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O9A Situation Report: October 2021ev

In respect of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) it seems that the battlelines
have been drawn in the past few years, 2019-2021 ev. On one side, the forces
subsumed by the Magian ethos who knowingly obey their Magian masters or
who have been manipulated by various means, including brainwashing by
Magian causal abstractions, into doing what their Magian masters desire. On
the other side, (i) those who by training and personal experience (via the
O9A Seven Fold Way or otherwise) understand the O9A Aeonic perspective
{1} and what O9A philosophy is and implies, and (ii) those who intuitively or
instinctively resonate with the O9A sinister-numinous aesthetic.

The Magian forces include anti-fascists most of whom sincerely believe in the
latter-day mythology of Holocaustianity, {2} in the legends about "evil racist
nazis" during the Second World War, and in Magian causal abstractions such
as "White racism", the equality of races, and "hate speech". These anti-
fascists are latter-day crusaders on behalf of the Magian hegemony, and who
are or who have been motivated to both (i) persecute and call for the
imprisonment of "evil neo-nazis" and "racists" while trying to create some
mythical multi-racial society, and (ii) blacken the name of, and spread
propaganda about, the O9A with a view to having it banned by governments
since their masters now regard the O9A as "the most dangerous far right
terror movement operating in the world today." {3}

On the other side, there are the somewhat ragtag O9A forces comprising
small numbers, often far less than a dozen, of the following: National-
Socialists following the Reichsfolk interpretation of National-Socialism {4},
anarchists, nihilists, Occultists, artists, intellectuals, neo-nazi street fighters,
science-fiction and fantasy fans, musicians, gamers, rural mystics, chancers,
hucksters, and - let's be honest - criminals. Many of these types have learned,
often by personal experience, to hide their O9A sympathies. But what most
have in common is their affinity for O9A-otherness, however they personally
perceive the O9A and feel that otherness.

As someone who has been associated with, and who has had an affinity for,
the O9A for over a decade recently wrote:

"The [O9A] 7 Fold Way was intended to be an individualistic path of

self-becoming. It’s something you yourself do for your own self on
your own time and terms. As such, the 7 Fold Way, and the study of
the o9a Corpus, has nothing to do with organizations, groups,
leaders, spokespersons, inner circle, outer circle, national
representatives, national head quarters, this, that, and the other
thing, and so on. Anybody who tells you otherwise is 1) playing
games with you & 2) looking for a patsy to do their dirty work, to
further their careers, or to make money." {5}

What matters is opposition to the Magian ethos and Magian abstractions.

What form such opposition takes is in Aeonic terms irrelevant, as is how
those in the opposition, our opposition, view or interpret O9A philosophy and
practice their individualistic interpretation. 

That said, there are according to our interpretation of O9A philosophy

certain things that are O9A and others things that are not-O9A. What is O9A
is evolutionary and heretical: opposition to the dogma, the ideas, the
religions, and the myths that are accepted or which have become accepted in
the society of our times. What is also O9A is pathei-mathos, learning from
esoteric and exoteric and difficult, testing, personal experiences and valuing
what is so learned over and above dogma, books, politics, religions, and the
ideas and interpretations and opinions of others, including how others
interpret the O9A. What is also O9A is kindred honour, ancestral tradition,
and καλὸς-κἀγαθός: a feeling for or an intuition of the O9A sinister-numinous
aesthetic where what is beautiful and noble is balanced by a certain
aristocratic and thus necessary warrior-like hardness as in culling one's
declared enemies and those deemed to be rotten or harmful to one's folk or
community or family or O9A kindred.

What is not-O9A, again according to our interpretation of O9A philosophy, is

the vulgarity and indiscipline of the herd, the crowd, and the brutish
indulgence of the cowardly rapist, the misogynist, and the bully. 

In the societies of our time what has now become accepted include the myth
of racial and folk equality, the myth of White racism; the religion of
holocaustianity, the overlordship of capitalism, the myth of "evil German
nazis" and the replacement of pathei-mathos by Magian causal abstractions.
Little wonder then that we who challenge such conformity and beliefs have
become, in the last two years, regarded as "the most dangerous far right
terror movement operating in the world today."

TWS Nexion
October 2021 ev
v. 1.03

{1} The Aeonic perspective is outlined in Aeonic Understanding And

Generational Transmission Of The O9A,

{2} Holocaustianity is a modern belief, a Magian causal abstraction, where

(i) believers insist that the truth of the Holocaust cannot be questioned or
doubted, (ii) believers make a solemn promise that they will never forget
"Nazi crimes" and what happened in the Holocaust, (iii) believers demand
that those who question or doubt the Holocaust should be publicly shamed
and punished: tried as criminals and imprisoned; (iv) believers hold regular
public ceremonies where the Holocaust is solemnly remembered; (v)
believers seek to have governments, especially in the West, hold regular
public ceremonies where the Holocaust is solemnly remembered; (vi)
believers demand that their version of the Holocaust be taught to all school-
children who should make regular pilgrimages to what they insist are sites
where the Holocaust took place.





Further Reading:

Beginners Guide To The Order Of Nine Angles

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