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Chinese people say Gong xi fa cai
American people say Hello
And we are as moslem say
‫نَرْ جُوْ ِإ َجابَتَ ُك ْم بِال َّسالَ ِم‬.
‫ال َّسالَ ُم َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َو َرحْ َمةُ هّللا ِ َوبَ َر َكاتُ ْه‬

Excellency the judges and audiences

Ladies and gentlemen

In the name of God, the most beneficent, the most merciful.

First of all, nothing can be said, except thank to Allah SWT who has given us some mercies and guidance so
we can choose the best choice of way, namely Islam.

Shalawat and salam may praise to our beloved prophet as the last prophet, Habibana Wa nabiyana Muhammad
SAW to His family, to his companions, until his people who always liven up his sunnah until the end of time.

I’m ….. from Islamic Junior high school Roudlotul Qur’an Lamongan.
In this great opportunity i would like to deliver my speech about “Indonesian golden generation for 2045”
Ladies and gentlemen,
A hundred years of independence would be a very long time to prepare the young generation to be a resilient
and the character that focuses on the basic things of education to create the productive ages in the future as a
result. It would give human resources to compete with the other countries. Education is a very fundamental
thing on creating the character that needs to be realized in 2045 as a golden generation that must be based on
these three basic values, the value of honesty, the value of truth and the value of justice.
According to the principle of Pancasila in order to reach this dream to be a great country in 2045, Indonesia
needs to change its mindset. Because a great nation is not only seen from the strength of its military but it was
from a great education that has been a part of human life as a media to reach knowledge, as a wisdom to live
life and create an excellent life for a human being.
Ladies and gentlemen, even though the current situation is still far from excellent, but the motivation to move
forward should always remain strong. Opening the gate of education forward is the only way to go to build the
nation's human resources. The sound values that needs to be focused on education are,
 The first is about strengthening the academic capability with logic and honesty.
 The second is about cultivating nationalism with a strong patriotism since we have to build this country to
be a developed country with science and technology.
 The third is about cultivating care tolerance and respect.
 And the fourth is about cultivating democratic values we work together to support each other in building
and moving the nation with doing work responsibly and professionally.
 And the last but not least is enforcing though. Based on Pancasila we should build the potential in
Indonesia to make 2045 Indonesia can be a developed country, bright economic development and
upgrading of neutral and the human resources which are unlimited.
Education has a beginning to care knowledge and beliefs to all of people. Because education are the best place
to prepare the agents of change for Indonesian generation to grow as a leader, as a respectable person that can
compete with the other countries. With a great education we can make real progress together. Education as a
learning center to preparing the human quality, being creative and critical thinking. Learning is not only from
school but it was from everything and all of the experiences that we have faced before. It's real learning never
and doesn't guarantee about a success person but nobody can be success person without learning something.
“When I was just a little boy,
I asked my mother what will I be?
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?
This what she said to me”
Que sera sera, yes, we never know what will we be, but from today we have to work together to make a real
progress for Indonesia’s better in 2045 because I, You and all of us as young generation are the Indonesian
golden generation, generation for 2045. So what are we waiting for?
I think that's enough for my speech. I hope this speech can be a motivation to me and to all of us to make the
bright future for Indonesia. Thank you very much for your attention. If there are many mistakes i need your
apologize and to God i need your forgiveness.
The last I say, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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