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Globalization Effect For Today’s Young Generation

First of all, let's pray and thank unto our god Allah SWT, the lord of this world who has been giving us
mercies and blessings that we cannot count so we can attend and gather in this unforgettable place in
good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our best prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided
us to know and do the right thing to live in this world namely Islam, the religion which guides mercy to
all worlds.

Thirdly, i'd like to say "thank you very much" to the master of ceremony for giving me time to deliver a

and today I would like to give a speech about Globalization Effect For Today’s Young Generation”.

Nowadays, information flows run very fast. The boundaries between regions, countries, and even
continents are invisible. This is what globalization really means, where exchanging cultures, products,
thoughts, and other things happened.

Globalization is basically something that cannot be avoided.  Advanced technology makes this process
run very easy, without obstacles. The impact of globalization can be felt in many areas,such as economy,
culture and education. The Gen Z and millennials who are this nation’s next generation, are most
involved in globalization process.  There is no limit on how much benefit we can get from this fast track
information.  But, of course, like everything in this world, globalization can have two effects, positive and
negative.  And today, we will discuss both.

There are many benefits that we can get from globalization.  First of all, the convenience of getting
information quickly from varied sources.

I remember our teachers often tell us that in the past, to find out some information or old articles, they
had to visit the regional library, and spend hours, looking for it. But now, with all the advanced
technology, we don’t need to through the same thing. We all can find any informastion we need in just a
matter of seconds. 

The second benefit is the easiness of getting unlimited communication. For example, I am in Indonesia,
and I can easily contact universities in the States to ask for information about scholarships. It’s so much
easier, cheaper and faster.

Beside that, globalization can also stimulate us to be more open minded. We become aware that this
world consists of many different nations, languages and cultures. We also become more able to
appreciate those with different backgrounds. 

Those three things are examples of the positive effects that we can get from globalization.
Unfortunately, we also have to cope with the negative sides that occur. One of the bad effects of
globalization is the large amount of unfiltered  information.  We can get the information we needed, but
we also get the negative ones easier. This is a challenge, especially for the younger generation. How can
we use technology without being trapped by its bad influence.
The second negative effect of globalization is the fading of indigenous culture of a  country, because it is
marginalized by other cultures, which might not hold the same value. For example, it is common in
Indonesia to call older people with polite greetings. But as globalization appears, a lot of us often
associate with people who do not use the same level of manners in everyday life, so eventually the habit
fades away as time goes by. 

However, as we discussed earlier, globalization is something that cannot be avoided. So, the most
important thing is how to take as many benefits as possible, without sacrificing our identity as
Indonesian’s young generation.

That’s all my speech today, I hope it can be useful for all of us. Thank you for your attention

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