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1. Beyond Disruption in Super-Smart Society 5.0 Era: Some Impact and Challenges on Education &
Keynote 1: Dr. Ronny Adhikarya – Amerika
(Retiree, the World Bank, ex-FAO/United Nations Representative).
The Theme of the ILOMATA International Conference about Disruption and (Super-Smart)
Society 5.0 Era about various issues of the Digital-Tech and Artificial-Intelligence (AI). He
contrasted these issues with some lessons learned and best/poor practices of the technopreneurial
strategies, business models and human resource needs of the Global Disruptors (e.g., Google,
Amazon, FaceBook, Netflix, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, Apple, etc.). Sharing about disturbing
phenomena facing public education in the midst of the Covid19 Pandemic especially in the social-
media space. Focusing about Challenges of Public Education in Competing with
DISINFORMATION and Post-Truth INFODEMIC as well as educational curricula reforms needed
in preparing demand driven human resources for the next 5-7 years. One of the challenges in the
context of a (Super-Smart) SOCIETY 5.0 is to transform DIGITALIZATION into
One of the most THREATENING CHALLENGES to EDUCATORS (at all levels) now is the
COMPETITION POSED BY HOAX/FAKE INFORMATION many of them are not able or willing
to verify and fact-check the validity and credibility of such “new knowledge”. POLITICIZATION
of EDUCATION, conceptually the wide utilization of virtual communication tools allows for more
. a new, demand-
driven, and efficient business model for education management must be developed. Lessons learned
from leading global MOOCoriented virtual learning programs. Educational institutions’
FINANCIAL ADJUSTMENT is also an important issue due to the UNDER- UTILIZED university
FACILITIES & RESOURCES the main problems and challenges are the controversies of the
QUANTITY vs. QUALITY EDUCATION issues. proliferation and mushrooming of virtual
learning activities, offered by anyone, with or without “educator” credentials, competencies, or

2. Social Media as Applications

Keynote 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derrick I-Hsien Ting – Taiwan
(Management National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Knowledge Management (KM) is Systematic Coordination of an organization’s people, technology,
process, and organization structure. Creating, sharing and applying Knowledge Best practice into
corporate memory in order to continue organizational learning. Process KM

Knowledge Economy : Transform traditional industry become service industry with good
infrastructure. With Information Rich, But Knowledge Poor We must encourage people to share
high quality knowledge through social media, Dr. Marketing System : search knowledge from
facebook - Implemented in a Marketing company - Discovering potential customer, understand
customer preference, understand viewpoints for a product - Marketing Strategy, Decision Support,
Implement Marketing Strategy - From knowledge poor to knowledge rich. The Tarzel System :
Which is a Facebook app -Combine Course Management System wit Facebook - Combine Social
Search - Leaning Environment in Social Media to learn knowledge - This system has been applied
in the World No. 1 IC packing company in Taiwan as organizational learning system In Conclusion:
KM & CRM in the Age of Social Media : KM and CRM is more important in the age of social
media - Rich information—>Rich Knowledge -Social Media—>Knowledge Media - Knowledge
Search and Knowledge Learning are different than traditional way of KM - Total solution for Social
KM and CRM is essential - Challenge: The world of social media is changing very fast.

3. The Merging of Gojek, and Tokopedia to form GoTo. National Banks Threat ?
Keynote 3: Dr. Cundo Harimurti, ST, M.Si - Indonesia
(Vice Rector III of Institut STIAMI, Indonesia)
Gojek and e-commerce leader Tokopedia are merging to create a multi- billion dollar tech company
called GoTo in the country's largest-ever deal, which will span online shopping, courier services,
ride-hailing, food delivery and other services in Southeast Asia's largest economy, will be the
biggest privately held technology firm in the region. Stay-at-home pandemic restrictions have
stoked demand for food delivery, e-commerce and e-payments. The GoTo Group will tap into the
huge potential of Southeast Asia’s largest economy with its fast-growing middle class and young,
tech-savvy population. GoTo will also further develop its payments and financial services offerings
to provide an enhanced financial experience to consumers, drivers, and merchants.
Gojek since 2010 only transportation service until now growth impresively any kind of service
bring to your home, and also payment and financial service. Winning Fortune’s for the top 20
companies and over 20 products, 2 million driver partners. Tokopedia starts at 2009 as C2C business
and become one of the biggest e-commerce with Global Giant Investor Company such as Google,
Alibaba, Paypal, Visa, Facebook, etc. The functions of banks in Indonesia are basically as financial
intermediary however The performance of the national banking unsatisfied. relaxation is needed for
national banks that are developing digitalization. Fintech has disrupted various economic activities,
including the financial sector. The role of fintech, which is quite large and very flexible.The
National Bank and fintech must improve security, customer protection, and consumer.

4. Collaboration In Establishing A digital Trasnformation Society : Academics, Industri &

Community (AIC)
Keynote 4: Prof. Mohd Idrus Mohd Masirin – Malaysia
(President MAAC/ UTHM Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia)
a. Imagine. Explore. Discover.Taking Transformation Forward
Digital technologies like cloud, IoT, mobility, analytics, and AI, combined with HUMAN
INGENUITY, are accelerating business transformation by allowing us to challenge the status
quo and creatively disrupt various industries. The possibilities are limitless, endless, and
infinite. Businesses and institutions across industries - be it healthcare, banking, agriculture,
manufacturing, or government services are, as a result, rapidly transforming themselves. TM
ONE enables this transformation with the latest digital tools, technologies and solutions across
cloud, connectivity, cybersecurity, and smart services.Take your transformation forward.
b. Videos On Digital Society
➢ 2030 Germany – Video uploaded on Jan 17, 2018
(Digital Transformation: Future Scenarios 2030 | Deloitte)
➢ Digital Society Transformation – Video uploaded on May 11, 2016
(Digital transformation: are you ready for exponential change? Futurist Keynote Speaker
Gerd Leonhard)
➢ Digital Skills – Video uploaded on Apr 4, 2017
(The Digital Skills Gap and the Future of Jobs 2020 - The Fundamental Growth Mindset)
➢ Digital Transformation – Video uploaded on Jan 18, 2018
(Digital Transformation | What is Digital Transformation | Digital Transformation 2021 |
5. Social Accounting for Decision Making in Society 5.0
Keynote 5: Dr. Daryanto Hesti Wibowo, SE, Ak, MA – Indonesia
(Vice Rector II of Institut STIAMI, Indonesia)
Society 5.0
Digital transformation through industrial 4.0 influences of civilization in society 5.0 : Integration
of all value added business divisions & entire value added chain, New emerging technologies
(Augmented Reality, Cyber Security, IoT, Big Data Analytics, AI), Cyber Physical System (CPS)
which refers to the integration of computing & physical processes, Requires a massive
reorganization & workforce re-skills, Core business transformation & new understanding of
solution-oriented approach.
Smart Society to Solve Society Problems oriented civilization with the innovative solutions and
guidelines in modern society. Workforce has been replaced by technology because the raise digital
technology. Society 5.0 captures social problems with activities that can solve social problems,
reducing the consequences of social problems .
Social Accounting is important thing to measure the social value of the organization’s work in
society and systematic analysis of the effect organization on the society as a stakeholder for
accounting analysis and reporting. The polyhedral model is used to measure social value in order
to allow monetization of social value by considering all stakeholder. Intergrated Reporting for
Decision Making, Integrated data sets on social problems are analyzed with advanced digital
technology, In order to meet the needs of stakeholders, Accounting actually presents information,
A research by PWC (2015) shows that companies that have implemented integrated reporting
disclose 79% improvements in decision making. PWC publishes practical guidance for
implementing integrated reporting, which rests on: Materiality analysis, Value creation, Impact


Keynote 6: Prof. Dr. Abdul Talib Bon – Malaysia
(President IEOM Asia Pacific/ Business UTHM Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia)
Petrochemical products are fundamental to production of a wide variety of consumer and industrial
products, such as packaging, containers, automotive and construction materials. Further figure 1.1
also illustrate the total demand growth trend of its petrochemical products range, which indicate
Indonesia has higher demand growth against the global demand growth. Strong favorable
demographic factors such as increasing disposable income levels and spending capabilities.
Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP) performance over 2013 up to 2018 was promising as
illustrated in figure 2 below (KPMG, 2014). Investment in the Indonesian chemical industry itself
has been on the rise, as stated by the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). The
Indonesia government put high effort on the integrated petrochemical industry development. There
are many industries still not implement this green industry management concept. Research
Objective To investigate the Internal and External Green Supply Chain Management practices at
Petrochemical company. Determine the relationship between Internal and External Green Supply
Chain Management with Sustainable Firm Performance. Determine the relationship among GSCM,
Green Marketing Mix and External Supply Chain Integrating.
Develop a model on the relationship among Internal and External Green Supply Chain
Management and Sustainable Firm Performance.
➢ Theoretical Significance: This study is aimed to is to draw the relationship between firm
performance with green supply chain management at petrochemical manufacture.
➢ Practical Significance: The findings will be useful in helping manufacturing firm to determine
effective indicators of GSCM practices that can contribute to sustainable performance.
➢ Researcher Significance : The finding of this study will become next further study for both
academic study and researchers to test at other area of manufacturing as well as in their related
Contribution Study : Academic as the further study, Practical guide the industry to set up their
strategic plan, Policy about Green Industry Standard Arrangement Guidance. Resource-based view
theory. the institutional theory, stakeholder theory, green marketing mix theory Novelty of The

7. Keynote 7: Prof. Abdul Sattar Saand – Pakistan

(QUEST Nawabshah, Pakistan) from Pakistan
Beliau menjelaskan tentang perubahan dan perkembangn di negara-negara berkembang dalam
menghadapi pandemic covid 19 dan menjalankan system dan mekanisme roda pemerintahan di
segala bidang dalam era digitalisasi secara menyeluruh pastinya banyak mengalami kendala dan
tantangan terutama focus penganggulangan pandemic covid 19 bagi masyarakat dalam pencrgahan,
penekanan dan penurunan covid 19 agar menjadi negara stabil serta pulih ekonominya.
Dalam menghadapi era transformasi digital 5.0 dibidang sosial, pendidikan dan Kesehatan sangat
dibutuhkan dukungan dari seluruh pihak dan aspek agar semua terjangkau dan tercapai keseluruh
wilayah. Bangsa ini membutuhkan pemulihan ekonomi yang baik dan pemasangan jaringan-
jaringan intenet yang kuat sehingga masyarakat dapat menggunakan dan menikmatinya secaa baik
dan lancer.

8. Modern trends in education in the era of digitalization:

tasks and prospects of development
Keynote 8 : Prof. Elchin Gashimov – Russia
(Vice Rector of MCU (SC))

Education about new paradigm methods, new skill and attitude for teachers, soft skill for students,
model-based academic process, online learning, Artificial Intellect, Gamification, 5G, Blockchain,
ioT. Online learning and education technology need Technology Equipment and existing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Learning :
a. personal assistance for every student with no long waits and delays anytime and
b. providing students with a good combination of 21st century hard skills and soft skills
based on interaction data for learning, personalized curriculum and virtual facilities;
c. making learning a life-long development process but not a few-year duty, during which
students obtain skills that are hard to apply.
In order to achieve the goals of the 5th industrial revolution legal framework and standardized
approaches are required. They will help to reach an effective agreement between society and
technology thus avoiding chaotic digital implementations.

9. EDUCATION 5.0 The Foundation for Society 5.0

Keynote 9 : Markus Prandini, Ph.D – Swiss
(Academic Director Quality Management Online Studies, International University Germany)
Digitalization need technology to monitor and control, programming and design. Citizenship need
personality to active learning and learning stragies, resilience and stress tolerance, leadership and
social influence for analytical and innovation, complex problem solving, critical thingking and
analysis, creativity and originality, reasoning and ideation. How education and learning look like in
society 5.0: On-campus learning, blended learning, online learning.
Educating For Personal in Society 5.0 in a Real Case Swiss International Business Bootcamp use
Concept, Location and Duration, and Parcipants.
Achieved Objectives of the Project
➢ Active, practice-oriented learning on the basis of a real-world business case.
➢ Dealing with complexity, ambiguity and time pressure.
➢ Acquring intercultural competence through collaboration in an international team.
➢ Taking over leadership to manage the project towards an innovative, action able solution.
➢ Contributing to a sustainable, long-term cooperation between Switzerland and Indonesia.
Education 5.0 is a major driver to a chieve the goals and strategies for Society 5.0,
only works as a combination of technology and personality, and bedigital to a large degree.
Education 5.0 shall capitalize on the potential of international cooperations.

10. Shared-knowledge. Transparency, and Public Value Accountability in (post) COVID-19 pandemic
crisis–related era for Sustainable Business & Work Protection.
Keynote 10 : MMMag. Eddy Bruno Esien, Ph.D. – Austria
(Researcher and Teaching Fellow Charles University)
This speech focuses on how shared knowledge, transparency, ethical standard, and public value
accountability constitutes an opportunity to build back and ensure more equitable and sustainable
development in the civic societies, public and private sector, and trust in government quality service
performance in times of neoliberal realpolitik for a COVID-19 pandemic resilience-building
society. The answer to this question depends on the desire and ability to change policy processes
and the value-added mindset about what is desirable, feasible, and possible, while simultaneously
adjusting the border and creating more constructive (enabling) state-society multi-stakeholders
collaborative relations institutional framework.
Without openly shared knowledge, there is a lack of adequate well-managed communication,
participation and transparency. Without transparency, lack of accountability and corruption persists
with societies that feel excluded and behave unethically and untrustworthy.
Without openly shared knowledge, there is a lack of adequate well-managed communication,
participation and. Openly shared knowledge, diversified societal consultation, and transparency,
there is increasing tendencies for a collective share of responsibilities and mutual trust to enhance
sustainable funds for the public ínterest, a cohesive society with respect, human dignity, honesty,
integrity, economic prosperity, and open democratic responds on COVID-19 resilience-building

11. Indonesian Society 5.0 in the future

Keynote 11 : Dr. Muhammad Arif Rokhman, M.Hum, Ph.D. – UK (Indonesian Education and
Culture Attaché Office in London, Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in London United Kingdom)

a. Type of society
➢ S 5.0 is a society backed by ‘Sciences, Technology and Innovation (STI)’.
➢ “Human centered”
➢ “People happiness comes first”
➢ “Aging society”
➢ “Mobility”
➢ “Creating space
➢ “Opportunity for all, for business people to align business opportunity and societal
commitment, for academy to dive into the real world, for government to align and articulate
top down and bottom up decision makings, for all of us invitation to take all together
responsible actions for our common future”
Conclusion: human happiness in society (Japanese type) backed by sciences and technology.
b. An Indonesian perspective on Society 5.0
One of the ways Indonesia can look at the Society 5.0 is through the five state basic
Principle named Pancasila.
1) Belief in the Almighty God
2) Just and civilized humanity
3) The Unity of Indonesia
4) Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations among
5) Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia
c. Contextualising S 5.0 for Indonesia
1) We should for instance look at how the previous types of Society has existed in Indonesia
2) Types of S 2, 3, and 4 have existed in Indonesia and they go side by side with each other
with no significant problem(s).
3) There is a possibility that the S 5.0 can be implemented.
4) The only thing that should be prepared is the infrastructure for the S 5.0
5) In my opinion, Indonesia will be able to implement and create the Indonesian type of S 5.0
considering that all types of the S have existed in the country. As my background is not in
natural sciences or engineering, I would leave the question of the country’s preparedness
to the experts.

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