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Part‌‌1:‌‌Interview‌  ‌
SET‌‌1‌  ‌ QUESTIONS‌  ‌

Candidate‌‌A‌  ‌ 1. What’s‌‌your‌‌name?‌‌   ‌ 7.No! One can be very famous but not happy at all..and an ordinary person can be happier than a
famous one. This is a life condition and this depends upon the circumstances to which a person is
 ‌ 2. How‌‌do‌‌you‌‌spell‌‌it?‌   ‌ ‌exposed. Being happy is not found in wealth or in fame but in being contented with what you have and
what you are...and most of all you radiate that happiness to other beings too.

3. How‌‌old‌‌are‌‌you?‌  ‌

4. How‌‌many‌‌people‌‌do‌ ‌you‌‌consider‌‌your‌‌"best‌‌friends?"‌I  enjoy

‌ socializing with other people, I just cherry-pick my good
friends from the crowd. In fact, I’ve got three close friends from
childhood who have gone through all the ups and downs with me
5. Have‌ ‌
y ou‌‌
m ade‌ ‌
a ny‌ ‌
f riends‌ ‌
o ver‌ ‌
t he‌‌
I nternet?‌‌    ‌ for years.
Of course, it is possible to establish real friendships through the internet. What you need in a friendship is truthfulness, reliability, empathy, respect and loyalty. If you’re
getting all that from your online friends then you can consider them as genuine friends.
6. How‌‌can‌‌you‌‌be‌‌a‌‌good‌‌friend?‌  ‌
Being an enthusiastic listener, spending quality time, sending encouraging cards or gifts; all these can go a long way toward
strengthening a friendship
7. Do‌‌you‌‌think‌‌famous‌‌people‌‌are‌‌happier‌‌than‌‌ordinary‌‌people?‌  ‌
Candidate‌‌B ‌ ‌ 8. What’s‌‌your‌‌name?‌  ‌
 ‌ 9. How‌‌do‌‌you‌‌spell‌‌it?‌  ‌

10. How‌‌old‌‌are‌‌you?‌  ‌

11. Are‌‌there‌‌any‌‌famous‌‌mysteries‌‌in‌‌your‌‌country?‌  ‌
12. Can‌‌you‌‌recall‌‌any‌‌strange‌‌or‌‌unexplained‌‌events‌‌in‌‌your‌‌life?‌  ‌

13. Do‌‌you‌‌believe‌‌your‌‌ancestors‌‌are‌‌watching‌‌you?‌  ‌

14. What‌‌would‌‌you‌‌do‌‌if‌‌you‌‌were‌‌taken‌‌aboard‌‌a‌‌UFO?‌  ‌

NOTE:    ‌ ‌
Do u think friendship is important?
There is no doubt that friendships play a vital role in our life. They make our lives interesting and wonderful. They help us develop a sense of sharing
whether they are tangible things or just inspirational or motivational words of wisdom
what kind of people do u want to make friend with?
6. I guess people have different ways to have themselves a sound sleep. But if you ask me, I would say that bathing my feet in warm salty water would help
me sleep like a log. Warm water boosts blood circulation and stimulate the cardiovascular system to work effectively, which have good impact on your
sleep. Besides, try to set a fixed time when you have to hit the hay and strictly comply with it. Habit can be very powerful, you know!
G8‌‌Advanced_Mid-term‌‌1‌‌Revision‌  ‌
SET‌‌2‌  ‌ QUESTIONS‌  ‌

Candidate‌‌A‌  ‌ 1. What’s‌‌your‌‌name?‌  ‌ 4.Sweet potatoes are nutritional superstars.They're loaded with carotenoids, and are a good source of
potassium and fiber.Carrots are a popular root vegetable. They are extremely crunchy and loaded with
 ‌ 2. How‌‌do‌‌you‌‌spell‌‌it?‌  ‌ nutrients like fiber and vitamin K.Carrots are also very high in carotene antioxidants, which have
numerous benefits. 5. try to stay healthy by eating a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits,
3. How‌‌old‌‌are‌‌you?‌  ‌ vegetables, and whole grains. Thereafter, I workout for a minimum of 40
minutes. It is important for everyone to focus on the
4. ‌What‌‌are‌‌some‌‌foods‌‌that‌‌are‌‌good‌‌for‌‌your‌ ‌health?‌
fitness   ‌to stay healthy.

5. ‌What‌‌do‌‌you‌‌do‌‌to‌‌keep‌‌fit‌‌and‌‌stay‌‌healthy?‌  ‌ 7Yes, sometimes I do. The most stressful days for me are the ones in which
I have to work a lot and then there is no one whom I can talk to or fight with
6. What‌‌are‌‌some‌‌tips‌‌to‌‌sleep‌‌better?‌  ‌ and comfort myself. I believe after every stressful or low moment, there
should be a day where one can relax and just recharge oneself to be able to
7. Do‌‌you‌‌often‌‌find‌‌yourself‌‌under‌‌stress?‌  ‌ do more work.

Candidate‌‌B ‌ ‌ 8. What’s‌‌your‌‌name?‌  ‌
 ‌ 9. How‌‌do‌‌you‌‌spell‌‌it?‌  ‌

10. How‌‌old‌‌are‌‌you?‌  ‌
11. What‌‌do‌‌you‌‌think‌‌is‌‌the‌‌most‌‌important‌‌invention‌‌in‌‌the‌‌last‌‌100‌‌years?‌  ‌
12. What‌‌technological‌‌devices‌‌would‌‌you‌‌like‌‌to‌‌have?‌  ‌

13. What‌‌are‌‌some‌‌advantages‌‌of‌‌using‌‌mobile‌‌phones?‌  ‌
14. Should‌‌students‌‌be‌‌allowed‌‌to‌‌bring‌‌their‌‌phones‌‌to‌‌school?‌  ‌
14They should be allowed because it used for educational related tasks like, using the calculator or searching up information or taking
notes when you forget your notebook or pencil. But I also think that teachers should limit the use of it, like during lessons and only to
use during work time. It”s not like the teacher will let students use it during a test!
G8‌‌Advanced_Mid-term‌‌1‌‌Revision‌  ‌
SET‌‌3‌  ‌ QUESTIONS‌  ‌

Candidate‌‌A‌  1. What’s‌‌your‌‌name?‌  ‌

2. How‌‌do‌‌you‌‌spell‌‌it?‌  ‌

3. How‌‌old‌‌are‌‌you?‌  ‌
4. Do‌‌you‌‌use‌‌any‌‌social‌‌networking‌‌sites?‌  ‌
5. How‌‌many‌‌hours‌‌a‌‌day‌‌are‌‌you‌‌online?‌  ‌

6. What‌‌do‌‌you‌‌often‌‌use‌‌your‌‌phone‌‌for?‌  ‌
7. Should‌‌students‌‌be‌‌allowed‌‌to‌‌bring‌‌their‌‌phones‌‌to‌‌school?‌  ‌

Candidate‌‌B ‌ ‌ 8. What’s‌‌your‌‌name?‌  ‌

9. How‌‌do‌‌you‌‌spell‌‌it?‌  ‌

10. How‌‌old‌‌are‌‌you?‌  ‌

11. What‌‌is‌‌your‌‌favorite‌‌food?‌  ‌
12. How‌‌often‌‌do‌‌you‌‌exercise?‌  ‌
13. Why‌‌is‌‌a‌‌good‌‌sleep‌‌important‌‌to‌‌your‌‌health?‌  ‌

14. What‌‌is‌‌your‌‌diet‌‌like?‌‌   ‌
G8‌‌Advanced_Mid-term‌‌1‌‌Revision‌  ‌
Part‌‌2:‌‌Long‌‌Chun‌  ‌
Set‌‌1:‌  ‌
Student‌‌A’s‌‌pictures‌  ‌
How‌‌are‌‌people's‌‌environments‌‌making‌‌them‌‌feel?‌  ‌

 ‌  ‌
Student‌‌B’s‌‌question:‌‌In‌‌which‌‌place‌‌would‌‌you‌‌prefer‌‌to‌‌be?‌  ‌
Student‌‌B’s‌‌pictures‌  ‌
What‌‌reasons‌‌might‌‌these‌‌people‌‌have‌‌for‌‌moving‌‌abroad?‌  ‌

 ‌  ‌
 ‌  ‌
G8‌‌Advanced_Mid-term‌‌1‌‌Revision‌  ‌
Student‌‌A’s‌‌question:‌‌Would‌‌you‌‌like‌‌to‌‌live‌‌in‌‌a‌‌foreign‌‌country?‌‌Why/Why‌‌not?‌  ‌
Set‌‌2:‌  ‌
Student‌‌A’s‌‌pictures‌  ‌
Why‌‌might‌‌people‌‌be‌‌afraid‌‌of‌‌these‌‌things?‌  ‌

 ‌  ‌
Student‌‌B’s‌‌question:‌‌Which‌‌of‌‌these‌‌things‌‌do‌‌you‌‌find‌‌more‌‌frightening?‌  ‌
Student‌‌B’s‌‌pictures‌  ‌
Why‌‌might‌‌each‌‌situation‌‌be‌‌stressful?‌  ‌

 ‌  ‌
G8‌‌Advanced_Mid-term‌‌1‌‌Revision‌  ‌
Student‌‌A’s‌‌question:‌‌Which‌‌situation‌‌do‌‌you‌‌think‌‌would‌‌be‌‌more‌‌stressful?‌  ‌

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