & Wulandari, A. N.
(2018). Strategy Assessment as Learning for Developing Pedagogical
Competence of lndonesian-Thailand Mathematics Student Teachers. Journal
of Physics: Conference Series, 1028(1).
5. Tanujaya, B. (2017). Application of Assessment as Learning in Mathematics
Instruction. 100, 140–145.

ID: A00065
Topic: Mathematics Education

The Development of Interactive Augmented Reality-Based

Learning Media
M M Simanjorang*, S Gultom, P N J M Sinambela, E Simanjuntak
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Education needs to prepare students with competencies that enable them to actively
participate in society, to be ready to face any changes in the future. One of these
competencies is the ability to access information and to use technology. Therefore,
teachers are encouraged to be creative and active in directing students in the
classroom to use technology positively. Some of the technologies that have become a
trend lately are Augmented Reality (AR). AR is a technology that combines virtual
and reality. The use of augmented reality in learning is expected to help students'
visualization skills. AR may show abstract concepts in a more concrete way virtually.
AR allows the students to interact with the virtual objects and to see in different
perspectives. AR-based learning media can be used when studying in the classroom
or studying at home so that it is very relevant to today's needs. The use of AR in
classroom learning to build mastery of mathematical concepts while increasing
student curiosity, attracting student interest and providing valuable experiences for
students. This ongoing study utilizes the results of previous studies related to AR-
based learning design. How the prototype of AR-based learning media will be
developed in this study using design research and Tessmer's formative evaluation

Keyword: Augmented Reality, AR-based learning, learning media, AR-based

learning media, Tessmer’s formative evaluation

ID: A00069
Topic: Mathematics Education

Flipped Classroom Model in Descriptive Statistical Learning

Based on Malay-Deli Context
R Ramadhani 1, 2*, S Saragih 1, Nuraini 1, 3
1Departementof Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2 Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
3IAIN Lhokseumawe, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The flipped classroom model is one type of blended learning. The flipped classroom
model uses two stages of learning, namely learning outside the classroom and
learning in the classroom. The flipped classroom model integrated with other
learning models and approaches can support the implementation of mathematics
learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study describes how to apply the
flipped classroom model in learning mathematics, especially descriptive statistics
material, which is integrated with an ethnomathematics approach in the Malay-Deli
cultural context. This research is descriptive qualitative research with ethnographic
approach. The learning activities focused on this research relate to gathering
information based on the making of Malay-Deli "Lemang Batok." The data collection
technique employs observation, interviews, documentation, and field notes per the
description of the culture used. The results showed that descriptive statistical
learning in the context of Malay-Deli culture and presented in a flipped classroom
learning model provided an authentic experience for students in understanding the
concept of statistical data obtained from information on the culture of the
surrounding community, cultural values, and characters, as well as traditions and
activities of the local community.

Keyword: Ethnomathematics, Flipped Classroom Model, Malay-Deli Culture,

Statistical Learning

1. D’Ambrosio, U. (2018). The program ethnomathematics: Cognitive,
anthropological, historic and socio-cultural bases. PNA, 12(4), 229–247.
2. Ramadhani, R., Bina, N. S., Sihotang, S. F., Narpila, S. D., & Mazaly, M. R.
(2020). Students’ critical mathematical thinking abilities through flip-
problem based learning model based on LMS-google classroom. Journal of
Physics: Conference Series 1657, 1657(1), 12025.
3. Ramadhani, R., Umam, R., Abdurrahman, A., & Syazali, M. (2019). The effect
of flipped-problem based learning model integrated with LMS-google
classroom for senior high school students. Journal for the Education of Gifted
Young Scientists, 7(2), 137–158.
4. Rosa, M., & Gavarrete, M. E. (2017). An Ethnomathematics Overview: An
Introduction. In M. Rosa, L. Shirley, M. E. Gavarrete, & W. V. Alangui (Eds.),
Ethnomathematics and its Diverse Approaches for Mathematics Education

(pp. 3–19). Springer International Publishing.
5. Umbara, U., Wahyudin, W., & Prabawanto, S. (2021). Exploring
Ethnomathematics with Ethnomodeling Methodological Approach: How
Does Cigugur Indigenous People Using Calculations to Determine Good Day
to Build Houses. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Education, 17(2), 1–19.

ID: A00074
Topic: Mathematics Education

Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Ethnomathematics Context

toward Students’ Mathematics Literacy on Transformation
Geometry Materials
Nuraini 1,2*, S Saragih 1, R Ramadhani 1,3, N Azmi 2, Khairiani 2, I Hanif 1,5, A Isnaini 1,4, D
N Sari 1,6
1Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of

Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2IAIN Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
3Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
4SMA Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Medan, Indonesia
5Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
6Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah, Medan Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The low ability of students’ mathematics literacy is caused by the implementation of

learning with no accordance based on curriculum planning. Mathematics literacy is
foundation and basic for life skills and becomes an international standard in
measuring students’ abilities besides science and reading literacy. Problem Based
Learning (PBL) in ethnomathematics context is one of possible alternative to
increase students’ mathematics literacy. Learning experience is presented based on
cultural problems related to mathematical context. The aim of the study to describe
Problem Based Learning (PBL) in ethnomathematics context toward Acehnese
culture in the reflection transformation geometry material. The type of research was
applied descriptive qualitative approach. The research was conducted at MTs Jabal
Nur, North Aceh. The subject of research were 28 students of class IX.4. The data
was collected by tests, interviews, and observation. The results showed that 1) the
average ability of students’ mathematics literacy was 11,43 with the total score was
16 or 71,44%, 2) students activities observation in learning was 93.33% or very
good category. The enthusiasm of students to learn mathematics is increase but it
hindered by the loss of mathematics meaningfulness because learning mathematics
still presented separately in the manner of students’ real world context.

Keyword: Problem Based Learning, Ethnomathematics, Acehnese Culture,

Mathematics Literacy

1. Genc, M., & Erbas, A of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology,
7(3), 222–237. K. (2019). Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptions of
Mathematical Literacy. International Journal.
2. C., Stacey, K., & Schmidt, W. H. (She, H.2018). Science and Mathematics
Literacy: PISA for Better School Education. International Journal of Science
and Mathematics Education, 16(S1), 1–5.
3. Rosa, M.& Orey, D.C. (2016). State of The Art in Ethnomathematics . In Current
and Future Perspectives of Ethnomathematics as A Program (pp. 11-37).
Cham: Springer.

ID: A00075
Topic: Mathematics Education

Analysis Mathematical Communication Skills Based On Java

Culture Through Blended Learning
D N Sari12* , S Saragih1 , Nuraini13
1Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah, Medan, Indonesia
3Institut Agama Islam Negari Lhokseumawe, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Covid 19 is a national disaster that affects various sectors, including the education
sector. Changes occur in the learning system that is done so that it has an impact on
the low mathematical communication skills of students. Blended learning model
uses two stages of learning, namely learning outside the classroom and learning in
the classroom. Blended learning model integrated with other learning models and
approaches can support the implementation of mathematics learning during the
Covid-19 pandemic. Blended learning was integrated with an ethnomathematics
approach in the Java cultural. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The
research was conducted at Baitul Qur'an JUNIOR IT. The study subject was a class
VII student. The data collection technique employs observation, interviews,
documentation, and test. The results of this study showed that learning on flat wake
materials connected with Java culture and presented in the blended learning model
contributed very well in improving students' mathematical communication skills
which can be seen from the percentage of classical completion of 92.5% and 77.50.

Keyword: Analysis, Mathematical Communication Skil, Java Culture, Blended

Learning, Ethnomathematics

1. Abdullah, A., Wardono, W., & Dwijanto, D. (2019). Peran Ethnomatematika
pada Pembelajaran Visualization, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Terhadap
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional
Pascasarjana (PROSNAMPAS) (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 11-15).
2. D’Ambrosio, U. (2018). The program ethnomathematics: Cognitive,
anthropological, historic and socio-cultural bases. PNA, 12(4), 229–247.
3. Rosa, M., & Gavarrete, M. E. (2017). An Ethnomathematics Overview: An
Introduction. In M. Rosa, L. Shirley, M. E. Gavarrete, & W. V. Alangui (Eds.),
Ethnomathematics and its Diverse Approaches for Mathematics Education
(pp. 3–19). Springer International Publishing.
3- 319-59220-6
4. Gerdes, P. (1994). Reflections on ethnomathematics. For the Learning of
Mathematics. 14(2), pp. 19-22.

ID: A00080
Topic: Mathematics Education

Types of Student Errors in the Trajectory of Thinking

Solving Analytical Geometry Questions Based on Newman's
Error Analysis (NEA)
K M A Fauzi*, and Y Hia
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to (1) describe the error of a student's mathematical
problem-solving ability by applying Newman's Error Analysis (NEA) based
metacognitive approach, and (2) to determine the student's mathematical problem-
solving thinking trajectory.This type of research is development research using
design research conducted in 2 trials, in pilot experiment (trial 1) of research
subjects amounting to 8 students and on teaching experiment (trial 2) of research
subjects amounting to 42 students.The object of this research is student problem-
solving behavior and learning activities as the math learning process in the
classroom progresses with the application of a metacognitive approach to the topic
"Circle".The results of the study found the type of error in (1) decoding is inaccurate
in identifying problems, the type of error (2) comprehension is not careful in making
algebraic manipulations, the type of error (3) transformation is an error in using
counting operations because understanding the problem / solving is not
comprehensive type of error (4) process skill is not careful in making calculations
and the type of error (5) encoding is not doing Check the results of the calculation so
that it is wrong in writing the final result.The mathematical problem-solving
trajectory of a circle topic is the identification of circle elements, simplifying the
problem by completing the existing image in the circle, creating a new image model
and observing/looking for solutions to related problems.

Keyword: Learning Trajectory, Errors, Problem Solving, Metacognitive Approach

ID: A00085
Topic: Mathematics Education

Designing Augmented Reality As A Mean To Support

Distanced Learning At University During Covid-19 Period
A Lubis* , A Ritonga , A A Nasution
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


This article attempts to provide educators about information needs to be prepared

to create Augmented Reality (AR) in teaching and learning process, especially in
mathematics. In this case, the learning media was designed as a way to facilitate
students in studying mathematics at home and and to support their self efficacy. In
addition, the media could develop the students’ insights towards the subject that
they studied. The process of making the media was conducted through the phases of
developmental research ADDIE, such as Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation. The development activities were embedded in each
phase of the designing process. The process of implementation involved 50
mathematics education students at Medan State University. The results of this study
shows that educators should pay attention to five crucial elements when designing
Augmented reality for mathematics learning, such as mathematics content,
storyboard, marker, interface, and AR Application.

Keyword: Mathematics Education, Learning Media, Augmented Reality (AR),

Distanced Learning, Self Efficacy.

1. Asiewski, J. A., Eagan, M. K., Garcia, G. A., Hurtado, S., & Chang, M. J. (2012).
From gatekeeping to engagement: A multicontextual, mixed method study of
student academic engagement in introductory STEM courses. Research in
higher education, 53(2), 229-261.
2. Behringer, et. al.. (2000). A Wearable Augmented Reality Testbed for
Navigation and Control, Built Solely with Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
Hardwar. Proc.Int’l Symp. Augmented Reality 2000 (ISAR’00). Munich,5-6 Oct.
2000, pp. 12-19.
3. Branch, R. M. (2009). Instruction Design: The ADDIE Approach. Springer.
4. Duan, J. (2012). Research about Technology Enhanced Higher-Order
Thinking. IEEE Computer Society, (Iccse), 687–689.
5. Gravenmeijer, K. P. E., & Cobb, P. (2006). Educational Design Research:
Design Research from a Learning Design Perspective. UK: Rouledge.

ID: A00091
Topic: Mathematics Education

Implementation of the Etnomatics Based Process-Oriented

Guided Inquiry Learning (Pogil) Model on Students'
Mathematical Communication Ability
Anim1,2, S Saragih1, E Rahmadani1,2, N Sari1,3, H Suciawati3, E Safitri1,2,*
1Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan Jl. William Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Asahan Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani,
Kisaran, North Sumatera, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Quality Jl. Ngumban Surbakti,

Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study is aimed to determine: Were there the differences in the average pre-test
and post-test results on students' mathematical communication ability through the
ethnomathematics-based Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) model.
It was conducted using Pre-Experimental Research with the research population
being all students of Grade VIIe SMP Quran Kisaran. Class sample selection is done
randomly and selectively. The instrument used was a test of students' mathematical
communication ability with quadrilateral material. The data in this study were
analyzed by using parametric statistical analysis. Statistical analysis of the data was
carried out by using the Paired Sample T Test analysis. The results showed that (1)
There was a significant difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test
on students' mathematical communication ability through Ethnomathematical-
based POGIL Learning; and the average pre-test and post-test were 26.17 in the pre-
test and 34.3667 in the post-test. The findings obtained during the research on the
application of the ethnomathematical-based POGIL model showed that students who
were in the fast-understanding category were more active in groups and were better
able to create ideas in the form of their own arguments compared to students who
still did not understand or had difficulty understanding the problem, however, the
data obtained was not valid enough, rresearchers only conduct observation and
interview to determine the category of students who understand quickly or not, so it
becomes a suggestion for further researchers to pay more attention to students'
abilities in the high, medium, and low categories, so that later it will be concluded
strongly that this model is more recommended for high, medium or low capabilities.

Keyword: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, mathematical

communication abilty, Ethnomathematics

ID: A00103
Topic: Mathematics Education

Implementation of PBL (Project Based Learning) Model

Through a Stem Approach (Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics) on Students’ Critical Thinking Skill in
Junior High School
E Syafitri1,2, S Saragih1, N Sari1,3, A Anim1,2, R Umami1, E Rahmadani1,2,*
1Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan Jl. William Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Asahan Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani,

Kisaran, North Sumatera, Indonesia

3 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Quality, Jl. Ngumban Surbakti,

Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The 21st century which is the century of globalization requires humans to have
skills, one of them is thinking skills to be able to survive and compete in global
competition. Therefore, we need a learning model; which it can train students'
critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to see whether there was a
difference in the average results of pre-test and post-test on students' critical
thinking skills using the PBL (Project Based Learning) model through the STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach. This research was
conducted using Pre-Experimental Research with the research population being all
students of class VII-A SMP N 1 Pulo Bandring. Class sample selection is done
randomly and selectively. The instrument used is a test of students' critical thinking
skills with the material of linear equations and inequalities of one variable. The data
in this study were analyzed using parametric statistical analysis. Statistical analysis
of the data was performed using the Paired Sample T Test analysis. From the
research data, the average pre-test = 60.83 and the average post-test = 65.63 with n1
= 30 and n2 = 30 obtained the Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000 < 0.05, it can be concluded
that there is a significant difference. through learning to use the PBL (Project Based
Learning) model through the STEM approach can improve students' critical thinking

Keyword: PBL, STEM, Critical thinking Skill

1. Depdiknas, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2006.
2. Diani, Rahma. (2016). Pengaruh Penekatan Saintifik Berbantukan LKS
Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA Perintis 1 Bandar
Lampung‟, Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika „Al-BiRuNi‟.
3. Kaleiloglu, F., & Gulbahar, Y. (2014). The Effect of Instructional Techniques
on Critical Thinking Disposition in Online Discussion. Educational
Technology & Society, 17(1), 248—258.
4. Karim and Normaya. (2015). Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa dalam
Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Model Jucama di Sekolah

Menengah Pertama. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 92-104,
5. Kaselin, Sukestiyarno, and W. Budi, “Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis
Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Strategi React Berbasis
Etnomatematika,” Unnes J. Res. Math. Educ., vol. 2, no. 2, 2013.

ID: A00104
Topic: Mathematics Education

Implementation of Discovery Learning Model on Students'

Mathematical Literacy Skills
E Rahmadani1,2, S Saragih1, Anim1,2, E Safitri1,2, S Rakiyah3, N Sari1,3,*
1Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan Jl. William Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Asahan Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani,

Kisaran, North Sumatera, Indonesia

3 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Quality Jl. Ngumban Surbakti,

Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This research is aimed to determine whether there was the difference between the
average results of the pre-test and post-test on students' mathematical literacy skills
through the discovery learning model. It was conducted using Pre-Experimental
Research with the research population being all students of Grade VII SMP Quran
Kisaran. Class sample selection was done randomly and selectively. The instrument
used was the test of students' mathematical literacy skills. The data in this research
were analyzed by using parametric statistical analysis. Statistical analysis of the data
was carried out by using Paired Sample T-test analysis. The results showed that
there was a significant difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test
on students' mathematical literacy skills through discovery learning; and the mean
of pre-test and post-test was 26.67 in pre-test and 34.87 in post-test. Based on the
data, it was found that students who were in the fast understanding category were
more active in groups and better in making ideas in their own arguments than
students who still did not understand or had difficulty understanding the problems,
but the data obtained was not valid, researchers only conducted observation and
interview to determine the categories of students who understood quickly or not, so
that it becomes a suggestion for further researchers to pay more attention to the
students’ skills in the high, medium, and low categories, so that later it can be
concluded strongly that this model is more recommended for high, medium, or low

Keyword: Discovery learning model, mathematical literacy skills

ID: A00105
Topic: Mathematics Education

Achievement Motivation And Response In Implementation of

Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic And Their
Relationship With Students Learning Outcomes
Zubaidah R, Dona Fitriawan*
Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tanjungpura University,
Pontianak Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Efforts to prevent the development of the spread of COVID-19 in the education unit
environment are the shift from face-to-face learning to distance learning by using
online media. Online learning is one of the efforts to build and create active learning
based on information and communication technology to support government
programs in preparing students to become a generation that is ready to welcome the
industrial revolution 4.0 era in 21st century learning. For online learning to run
effectively and provide good learning outcomes optimal motivation is needed for
students to study and discuss the material independently. This study aims to
examine the relationship between achievement motivation and student learning
outcomes and describe student responses in the implementation of online learning
during the COVID 19 period. The form of research uses mixed methods with
commensurate status, namely using a qualitative descriptive approach and a
quantitative approach. A qualitative descriptive approach is used to describe
student responses to online learning. While the quantitative approach is used to
examine the relationship between achievement motivation and student learning
outcomes. The research sample was students in semester 4, and semester 6 for the
2020/2021 academic year totaling 65 students. Sampling using cluster random
sampling technique. Data collection techniques using indirect communication
techniques and measurement techniques. Data collection tools are achievement
motivation scale, response questionnaire and learning outcomes test. Testing the
research hypothesis, used the Kendall Tau test. The results showed that (a) There
were 95.5% of students liked Google Meet, 53.7% liked WhatsApp. 28.4 liked email,
10.4 liked Google Classroom, 9.9% liked Edmodo and 0.9% liked You Tube. (b) Most
of the students' responses to the online learning process showed a positive
response. Most of the responses to learning interactions show a negative response.
While the response to the availability of facilities, most of the student responses
were positive, (c) The results of Kendall Tau's analysis obtained a correlation
number of 0.329. This shows that there is a relationship between student
achievement motivation and learning outcomes. Research conclusions (a) The
online platforms used by lecturers of the Mathematics Education Study Program in
online lectures during the pandemic period varied. The applications most favored by
students in a row are google meeting, WhatsAp, email, google classroom, edmodo
and you tube. (b) Student responses to online learning are positive, except for
responses to interactions in learning that are negative. (c) There is a positive and
significant relationship between student achievement motivation and student

learning outcomes in the implementation of online learning.

Keyword: Online Learning, Achievement Motivation, Response

1. Fortune, M. F., Spielman, M., & Pangelinan, D. T. (2011). Students’
Perceptions of Online or Face-to-Face Learning and Social Media in
Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and
Teaching, 7(1), 1–16.
2. Ilmadi, I., Zarista, R. H., Aden, A., & Sastro, G. (2020). The Effectiveness of
Online Learning for Mathematics Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Jurnal Cendekia : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 4(2), 1273–1282.
3. Lehmann, T., Hähnlein, I., & Ifenthaler, D. (2014). Cognitive, metacognitive
and motivational perspectives on preflection in self-regulated online
learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 32, 313–323.
4. Mather, M., & Sarkans, A. (2018). Student perceptions of online and face-to-
face learning. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 10(2), 61–
5. Sudjana, N. (2011). Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT.
Remaja Rosdakarya.

ID: A00107
Topic: Mathematics Education

Effect of Teaching Materials Assisted by Video Tutorials to

Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills
E Simanjuntak*, H D M Hutabarat, G I D Purba
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Teaching materials are an important component in the teaching and learning

process. The development of science and technology and the demands of the
curriculum in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 are currently forcing teachers to
think creatively using science and technology to create an interested teach and
learning process that can improve student understanding. Since learning in the
online condition is about no choice for pandemic reasons, the teacher must be able
to use technology for helping students understand the material independently. One
of them is by developed teaching materials assisted by video tutorials. Constructed
as qualitative research using critical narrative inquiry as a method of analysis and
representation. The research aims to improve the mathematical creative thinking
skills of mathematics students in a multi-media practice class by placing a video link
on the guidebook.

Keyword: Teaching materials, video tutorials, Mathematical Creative Thinking


1. Cahyadi, R. A. H. (2019). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Addie Model.
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal.
2. Purnomo, D. (2011). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika Sebagai Sarana
Pengembangan Kreativitas Berpikir. Aksioma: Jurnal Matematika Dan
Pendidikan Matematika UPGRIS Semarang.
3. Reflianto, & Syamsuar. (2018). Pendidikan dan Tantangan Pembelajaran
Berbasis Teknologi Informasi di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Jurnal Ilmiah
Teknologi Pendidikan.
4. M. Djauhar Siddiq, dkk (2008) Pengembangan Bahan Ajar. Direktorat
Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi DEPDIKNAS.
5. Aria Pramudito. 2013. “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Tutorial
pada Mata Pelajaran Kompetensi Kejuruan Standar Kompetensi Melakukan
Pekerjaan dengan Mesin Bubut di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Playen”. Jurnal
Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Edisi Tahun 2013.

ID: A00094
Topic: Mathematics Education

The Nurturant Effects from the Development of a Local

Culture-Based Mathematical Learning Model
Izwita Dewi 1, Nurhasanah Siregar 2, Ade Andriani 3
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


This paper aims to describe the nurturant effects of the development of a local
culture-based mathematics learning model. This type of research is development
research, while the research method uses quantitative descriptive. The collecting
research data using a questionnaire was given after learning. In the learning process,
is used models and mathematical learning tools local culture-based learning. The
research subjects were students of class VII who came from two regions that had
different cultures. The results showed that effects of nurturant this learning model
developed were 1) students' learning motivation in good category (average score
2.93, 2) cultural love was included in the good category (average score 2.93), and 3 )
helping to understand mathematics is also included in the good category (average
score 3.24). The highest average score of that three effects of the nurturant of that
culture-based mathematics learning model is helping students understand
mathematics. As a recommendation, the researcher suggests teachers use a local
culture-based learning model so that students are motivated to learn, understand
the material, and love their own culture.

Keyword: Local Culture, Motivation, Understanding Mathematics, Love of Culture

1. Balitbang. 2011. Laporan Hasil TIMSS. Kementerian Pendidikan dan
2. Hamiyah, N., Jauhar, M. (2014). Strategi Belajar-Mengajar di Kelas. Jakarta:
Prestasi Pustaka Publisher
3. Ngalimun (2016). Strategi Model Membelajaran. Yogyakarta: Aswaja
4. Sugiyono.(2015). Metode Penelitian Kombinasi.Bandung:Alfabeta
5. Owens,Key.2010. Papua New Guinea Indigenous Knowledges about
Mathematical Concepts. Journal of Mathematics & Culture ICEM 4 Focus

ID: A00150
Topic: Mathematics Education

Performance of The University Senate and The Formulation

of Academic Policy at Universitas Negeri Medan
Syawal Gultom1, Winsyahputra Ritonga2, Abil Mansyur1, Maya Oktora3
1Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri

Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
3Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan,

North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The goal of this study is to see how well the Unimed senate performs when it comes
to developing academic policies. The task of the Unimed Senate is to improve the
achievement of Unimed's vision, which is to become a great university in the sectors
of education, industrial engineering, and culture, in accordance with its functions
and roles. Academic policies, research and community service, quality assurance, the
launching and termination of study programs, professor nominations, and other
academic activities are among the choices and regulations that the Unimed Senate
will draft. As a result, one of Unimed's senate performance measures is academic
performance. Furthermore, many rules are developed in the form of the Rector's
regulation, which serves as a guide for academic activities. The Unimed Senate has
established ten Rector's regulations in the academic field for the period 2018-2022.
The Rector's Regulation on Research, the Rector's Regulation on Student Discipline,
the Rector's Regulation on General Guidelines for Student Organizations, the
Rector's Regulation on English Graduation Standards, the Chancellor's Regulation on
the Research Code of Ethics, and the Regulation on the Code of Ethics and Lecturer
Discipline are among the ten regulations. Other regulations include the Chancellor's
Regulation on the Unimed Educational Personnel Code of Ethics, among others.
According to the findings, the Unimed Senate did an excellent job of creating
academic rules at Medan State University while adhering to all necessary

Keyword: senate, academic policy

ID: A00014
Topic: Mathematics Science

Image Segmentation of Healthy Food Using Hue Saturation

Arnita*, F Marpaung, A Widianto, M Hidayat
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The Corona virus pandemic has caused many changes in daily life. Maintaining a
healthy diet is very important during a pandemic. However, the large number of
types of food available makes it difficult for people to choose the type of healthy food
to be consumed. To find out the nutritional content in food, it can be done by food
classification using digital images. To perform the classification, an initial process is
needed, namely segmentation. In this study, segmentation uses the hue, saturation
and value (HSV) color space and Otsu thresholding. Segmentation begins with
changing the RGB image to HSV image and then performing Otsu thresholding on
each color component of hue, saturation and value. The results of the research on
the color value component give the opposite result, namely the background is white
and the foreground is black, therefore an invert is performed on the color value

Keyword: Citra digital, healthy food, hue saturation value, treshold

1. Ali, N. M., (2013). Performance Comparison Between RGB And HSV Color
Segmentations For Road Sign Detection, 550-555. Ambarwati, A., Passarella,
R. & Sutarno, 2016. Segmentasi Citra Digital Menggunakan Thresholding
Otsu Untuk Analisa Perbandingan Deteksi Tepi. Annual Research Seminar
2. Putranto, B. Y. B., Hapsari, W., Wijana, K., (2010). Segmentasi Warna Citra
dengan Deteksi Warna HSV untuk Mendeteksi Objek. Jurnal Informatika,
Volume 6 Nomor 2, November 2010.
3. Panggabean, A. K., Syahfarizah, A., Ardiningsih, N. A. (2020). Mendeteksi
Objek Berdasarkan Warna dengan Segmentasi Warna HSV Menggunakan
Aplikasi Matlab. METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika &
Komputerisasi Akuntansi. Vol. 4 No. 2 (Oktober 2020). SSN: 2598-8565
(media cetak). ISSN: 2620-4339 (media online).
4. Putra, D, (2010). Pengolahan Citra Digital. Andi Offset (Penerbit Andi).
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
5. Saparinto, C. & Hidayati, 2010. Bahan Tambahan Pangan. Yogyakarta:

ID: A00016
Topic: Mathematics Science

Transportasi Network System Analysis Using Ford-Fulkerson

Algorithm in Medan City
F Marpaung*, Arnita, N Sari
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Transportation is a major component in living and living systems, government

systems, and social systems. This study aims to analyze the maximum capacity of
roads in overcoming congestion using the Ford Fulkerson Algorithm Network Model
in Medan City. To get the output, several stages are needed: Collecting the data
needed for analysis in the form of the number of city transportation routes in the
city of Medan and the area through which city transportation passes, analyzing the
capacity of transportation roads in the city of Medan using the Ford Fulkerson
algorithm, forming a model using the Ford Fulkerson algorithm. Matlab software.
The analysis results show that there are transportation routes that exceed the road
capacity, and there are also transportation routes that are still low.

Keyword: Congestion, maximum capacity, network model Ford-Fulkerson


ID: A00017
Topic: Mathematics Science

Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) Method in Crude Palm

Oil (CPO) and Kernel Inventory Control
N Khairani*, H M P Harahap
Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) Method is a method commonly used in

inventory control problems, especially production in order to determine the optimal
policy. In this study the Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) method was applied to
determine the inventory control of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Kernel in determining
the optimal amount of production so as to minimize inventory costs and maximize
profits. The research was conducted by collecting data, namely data on the amount
of production, the amount of distribution, procurement costs, and storage costs. The
results obtained for the optimal amount of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) production per
production cycle is 4,773,794,238 kg with an optimal time interval is 1,963 months
and the optimal amount of Kernel production per production cycle is 1,228,927,139
kg with an optimal time interval is 1,980 months. There is a difference in inventory
cost savings generated using the Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) method and
the calculation based on the conditions of company's production is Rp.
3,582,494,503 for Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Rp. 8,354,988,945 for Kernel.

Keyword: EPQ Method, Production, Inventory control, Inventory, Crude Palm Oil
(CPO) and Kernel

1. Badruzzaman F, Erwin, Kurniati E, et al. (2017) Analisis Jumlah Produksi
Kerudung pada RAR Azkia Bandung dengan Metode Economic Production
Quantity (EPQ). J Matematika 16(2):1-8.
2. Daniel E and Ejikeme. (2017) Analysis of Production Output using Inventory
Control Method. J of Scientific and Engineering Research 4(9):137-145.
3. Darmawan S, Sarda S, Indrayani S. (2018) Analisis Sediaan Bahan Baku
dalam Menunjang Proses Produksi pada PTP Nusantara XIV Pabrik Gula
Takalar. J Profitability Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis 2(2):31-49.

ID: A00031
Topic: Mathematics Science

Optimization of Micropropagation Technique for Propagation

of Benzoin Sumatrana (Styrax benzoin) as a Step to Produce
Good Quality Seedlings for Conservation of Forest Plants
Producing Medicines Raw Materials
I Nurwahyuni1*, M Situmorang2, R Sinaga1
1Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi No.1 Padang Bulan, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20155
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri

Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Psr V, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author
Email: ;


Preservation of woody forest plants that have high economic value is very much
needed to prevent illegal logging as well as an effort to increase non-timber forest
production. One of the forest plants of North Sumatra that needs attention is
Benzoin Sumatrana (Styrax benzoin) because it produces frankincense resin which is
used as a raw material for medicines. Micropropagation technique is the right
strategy to produce seeds of the same plant as the parent plant in large and uniform
quantities in a relatively short time. This study aims to obtain the optimum
micropropagation technique to reproduce Sumatran Styrax from one of the best
quality parent plants as a strategy to increase the production of frankincense resin
as a medicinal raw material. The source of explants used shoots from the mother
plant which were cultured in media with various growth regulators. The research is
an experimental study with variations in growth regulators using a completely
randomized design with two factors, the concentration of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4-D) and 6‐Benzylaminopurine (BAP). The results showed that the
concentration of growth regulators 2,4-D and 6-BAP greatly affected the growth and
development of callus in culture media. The growth and weight of callus was
determined by the combination of the concentration of 2,4-D and BAP in the culture
medium. The highest callus growth intensity was obtained in the treatment using a
combination of 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/L BAP. Callus with the highest weight
was obtained by giving 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 10 mg/L BAP. Optimization of
micropropagation techniques in this study is still being carried out in an effort to
produce plant embryos that have leaves, shoots and roots that can be developed into
good quality Frankincense seeds.

Keyword: Benzoin Sumatrana, Styrax benzoin, Micropropagation technique,

Forest plants.

ID: A00032
Topic: Mathematics Science

Analysis of Teaching Material Needs in the Form of General

Physics E-Modules Based on Scientific Approach
D D Panggabean*, J Sinuraya, Irfandi, Y B Butar
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan,
Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to develop a teaching material for general physics courses in the
form of an electronic module based on a scientific approach. This research is a
qualitative descriptive study. The instruments used to collect research data are in
the form of a lecturer and student needs analysis questionnaire using google forms.
E-Modules contain text, images, learning videos, and competency mastery
evaluation tests. E-Module creation using the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application.
Needs analysis was carried out to find out the learning resources used by lecturers
and students, obstacles when online learning took place, and learning resources
needed by students. The results of the needs analysis of 38 students obtained that
78.57% of students had difficulty participating in online learning, 67.86% of
students felt that the available teaching materials were not helpful enough to
understand the subject matter, 57.14% of students had difficulty in understand the
physics concept, 53.7% have difficulty understanding the derivation of formulas,
32.14% have difficulty solving problems, and 76.87% of students need teaching
materials with a scientific approach. These results indicate the need to develop
teaching materials in the form of General Physics E-Modules based on a scientific

Keyword: Teaching Materials, E-Modules, General Physics, Scientific Approach

1. Laili, G., & Usmeldi (2019). Effectiveness of Project Based Learning E-Module
Development on Electrical Motor Installation Subjects. Scientific Journal of
Education and Learning , 3(3), 306-315.
2. Panggabean, DD, Irfandi, I., & Sinuraya, J. (2017). Improving of The Student
Learning in Lectures of General Physics I by Collaborative Learning Model
Based on Scientific Approach. Indonesian Journal of Physical Education,
13(2), 94-101.
3. Panggabean, DD, Irfandi., & Rangkuti, MA (2018). Development of Basic
Mechanics and Heat Teaching Materials with a Mobile Learning System-
Based Scientific Approach to Improve Student Learning Outcomes. Research
Final Report. FMIPA Unimed
4. Prastowo, A. (2014). Creative Guide to Making Innovative Teaching Materials .
Yogyakarta : Diva Press.
5. Situmorang, NS, & Panggabean, DD Effects of the Scientific Inquiry Learning
Model on Student Learning Outcomes on Sound Waves. Journal of the Physics
Alumni Association of Medan State University, 5(3), 58-62.

ID: A00043
Topic: Mathematics Science

Development of Digital Interactive Student Worksheet to

Increase the Prospective Teachers’ Problem-solving
B H Siregar*, Kairuddin, A Andriani
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar
psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The covid 19 pandemic caused changes in various aspects including the learning
system. Where the face-to-face learning process is converted into an online system.
Ironically, the online learning process has taken place passively, teaching materials
that have been used only as a source of information, this has led to a low in problem-
solving skills. Therefore, this research aims to develop a digital Interactive student
worksheet (DISW) with quality standards: (1) validity, (2) practicality and (3)
effectiveness, then can be used to improve problem-solving ability. The study was
conducted in two classes consisting of 30 and 22 prospective teachers. The
development of this teaching material is based on the steps of the ADDIE Model
which consists of five steps. Some of the research instruments used are: 1)
questionnaires, 2) observation sheets, 3) validation sheets and 4) essay test based
on the problem solving. The results showed the DISW was in a valid and practical
category. In addition, DISW is very effectively used to improve the problem-solving
ability of prospective teachers.

Keyword: Research & Development, Digital, interactive, Student Worksheet, ADDIE


1. Benoist Y, Foulon P, Labourie F, et al. (Year) Anosov flows with stable and
unstable differentiable distributions. J Amer Math Soc Volume: StaringPage-
Ending Page.
2. Serrin J, (1971) Gradient estimates for solutions of nonlinear elliptic and
parabolic equations, In: Zarantonello, E.Z. Author, Contributions to Nonlinear
Functional Analysis, 2 Eds., New York: Academic Press, 35-75.
3. SARS Expert Committee, SARS in Hong Kong: From Experience to Action
Rule. Hong Kong SARS Expert Committee, 2003. Available from:

ID: A00048
Topic: Mathematics Science

Optimal Control of The Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2)

SEIR Model in Indonesia
L P Sinaga*, D Kartika, N Ni’mah, C Monalisa
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease) is an acute respiratory system disease caused by

SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2). Covid-19 was first
discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to many other
countries. Research from various disciplines is carried out to overcome the Covid-19
pandemic. Mathematicians develop mathematical models to study the spread of
viruses and offer various intervention measures. This virus spreading rapidly in
Indonesia, so the speed of its spread must be considered. This study aims to analyze
the optimal control of the modified SEIR model for the spread of Covid-19 in
Indonesia. The analysis was performed using the Pontryagin Minimum Principle
based on literature sources consists of definitions and theorems, then simulated
using Covid-19 data (August 2020-August 2021) from the Indonesia Ministry of
Health. Optimal control analysis and numerical simulation will describe changes in
the number of infected individuals based on the given control efforts.

Keyword: Stability, optimal control, SEIR model, covid-19

1. Ouassou H, et al. (2020) The phatogenesis of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19): evaluation and prevention. Journal of Immunology Research
Volume: 1-7.
2. Jiao J, et al. (2020) Dynamics of an SEIR model with infectivity in incubation
period and homestead-isolation on the susceptible. Applied Mathematics
Letters Volume 107: 1-7
3. Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (Ministry of Health Republic of
Indonesia), 2021. Available from:
4. Sinaga L, et al. (2021) Stability analysis of the corona virus (Covid-19)
dynamics SEIR model in Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume 1819: 1-9.

ID: A00052
Topic: Mathematics Science

The Development of Basic Physics Teaching Material Based

on STEM for Biology Student
D Wulandari*, D Roza, A S S Pulungan, M A Rangkuti, W W W Brata, Y Ifda, I
Ramadhani, R H L
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar
psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


It is necessary to design a method to make physics attractive for biology student.

The method is to develop STEM-based basic physics teaching materials.
Understanding the whole basic concepts of physics with their implementation in
biology will make mastery in science more meaningful due to the understanding of
student in terms of the application of the knowledge that they learn. This effort will
improve scientific literacy skills by combining the disciplines of physics and biology.
This research was carried out using development research methods. The teaching
material is designed in eight chapters consisting materials in biomechanics, fluids,
waves and sound, optics, bioelectricity, bio magnetics, thermodynamics and
radiation. Each chapter is validated by three experts in terms of theoretical
concepts, problem or questions, and STEM. Those should synergize with the basic
competencies that have been established. The results of expert validation concluded
that the developed teaching material is very feasible to be used for students as a
book reference.

Keyword: STEM, Basic Physics, Teaching Material

ID: A00057
Topic: Mathematics Science

Using Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Regional Original

Income in the Tourism Sector
M S Sinaga*, Y M Rangkuti
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Improvements in the tourism industry as a result of the C-19 pandemic will have a
direct impact on the increase in Regional Original Income (PAD). PAD in the tourism
sector is optimized by implementing participatory management to empower local
communities. Managers, guides, restaurants, lodging, transportation, and souvenir
utilities are among the various opportunities available. PAD will increase with the
development of the tourism sector that takes into account the influencing factors
based on the current needs of the tourism society, such as Amenity, Attractions,
Accessibility, and Ancillary. One of the mathematical models used to solve practical
problems is the genetic algorithm, which determines the parameters for optimizing
the solution. To obtain a safe new normal destination tourism recommendation, a
Genetic Algorithm is used to solve this multi-objective problem.

Keyword: Tourism, New Normal Destination, Genetic Algorithm

ID: A00058
Topic: Mathematics Science

Antisocial Behavior In Adolescents: Factors Affecting Them

Susiana*, Chairunisah, R Hidayatin
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar
psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Currently, antisocial behavior in adolescents has increased both in quantity and

quality. Antisocial behavior is behavior that does not consider the judgment and
existence of other people or society in general around them. This paper aims to
identify the factors that influence the emergence of antisocial attitudes in
adolescents. The method used is a literature study by reviewing various previous
research results related to antisocial behavior and the factors that influence it. The
results of the study show that the factors that influence antisocial behavior include:
parenting patterns, peer influence, identity, self-control, living environment,
learning motivation, socio-economic conditions, and intensity of smartphone use.

Keyword: Adolescents, Antisocial Behavior, Factors that influence, parenting

patterns, peer influence

1. Kastutik, dan Nanik S., (2014), Perbedaan Perilaku Antisosial Remaja
Ditinjau Dari Pola Asuh Orang Tua Di SMP Negeri 4 Bojonegoro, Jurnal
Kajian Moral dan Kewarganegaraan, No. 2 Vol. 1: 174-189, Tahun 2014.
2. Sari, Novie Paramitha, Edy Sudaryanto, dan Ute Chairus Nasution, (2018),
Dampak Media Sosial LINE Terhadap Perilaku Antisosial Dikalangan Remaja
Gunungsari, Jurnal Representamen, Vol.4, No.1.
3. Hadi, Sutrisno, (2016), Statistik, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
4. Wahyuningsih, Dwi, (2017), Pengaruh Intensitas Penggunaan Smartphone
dan Pengawasan Orangtua Terhadap Perilaku Antisosial, Interaksi Online vol
5, no 2: april 2017, Penerbit : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi: Universitas
5. Lynam, Donald r and david d vachon, (2012), antisocial personality disorder
in dsm-5: missteps and missed opportunities, personality disorders: theory,
research, and treatment american psychological association, 2012, vol. 3, no.
4, 483–495 1949-2715/12 doi: 10.1037/per0000006

ID: A00059
Topic: Mathematics Science

Anti-diabetes activity in vitro and in vivo methanol extract of

cingkam stem bark (Bischofia javanica)
H Pranoto*, M Nugrahalia, W D P Sari
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan,
Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of total phenols and
flavonoids and to determine the antidiabetic activity of the methanol extract of the
bark of the cingkam plant (Bischofia javanica) in vitro and in vivo. The experimental
animals were divided into 4 groups with 5 white wistar strain rats in each
treatment, namely STZ-induced diabetes control (group I), diabetic rats were given
methanol extract of cassava stem bark at a dose of 250 mg/KgBW (group II) and 500
mg/kg. KgBW (group III) and diabetic rats were given metformin at a dose of 10
mg/KgBW (group IV). Test of total phenol, flavonoid and alpha-amylase inhibition
test using spectrophotometric method. The results showed that the total phenol and
flavonoid levels of the methanol extract were 118.03 mg GAE/g and 1.64 mg QE/g,
respectively. The results of body weight measurement showed a significant
difference between group II and group III on day 14. The body weight of group I and
group III decreased on the 14th day. The methanol extract of cassava stem bark was
able to reduce the fasting blood sugar levels of STZ when compared to diabetic
control rats but much lower than metformin.

Keyword: cingkam, Bischofia javanica, antidiabetes, flavonoid, phenol, alfa-


ID: A00066
Topic: Mathematics Science

Improving Student Mathematics Communication Ability

Through Problem Based Learning Assisted by Augmented
Reality Based on Culture
I H Batubara1*, S Saragih 2, N Nuraini3, D N Sari4, A Anim5 ,
I P Sari6
1Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera, Jl. Kapt. Mukhtar Basri, No. 3 Medan, North

Sumatera, Indonesia
2State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

3IAIN Lhokseumawe, Jl. Medan – B. Aceh, KM. 275 No. 1 Buket Rata-Alue Awe Muara Dua,

Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia

4Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah, Jl. Garu No. 2B, Medan, Indonesia
5University of Asahan, Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani, Kisaran, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine whether students' increasing mathematical

communication skills, who received the Problem-Based Learning assisted by
GeoGebra 3D Augmented Reality based on Culture, was higher than the increase of
mathematical communication skills students who did not receive the problem-based
learning model assisted by culture-based Augmented Reality[1],[2]. The students'
mathematical communication skills included connecting natural objects, pictures,
and diagrams into mathematical ideas, expressing mathematical ideas orally, writing
and describing them to symbols or visuals, using language, notation, and
mathematical structures to present and communicate ideas to conclude[3]. This
research is quasi-experimental research with a population of all students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 04 Medan, Indonesia. Two classes were selected randomly from the
available courses. The experimental class was treated with a culture-based
Augmented Reality-assisted problem-based learning model[4], [5]. In contrast, the
control class did not give any treatment. Data analysis was performed by t-test. The
results showed that the increasing mathematical communication skills students
taught through a culture-based Augmented Reality-assisted problem-based learning
model was higher than the rising mathematical communication skills of students
who did not receive a culture-based Augmented Reality-assisted problem-based
learning model.

Keyword: Mathematics Communication, Problem Based Learning, GeoGebra 3D

Augmented Reality, Culture

1. T. A. Argo, S. Prabonno, and P. Singgi, Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci. 227, 808–814
2. Y. Liu, D. Holden, and D. Zheng, Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci. 228, 369–374 (2016).
3. D. Kaya, and H. Aydin, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ. 12, 1619–1629 (2016).
4. R. Phungsuk, C. Viriyavejakul, and T. Ratanaolarn, Kasetsart J. Soc. Sci. 38, 297–
306 (2017).
5. I. Hamburg, and G. Vladut, Transp. Res. Procedia. 18, 419–425 (2016).

ID: A00076
Topic: Mathematics Science

Metric Dimension of The Branched-Prism Graph 𝑪𝒏 × 𝑷𝟐 ⊙

D Febrian*, Mulyono, B Marpaung
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that has many roles in solving human
problems. Therefore, the topic of research on graph theory continues to grow. The
metric dimension is one of the research topics in graph theory which is an NP
Complete problem. Graph 𝐺 and the set 𝑊 = {𝑤1 , 𝑤2 , . . . , 𝑤𝑘 } ⊂ 𝑉(𝐺). The
representation of vertex 𝑣 towards 𝑊 is the distance from 𝑣 to each element in 𝑊,
written 𝑟(𝑣|𝑊) = (𝑑(𝑣, 𝑤1 ), 𝑑(𝑣, 𝑤2 ), . . . , 𝑑(𝑣, 𝑤𝑘 )). If each distinct point in G has a
different representation of W, then W is called resolving set. The metric dimension
of G is the least number of vertices in a set with the property that the list of distances
from any vertex to those in the set uniquely identifies that vertex, denoted 𝑑𝑖𝑚(𝐺).
The application of the metric dimension, one of which is to optimize the provision of
threat detection tools at essential facilities. The purpose of this study is to determine
the metric dimension of a branched prism graph. The branched prism graph 𝐶𝑛 ×
𝑃𝑟 ⊙ 𝑁𝑚 is a modified graph obtained by adding a korona operation to the prism
graph 𝐶𝑛 × 𝑃𝑟 with the null graph 𝑁𝑚 . Based on the results of this study, the metric
dimension of the branched prism graph 𝐶𝑛 × 𝑃2 ⊙ 𝑁𝑚 , 𝑑𝑖𝑚(𝐶𝑛 × 𝑃2 ⊙ 𝑁𝑚 ) = 3 for
𝑚 = 1 and 𝑑𝑖𝑚(𝐶𝑛 × 𝑃2 ⊙ 𝑁𝑚 ) = 2𝑛(𝑚 − 1) for 𝑚 > 1.

Keyword: graph, resolving set, metric dimension, branched prism graph, korona

1. Ali, Gohar, Roohi Laila and Murtaza Ali (2016). Metric Dimension of Some
Families of Graph. Mathematical Sciencies Letters. 5. No. 1. 99-102
2. Fitriani, F.,(2018). Dimensi Metrik Graf Dual Prisma. Jurnal UJMC. Vol. 4, No.
2, hal 7-13
3. Harary, F and R. A. Melter (1976). On the Metric Dimension of a Graph. Ars
Combinatoria, Vol. 2, pp. 191-195.
4. Mutianingsih, Ninik (2016). Dimensi Metrik Pada Graf Turan. Wahana, Vol
67, No. 2, hal 45-48.
5. Septiana, E,R dan Budi Rahdjeng (2014). Dimensi Metrik Pada Graf Lintasan,
Graf Komplit, Graf Sikel, Graf Bintang Dan Graf Bipartit Komplit. MATHunesa,
Vol 3, No. 1.
6. Wahyudi, S., (2012). Dimensi Metrik Pengembangan Graf Kincir Pola dan
Aplikasi Dimensi Metrik Untuk Meminimumkan Pemasangan Sensor
Kebakaran Sebuah Gedung. Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana. Surabaya: ITS.

ID: A00078
Topic: Mathematics Science

Bootstrap Percentile for Estimating Confidence Interval of

Heteroscedasticity Linear Regression Model Parameters
E Simamora*, A Mansyur, E Wydiastuti
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Applying the ordinary least squares method in estimating the parameters of a linear
regression model in the presence of heteroscedasticity becomes inefficient, even
though the estimator is still unbiased. It is because the standard error estimate with
ordinary least squares is no longer the smallest. As a result, conclusions from
statistical tests can be misleading. One of the methods used to overcome this
problem is the bootstrap method. There are three resampling techniques in the
percentile bootstrap method that are considered to estimate the confidence interval
of the heteroscedasticity linear regression model, namely the residual bootstrap,
the wild bootstrap of Wu (1986) and Mammen (1993). The simulation results show
that the wild bootstrap of Mammen provides shorter confidence interval estimation

Keyword: Ordinary Least Square; Heteroscedasticity; Percentile Bootstrap;

Confidence Intervals; Simulation

1. Efron B., and Tibshiriani R.J., An Introduction to the bootstrap, CRC Press,
6th edition, 1993.
2. MacKinnon, J. G., and White, H., Some heteroskedasticity-consistent
covariance matrix estimators with improved finite sample properties.
Journal of econometrics, 29(3), 305-325, 1985.
3. Wu, C. F. J., Jackknife, bootstrap and other resampling methods in regression
analysis. the Annals of Statistics, 14(4), 1261-1295, 1986.
4. Cribari-Neto, F., Asymptotic inference under heteroskedasticity of unknown
form. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 45(2), 215-233, 2004.
5. Mammen, E., Bootstrap and wild bootstrap for high dimensional linear
models. The annals of statistics, 255-285, 1993.

ID: A00084
Topic: Mathematics Science

Technology-Based Mathematics Leaning: What Should Be

Considered To Design Holographic Digital Learning Media?
A A Nasution* , D Armanto , Elfitra
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar
psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


This paper attempts to provide information about designing digital holographic

learning media especially in teaching and learning mathematics at University. To be
detail, this study was conducted to provide educators at university information
towards things need to be considered in designing such instrument. In this case, we
depict several activities in making holograms to deliver mathematical insights for
students for Calculus course. The study was carried out through developmental
steps ADDIE, such as Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation. This study was conducted at Mathematics Education Program, Medan
State University, especially for students who enrolled Calculus course. The activities
were described explicitly in each phase. The results of this study show that it takes
time to make holographic digital media in teaching and learning process of
mathematics, including university. In this case, there are several aspects that need to
be considered in designing the media, such as (1) the learning topics; (2) contents;
(3) object video/animation; (4) hologram application.

Keyword: Mathematics Learning, Learning Media, Hologram, Developmental

Research, Technology.

1. Allen, I. E. & Seaman, J. (2017). Digital Learning Compass: Distance
Educcation Enrollment Report 2017. Babson Survey Research Group: The
2. De Lange, J. (2006). Mathematical Literacy For Living From OECD-PISA
Perspective. Tsukuba Journal of Education Study in Mathematics, Vol. 25, 21.
3. Holzberger, D., et al. (2013). Teachers' Self-Efficacy Is Related to
Instructional Quality: A Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Educational
Psychology 105(3):774.
4. Maryono, M., Sutawidjaja, A., Subanji, S., & Irawati, S. (2017). Implementation
of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of mathematics teachers in
teaching practice: A case study. Iternational Education Studies, 10(3), pp. 11-
5. Ojose, B. (2011). Mathematics Literacy: Are We Able To Put The Mathematics
We Learn Into Everyday Use?. Journal of Mathematics Education, 4(1), pp.

ID: A00090
Topic: Mathematics Science

The Development Of Actuarial Mathematics E-Book

Using Sigil Application
S Manullang*, M Panjaitan, H D M Hutabarat
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar
psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


This research was conducted to improve the process and learning outcomes of the
Actuarial Mathematics course in the Mathematics Department, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) State University of Medan. The aims of
this study are: (1) to develop an e-book for Actuarial Mathematics using the Sigil
application, which is tailored to the achievement of student competence in the
Actuarial Mathematics course, (2) to describe the steps and results of the validation
of the e-book for Actuarial Mathematics so that it is suitable for learning, (3)
describing the effectiveness of the Actuarial Mathematics e-book with the Sigil
application on student learning outcomes in the Actuarial Mathematics course. This
study uses research and development methods with the ADDIE development model
consisting of five research stages: need analysis, planning, development,
implementation, and evaluation. The results of this study indicate that based on the
e-book content validity test, it was found that Actuarial Mathematics teaching
materials were in a good category. The contents of the e-book are categorized both
in terms of language use, the accuracy of learning materials, and appearance. Then
the expert validity test results show that the material developed in the Actuarial
Mathematics e-book is in a very consistent category. Furthermore, student
responses to e-books used during learning indicate that e-books contribute
positively during the learning process. The learning outcomes of students who use
e-books are better than those of students who do not use e-books.

Keyword: e-book, validation, effectiveness, actuarial mathematics, Sigil

1. Amalia, F., & Kustijono, R. (2017). Efektifitas penggunaan E-Book dengan
Sigil untuk melatihkan kemampuan berpikir kritis. In Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Fisika (SNF) (Vol. 1, pp. 81-85).
2. H. Henke, Electronic Books and E-publishing: a pratical guide for author,
Springer-Verlaag, London, 2001.
3. Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., & Haywood, K. (2011). The 2011
horizon report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.
4. Jones, T., & Brown, C. (2011). Reading engagement: a comparison between
ebooks and traditional print Books in an elementary classroom.
International Journal of Instruction, 4(2). Retrieved from
5. Mawarni, S., & Muhtadi, A. (2017). Pengembangan digital book interaktif
mata kuliah pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif untuk
mahasiswa teknologi pendidikan. Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan, 4(1),

ID: A00099
Topic: Mathematics Science

Improving Student's Problem Solving Ability Through

Problem-Based Learning in Cultural Context
N Sari1,3, S Saragih1, E Rahmadani1,2, E Safitri1,2, S Rakiyah3, Anim1,2,*
1 Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North
Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Asahan Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani,

Kisaran , North Sumatera, Indonesia

3 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Quality Jl. Ngumban Surbakti,

Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study is aimed to determine whether the improvement of mathematical

problem solving abilities of students who received problem-based learning with the
cultural context was better than students who received the conventional learning. It
was conducted using the semi-experimental research with the research population
being all students in SMP Suci Murni. Sample selection was done randomly and
selectively. The instrument used was the problem-solving ability test on the material
of the two-variable Linear Equation System. Statistical analysis of the data in this
study was carried out by t-test analysis. The results showed that: (1) the
improvement of mathematical problem solving abilities of students who received
problem-based learning with the cultural context was higher than students who
received the conventional learning, namely the average N-gain for the experimental
class was 0.37 and the control class was 0.26; (2) There was a significant difference
between improving students' mathematical problem solving abilities who received
problem-based learning with the cultural context and students who received
conventional learning, namely with the acquisition of a significance value of 0.004
where the value was < α , then H0 was rejected. Based on the results of this study,
Researcher suggests that problem-based learning with the cultural context in junior
high school students can be used as an alternative for teachers to improve students'
problem solving abilities, especially on the material of the two-variable Linear
Equation System.

Keyword: Problem Based Learning, Problem Solving,Culture

1. Depdiknas. (2006). Buku Saku: Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan
(KTSP) Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan SMP,
Ditjen Mandikdasmen, Depdiknas., Rosda, 46.
2. Napitupulu, E. E.(2011). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah atas
Kemampuan Penalaran dan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis serta Sikap
terhadap Matematika Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas. Bandung : Sekolah
Pascasarjana, UPI
3. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics . (2000). Principles and

standards for school mathematics. Reston, Virginia : NCTM
4. Rosa, M., D’Ambró sio, U., Orey, D. C., Shirley, L., Alangui, W. V., Palhares, P., &
Gavarrete, M. E. (n.d.). Current and future perspectives of ethnomathematics
as a program.
5. Sari, N. (2019). Available online at
Abstrak Available online at
PENDAHULUAN Di era modern sekarang ini perkembangan budaya semakin
pesat namun tidak selaras dengan perkembangan dunia pendidikan yang
menurun. III(2), 144–150.

ID: A00117
Topic: Mathematics Science

Needs Analysis on Learning devices to Support Blended

Based High School Physics Teaching of North Sumatra
Motlan*, J Sinuraya, S Mihardi
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar
psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


This research aims to describe: (1) high school physics teacher perception on
blended learning, (2) physics teacher skill in using technologies in teaching, and (3)
the availability of teaching devices that support blended learning. This research uses
a survey method. The subject of this research consists of 72 high school physics
teachers of 33 districts/municipalities which are at North Sumatera Province. The
instruments used are questionnaires, interview forms, and documentation study.
The data analysis technique uses descriptive by percentage. This research shows
that: (1) high school physics teacher perception in using blended learning is positive
consecutively: 9.0 % strongly agree, 50.0 % agree, 30.0 % quite agree, and 11.0 %
don’t agree; (2) high school physics teacher in using teaching technology tends to be
good with the details are as follows: 74.0 % capable of using online and blended
learning, 79.0 % can access teaching video, and 73.0 % can conduct video editing;
and (3) the availability of learning devices covers lesson plan, teaching materials,
student worksheet, media, the strategy of developing teaching devices, and
evalution instruments, is 85.0 %. However , the relelevancy aspect in supporting
blended learning of overall teaching devices, is 60.5 %.

Keyword: learning devices, blended learning, lesson plan, teaching materials,


ID: A00118
Topic: Mathematics Science

Mathematical Modeling of Gross Regional Domestic Product

Growth Rate of North Sumatra Province by Business Field
Using Local Polynomial Regression
A Mansyur*, E Simamora
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Nonparametric regression modelling applies the relationship between predictor and

response variables without considering classical assumptions and whether the data
behaviour pattern follows a trend. The main principle of nonparametric regression
is estimating an unknown smooth function. Local polynomial regression is one of
several methods for estimating smooth functions used in nonparametric regression
models. There are two parameters in the local polynomial regression method:
smoothing parameter and polynomial degree parameter. If the smoothing
parameter shows a larger value, the resulting curve will be smoother. Conversely,
the smaller the smoothing parameter value, the more rough the resulting curve will
be. This standard criterion does not guarantee a better prediction because it will
provide two different sides, namely overfitting and underfitting, both of which may
give misleading inferences. It is necessary to search for the optimal value of
smoothing parameters in this study. Cross-Validation (CV) score is a classic method
used to determine smoothing parameters in nonparametric regression. The value of
the smoothing parameter is selected from the minimum CV value. According to the
field of business, the application of the growth rate of the Gross Regional Domestic
Product of North Sumatra Province shows that the CV scatter plot in the local
polynomial regression one has a minimum CV. However, the predicted scatter plot
results still show roughness or wavy that occurs at the first degree. This roughness
considers three sample points far from the prediction line, which is often referred to
as outliers in statistical terminology. Robust local polynomial regression is applied
to get smoother predictions.

Keyword: Gross Regional Domestic; Smoothing; Degree; Cross-Validation; Robust

ID: A00123
Topic: Mathematics SCIENCE

Morphometric Differences between Male and Female of

Cherax quadricarinatus from Sukkean Village, Toba Lake,
K Lubis*, M Sudibyo, P Prastowo, N Laili
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Medan. Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Morphometrics is important information in taxonomy, due to morphometrics can be

used as initial data in characterizing an organism. Therefore, this study aimed to
examine the differences in characteristics between males and females of Cherax
quadricarinatus that caught from lake in Sukkean Village, Lake Toba, Indonesia. Fish
traps were used to catch C. quadricarinatus. A total of 110 C. quadricarinatus caught
were measured for morphometric characters using a digital caliper. The 16
characters measured include Total Length, Carapace Length, Body Length, Tail
Lenght, Rostrum Length, Carapace Width, Body Width, Tail Width, Rostrum Width,
Chela Length, Dactyl Length, Palm Length, Chela Width, Chela total length, Chela
corpulence and Body Weigth. The measurement results show that there were 11
characters that were significantly different between males and females. The 11
significantly different characters were Total Body Length, Body Length, Rostrum
Length, Carapace Width, Body Width, Rostrum Width, Chela Length, Dactyl Length,
Palm Length, Chela Total Length and Total Body Weight. From these data it can be
concluded that there were differences in the characters between males and females
which can be used as information in describing the characteristics of males and

Keyword: Morphometric, Male and Female, Cherax quadricarinatus, Toba Lake,


ID: A00125
Topic: Mathematics SCIENCE

Ethnomathematics: An Analysis of Frieze and

Crystallographic Patterns on Ulos
D Kartika, F R Suwanto*, D Y Niska
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Medan. Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Ulos as a Batak cultural heritage textile has a variety of motifs. The variety of motifs
on ulos is closely related to the mathematical ideas. The Ulos weaving process has its
formula and thread count for each motif. The motifs that are formed cannot be
separated from the modification of the patterns generated through rotation,
reflection, translation, and glide reflection which are related to the symmetry group
in mathematical concepts. This paper reviews the relationship between the concepts
of symmetry groups especially for frieze patterns and crystallographic patterns from
21 types of Ulos. This Ulos originating from four Batak sub-tribes based on region,
namely Karo, Simalungun, Pakpak, and Mandailing. The types of Ulos from each of
these tribes sequentially consist of 7 Uis Karo, 8 Hiou Simalungun, 4 Oles Pakpak,
and 2 Ulos Mandailing Angkola. From the results of the analysis, it was found frieze
patterns, namely type III and type VII on Uis Karo, type III and type VII on Hiou
Simalungun, type III and type VII on Oles Pakpak, and type III, type VI, and type VII
on Ulos Mandailing Angkola. Meanwhile, the crystallographic pattern was found
only on Uis Karo namely p4m.

Keyword: ethnomathematics, ulos, frieze, crystallographic, pattern.

1. Ascher, M. (1991). Ethnomathematics: A Multicultural View of Mathematical
Ideas. Belmont: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
2. Carmeline, J. (2017). Ulos Identitas Batak. Medan: Komunitas Pencinta dan
Pelestari Ulos.
3. Gallian, J. A. (2017). Contemporary Abstract Algebra (Ninth Edit). Boston:
Cengage Learning.

ID: A00127
Topic: Mathematics SCIENCE

Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Educations

Learning Model During The Covid-19 Pandemic (in
Establishing and Completing The Linear Program Model with
The Utilization of Quantity Method Soft
Nama Satu1*, Nama Dua2, Nama Tiga3
1Afiliasi Satu
2Afiliasi Dua

*Corresponding Author


Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Learning Model is one of the appropriate

learning alternatives for students to construct knowledge with their own abilities
through the activities they carry out in the teaching and learning process activities
that are associated with reality as part of human activities. The purpose of this RME
learning is to improve students' ability to create and complete a Linear Program
Model as an illustration of a reality in the Operations Research course. This research
is a classroom action research, carried out in the Operations Research course,
semester VI of the Development Economics Study Program for the 2020-2021
academic year. This activity includes 4 stages, namely the planning stage, action
implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the study can be seen
from the student ability questionnaire, where students who are able to make a
Linear Program Model are 36.36%, students who complete the Linear Program
Model manually are 36.36%, while students who use data processing tools are by
49.91%. The results showed that as many as 72.73% of students it was known that
the average score of the test results was 84.91. Realistic Mathematics Education
Learning Methods using data processing tools, Quantity Method Software, can be
said to be successful.

Keyword: Realistic Mathematics Educations, Linear Program Model, Quantity

Method Software

ID: A00046
Topic: Mathematics SCIENCE

Analysis Of Achievement Indicators National Creativity

Competition Based

T A Hutapea1*, Rahmatsyah2, I Siregar3

1Department of Mathematics, State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan
20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
2 Department of Physics, State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221,

North Sumatra, Indonesia.

3 Department of Sports Coaching Education State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar

Pasar V, Medan 20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Student competetion on national or international level require students’ creativity

to think critically and responsibly in completing an activity to achieve
accomplishment and scientific works. Based on observations of the indicators of a
competition completed by students, it is considered necessary to appreciate the
achievements of these students as the completion of a course that has the same
indicators. This research is development research. The aims of these research are to
analyze indicators of achievement or the implemntation of a national or is planned
by carrying out sequences of activities, namely: research and information collecting,
planning, develop preliminary from product, preminilary field testing, main product
revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing,
final product revision, and dissemnination and implementation. Product of this
research are references or guideline for leader of the Universitas Negeri Medan in
deciding policies on national or international achievements to be converted into
course credits.

Keyword: Indicators of competitions, cretivity, achievement, references.

ID: A00038
Topic: Mathematics SCIENCE

The Study of Some Properties of a Circulant Matrix

Mulyono, Abil Mansyur

1Department of Mathematics, State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan
20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Circulant matrix is a matrix of size 𝑛𝑥𝑛 where the ith row elements for 𝑖 =
1,2,3, ⋯ , 𝑛 are obtained by shifting the first row elements to the right as much as 𝑖 −
1 steps. The general form of the circular matrix can be expressed as follows
 c0 c1 c2 cn 1 
c 
 n 1 c0 c1 
Cnxn  cn 1 c0 
 
 c1 
 c1 cn 1 c0 
This paper aims to study some of the properties of the circulant matrix, which are
not idempotent, symmetric circular matrices are commutative to multiplication and
invertibles. Furthermore, the circular matrix can be diagonalized.

Keyword: Circulant matrix, idempotent, cmmutative, symmetic, invertible,


1. Biggs, Norman. 1993. Algebraic Graph Theory. Second Edition. Cambridge
University Press, New York.
2. Frank, Dave.Circulant Matrices and Polynomial.
3. Davis, Philip J, 1979, Circulant Matrices, New York, John Wiley.
4. Kalman, Dan and White, James E, 2001, Polynomial Equations and Circulant
Matrices, Amer. Math. Montly 108 (821-839).
5. Anna Zborowska, On some properties of circulant matrice s,

ID: A00041
Topic: Mathematics SCIENCE

Mathematical Modeling of the Spread of Corona Virus Disease

19 (COVID-19) with Vaccines
Hamidah Nasution1, Nerli Khairani1, Faiz Ahyaningsih1, Febi Alamsyah1
1Departmentof Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a new type of disease caused by a virus from
the coronavirus group, namely SARS-CoV-2 which is also often called the Corona
Virus. In just a few months, COVID-19 spread between humans very quickly and
spread to almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. The very fast spread
has encouraged researchers in the health and epidemiology fields to study the
dynamics of the development and transmission of COVID-19. Many perspectives
emerging from these results, not least of researchers in the field of science,
especially researchers in the field of mathematical modeling. This article discusses
the mathematical model proposed and dynamics of the spread Covid-19 by
considering the vaccine. The model is constructed with reference to the split
popuasi Seir models into four sub-populations, namely sub-population susceptible,
exposed sub-population, sub poplasi infection and sub-populations recover.
Furthermore, the model was developed by taking into account the vaccine variable.
The vaccine variable is intended to suppress the transmission of Covid-19 disease.
The results of the development of the SEIR mathematical model will change to
SVEIR. Furthermore SVEIR models have two equilibrium point that is disease-free
equilibrium point and the point of equilibrium endemic. Stability analysis showed
that disease-free equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable when 𝑅0 <1 and
unstable when 𝑅0 > 1. Numerical simulation shows that an increase in the vaccine
may contribute to slow the spread of COVID-19, which is expected to prevent the
spread of disease outbreaks Covid-19

Keyword: Mathematical Modeling; Spread COVID-19; Equilibrium point; Vaccine

1. Boyce, W.E. dan Dprima, R., (2016). Elementary Differential Equation and
Boundary Value Problems, Ninth Edition. New York: Sons Inc,.
2. Damanik, Elsarika, Yunida T. S., dan Dicky Y. W., (2020). Pencegahan Corona
Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) Pada Pedagang Pasar Helvetia Kelurahan
Helvetia Tengah. Jurnal Abdimas Mutiara, 1(2).
3. Di Wu, Jianyun Lu, Yanhui Zhoubin Zhang, Lei Luo.(2020) Positive effects of
COVID-19 control measures on influenza prevention.International Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 345-346
4. Nasution, H., Sinaga, M. 2020, Mathematical Model Susceptible, Infected and
Recovered with Therapy of Tuberculosis Transmission IOP Conf. Series:
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1462 (2020) 012056.
5. Nasution, H, Jusuf .H, etc, 2020., Model of Speread of Infectious Diseases., Sys
Rev Pharm 2020; 11(2): 685 689 A multifaceted review journal in the field of
pharmacy E-ISSN 0976-2779 P-ISSN 0975-8453

ID: A00012
Topic: Physics Education

Analysis And Design of Stem-Based General Physics Lecture

Irham Ramadhani1, Yul Ifda Tanjung2, Purwanto3
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to analyze and design general physics lectures
material and produce products in the form of STEM-based general physics lectures.
The lecture materials are designed and made to meet scientific, technological,
engineering and mathematical aspects so that they are relevant to learning in the
fields of mathematics and natural sciences. This study uses the Van De Akker
development research method consisting of 4 stages, namely Preliminary Research,
Prototyping Stage, Summative Evaluation and Systematic Reflection and
Documentation. The results of the research data were analyzed using quantitative
and descriptive analysis techniques from expert validation data and limited trials in
the form of questionnaires on respondents. The results of the validation carried out
on material experts showed that the general physics equipment designed had met
the criteria with a good range. Furthermore, the results of the media expert
validation show that the media which is part of the lecture device that is designed is
suitable for use in general physics learning with very good criteria.Similar results
were seen in the results of the user response test which showed that the general
physics learning material that had been designed was feasible to be used in lecture
activities because general physics learning became relevant and applicable to other
majors in mathematics and natural sciences.

ID: A00013
Topic: Physics Education

Analysis of Students' Conceptual Knowledge and Character

Based on CBT in General Physics Courses
A Bakar*, Y I Tanjung, A M Siregar
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, North Sumatra, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of computer-based test
instruments (Computer-Based Tests = CBT) in measuring conceptual knowledge and
student’s character in General Physics course. The type of research is descriptive
research with qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data on the results of the
students' conceptual knowledge and character tests using a computer (CBT) and
written exams (Paper-Based Testing = PBT) as comparisons, as well as data on user
responses to the implementation of the exam. The research instrument used was a
test instrument based on CBT and PBT as well as a user response questionnaire. The
test results show that students' conceptual knowledge of physics using CBT is higher
than PBT, although the scores are not significantly different. On the other hand, the
results of the integration assessment test of student character values with indicators
of accuracy, perseverance, honesty and confidence obtained test results using CBT
are also higher than PBT. In addition, the results of the manager's response analysis
test show that the use of CBT provides several positive impacts compared to using
PBT such as reducing paper use, reducing exam administration funds, ease of
correcting questions, easiness and speed in presenting test results, accuracy in
correcting questions, more objective assessment and more friendly to the
environment because it is paperless.

Keyword: Conceptual Knowledge, Character, Computer-Based Tests

ID: A00077
Topic: Physics Education

Implementation of e-Learning Module to Increase Physics

Learning Outcomes
A Hamid1, F Herliana1*, M H Fatta1, E Mahzum1, Elisa1, and Musdar2
1Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh - Indonesia
2Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh - Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the increase in physics learning outcomes of students
who use e-Learning module and didn’t use it. The method used in this study is a
quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design. The
population in the study were the students at the SMAN 1 Tapaktuan, South Aceh and
the sample were two classes that were the second grade of MIA unggulan I dan
unggulan II students. Both classes are given a pre-test before learn with e-Learning
module for experiment class and learn with e-module for control class. The post-test
is given in the last process learning to determine the increase in student learning
outcomes and the increase in student physics learning outcomes is determined by
the N-Gain score. The results showed differences in the improvement of student
physics learning outcomes between the group using the e-Learning module and e-
module, where the average N-Gain score of the experiment class is 0.59 and the
control class is 0.46. Based on the results, the e-Learning module can improve
student physics learning outcomes higher than e-modules in book format so that e-
learning modules can be used as appropriate teaching materials to be implemented
in this learning era to increase students' physics learning outcomes. The
development of the e-learning module must continue to be developed in accordance
with the demands of the times, it needs to develop in order to increase student
learning motivation so that it has a positive effect on learning outcomes.

Keyword: e-module; e-Learning module, Physics Learning Outcomes

1. Pendidikan, B. S. N., & Indonesia, K. R. (2016). Standar proses Pendidikan
dasar dan menengah. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Republik Indonesia Nomor, 22.
2. Udayana, N. N. A., Wirawan, I. M. A., & Divayana, D. G. H. (2017).
Pengembangan E-Modul Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Berorientasi
Objek Dengan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Kelas XII
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Di SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan. Jurnal Nasional
Pendidikan Teknik Informatika: JANAPATI, 6(2), 128-139.
3. JH, T. S. (2018). Pengembangan e-modul berbasis web untuk meningkatkan
pencapaian kompetensi pengetahuan fisika pada materi listrik statis dan
dinamis SMA. WaPFi (Wahana Pendidikan Fisika), 3(2), 51-61.
4. Kawuri, M. Y. R. T., Jufriansyah, A., Setiamukti, D. D., & Sulisworo, D. (2019).
Implementation E-Learning based moodle on physics learning in senior high
school. Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, 3(2), 93-102.
5. Halim, A., Soewarno, S., Elmi, E., Zainuddin, Z., Huda, I., & Irwandi, I. (2020).
The Impact of the E-Learning Module on Remediation of Misconceptions in
Modern Physics Courses. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan
Fisika, 6(2), 203-216.

ID: A00079
Topic: Physics Education

Development of Creative Thinking Skills Test Instruments on

Kinematics Materials For SMA/MA Students In Medan
M A Tiadarma*, Sahyar, Wawan Bunawan
Magister of Physics Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jl. Williem
Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of creative thinking
skills test on kinematics material. Research participants were students of class X
SMA Al Azhar Medan and class X students of MAN 1 Medan who had received
kinematics material. The type of research used is research and development (R&D).
The research carried out refers to product development in the form of a creative
thinking skill test instrument. Before the test instrument for creative thinking skills
was tested on students, the test was validated first. The product development
subjects consist of content or material experts, instrument experts, and linguists.
The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis technique.
From the results of small group and large group trials, 22 test instruments on
kinematics material were declared valid. The conclusion obtained after the research
is the characteristics of the creative thinking skills test instrument developed were
declared valid with high interpretation, reliable with very high interpretation, and
the level of difficulty and discriminatory power was classified as good; The research
participants' creative thinking skills were quite adequate.

Keyword: Development, Creative Thinking Skill Test, Kinematics, Valid

ID: A00087
Topic: Physics Education

Development of Authentic Test Instruments With Science

Literacy Based on Mobile Learning System as a Tool for
Evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes
Irfandi1*, Deo Demonta Panggabean2, Rajo Hasim Lubis3
Departmet of Physics, State University of Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North
Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the development process, feasibility quality and
evaluation of student learning outcomes during the pandemic which requires
educators to conduct online assessments based on mobile learning. Judging from the
approach, this research is included in mixed methods research, which is a research
approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research in one study. The use
of this approach is based on considerations because the data collected in this study
includes two types of data, namely quantitative and qualitative data. The
development steps were adapted from the model developed by Dick and Carry with
the stages of implementation consisting of: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development,
(4) implementation, (5) evaluation. The results of the validation by the validator on
the feasibility of the developed test instrument indicate that the developed test
instrument is very feasible to be tested. The test instrument that has been developed
has a feasibility with a score percentage of 96.75% in the Very Good category.

Keyword: Instruments, Scientific Literacy, Mobile Learning, Development,

Authentic Test

ID: A00101
Topic: Physics SCIENCE

Development Android Based Interactive Learning Media For

R Tanjung*, Rugaya, T F Sudarma
Departmet of Physics, State University of Medan Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, North
Sumatera, Indonesia, 20221

*Corresponding Author


Distance learning or better known as online learning is an obligation that must be

carried out by almost all schools and universities in Indonesia. This is because the
world is being shocked by the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). The current very
crisis conditions cause face-to-face learning activities directly to be stopped. As a
result, teachers must work extra to still be able to carry out teaching and learning
activities even from their homes. Educators and learners are required to have
learning skills to be able to take advantage of this developed technology. Related to
the above problems, it is necessary to develop a learning medium that suits the
needs of teachers and students to improve the ability of physical concepts.
Therefore, the learning media developed is an android-based learning media (AILO-
Phy). Media expert validation results get a value of 4.21 with decent criteria and
material expert validation results get a value of 4.36 with a decent category.

Keyword: MOOC, Distance Learning, Mobile Learning

ID: A00130
Topic: Physics Education

The Profile of Students’ Science Process Skill on

Thermodynamics topic through Authentic PBL with STEM
approach and Formative Assessment
A A L Jewaru, Parno*, Nasikhudin, Nasikhudin, S Kusairi, E Latifah
Departmet of Physics, State University of Malang, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


In science learning, it is important to develop procedural and conceptual

understanding, one of which is to train students' science process skills (SPS) in the
classroom. SPS is very important for every student because it underlies students'
ability to train thinking such as formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments
and analyzing data. The fact is that SPS is still not optimally implemented during the
learning process and is still rarely trained to students. The purpose of this study was
to create the profile of students’ SPS which includes basic SPS and integrated SPS on
thermodynamic topics through authentic PBL with STEM approach and formative
assessment. This study uses a descriptive analysis of the results of observations and
student worksheets. The Indicators of SPS are categorized into four, namely very
good (score 4), good (score 3), not good with (score 2), and very not good (score 1).
The results of observations during the learning process showed that students' basic
SPS had percentages above 68% and integrated SPS above 70.6% with both
categories being good and very good. The SPS indicators that students tend to
master well are classification indicators, while those that tend to be difficult are

Keyword: Science Process Skill, Thermodynamics Topic, Authentic PBL, STEM

approach, formative assessment

ID: A00083
Topic: Physics Education

Computational Literacy Model: Solution to The Problem of

Mechanical Wave Superposition
W Bunawan*, Sahyar
1 Physics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University
of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Students taking waves and optics courses are rarely introduced to computer
programs excel and MATLAB which aim to solve problems using numerical skills.
During one semester students are invited to create algorithms to solve numerical
computational problems. Writing MATLAB programs in the form of m-files. Applying
in problem solving. Assess and evaluate computational results in accordance with
the field of computational physics of wave mechanics. One class consisting of 35
students is taught to solve problem mechanical wave, visualize and calculate
numerically using a computer. Another class consist of 25 students are only taught
regular learning based on analytical studies. Most of the computing class students
reached 90% were able to visualize mechanical waves correctly while the analytical
class averaged only 50%. Solving the superposition of waves with different phases
and the same amplitude shows that almost 87% can be solved by the computational
class while for the analytical class it is up to 65%. The most difficult thing is to found
equation of superposition wave of difference phase and amplitude is only 50% for
the computational class and the analytical class is up to 20%.

Keyword: Computational Numeric, Superposition, Mechanical Wave Literacy

1. D. A. Reed, R. Bajcsy, M. A. Fernandez, J. M. Griffiths, R. D. Mott, J. Dongarra,
and T. L. Ponick, Computational Science: Ensuring America’s
Competitiveness, Arlington, VA, 2005,
2. B. Skuse, The third pillar, Phys. World 32, 40 (2019).
3. E. Behringer and L. Engelhardt, (2017). Guest Editorial: AAPT
Recommendations for computational physics in the undergraduate physics
curriculum, and the Partnership for Integrating Computation into
Undergraduate, Physics. Am. J. Phys. 85, 325
4. A. A. diSessa, (2000). Changing Minds: Computers, Learning, and Literacy
(MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
5. A. A. diSessa, (2018). Computational literacy and “The Big Picture”
concerning computers in mathematics education, Math. Think. Learn. 20, 3

ID: A00083
Topic: Physics Education

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Content Development

Sabani, Teguh Febri Sudarma, Wawan Bunawan
1 Physics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University
of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are present as a problem faced at the time of
the Covid-19 pandemic. MOOCs is an online/online-based learning system that can
be accessed through the internet network, so that learners today can-do teaching
and learning activities no longer limited by space and time as they please. The
development of MOOCs in FMIPA Unimed was carried out in 2020 under the name
TUDIAMIPA which can be accessed at http// Tudiamipa
itself is a MOOCs System developed to answer the problem of learning activities
during pandemic Covid 19. Tudiamipa is also present to improve student
competence such as the creation of learning media, animation creation, and
laboratory management skills. Tudiamipa is a solution that needs to be implemented
in the current Covid-19 pandemic conditions. In addition, the MOOCs System with
Tudiamipa also provides opportunities for Students to get a certificate of assistance
after participating in learning in Tudiamipa. The development of material content
on the MOOCs system is obtained from material expert validation of 3.84 and media
experts of 3.66 thus it can be concluded that this material is worth using.

Keyword: MOOCS, tudiamipa, covid

ID: A00070
Topic: Physics Science

Design and Implementation Automatic Prayer Mat Facing the

Qibla in Vehicle Using Microcontroller Arduino
A R F Gani 1*, A R F Gani2
1Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri

Malang, East Java, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


When a Muslim has to pray on a vehicle that causes the Qibla direction to change as
the vehicle turns direction. This study aims to create products that can be used by
Muslims when praying in vehicles, which aims to facilitate and perfect Muslims
when praying in vehicles. The research uses planning methods and experimental
methods. The product resulting from this research is a tool in the form of a footing
that functions as a place for praying. This product is controlled directly by Arduino
Uno. By using GPS to determine latitude and longitude data, a digital compass to
determine cardinal directions data, and a DC motor to adjust the degree of turning
direction. The product test results consist of 3 instruments, namely Qibla correction,
product quality, and customer satisfaction. In the Qibla correction test, the average
result of 5 tests is 0.3%, and the majority of users are very satisfied and agree that
this product has good quality. So based on this it can be concluded that a product
has been created that can be used when praying in a vehicle. The product is of very
good quality which means the tool can be directly applied to the vehicle.

Keyword: Qibla, Stabilization, Arduino, Compass, GPS

1. Miptahudin RA, Risnandar MA. Uji Koreksi Arah Kiblat Di Masjid Gedhe
Kauman Yogyakarta Menggunakan Kompas Digital dan Mikrokontroler
Arduino. Al Jazari J Mech Eng 2018;3:38–40.
2. Maulida H, K T. Analisis Arah Kiblat Pada Sejumlah Mesjid Berdasarkan Garis
Lintang dan Bujur di Kecamatan Lueng Bata Kota Banda Aceh. J Chem Inf
Model 2016;1:29–39.

ID: A00112
Topic: Physics Science

Development and Engineering of Heat Press Machine Tools

M H Harahap*, W Ritonga, B Nasution, A D S Tumanggor, P S F Yudha
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan,
Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


Engineering technology for utilizing electrical energy into heat energy or other
energy needed by the industrial world is one of the national research master plans
(RIRN). This is also in line with the research strategic plan of the State University of
Medan which encourages the implementation of research in the field of energy. This
research raises the topic of electrical energy utilization and optimization for
Hydraulic Heat Press machines. Where the Hydraulic Heat Press machine often
experiences Heat Loss due to an inefficient open heating system modeling. This
press machine is designed to optimize the heat generated by the Heater against the
sample and is designed to produce a Heat Press in a machine with a closed system.
So that the process of forming or suppressing the sample becomes better and
optimal. Press machines are capable of producing pressures of up to 120 Bar, the
heating system of the Press machines is able to heat the sample up to a temperature
of 500C and is able to control the constant heat increase, and the Press machine is
also able to cool the sample with an efficient cooling system and does not damage
the sample due to heat shock. The design of the Hydraulic Heat Press machine starts
from the design of the Hydraulic Heat Press, designing the heating element, and
designing the cooling system, designing the heating and cooling system control
system in the Hydraulic Heat Press Machine Design. Heating control system to
regulate the temperature rise of the Heat Press Machine. Before being
manufactured, the Heat Press Machine system will be tested simultaneously in order
to obtain a Press Machine that is safe, easy to operate, durable and inexpensive.
From the results of this study, it is targeted that the output is a calibrated prototype
of the heating system and also the pressure system until it is ready for

Keyword: Heat Press Machine, Hydraulic Press, Energy Efficiency, Heat

Transfer,Energy Saving

1. Ritonga, W. Putra., Harahap, M. H. ., Rajagukguk, J. ., Stevano FY, P. ., &
Sembiring, M. A. R. (2021) Energy Efficiency of High Temperature Electric
Furnace Design. Advances in Mechanics, 9(3), 750–780. Retrieved from
2. Winsyahputra Ritonga et al. (2021) Design and construction of an electrical
furnace chamber based on RERIH system for high temperature. J. Phys.: Conf.
Ser. 1819 012023
3. Hanifi ,R., Marno.,Kardiman., Widiantom, E., (2019), Rancang Bangun Mesin
Hotpress Untuk Pembuatan Papan Komposit Berbasis Limbah Sekam Padi
Dan Plasik Hdpe ,Journal of Infrastructure & Sciene Engineering 2(1), 38-44.

4. Okazaki, Toru. "Electric thermal energy storage and advantage of rotating
heater having synchronous inertia." Renewable Energy 151 (2020): 563-
5. Yusuf, N. K., Lajis, M. A., Ahmad, A., (2017), Hot Press as a Sustainable Direct
Recycling Technique of Aluminium: Mechanical Properties and Surface
Integrity, materials 10(902), 1-18.

ID: A00138
Topic: Physics Science

Performance of Solar Home System for Servicing the Electric

Load of Lighting Lamps
Suprianto*, F A Batubara
Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Indonesia Jl. Almamater No. 1
Kampus USU, Medan 20155

*Corresponding Author


Installation of a solar home system is often ineffective because it may not perform
a thorough analysis. How PV mini-grid design can ensure continuity of power
service and optimization of equipment selection is often not taken into calculation
carefully. This research aims to determine the performance of the SHS (solar home
system) in serving lights and prove the suitability of the results of the planning
analysis with the real situation. The method used is a calculation analysis that
considers the efficiency aspect of each equipment in the system. Research shows the
consumption of electrical energy from the results of 2142 wh analysis and 2173 wh
measurements, the difference is due to fluctuating user needs, energy consumption
varies from 1870 wh to 2763 wh. Lamps with a total power of 308 watts are divided
into 21 lamps capable of being served by a 1600 Wp solar module, 350 Ah 24 Volt
battery, 24 volt 60 Ampere SCC and 1000 watt inverter with service continuity
maintained with fluctuating weather conditions. The addition of the number of solar
modules is doubled from the calculation results, causing the battery to reach its full
level at noon or 11:45 WIB. The addition of the average battery voltage is 25.7 volts,
the average battery voltage drop after 12 hours of loading is 23 volts with values
varying from 22.14 to 23.77 volts. This research is expected to be a reference for the
calculation and installation of SHS effectively.

Keyword: efficiency, solar module, battery, scc, inverter

1. Charfi, W., Chaabane, M., Mhiri, H., & Bournot, P., “Performance evaluation of
a solar photovoltaic system”. Energy Reports, 4, 400–406., 2018.
2. Hossain, C. A., Chowdhury, N., Longo, M., & Yaïci, W., “System and cost
analysis of stand-alone solar home system applied to a developing country”.
Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(5).,
3. Narayan, N., Papakosta, T., Vega-Garita, V., Qin, Z., Popovic-Gerber, J., Bauer,
P., & Zeman, M., “Estimating battery lifetimes in Solar Home System design
using a practical modelling methodology” Applied Energy.
4. Manur A, Marathe,M.,”Smart Solar Home System with Solar Forecasting”,
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and
Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi:
5. Rahman, R., & Khan, M. F., Performance enhancement of PV solar system by
mirror reflection. In ICECE 2010 - 6th International Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering (pp. 163–166).

ID: A00019
Topic: Science Education

Validation of Teaching Books and Stem Subjects E-Learning

Simatupang H Hardinata1*. A Ningsih W2, Bukhari I Sihombing R A3
1Department of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of

Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
3Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar

psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to know the validation of teaching books and E-learning
content of STEM subjects from material, learning and media aspects according to
experts. The type of research is Research & Development referring to Thiagarajan
which is called the 4D model which includes the Define, Design, Develop and
Disseminate stages. Research data in the form of development process documents,
and teaching book quality data from validators and prospective users. Furthermore,
data collection is done through validation techniques, data analysis is done with
quantitative qualitative description techniques in sequence. The results showed that
the process of developing teaching books and e-learning content stem subjects at the
defining stage obtained curriculum analysis, needs analysis and problem analysis, at
the design stage obtained the design of teaching books and teaching books and e-
learning content stem subjects, at the stage of development obtained: 1) Validation
of teaching books according to expert material obtained the use of very decent
category material, stem component of viable category and use of decent category
language; 2) validation of teaching books according to experts learning the
feasibility of worthy category content, stem component of category is very feasible
and the use of category language is feasible; 3) Validation of e-lerning content
conducted by media experts obtained very decent category validation. At the
desimination stage obtained by 78.6% of students interested in teaching books and
e-learning content developed, students understand teaching books and STEM e-
learning content 87.8% and 81.2% say teaching books and STEM e-learning content
are very suitable for use in lectures.

Keyword: Teaching Books STEM, E-Learning Content

ID: A00024
Topic: Science Education

Optimization of SIPDA-Based Learning Using Canva

Interactive E-Modules in Course Basic Concepts of Physics FIP
UNIMED PGSD Study Program
S Prawijaya*, F Rozi, A Siregar
3Departmentof Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The COVID-19 pandemic has not yet ended, requiring learning to be done online.
This of course has an effect on all learning activities with the loss of the face-to-face
process, one of which is the learning method. This condition is a challenge for
educational institutions to provide an effective learning system. For Elementary
School Teacher Education (PGSD) students who take the Basic Physics Concepts
Course, it is a course that is applied as the MBKM curriculum development
recommendation from HDPGSDI virtual meeting at 2020. This study tries to offer an
alternative by developing an e-module for the Basic Physics Concepts course to
optimize SIPDA-based online learning by utilizing Canva-based applications. The
Canva-based interactive e-Module will be compiled to facilitate the SIPDA-based
online learning process that has been implemented by State University of Medan.
The development of learning modules uses the Research and Development (R & D)
method which in this study will be carried out until the stage of perfecting the initial
product. The scientific attitude and motivation of students after using Canva-based
modules will be measured as an illustration of the effectiveness of using the module
and the projections of future IT/ICT media-based studies.
This research will produce interactive E-modules and will be disseminated in the
form of ISBN modules, articles in indexed international proceedings, accredited
national journals and will also be registered as intellectual property rights (HaKI).

Keyword: Online learning, E-Module, Canva

1. Awang, I. S. (2015). Kesulitan Belajar IPA Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar. VOX
EDUKASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, 6(2), 108-122.
2. Baturay, M. H., Gökçearslan, Ş., & Ke, F. (2017). The relationship among pre-
service teachers' computer competence, attitude towards computer-assisted
education, and intention of technology acceptance. International Journal of
Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(1), 1- 13.
3. Gunawan, I., Suraya, S. N., & Tryanasari, D. (2016). Hubungan Kemampuan
Berpikir Kreatif dan Kritis dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa pada
Matakuliah Konsep Sains II Prodi PGSD IKIP PGRI MADIUN. Premiere
Educandum: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Pembelajaran, 4(01).
4. Han, I., Shin, W. S., & Ko, Y. (2017). The effect of student teaching experience
and teacher beliefs on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy and intention to use
technology in teaching. Teachers Teaching, 23(7), 829-842.
5. Hansen, A. K., Hansen, E. R., Dwyer, H. A., Harlow, D. B., & Franklin, D. (2016).
Differentiating for diversity: Using universal design for learning in
elementary computer science education. Paper presented at the Proceedings
of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education.

ID: A00068
Topic: Science Education

The Use of Moodle as a Learning Management System to

Improve Student Learning Outcomes
M P Simanjuntak1*, N Marpaung1 , L Sinaga1 , E Siagian2
1Department of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221
2Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of

Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar psr. V, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20221

*Corresponding Author


The purpose of the study was to determine the improvement of student learning
outcomes by using Moodle as a learning management system during the covid-19
pandemic. The pandemic period requires students to carry out distance learning. A
Learning Management System is a web-based software application that is designed
to plan, implement and assess the learning process. This study was conducted by
using quasi-experimental method. The sampling technique was random sampling.
The population of this study was 11 classes with 301 eighth grade students of SMP
Negeri 24 Medan. The sample of this study was one class, consisted of 28 eighth
grade students. The research instrument used was multiple choices test with 4
options that measured learning outcomes in the cognitive domain. The average pre-
test and post-test was respectively 31,61 and 79,82. The percentage of increasing N-
gain learning outcomes was 70%, in the medium category. The highest percentage of
increasing N-Gain learning outcomes was found in remembering indicator that was
76% in the high category. The result of the study showed that the use of moodle as a
learning management system can improve student learning outcomes on light and
optical instruments at SMP Negeri 24 Medan.

Keyword: learning management system, moodle, student learning achievement,

light and optical

ID: A00068
Topic: Science Education

Implementation of Problem-Based Student Worksheet

Assisted by Simulation in Improving Students’ Problem-
Solving Skills on Static Fluid
Herta Astri Yudika Sinurat1, Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak2*, Juniar Hutahaean3
1 Science Education Study Program, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
2 Science Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
3 Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Problem-solving skills is one of the skills that needed in the 21st century and should
have provided to students in order to compete at the era of the industrial revolution
4.0. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using problem-based
student worksheets assisted by simulation, on students’s physics problem-solving
skills in one senior high schools in Medan. This study used quasi experimental
method with nonequivalent control group design. Consistied of 2 group samples
selected by cluster sampling technique. Students group used problem-based student
worksheet assisted by simulation as experimental group and students group used
conventional learning as control group. Steps of problem-solving skills consisted of;
define the problem, make some solution problem-solving, method and strategy
problem-solving, problem solving applied, and review problem-solving solution.
Research instrument is essay test to evaluate the problem-solving skills with overall
10 problem-based items. Result of the analysis shows that there is an effect of
implementation the problem-based student worksheet assisted by computer
simulation on students’ problem solving on static fluid material. The percentage
improvement of student’s problem-solving skills of experimental group is in the
medium category for the subject matter of static fluid.

Keyword: Problem-based, problem-solving, simulation, static fluid, student


1. Chamidy, T. (2020) The effect of problem-based learning and tacit
knowledge problem-solving skills of students in computer network practice
course. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8: 691-700.
2. Faba, L. (2020) Combining the project-based learning methodology and
computer simulation to enhance the engagement in the context of
environmental engineering course. Computer Applications in Engineering
Education 28: 1311-1326.
3. Isnaeni W, Anggiana D P Y, Prayseto A P B et al. (2019) Using problem-based
worksheet on human reproductive system for improving student thinking
skills. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321: 1-6.
4. Widodo W, Sudibyo E, Sari D A P, (2018) Analysis of expert validation on
developing integrated science worksheet to improve problem solving skills
of natural science prospective teachers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1006 1-5.
5. Yuberti, Latifah S, Anugrah H, et al. (2019) Approaching Problem-Solving
Skills of Momentum and Impulse Phenomena Using Context and Problem-
Based Learning. European Journal of Educational Research 8: 1217-1227.

ID: A00096
Topic: Science Education

Edutainment, Tools and Methods in K-12 Education

Development of ATCG (ATtack Covid Game)
Online and Electronic Board Games
E Soewono1*, R Pinontoan2, M Sugata2 ,J Jo2
1Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Pelita
Harapan, M. H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100, Lippo Village Tangerang 15811, Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, M.

H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100, Lippo Village Tangerang 15811, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


In order to support applied science’s activities in the subject of Biology for high
school students (K-12), an online workshop was conducted to
disseminate relevant knowledge on COVID-19. Due to protracted COVID-19
pandemic and an online exhaustion during this period, a novel and/or better
approach to teach about introduction, prevention and control of the viral
transmission was required. By utilizing free resources online, we created a simple
effective edutainment product on COVID-19 and demonstrated that it could
be used successfully during a workshop for high school students (K-
12). This novel approach and/or method could be extended for other
learning topics, thus helping teachers to disseminate knowledge to their students
more effectively. Another activity is to create the electronic board game, based
on the developed online edutainment product on COVID-19. Its purpose is to
enable an edutainment product for onsite learning activities, either at places with
low internet connectivity or when onsite learning will be fully resumed.

Keyword: COVID-19, High School Student Education, Online Edutainment,

Electronic Board Game

ID: A00134
Topic: Science Education

Description of the Teachers 'Well-Being Improvement

Strategy by Regular Teachers Teaching in Inclusive
Elementary Schools
F L Issom, D K Wulan, V R Sy, N A Fatimatuzzahra*
Faculty of Psychology Education, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


This study aims to obtain an overview of the regular teacher's strategy in inclusive
schools to increase their Teachers' Well-Being. This research uses a Qualitative-
Phenomenological approach. The Data Collection Methods are Interviews and
Observations through WhatsApp. This study's subjects are two regular teachers who
teach in an inclusive elementary school, in one class, they teach there are more than
two students with special needs. The strategy was assessed based on three factors of
Teachers' Well-Being. Based on Workload Well-Being, both EA and WS already know
that their workload is getting bigger, but they always feel happy to do their job, work
sincerely, and know that they have a big responsibility to teach them well. Based on
Organizational Well-Being, the inclusive school's headmaster has given her best to
fulfill the teacher's needs at school and tries her best to make all teachers comfortable
and happy when teaching at school. Both EA and WS feel so glad and satisfied to teach
at school. Based on Student Interaction Well-Being, EA and WS have their way of
interacting with their students because they have different teaching classes.

Keyword: Strategy, Regular teachers, Inclusive Elementary School

ID: A00142
Topic: Science Education

Integration of COVID-19 Context in Science Learning on

Material Respiratory System Disorders Junior High School
Hestiana 1*, Djukri 2, I Wilujeng1, A Azalia1, D Ramadhanti1 , S Yasaroh1
1Department of Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta
State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta

State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Hoaxes about COVID-19 can spread to anyone, not least school students. Students
need to be given knowledge about COVID-19 in science learning. Therefore, the
research aims to examine the integration of the COVID-19 context in science
learning in schools, overview of its implementation and respons of junior high
school science teachers. This research is descriptive research using qualitative
methods. Data sources were obtained through literature study and interviews of
science teacher in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Qualitative data analysis is carried out
using the Mile-Hiberman method. After the analysis, it was obtained that the context
of COVID-19 can be incorporated into the material of respiratory system disorders
class VIII junior high school Indonesia, especially concept on Pneumonia due to
COVID-19, how the symptoms and ways of prevention. This integration can be
learned through socio-scientific issues-based learning. Science teachers agree with
this integration because students need to analyze for themselves what COVID-19 is
how symptoms and ways of prevention, so that students can be aware of their own
understanding impulses to respond to pandemics. It can be conclude that COVID-19
context can be integrated in science learning. Therefore, it takes a development of
teaching materials related to integration COVID-19 in science learning.

Keyword: COVID-19, Integration in Science Learning, Respiratory System


1. Batubara, B. M. (2021). The Problems of the world of education in the middle
of the covid-19 pandemic. Budapest International Research and Critics
Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1): 450–457.
2. Reiss, M. J. (2020). Science education in the light of covid-19: the
contribution of history, philosophy and sociology of science. Science and
Education, 29(4): 1079–1092.
3. Rahayu, R. N., & Sensusiyati. (2020). Analisis berita hoax covid-19 di media
sosial di Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi, Sosial, & Humaniora, 1(9): 60-73.
4. Lathifah, A. S., Susilo, H., Wilsa, A. W., Mulyani, S., Susilowati, E., Rahayu, E. S.,
Pitpiorntapin, S., Topcu, M. S., & Rahayu, S. (2019). Socio-scientific issues
(SSI) in chemistry education: enhancing both students’ chemical literacy &
transferable skills. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 6(1): 1–8.
5. Shi, H., Han, X., Jiang, N., Cao, Y., Alwalid, O., Gu, J., Fan, Y., & Zheng, C. (2020).
Radiological findings from 81 patients with covid-19 pneumonia in Wuhan,
China: a descriptive study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(4): 425–434.


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