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Technology Development In The Globalization Era

Globalization comes from the word "globe" (a spherical map of the world). From this word
was born the term "global" which means (covering the whole world). So globalization is a process of
global social order. Along with the current era of globalization, technological developments are also
growing very rapidly. Technological developments in this era of globalization also affect social life in
the fields of ideology, politics, economy, socio-culture, and others.

Along with the development of increasingly sophisticated human brain technology, many
foreign cultures that enter our country will poison the morals and mentality of future generations.
With the existence of computers, laptops, cellphones and even the internet, which are very popular
with teenagers today. Not only teenagers, even the internet has managed to poison all types of ages
from children to the elderly. The word "internet" which is already familiar to our ears does have
many benefits. Internet is a means of communication that can facilitate interaction between
individuals and groups easily. This makes it very easy for someone to interact even though the
distance is so far. Not only limited to internet communication, it can also facilitate activities in
various fields of education, politics, economy, and so on.

Technology does have a very big role in human life. But the use of technology in this very
rapid era of globalization can affect our country and even the world. For example, today's teenagers
are more impressed when other people talk and pay more attention to their gadgets. Not only that,
on the internet there is a lot of information that is not worth reading or not worth showing to
children who are not old enough to poison their brains. It is like a drug for technology users in the
era of globalization, because they are already addicted and will not be aware of technology.

As we know the development of technology that is growing so rapidly makes us always

dependent on technology, especially the internet. Whereas if we want to look back before
globalization developed so fast people preferred to work together, seek innovation about new
things, and take advantage of existing resources. But it has been reversed, that in this era of
globalization we do not take advantage of existing resources but destroy existing resources, slack off,
and so on.

Therefore, we as a nation who understand the impact and benefits of technology in the era
of globalization should not misuse it. This can be an opportunity and a challenge for us, especially
with the internet. The development of technology in the era of globalization is a very terrible thing if
it is able to change the noble values and culture of our nation. However, technological developments
in the era of globalization also have positive impacts and benefits for our nation. Therefore, we must
have a filter to counteract the negative impact of technology in this era of globalization.


1. What is the text about ?

A. The development of mobile phones from time to time
B. computer development from time to time
C. technological developments in the era of globalization
D. the development of mobile phones in the era of globalization
2. what is the globalization ?
A. process of global social order
B. the process of changing the shape of the earth's surface
C. world peace process
D. the process of adaptation of the world community
3. from the text, why should we be careful in using technology in our daily life?
A. because a lot of confidential information
B. because there is no important information
C. because we can't look for information from cell phones and the like
D. because there is a lot of information that is not worth reading or not worth
showing to children who are not old enough to poison their brains
4. from the text we know that the third paragraph describes about ?
A. an explanation of what technology is
B. explanation of what globalization is
C. explanation of why globalization can occur
D. explain the impact of technology on society
5. Based on the text, what can we conclude ?
A. we shouldn't care about this technological development
B. we have to stop the development of technology
C. we must understand the impact and benefits of technology in the era of
globalization so that we can take advantage of future opportunities well
D. we must take advantage of this technological development to create enmity
here and there

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