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Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021

ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

Solutions to Educational Problems in Learning at Islamic Boarding Schools

In the Era of the 21st Century

Dheanda Abshorina Arifiah

Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta

Abstract: Pesantren can also be called non-formal educational institutions. Education in

pesantren should also need to keep up with the times so that later graduates from
pesantren can also compete with other general public. One of the steps for education in
Islamic boarding schools to keep up with the times is to update the old learning methods
into the newest learning methodsup to date. This is so that the students can also absorb
knowledge perfectly. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of library
research. The data sources for this research come from books, journals and scientific
articles related to the challenges faced by Islamic boarding schools in the era of
globalization. Data analysis in this study usingcontent analysis technology namely data
processing through separate sorting. Discuss some of the educator's thoughts or ideas,
then describe, discuss and critique them. The result of this research is that with the
development of technology, methods in learning should be able to keep up with the times.
In addition, learning applications are increasingly sophisticated, as an educator, we must be
creative in utilizing our surroundings.
Keywords: Solution; problematic; Islamic Boarding School Education.

Abstract: Pesantren is a non-formal educational institution. Education in pesantren should also

need to keep up with the times so that later graduates from pesantren can also compete with
other general public. One of the steps for education in pesantren to keep up with the times is to
update the old learning methods into the latest up-to-date learning methods. This is so that the
students can also absorb knowledge perfectly. This research uses a qualitative approach with
the type of library research. The data sources of this research come from books and journals
and scientific articles related to the challenges of Islamic boarding schools in the era of
globalization, while the data analysis in this study uses content analysis techniques, namely data
processing by separate sorting. related to the discussion of some ideas or thoughts of
educational figures which are then described, discussed, and criticized. The result of this
research is that with the development of technology, methods in learning should be able to
keep up with the times. In addition, learning applications are increasing sophisticated, as an
educator, we must be creative in utilizing our surroundings.
Keywords: Solutions; Problems; Islamic Boarding School Education.

1. Introduction
Education is not only about the transformation of knowledge. It's not just about
the learning process that makes humans able to understand and know science.
Moreover, it is only a matter of a series of student achievement figures recorded in
the formal records of their progress reports on the mastery of certain knowledge.
More than that, education is a process of maturation of attitudes and behavior, so
that people involved in the educational process are able to live in society with all its
dynamics. Therefore, an educated person is actually a person who is able to know, is
able to act according to the knowledge he has, is able to

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

determine their life choices responsibly, and are able to live together in society.1

Technological developments are also influential in the field of education. In

the past, scientific reference sources were only glued to printed books. However,
nowadays students at all levels can add knowledge and insight through the
internet. Accesses to get references online are also very numerous and easy.
Even as we experienced during this pandemic, all educational units inevitably
provide distance learning facilities. With the internet, teachers and students can
communicate virtually without having to meet in person. Education that leans on
the mastery of knowledge alone will create people who are intelligent but not of
good character. As a result, if the educational process carried out in pesantren
cannot keep up with the times,

Pesantren as an institution has existed for hundreds of years offering Islamic

religious-based education programs. In addition to the national curriculum
education, the students who live in a pesantren are also taught intensive Islamic
education, da'wah, and so on at the boarding school.2 The importance of methods in
teaching and learning activities can also affect the quality of the education. Because
if educators use the right method, the material obtained by students will also be
maximized. But in fact, in general, Islamic boarding schools still use teaching
methods that are fairly ancient, namely only the lecture method, especially at Islamic
boarding schoolssalaf.
Islamic boarding schools as a form of Islamic education are expected to continue
to play a role in creating superior human resources (HR) in the midst of the swift currents
of globalization. Because times can change quickly and full of surprises. If it is not
immediately anticipated, it is likely that pesantren will be marginalized because the
education system in pesantren is lagging behind in the advancement of global culture.

However, problems with pesantren will still exist in the 21st century if
pesantren do not want to keep up with the times. Some circles still look down on
the pesantren as an institution that tends to oppose the flow of the times. In fact,
this assumption is not entirely so.
Based on previous research, several articles that discuss the problems of
Islamic boarding school education are as follows:
First, an article entitled "The Problems of Islamic Boarding Schools as Islamic
Educational Institutions in Indonesia" written by Alaika M. Bagus Kurnia Ps in Journal
of Islamic Education, Vol. 10 No. 10, year 2019.It discusses Islamic religious education
must guide its students in their development, both physically and spiritually towards
the formation of the student's own personality, especially those based on Islamic
law. But over time, Islamic education is no longer as advanced as it used to be,
Islamic education today, has experienced many setbacks due to several factors.
Pesantren as an Islamic educational institution cannot avoid various problems that
arise in the global era. As traditional Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia,
Islamic boarding schools have an important role in protecting and developing
Islamic knowledge. In addition, Islamic boarding schools have played a role in
shaping the character of Indonesian Muslims. During the New Order era, pesantren
competed with schools that were recognized by the government. Other than that,

1 Jamal Ma'mur Asmani, Local excellence-based education, (Yogyakarta: Diva Press, 2015) p. 21.
2Ahmad Farhan, Education in Islamic Boarding School, (Jakarta; Azza Graphic, 2018) p. 22

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

Modern education also affects the existence of Islamic boarding schools as traditional Islamic
educational institutions. To maintain its existence, the Islamic boarding school made several
changes that were deemed necessary, while maintaining the traditions of the past.3
Second, an article entitled "Integrated Islamic Boarding Schools as a Solution to the Problems of
Islamic Religious Education in the Era of Globalization" written by Vialinda Siswati in journal
Tawazun: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 10 No. 10, year 2019.It's about education
Islam has many challenges in the era of globalization. Advances in science,
technology, information and transformation have had an impact on the fabric of
society. Education as the main gate in fostering human character has a very
difficult task. Pesantren which is one of the Islamic educational institutions has a
tough challenge as well. Therefore, to always exist as a nation that upholds high
moral and human values, the development of Islamic boarding schools must also
respond to some of the existing advances by developing modern sciences while
maintaining good old values. The development of Islamic boarding schools is a
great hope for all modern societies who are already furious with the behavior of
globalization which has bulldozed the human social order. Boarding school
education is the answer of any dissatisfaction modern society. With the pattern of
system integration and learning in Islamic boarding schools, it is expected to be
able to overcome the problems of the scientific dichotomy so far. Reintegrating
religion and science is a turning point for the rise of Muslims to play their role as
people who have a high civilization in the field of science.4
Third, the article entitled "Challenges and Solutions for Madrasas and
Islamic Boarding Schools in Facing the Era of Globalization" written by Ariski Nuril
Indah in Journal Tarbiyah waTa'lim, Vol. 5 no. 1, 2018which discusses one of the Islamic
educational institutions in Indonesia is Madrasah and pesantren. The role of
Islamic education in this day and age is to be ready to face technological
developments and advances, most of which come from foreign countries.
Madrasas and Islamic boarding schools must be updated and reformed to create
a strong generation, namely a generation that is knowledgeable and able to
develop knowledge that is sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith. This can create a
generation that is not only successful in religious matters, but can also face
advances in science and technology in the era of globalization. This paper aims to
explore the challenges and solutions faced by Islamic religious education in
madrasas and Islamic boarding schools in the 21st century.5

Fourth, an article entitled "Problematics and Challenges of Islamic Boarding School

Education in the Information Age" written by Suparno in Journal of Fikroh Vol. 11 No. 1 of
2018 discusses In the era of globalization with such a rapid flow of information, Islamic
education faces various problems, such as: power relations and positioning of Islamic
education, professionalism of educators, curriculum problems, inadequate
infrastructure, and balanced communication methods.
The challenges and problems faced by Islamic boarding schools are academic
problems which include: occurring in the lack of professional teachers who

3 Kurnia Ps, Alaika M. Bagus, Problems with Islamic Boarding Schools as Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia
Indonesian, in Tawazun Journal: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 10 No. 10, 2019.
4 Vialinda Siswati, Integrated Islamic Boarding School as a Solution to the Problems of Islamic Religious Education in the Era of
Globalization, in Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2, no. 2, 2018.
5 Ariski Nuril Indah, Challenges and Solutions for Madrasas and Islamic Boarding Schools in Facing the Era of

Globalization, in Journal of Tarbiyah Wa Ta'lim, Vol. 5 no. 1, 2018.

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

quality, teaching methods that are still traditional and not many types,
curriculum policies that are constantly changing. In addition, the problems found
in the pesantren also occur in non-academic ones, these problems include:
insufficient educational facilities, and insufficient funds for the pesantren.6

Fifth, article entitled "The Problems of Islamic Boarding School Education in Improving
Quality Academic People in the Multicultural Global Era” written by Buyung Surahman in Journal
Academic Rides Vol. 5 No. 2 of 2018 discussesin the era of globalization, Islamic boarding school education
face obstacles in improving academic talent. In Islamic boarding schools, global
trends can cause anti-moral symptoms, like the Western lifestyle, and even greatly
affect morality, character, and human behavior. In this case, the impact on the
physical and spiritual life of the people is very large, therefore Islamic boarding
school education faces various challenges for citizens to develop educational models
in the era of globalization, including institutional problems, human resource
problems, and curriculum development. Therefore, in modern times, in order to
improve the quality of academic talent, Islamic boarding schools have difficulty in
exploring all the resources they have, because they are influenced by Islamic
boarding school education and dominate problems, human resource problems, and
the West is strong. And the influence of information imperialization, as well as
globalized cultural currents, can cause paradoxical or anti-moral symptoms. Facing
this problem, it is time for pesantren to devote all their resources, efforts and
abilities to continue to innovate and find new things that can help their lives become
better. If the pesantren does not explore all its capabilities, it will be left behind by
the times that continue to develop.7

2. Research Method
The approach method used in this study is to use a qualitative approach
method with the type of library research or called Library Research. The data
sources for this research come from books, journals and scientific articles related
to the challenges faced by Islamic boarding schools in the 21st century era. Data
analysis in this study uses technologycontent analysis, namely classifying or
grouping data separately related to the discussion of several ideas or ideas of
educational figures, then describing, discussing and criticizing them. In addition,
classify similar data and critically analyze content to get specific and adequate

3. Results and Discussion

A. The Meaning of Islamic Education Problems
Problem according to language is "problem", which means problem, problem or confusion.
This means that there is also a problem, namely uncertainty. The problem of education refers to the
problems or problems faced by the world of education, especially Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the
countries with the largest Muslim population in Asia. Whereas Islamic education is not the main
content of national education. Islamic education has always been considered secondary or
marginal in the national education system. Even though,

6 Suparno, Problems and Challenges of Islamic Boarding School Education in the Information Age, in Fikroh

Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, year 2018.

7 Buyung Surahman, Problems of Islamic Boarding School Education in Improving Quality Academic

People in the Multicultural Global Era, in Journal of the Academic Forum, Vol. 5, No. 2, Year 2018.
8 Dedy Mulyana, Qualitative Research Methodology, (Bandung: PT. Teen Rosdakarya, 2017), p.

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

any education, including national education and Islamic education, essentially builds
dignity and humanity, making them caliphs
Islamic education has a position in the education system which is divided into:
three parts. First, as an institution, Islamic education clearly recognizes the existence
of Islamic educational institutions. Second, as a subject, Islamic education recognizes
that religious education is one of the subjects that must be taught from elementary
school to university. Third, Islamic education as Islamic moral values in the
education system9
B. History of pesantren
Islamic boarding schools have existed since the colonial era, because basically
pesantren were founded as a form of opposition to colonialism itself. Many prominent
Islamic religious leaders in those days, such as KH. Hasyim Asyari, KH. Zaenal Mustopa
and KH. Ahmad Dahlan also contributed to the struggle for Indonesian independence.
Not long after the state of Indonesia declared its independence, religious education in all
types of schools received serious attention from the government. This is what underlies
the Old Order government to formulate Law no. 4 of 1950 which contains about Religious
Education. The law states that parents have the will for their children to attend the
education or not, as well as the implementation of public school religious education
which is regulated in accordance with the policies of the Minister of Education, Teaching
Precisely on January 3, 1946, the Ministry of Religion was established. The department
is actively fighting for Islamic education in Indonesia, in fact the department has a special unit
to take care of this, namely the Religious Education Section. The development of Islamic
Boarding Schools is carried out by a Sub-Directorate in the Directorate of Islamic Religious
Education Development based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion No. 6 of 1979.
Meanwhile, during the New Order era, the development of pesantren education was stagnant
because the government in power at that time had a religiously neutral policy.11

The development of pesantren education only experienced a revival during the Reformation Era,
because at that time Islamic boarding schools had been recognized as official institutions of the national
education system which were recorded in the National Education System Law or the National Education
System.HEducationHNational. Through the government's acknowledgment, the legality of Islamic
boarding schools as one of the official educational institutions is legal, including having equal rights and
obligations with other formal educational institutions. Islamic Boarding School Education has
experienced a very significant development so that the Sub-Directorate of Islamic Boarding Schools has
developed into the Directorate of Religious Education and Islamic Boarding Schools based on theh
decisionhMinisterhReligion No. 1 of 2001. Then in 2006 the agency re-evolved into the Directorate of
Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools on the basis of Regulation of the Minister of Religion of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2006.12

C. Teaching Methods in Islamic Boarding Schools

Pondok Pesantren as one of the educational institutions has its own
characteristics in teaching and learning activities, including the method it uses. There
are so many methods applied in Islamic boarding schools. Of the many methods,

9 Kurnia Ps, Alaika M. Good. "The Problem of Islamic Boarding Schools as Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia"
Indonesian, in Tawazun Journal: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 10 No. 10, 2019.
10 Moh. Cholil, The Relevance of the Traditional Islamic Boarding School Education System in the Era of Modernization,
inTarbawi Journal, Vol. 03 No. 1, 2017.
11 Riyadi, Islamic Chambers: Thoughts from the Alley of the Islamic Boarding School, (Surabaya: IMTIYAZ, 2012), p.
12 holy akmalia, Renewal of Traditional Islamic Boarding School, (Bangdung: PT. Ramaja Rosdakarya, 2017), p.

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

The outline can be grouped into two parts, namely traditional learning methods
(original pesantren) and learning methods that are renewal.13
Traditional Islamic boarding schools or Salaf Islamic boarding schools still
maintain the teaching of classical books as the core of their education with traditional
learning methods. Traditional learning methods include:
a. Methodsorogan namely the teaching method by facing the teacher one by one by
bringing the book to be studied.
b. MethodWeton or Bandongan where the students take lessons by sitting around
the Kyai who explains the lessons in lectures, the students listen to their
respective books and make notes on them
c. MethodHalaqah namely teaching and learning activities carried out by an ustadz
or kiai by sitting in front of his students while reading book material.
The students who take part in this lesson sit in a semi-circle and sit in rows.14

Whereas in modern Islamic boarding schools, learning methods have used

more varied methods with learning methods that have been updated to follow the
era of globalization. The renewal methods include:
a. MethodHiwar namely alternating conversations between two or more parties
through question and answer on a topic that leads to a goal. This conversation
can be a direct dialogue and involve both parties actively, or it can be active only
one party, while the other party only responds with all his feelings, appreciation
and personality.
b. MethodBahtsul Masa'il, namely a learning method whose system is more similar to the
discussion or seminar method.
c. MethodFathul Pole namely the learning activities of students at the kyai/ustadz by
studying the material in certain books, carried out continuously by a group of
students within a certain grace period. It usually lasts for half a month, twenty days
or sometimes a whole month in the month of Ramadan, depending on the book
studied in the Islamic boarding school.
d. MethodMuhawarah an activity that is mandatory for Islamic boarding schools which contains
Arabic language training for students during their stay at the boarding school.
e. MethodDemonstration, namely a learning method that is guided by a
cleric/ustadz and is demonstrated by one or a group of students by
demonstrating (demonstrating) certain worship skills.
f. MethodMudzakarah namely a scientific meeting organized by the students and led
by the kyai to discuss a problem, the goal is that the students can be trained in
using the existing books to solve the problem.15

D. Solutions to the Problems of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Era of Globalization

The method of learning in Islamic boarding schools is one of the important problems,
because the teaching methods in Islamic boarding schools seem out of date. The learning
method becomes very important if it can be varied because if the learning method is only
monotonous like that, then as a result students will feel bored and the material obtained is
not optimal. As is the case in Islamic boarding schools, most of which only use the lecture
The bandongan learning method is very suitable for use in Islamic boarding schools and is in
accordance with Islamic teachings about Istima' (Listening). The Qur'an has mentioned that
remembering is an activity carried out by humans when studying or understanding something other
than seeing. As in QS Al A'raf verse 204:

13 Riyadi, Islamic Chambers: Reflections from the Dull Alley of Islamic Boarding Schools,..., p. 30
14 Abu Yasid, Islamic Boarding School Education Towards Transformative Islamic Education, (Yogyakarta: IRCISOD,
2018), p. 10.
15 holy akmalia, Renewal of Traditional Islamic Boarding School,...p. 67.

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

‫ﻭَﺍِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻘُﺮﺍ ﻓَﺎﺳﺘَﻤِﻌُﻮْﺍ ﻝَ ﻭَﺍَ ﻭْﺍ ﻟَﻌَﻞ‬

"And when the Qur'an is recited, then listen carefully, and pay attention quietly so that
you may receive mercy" (Surah Al-A'raf: 204').

The verse implies that when the verses of the Qur'an are read we should listen
carefully and pay attention to what is contained in each reading of Allah's verses. Thus,
we can take lessons from what we hear. In the Islamic perspective, learning activities
with listening must be done to listen to something that is useful, and it is forbidden to
hear something that is not useful. But in this day and age, mobility is getting higher,
technological development is getting faster, this bandongan method needs new
innovations, namely with virtual bandongan, teachers or clerics do not have to meet
face-to-face in one forum but can use the google meet application, zoom, or other media
applications. in doing learning.

This sorogan system is also in accordance with what is taught by the Qur'an, namely about
Qira'ah (Reading). Reading is the first commandment to the Prophet Muhammad which was
conveyed through the angel Gabriel. This means that Islam has a very high respect for knowledge.
SayIqra contained in the letter Al-'Alaq verse 1 is taken from the word qara'a, which originally
means to collect. Say "collectThere are many variations, namely conveying, researching, exploring,
studying, knowing the characteristics of something, and so on.
The first command to read this is not determined by the object of reading, this
shows that we are commanded to read everything and are general in nature, both
reading verses Qauliyah (written sources) as well as verses Kauniyah (such as natural
phenomena, self-reading). However, in reading, studying, it must be in the name of
Allah. That is, this activity is carried out in order to bring the perpetrators to Allah,
sincerely in getting closer to Allah.
In the sorogan system, students read what they have learned in front of the teacher, the innovations
that can be done are the same as in bandongan innovations, namely with virtual sorogan, teachers and
students have no boundaries of space and time.

4. Conclusions and Suggestions

From the results of the description above, it can be concluded that the learning
method is very influential in teaching and learning activities in Islamic boarding
schools. In order for pesantren not to be out of date, reforms in learning must be
carried out, such as in the pre-learning method which is very varied and follows the
times. With the development of technology, methods in learning should also be able to
keep up with the times. In addition, learning applications are increasingly sophisticated,
as an educator, we must be creative in utilizing what is around us. As in the sorogan
and flock methods in learning that can be done through today's sophisticated
applications or in other words,

Journal of Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2021
ISSN: 2337-7607 e-ISSN: 2337-7593

Asmani, Ma'mur, Jamal, 2015, Local excellence-based education, Yogyakarta: Diva
Cholil, Moh. 2017, The Relevance of the Traditional Islamic Boarding School Education System in the Era
Modernization, in Tarbawi Journal, Vol. 03 No. 1.
Farhan, Ahmad, 2018, Education in Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta; Azza Graphics.
Indah, Nuril, Ariski, 2018, Challenges and Solutions for Inner Madrasahs and Islamic Boarding Schools
Facing the Era of Globalization, in Journal of Tarbiyah wa Ta'lim, Vol. 5 no. 1.
M. Bagus, Alaika, Kurnia, 2019, The Problems of Islamic Boarding Schools as Islamic Educational
Institutions in Indonesia, in Tawazun Journal: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 10 No. 10.Riyadi,
2012, Islamic Chambers: Reflections from the Dull Alley of Islamic Boarding Schools, Surabaya:
Siswati, Vialinda, 2018, Integrated Islamic Boarding School as a Solution to the Problems of Religious Education
Islam In the Era of Globalization, in the Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2, no. 2. holy, Akmalia, 2017,
Renewal of Traditional Islamic Boarding School, Bangsung: Rosdakarya. Suparno, Problems and Challenges
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Surahman, Buyung, 2018, .The Problems of Islamic Boarding School Education in Improving Humans
Quality Academics In a Multicultural Global Era, in Journal of the Academic Forum,Vol.
5, No. 2.
Yasid, Abu, 2018, Islamic Boarding School Education Towards Transformative Islamic Education,
Yogyakarta: IRCISOD.


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