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Nama : Feliza Triansyah

NIM : 21004663

Kelas : C5/OF-21

SubTema : “Pelangi Nusantara: Mahasiswa sebagai Pelopor Wawasan Kebangsaan”


The cloud colors are gray

The sky colors are gray too

In here iwant to say

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hi Everyone! Good Morning/Good Afternoon, on this sunny morning, first of all, let us offer
praise and gratitude to God Almighty, Allah SWT who has given favors so that we can gather
on this occasion in a healthy and happy state without lacking anything. And don’t forget
shalawat and greeting are always delievered on our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW which
has brought us from darkness to brighter.

Hello, let me introduce my self, because someone said “If you don’t know a person, so how
can you love that person?” Okay and So, my name is Feliza Triansyah, you can call me
Feliza. My student ID number is 21004663. I’m currently in fifth semester studying Medicine
and Pharmachy. Today i will tell a speech about Pelangi Nusantara: Students as Pioneers of
National Insight.

Students are the young generation who are at the forefront of important changes for the
country. Because students are the young generation who will face so many challenges in this
era. Why are students so important? As our first President said, ir. Soekarno once said “give
me 1,000 parents, I will surely remove semeru from the root. Give me 10 young men, I will
certainly shake the world” It signified that students became nationally-minded pioneer

As we also know, technological development is one of the causes, why should a student be so
attentive to the development of his insight. Technology is inseparable from our lives. But do
not let the influence of this technology affect a lack of patriotism and a lack of national

Young pioneers were those who were creative to bring about the idea of making a real work,
and then, the movement was done consistently to bring value and benefit to the joints of
society’s life. While the national outlook is a way of looking at ourselves, as well as our
environment, how to realize a country that can give rise to future prosperity.

An understanding of this national outlook is essential for students to change or to have the
correct perspective as the generation of nations toward a harmonious and high-value society
in Indonesia. If this lack of understanding of national insights would lead to the degradation
of nationalism or the degradation of society’s morals.

Kapolres Lamongan, Joko Santoso relates that there are four pillars of national and national
life: pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, and Kebhinekaan.

Pancasila, which is the basis of the country and the ideology of the country of Indonesia.

UUD 1945 is the source of Indonesian law and represents the essence of the Indonesian state
of pancasila.

NKRI is the united republic of Indonesia. It is referred to in article 1, section 1, chapter 1, the
1945 constitution if Indonesia is a united republic. So it needs to be instilled a sense of
patriotism needs to be developed in the development of the nation's character.

And the last pillar is khebinekaan. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is meaning that different but one
too. It’s meant to appreciate every difference and diversity but still be one as an Indonesian.

Then what must we do as students to become pioneers of our country? Implementation of a

national outlook for college students is by arranging a good mindset for Indonesia’s progress,
in this regard through education. Be a good and active student in positive organizations. He
sets the pattern of attitude with good attitude and ACTS out, not becoming an anarchist and
radical student.

Start by putting yourself in first. Then after that, share our knowledge with everyone. Then
make up your mind, that we are young men ready to be pioneers of the country’s future. To
be a grounded pioneer with good national foresight.

Let us as young generation, with our first steps, bit by bit then it will be a hill! Keep walking!
Without youth to be the nationalistic pioneers. This country could collapse in seconds! That’s
all my speech today, sorry for my mistakes, thank you for you attention. I’m Feliza Triansyah
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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