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Assalamualaikum wr.


A person's future is not determined by anyone. Not by parents, not even by a teacher, except

Due all respect to honorable juries, committee of speech competition, contestants, and everyone
watch this vidio!

First of all, I’d like thank Allah who has been giving us blessing so that we can attend in here in a good
condition today. Secondly may sholawat and salam always be deliver to Prophet Muhammad SAW
who has led us from darkness to brightness.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank you all for giving me this very special opportunity to participate in
this contest.

Ladies and gentleman! My name is Ratna Meilani, and I am a student at 8 Bulukumba High School. I
hope you are all having as amazing as I am right now. Believe on me, I'm a little nervous, but I'm not
to tell you how I feel. Instead, now i'm gonna to talk about "women in justice."

I'm sure we want to have a bright future, it's not hard to achieve it! Because our future will be
determined from our youth, so if our youth is good then our future will also be good, conversely if our
youth is bad then our future will also be bad.

As we know, we only live once, we will never get a second chance to live again. The color of lost
opportunity will never return, and youth will definitely not happen twice. When it ends, real life
demands our experiences and responsibilities await us.

Since the past in the history of the Indonesian nation there have been many youth leaders who later
emerged as great leaders during the struggle for independence. Among them are Soekarno, Hatta,
Syahrir, Natsir, and so on.

The role of youth was good enough during the colonial era, many youths sacrificed for the benefit of the
nation. "Give me ten youths and I will shake the world" was an excerpt from Ir. Soekarno's speech
which had the message that a young man can make a difference.

Indonesia will not forever depend on the older generation who are currently holding the reins of
leadership in this country. One day they will definitely pass the baton for leadership of the nation and
state to the younger generation.

Law Number 40 of 2009 concerning Youth clearly lays out the functions and strategic roles of youth in
terms of leaders and leadership. In that context, youth needs to develop their potential and role through
awareness, empowerment and development to realize national development where youth who are
noble, healthy, resilient, intelligent, independent and professional are needed.

In fact, to develop youth, youth services are needed in the dimension of development in all social,
national and state life based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The younger generation is not just a collection of young people, but the younger generation are those
who are able to replace the previous generation and are able to make changes for the better than what
the previous generation has achieved.
Then what is the role of the younger generation for the progress of the nation in this reformation era?
What is needed is not war tactics, not muscles and energy that must be drained desperately but brains
that produce ideas and ideas as well as an honest and unyielding attitude. In this sophisticated era, what
is needed is quality education. In order for our nation not to be left behind by other nations, the youth
must be diligent in learning, finding new ideas and researching and being able to keep up with the times.

As the younger generation, we must eliminate laziness and replace it with curiosity. Success is not only
achieved from the brain but also with hard work. Our youths are actually capable, they can be like the
youths of other nations.

All nations in the world need the role of their young generation so that they can progress, develop, be
strong and victorious in the world. The progress of a nation is because of its youth and the destruction of
a nation is also due to its youth. And i believe, that true about the role of youngers generations to live
in the future.
That all from me, thank you for watching this vidio, and wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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