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1. How have you experienced globalization?

Provide one example of each of (1) goods,

(2) services, (3) ideas that has become widely accessible due to globalization and
explain why your examples are good representative of globalization (apart from the
examples given in the reading!).
- Yes, as we all observe the world before is far from what our world today is.
Globalization is one of the reason behind it, it brought huge impact to our
present generation. Almost all parts of the world are interconnected to the rest
of the world in different ways, it also caused increased in consumption of
different goods or products that has led to also increase in production of goods
and services in order to satisfy the global market. This essay will talk about some
of the example of globalization such as goods, services and ideas.

When it comes to goods, globalization take a huge part in our economy to

maintain or to help our demands and supplies balanced. One of its greatest
contribution is oil and food mainly because now we have a lots of variety and
wide market to choose from. As we all know that malnutrition is one of the
problem of our contry, the philippines in terms of we cannot provide the
demands of all filipinos one example rice, where before we are one of the
greatest producers of rice that’s why we export pur rice to other countries and
even teaches them how to produce. But now due to climate change and our
geographical state, our crops often negatively affected by it and that causes our
low in supply but thankfully through the help of other countries that importing
their products we can at least provide some to ouur citizens although our
country should take action so that we can provide at least for our citizens. And
with all these prodects we also need oil to transport them form different places,
without it globalization will be slower. For as oil is a natural resources, and not
all country produces or have it in their own and again through globalization, we
share what we have to others and gain what we do not.

When it comes to services, personally as a daughter of an OFW, I can say that our
people serves at other countries to provide services is also a great contribution
of globalization for as it helps people to have work, jobs and pursue their dreams
in other other countries. Globalization brought us opportunities to grab to avoid
unemployment and to contribute to our own by taxes. My mother was a dentist
that also led to my other example which is the widely accessible for medical
services, for as most of the medicines are from different places because they
have more equipments and personnels to establish a medicines or vaccine to
support and to produce for the world.

And last is ideas, as I mention on my other example that medical services

become widely accessible anywhere, due to pandemic online medical access now
became a thing. Wherein different country provides information and precautions
for the deadly virus COVID-19, with the help of it we are now expecting a vaccine
from other countries. Without globalization, we need to stand on ourselves
which base on our resources it will takes us time before we can recover to it, but
because of globalization we are interconnected to other countries and helping
each other.
2. What issue in the country or the world right now is the most interesting and
relevant for you? Why? (Aside from Global Pandemic). 
- The black lives matter, we have different races, nationality, attittude, personality,
and entity that should not be taken from us and to be judged immediately
because of it. Through globalization we interconnect with other countries and
became as one of them by culture and biological matter. In this issue it was given
an attention not only of their same races but also other races from around the
globe which is also an example of globalization and thankfully because of this we
raise a voice and awareness to change the mentality of the world. As we connect
to each other we should treat each other as what we wanted to be treated and
consider them as brothers and sisters for as we are the children of God. And no
one should take away a precious life just because of its race. For this matter just
to clarify things for those who do not understand it, it is not a awarenessthat
black lives only matter but to give it more attention because they need it the
most more than our races do. Although every races should be equal and that is
what I am raising my voice to for as we are all children of God as I stated. We are
no superior nor inferior to our brothers and sisters. With all the goods,
products, and services we contribute to the world, we should contribute also
love, peace, hope and other good things for us to become one and to have a
better and amazing world for the next generation. Weshould use globalization to
provide and to turn this world into a paradise of ours where all lives matter.

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