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11/11/2015 Hexagram 


Hexagram 26
Raising big cattle Heaven

Big accumulation
Harvest: determination
Not eating at home, auspicious
Harvest: to wade across the great river

The great image says:

Heaven in the center of the mountains: great accumulation.
The noble one knows many former words and deeds and
proceedings, in order to accumulate his virtue 

day 24 of a yang
    Tame and feed the big animals, take good care of the big harvest and store it in a
safe place. Your life needs the big values, the harvests of man that survive the eras.
   Love has to be universal love. If it does not rely on eternal values, one cannot even
call it love. But even the small things one does every day need the eternal deeds of
the gods as example.
   Always, everywhere, one encounters signs of the big animals, even if one sees only
a footprint, or hears a rumor. Gather the signs, store them, and save them in your
soul. And tame the big bulls for plowing your fields and for riding on them in
everyday life.

DÀ: big, see hex.14.  CHÙ: according to W­Hy bolas, an ancient throwing weapon (2), with
the symbol for hunting (3), Li Leyi p.389 says: silk (2) and field (3): the harvest of silk and
crops. GSR366: (2) means dark­colored, black. Later use: mystic, mysterious. 
CHU: animal, livestock. Pronounced as xù: rear or raise (livestock or children), nourish,
support, cherish. Da chu: big cattle.
Xù is exchangeable with the same character with 'plants' added: collect, store, save up,
hoard, reserve, accumulate, restrain, rear, breed. 

9 at 3: Fine horses for pursuit. Harvest: a Above 9: He carries Heaven’s highway.
hardship determination. Daily making Expansion.
fences, making carts, patrolling. Usually insight and wisdom do not come to
Harvest: proceeding probing. the neat and decent people, but to those
If you acquire something beautiful or who are very much alive – and often not at
precious, you also acquire the worries, all neat and decent. They are the ones who
duties and care that go with it. Accept defy things, first of all the forms that sneak
them as being part of it, do not see them as into their own life. Forms are like walls and
negative but as essential parts of your life. doors and fences, shutting out the
A careless life without possessions can be universal.­32/hex_e_26.htm 1/3
11/11/2015 Hexagram 26

alluring, but a life with care and Sages do not walk down the garden path,
possessions, and the ability to cope with they will not settle for less than the Milky
them, is complete. Way, the road of the gods. Gods never were
(Changes to hex.41) decent.
(Changes to hex.11)

9 at 2: The carriage loses the axle­strap. 6 at 5: A gelded pig’s tusks. Auspicious.
Even mishap can be a valuable part of your Use your tusks without any agressivity.
life. Except of course if you only see it as a They will be just as hard and sharp, it is
cause for irritation or anger. Accept it as the power behind them which makes them
part of reality, or as a challenge which can to tools or to weapons. Force will make you
make life more interesting, or as an alone, authority inspires others to join you.
unexpected moment of rest. As a cause for (Changes to hex.9)
fun, for play or a break out of a rut. 
(Changes to hex.22)  
Initial 9 : There is a snake. Harvest: to 6 at 4: Young bull's horn­board. Eminent
stop. auspiciousness.
If there is a sign, an omen, then stop what When a young bull learns the effect of his
you are doing, stop your human activities. horns, he will also learn to use his
Listen well if you hear any divine voice, ask aggressiveness. It will become part of his
for signs, meditate, whatever can make mental makeup. If he never learns to, he
things go well again. Normal intellect will will have the same strength, but not the
not tell you what is going on, you need to aggressive mind.
probe deeper. Every time one uses the negative aspect of
(Changes to hex.18) an asset, it will become part of one’s mind.
Do not think you can get back to 'normal'
after that, you will be slightly changed, and
the road back is near to impossible.
(Changes to hex.14)

The Sabian Symbols for the hexagram­lines
9 at 3 corresponds to  24: An untidy Above 9 corresponds to  24: A man
unkempt man turning his back on his passions and
Maybe other things on his mind teaching from his experience
9 at 2 corresponds to  24: Children 6 at 5 corresponds to  24: A bluebird
skating on ice standing at the door of the house
Initial 9 corresponds to  24: An open 6 at 4 corresponds to  24: A third wing
window and a net curtain blowing into a on the left side of a butterfly
cornucopia The soul can fly if he believes in it

For the meaning of  Eminent ­ expansion. Harvest ­ determination click HERE
The noble one accumulates or: increases, nurtures. The ideogram of virtue or morality, DE,
= go + straight.
Line 1. The snake means 'danger', but this character is a picture of a snake. 'Harvest: to
stop' or 'The harvest is finished'. 
Line 3. Hardship: a picture of a man with back­bound hands. 'Daily' can also be sun or to
say. 'Young cattle's stable' or: head­boards of a young bulls or cattle.
Line 5. In ancient times pigs were brought up with beautiful tusks. The upper ones were
removed, so the lower ones grew in a circle, sometimes even several circles. Poor pig, it was
agony, the tusks grew often back into its face, and eating was very difficult, so it was
meagre and skinny. The tusks were symbols of the moon crescent. The number of these
pigs a man could offer in the course of his life decided about his welcome and status in the
afterworld.­32/hex_e_26.htm 2/3
11/11/2015 Hexagram 26

More about hexagram 25 and 26 here­32/hex_e_26.htm 3/3

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