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Storage and storage of foodstuffs is a process that involves the entry of

foodstuffs, storage of foodstuffs, and storage of foodstuffs in accordance with requests

for the preparation of cooking foodstuffs. Food storage is a procedure for arranging,
storing, maintaining dry and wet foodstuffs and recording and reporting them. After the
food that meets the requirements is received, it must be immediately taken to the storage
room, warehouse or refrigerated room. In researching or observing the behavior of food
storage, one tends to ask questions with 5W+1H. Similarly, in consumer behavior, the
question of who (who), why (why), when (when), what (what), has who (who), and how
(how) to understand the procedure.
this type of catering business must have food storage facilities in good condition
and in adequate quantities and always maintain the temperature which has the aim of
preventing potential damage to food ingredients. Regarding what are the points that
must be considered in using food storage facilities so that they are more optimal,
namely the factors that influence so that internal conditions are maintained properly,
namely temperature, storage containers, utilization of storage shelves and cleanliness.
So that finally it can be concluded in the form of, there are several points that have to do
with the condition of the food storage facilities that must be considered properly to keep
the perishable foodstuffs stored in them of good quality.
When preparing foods for freezing, use clean hands, utensils and work areas.
Blanching either with boiling water or steam will help maintain the quality of
vegetables to be frozen. Obtain blanching directions for specific foods from other
Extension publications or contact your local Cooperative Extension office. Treating
light-colored fruits with anti-darkening treatments will help to preserve the color of the
fruit. Anti-darkening treatments include ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), commercially
prepared ascorbic acid mixes available in the food preservation products section of
grocery stores and fruit juices such as pineapple or lemon juice. Package foods to be
frozen in moisture, vapor-resistant materials meant for freezing. These include plastic
freezer containers, freezer bags, freezer wrap and heavy duty aluminum foil. Poor
packaging can result in dry, crusty patches on foods called “freezer burn.” Although
freezer burn is not harmful, it causes the texture and flavor of the product to be
undesirable. When placing foods in the freezer, spread them out in a single layer until
The faster a product freezes, the smaller the ice crystals that will be formed. This
results in less damage to the texture of the product. Label and date each food product,
and use a first-in, first-out system. Foods that have accidentally been thawed can be
safely refrozen if either they still contain ice crystals or the temperature of the food has
remained at 40 °F or below and for no more than 2 to 3 days. When preparing foods for
freezing, use clean hands, utensils and work areas. Blanching either with boiling water
or steam will help maintain the quality of vegetables to be frozen. Obtain blanching
directions for specific foods from other Extension publications or contact your local
Cooperative Extension office. Treating light-colored fruits with anti-darkening
treatments will help to preserve the color of the fruit. Anti-darkening treatments include
ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), commercially prepared ascorbic acid mixes available in the
food preservation products section of grocery stores and fruit juices such as pineapple or
lemon juice.
Storage is an activity and effort to manage inventory in the storage area. Storage
functions to ensure the scheduling that has been defined in the previous function with
the most exact fulfillment and the lowest possible cost. This function includes all
activities regarding the management, management and storage of goods. Other functions
are: the quality of the goods can be maintained, the goods are protected from damage,
the search for goods is easier and the goods are safe from thieves.
Package foods to be frozen in moisture, vapor-resistant materials meant for
freezing. These include plastic freezer containers, freezer bags, freezer wrap and heavy
duty aluminum foil. Poor packaging can result in dry, crusty patches on foods called
“freezer burn.” Although freezer burn is not harmful, it causes the texture and flavor of
the product to be undesirable. When placing foods in the freezer, spread them out in a
single layer until frozen. The faster a product freezes, the smaller the ice crystals that
will be formed. This results in less damage to the texture of the product. Label and date
each food product, and use a first-in, first-out system. Foods that have accidentally been
thawed can be safely refrozen if either they still contain ice crystals or the temperature
of the food has remained at 40 °F or below and for no more than 2 to 3 days. To retain
quality and nutritive value, stock only the kinds and amounts of food you can store
properly. Proper storage means maintaining a clean refrigerator and freezer. Avoid
overcrowding the refrigerator. Arrange items so cold air can circulate freely. To reduce
dehydration and quality loss, use freezer wrap, freezer-quality plastic bags, or aluminum
foil over commercial wrap on meat and poultry that will be stored in the freezer for
more than two months.
Maintain and maintain the condition and quality of stored foodstuffs Protect
stored foodstuffs from damage, spoilage and other environmental disturbances Serve the
needs of types and quantities of foodstuffs with the right quality and time Provide
supplies of foodstuffs in quantity, variety and adequate quality. Proper food storage
helps to preserve the quality and nutritional value of the foods you purchase, and also
helps make the most of your food dollar by preventing spoilage. Additionally, proper
food storage can help prevent foodborne illnesses caused by harmful bacteria. Use fresh,
perishable foods soon after they are harvested or purchased. Signs of spoilage that make
food unpalatable but not a bacterial hazard are the rancid odor and flavor of fats caused
by oxidation, slime on the surface of meat, and the fermentation of fruit juices due to
yeast growth. Off-odors in foods and a sour taste in bland foods can indicate dangerous
bacterial spoilage. However, food can be high in bacteria count even without such
Storage activities or storage or warehousing, starting from the arrival of goods
held until there is a request for use or distribution. Storage and distribution activities
begin with receipt of goods in the warehouse, research and checking, recording on
warehouse stock cards for inventory control and goods being entered and placed in a
predetermined place in the warehouse. Food storage is a procedure for arranging,
storing, maintaining the safety of dry food ingredients both in quality and quantity in the
dry food warehouse as well as recording and reporting and carried out by the kitchen
manager. After that, the purchase staff will order goods to the supplier. The goods that
have arrived are received by receiving by checking the quality and quantity according to
the order. Then it is stored in the store room by the store keeper. The supplier control
programme provides the company with a tool to evaluate the suppliers of raw materials,
ingredients and services. Without an effective supplier control programme, the HACCP
system can easily fail to provide safety assurance. The description of the industry
requirements from the suppliers is of primary concern.
These include the HACCP programme of the supplier, certificates of analysis,
and records of applied prerequisite programmes. The chemical control programme
ensures the elimination of hazardous chemical substances from food. Chemical hazards,
which can be found in a dairy industry, include sanitizers, pesticides, mycotoxins,
allergens, refrigerants, solvents, and acids. These materials may interact with the raw
materials and the ingredients or the additives and the equipment producing untoward
effects. Certain chemicals are also used for food processing, cleaning, sanitation and
pest control. Generally, chemical control procedures are related to receiving, storage,
usage and disposal of chemicals. Oleh karena itulah, dibutuhkan suatu pengelolaan yang
tepat dan efektif untuk menjaga kelancaran operasonal.
With the existence of food ingredients and proper storage of materials, it will be
able to guarantee that these foodstuffs become more durable in accordance with the
durability of each of these materials. Therefore, the placement of food ingredients to be
processed must be stored in the place where the material should be stored so that it does
not affect other food ingredients. If these foodstuffs are not stored in the right place, it
will affect the taste or color and even the appearance of the food itself, making the food
less quality. In order to keep these foodstuffs well maintained, the warehouse for storing
foodstuffs and the placement of foodstuffs must be adjusted to the type or differentiated
so that they are not easily damaged.
Foodstuffs that have gone through the semi-finished processing process should
be packaged in a clean place and wrapped with plastic wrap, then put in the refrigerator,
avoid storing semi-finished foodstuffs in room milk without wrapping because there
will be a lot of bacterial growth in foodstuffs the. Do not store food that is semi-finished
for too long and should immediately continue the processing until it is finished so that
there is no damage to the food ingredients.
Food ingredients that have been processed into dishes, if they have not entered
the serving time, should be stored by heating them using a bainmarie. If the finished
food material will be stored for a long time, it should be put in plastic and vacuum, then
frozen and the food can be stored for a long time of 1 to 4 months in a frozen state with
a temperature of -4ºC to -10ºC. Currently, many supermarkets sell ready-made food in a
frozen state and when reheated, you can use the microwave. Foods that have been
prepared with this process are called convenience food

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