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Just like change, globalization is also a constant thing, it is also inevitable.

Wherever you go globalization will always be observed, you can never avoid it. We can’t

blame anyone for it because it is already a process or a movement in every country.

Countries use it to survive but sometimes, globalization makes a country go poorer and

poorer and it can also make some countries grow richer and richer. The future of one

country is in the hands of both the leader and its people. It depends on how the leader

handles problems and how the people behave. Globalization has a good purpose of

bringing people together but sometimes it is used to oppress other people. Globalization

is not just, it does not offer equal opportunities, it makes other people selfish, it is

sometimes used by people who only wants power for themselves, it makes people

greedy and inhumane and a lot of leaders are too afraid to speak up because they will

only be bullied by this big companies and investors. Although there are a lot of bad

things happening because of globalization, it is still a way to reach out to people or other

countries, it can also be a huge help to other suffering countries because there are still

a lot of corporations, countries, business men and etc. that helps and gives a lot of

opportunity and assistance to others.

Globalization is the shrinkage of space as well as time, which brings together

nations, cultures and economies in mutual respect for one another, it is the integration

of economics and societies all over the world. Globalization is essentially the means by

which individuals, governments, companies, and countries interact with and affect one

another, with the goal of helping to build strong alliances that mutually benefit one

another. Globalization is accomplished through the use of technology, as well as

through trades and investments made internationally. The process can and does affect

how different countries and regions develop and progress economically, how political

systems are shaped, and how the environment and cultures of societies around the

world are impacted. Globalization brings all the countries together; it makes the world

smaller by the use of technology, internet and other means. Since we are now in the

modern world, we are already equipped with a lot of high technology materials. We use

it every day in our lives and we can’t live without it anymore. We have become

dependent to internet and technology that we use it after waking up and before going to

bed. We are too hooked on social media and sometimes we already forget the people

around us. Globalization may have brought a lot of countries together but technology

and the internet made a huge gap between families, instead of talking with each other

verbally we just use text or social media to relay our message because it is easier and

we do not need to go up or move around to say what we want to say. Although these

things are not that healthy for our whole well-being, technology and internet makes our

lives easier to deal with, it makes studying easier because information are all over the

internet and with just one click, we can already access online books or articles that we

need, it is also very convenient in transportations since faster vehicles are already

invented, although there is still traffic that people need to deal with. Technology and

internet do not just help us individually but also the whole country that we are in. It

assists in boosting our economic rate because transactions are faster and easier. It

helps the country to gain more investors and attracts a lot of tourist since we can

already use social media to promote famous land marks and cuisines that your country

is proud of. It is also important to have ally countries that will help you in situations like
war or disasters that may happen to your country. Globalization does not just involve

two or more countries but the whole world, that is why we have a lot of influences from

other countries.

Cultural globalization, refers to the process of transmission of values, ideas,

cultural and artistic expressions. In this modern era, interacting with people around the

world is not that hard anymore. We can already use social media to communicate and

share our views with each other. Even people who do not have the capacity to travel

from one country to another can have a better understanding of some of the traditions

and culture of other countries. Misconceptions and stereotyping are lessened because

of this. Respect for every culture will also be practiced since we already know the

deeper meaning of the traditions and cultures that other countries have. If

misconceptions happen you can always defend your culture since social media is open

to almost everyone in the world however, because of this we tend to adapt other

countries’ culture and we forget our own distinct features and inappropriate things or

ideas may also be spread fast, so we should select what we are going to believe and

choose a reliable source to read or ask.

Political globalization, non-governmental organizations are established and

serves as an observer or they are the people who watches over every government in

the world. They sometimes intervene, give comments and give legal actions if a country

is treated unfairly and also criticize if some country is doing something that is not good

for the people and beyond the human rights. In political globalization, financial aid/

support is given and it promotes world peace and governments can also learn strategies

and/or techniques from one another but sometimes bigger countries are more privileged
and this can also make decision making within a country slower since other countries

can intervene.

In economic globalization, the world becomes one global market of individual

consumers. Trading is a trend and business men are highly involved in different kinds of

transactions. Because of globalization economic rates of countries are affected, this

may increase and can also decrease economic rates of a certain country. Importing and

exporting goods are also very common in this. Products and services that are being

offered hear are cheaper and the resources are easier to find since a lot of countries are

involved. Although, being in this kind of transactions are good for some, others are

having a hard time to compete because they don’t have a lot of resources and bigger

businesses and investors with a lot of resources are preventing economic diversification

because of their extractive behaviors.

Globalization changed the way of living in the Philippines drastically. It affects not

just one aspect of our society but the entirety of it. Cultures and traditions are slowly

changing, we are already forgetting the values and beliefs that our ancestors taught us

not only that but our economic rate is also decreasing and there are a lot of problems

that we are encountering right now, politically. In my opinion, globalization may have

been very advantageous to other countries but for me, globalization is slowly ruining our

own country, the Philippines. We are now rich with debts from other countries and this is

not a good thing and a good start to fix what is broken. The situation has also worsened

because of this pandemic. Unemployment rate has increased because people can’t go

out and work, and this is affecting the economic rate badly, tourism is also down and

some businessmen are already bankrupt. We do not have much resources to continue
anymore. We do not know the root cause of this suffering, maybe it is because of the

incompetence and the wrong decisions made by this administration or maybe we are

just too stubborn to obey or maybe because the people are too blind to see that the

country is slipping away. We are too amazed by the culture of other countries that we

are already forgetting our own culture, I will be a hypocrite if I say that you should

embrace local products and embrace the culture more because I am also a fan of other

countries’ products and entertainment but it is okay to like or be interested with others’

culture as long as we do not forget where we came from. At the end of day, we will

always come home to our land and that is the Philippines, so we should restore and

preserve all of the traditions and cultures that we have.

This pandemic has ruined almost everything that we have and we are in this kind

of state and we do not know what to do. How can we rise up again and keep up with

other countries when things are getting worse and worse every single day? These

questions cannot be answered now because we are still far from recovering but

Filipinos are known for being resilient and positive, I know that these problems will not

bring us down instead this will bring us closer together.

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