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Honorable judges, respected audiences and everyone here today.

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

First of all, I’d like to thank the almighty God. Its because of him, we are able to
attend this contest. Secondly, may sholawat and Salam always be delivered to
our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who has brought us from the
darkness to the bright modern era. And last but not least, I’d like to thank to
the master of ceremony and the judges for giving me a very special
opportunity today.

Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning/afternoon.

My name is Dinda Aulia Pratiwi, standing here in front of you all to deliver my
speech entitled “the importance of Islamic Education in the Era of
Globalization and technology”.
Before I start my speech, I would like to ask a question. What is the first thing
that we will say if we are talking about technology in this global era? Yap.
Most of us agree that technology is a “magic” that can ease us to do everything.
We can’t deny that various information whether it is positive or negative can
be quickly and easily accesed by technology. Let’s pay attention to what
happens at this time! Free sex, pornography, alcoholic drink and drugs
become youth customs in this country. Most of them always imitate what the
“up to date” thing is now without filtering and thinking before. So how this
country’s future is if most of young generation get drop in their moral values?
As a moeslem, we have the Holy Qur’an and Hadith as our guidelines.
Everyone should have a limit to do something. We have to know something
good and bad for us, because it will be our responsibility in the afterlife. Our
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said,

"Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of
(Hadith by Muslim).

Futhermore, Ladies and Gentlemen.

What I need to talk here is we should realize that Islamic Education is really
important to be learned in order to avoid the impact of technological
development in this globalization Era. Especially for these reasons:
First, a right religious education gives us the ability to use technology
properly. I believe that now every people have a smartphone and you know
that, most of us carry it everywhere. How about Al-qur’an? This is so tragic. A
balance between the world and the hereafter is very necessary. Planting
Islamic values such loving the Qur'an should be well understood for us.
Second, to filter incoming foreign cultures. The entry of other culture into
Indonesia is caused by the globalization crisis that poisoned Indonesia. For
example: the rise of Japanese comics or Korean dramas and Korean girl
bands / boy bands that are now mushrooming invaded all over the world. In
the other sides, being modern is not totally wrong actually. However as a
smart moeslem, it would be nice for us to follow the good, and leave the bad.
That’s why Religion becomes the main foundation for us to against the
passions that can bring into the abyss of evil.

Third, When we view from the purpose of education in Indonesia based on

the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, one of our educational goals is
to develop students’ potential become a human beings who have a good
moral. There are two important aspects that must be instilled in children from
an early age, namely faith and morals. In Islamic education we learn how our
prophet Muhammad SAW being a good role model. It also has stated in
Alquran that:

There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent
pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who]
remembers Allah often.
[Al-Ahzab verse 21]

Ladies and gentlemen,

In conclusion, Islamic religious education is an important component to face
the era of globalization and technology. Islamic education should be present in
the middle of civilization and be a solution for various kinds of problems.
That’s all my speech, I hope you learn something new and enjoy it. Thank you for
your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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