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Praise is to Allah the Almighty who has given us the opportunity to be able

to be here in a good and healthy condition

Our praises and peace are dedicated to our prophet Muhammad s.a.w who
has guided us from the dark age of Jahiliya to the bright age of Islam.

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

My name is _______ and today I would like to deliver a speech entitled

“The role of Muslim Students in building the Nation”

Santri is a term for someone who studies in an Islamic boarding school,

which is the oldest educational institution and as the forerunner of education in
Indonesia. In Islamic boarding schools, the education system with a dormitory
model allows the teacher to create someone who not only accepts the concept of
knowledge, but is also able to form noble behavior that can later be used as a
provision for life in the midst of society.

Muslim students have big enough role in advancing Indonesian education.

The presence of Islamic boarding schools, both large and small, in all corners of
Indonesia has become a place for students to shape themselves so that they can
have a strong base of faith and piety. In short, the role of santri or Muslim
students in the arena of the Republic of Indonesia is very clear and very

In my opinion, the Islamic boarding schools have 2 main points in

developing their educational visions and missions.

First, the development of culture-based science and technology. We can see

that, despite mastering various abilities in the fields of technology, philosophy,
language, science, and others, the students continue to uphold their cultural values.
We can see how the students preserve our socio-cultural order.

Second, the student’s acceptance and love towards Pancasila as the final
national ideology. There's no need to question it anymore. That is the strength of
our students, who in the future will be prepared to become leaders of the nation;
leaders who understand ethics, science and technology, while still caring and
maintaining their culture of the archipelago that has ever existed.

Why are students at the forefront of the nation's progress?

Because, students have a very important role for the progress of the
Indonesian nation. The struggle of the scholars and students began when the
Muslims were obliged to oppose the invaders. The students have guarded the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) from dangers and threats that
came from both within and outside the country. If in the colonial era the santri or
Muslim students gave birth to a jihad fatwa against the invaders, now students
have an important role in filling independence and advancing the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia. So, what are the commitments that students can make
to advance the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia?

1. Keeping up with increasingly sophisticated and modern technological

-Indeed, the development of technology is endless and extinct, it continues to
grow and develop. Moreover, Indonesia, which currently exists in the era of
society 4.0, will move towards the era of society 5.0. Where the era of society 5.0
is human-centered and technology-based.

Therefore, this is a great opportunity for the students to advance their

beloved country with technology from time to time because later technology will
become a superior product that beats everything. With students following
technological developments, students will not be left behind with the times so
that they can excel and advance the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Creating innovation
Innovation is the key to the progress of a nation. In this case, students are advised
to involve all aspects of science that can be a source of strength to be creative
and innovative. The young generation or santri today must have a creative soul
and have many development ideas for our nation. For santri, for example by using
the internet through social media as a medium for preaching, inviting goodness,
and providing Islamic motivational motivation to change the minds of the younger
generation so that they can be active and think logically for the future of the

Those are some of the commitments that students can make to fulfill the
independence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in order to
advance the nation and state.
santri are an important element of the nation who also contributed to the
struggle for the independence of this republic.

Some of the characteristics or can be called his trademark are that the
Santri has the nature of Tawadhu which is humbleness, obedient to parents,
devotion to teachers, good morals, love of religion, nation and homeland, and
willingness to be useful for others

Then what is the relationship between students and the nation? let's look
at the historical side of the of Indonesia, one of the pioneers of independence
cannot be separated from the people of what we call the “Pesantren” or in other
words these Islamic boarding schools, Those people are the kyai or santri. The gait
of the santri at that time was very clear, their existence was not only thinking
about the afterlife, they also thought about the fate of the Indonesian nation,
which at that time was still shackled, persecuted, oppressed, tormented by the
invaders. Even the santri who lived during the revolutionary period had also
experienced a very torturous colonial period, however, they were not santri if
they could only surrender to accept the colony and simply gave up. In fact, it
cannot be separated from its characteristics, namely having a sense of solidarity,
love for the homeland, and love for their own country. They have even fought
together with their teachers or Kyai.

As students, not only do they explore religious knowledge, but also other
general sciences, because if that is not the case, the state and society will later be
filled by people who do not understand religion. And if that happens, there will be
a very big shock in the life of society and the state, because as we know there are
already many problems in today's society, both social and personal. So, students
must be able to rise to become agents of change for the state, in order for the
country to be more advanced.

I suggest there are several things that students must do in preparing

themselves to become actors in history itself as well as pioneers in the progress of
civilization in the country based on existing facts.

First, students must be able to have intellectual intelligence, as well as

understanding in addressing any existing problems

Second, santri must be able to have firmness or persistence so that they are
resistant to temptations of the western culture among Indonesian youth.

Well, these two things will be born from among the youth in this country
and there will always be a possibility that it will be from the santri who will
become the pioneers of the country with their progress in their respective fields.

The role of students is very important in the development of the nation in

the present and the future. Santri has other advantages, namely in addition to
religion, they can also place themselves wherever they are. With these
advantages, of course, the role of students becomes important in building the
nation and state.

Millennial students must continue to fight, and leave their comfort zone
because that's the beginning of our decline as millennial students.

"Santri have an important role in building and advancing the nation,

because when at Islamic boarding schools they are taught the side of
independence, social spirit, and solving problems between friends,"

Santri are expected to be useful individuals for the homeland, the nation,
because on their shoulders the future of an advanced Indonesia hangs.

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