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Building a quality young generation, today's young generation one day will become the future

successors of this nation, community and religious leaders.

The fate of this nation is in the hands of the youth, which means whether the fate of a people and
nation is good or not is determined by its youth.

This is in accordance with the opinion of Shaikh Musthafa al-Ghulayini, an Egyptian poet who said that: it
is truly in the hands of the youth that the affairs of this ummah are and under their feet is the life and
death of this ummah.

We as the younger generation should maintain and fill the time that has been achieved with great
difficulty through the struggles of heroes who have fought, namely by becoming young people who are
diligent in pursuing knowledge and skills.

Therefore, we as future youth must have general knowledge, and first of all better religious knowledge.
So that we can become future successors of the nation who are knowledgeable, faithful and devout,
accompanied by good morals.

The current generation has fallen into promiscuity which results in damage to themselves and damage
to others, even though Allah has said in the qoran:

It means :

"Do not destroy yourself with destruction"

If we look at the younger generation, let alone displaying superior knowledge, healthy bodies and noble
morals, they are more engrossed in the dark valley. Like the way they dress is more western than
westerners. What does that mean? They wear tight ,dense and short clothes. This situation is caused by
social society as a shelter for the younger generation, which is increasingly fragile and destroyed. They
are less guided by religion. Even though religion is a way of life in life. They have forgotten Pancasila and
Constitution 45 and what is even more worrying is that society and the younger generation are
becoming increasingly distant from the Ulama, even though the Ulama always guide them to the right
path. As Rasulullah SAW. Said:

It means :

"Who is far from the Ulama, then his heart is dead and blind from obeying Allah"

Therefore, character education is important for the younger generation to remind them that we are
essentially social creatures who will always need other people in their lives.

The values in character education will be able to help the younger generation to make themselves
Therefore, Islamic boarding schools are not only a place for studying, but also for the formation of
morals. In fact, according to an ustaz, in today's Islamic boarding schools, studying at Islamic boarding
schools is not the main goal, however, Islamic boarding schools are a place for the formation of good

. So what we dream of, what we hope for is a generation that is intelligent, healthy and has noble
morals. To create this diamond generation, there is no other way that we should do, except;

The first:

Never give up attitude: because we don't know what will happen in the future.


Have a great sense of responsibility: all youth must have a sense of responsibility, it is understood that
every Indonesian youth has a great responsibility in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation.


, every generation must comeback to Islam, Islam is the best solution,


is that the younger generation must be taught and guided to knowledge that is in accordance with the
religion and personality of the nation,


increasing the spirit of independent learning among the younger generation. Because by learning they
will know all the goodness and it will be a shortcut to achieving their dreams.

Happy guests, I hope that all of us in this room will be part of the people who save the current
generation and become the hope for the future. Because they are the focus of all of us.

As the wisdom expert describes in his poetry;

It means :

“O teenagers. Indeed, it is in your hands the affairs of the people and in Your steps are their life."

That is the speech that I can deliver, billahi taufiq wal hidayah Assalamu alaikum Wr.Wb

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