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Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Good evening Ladies and Gentlement

To the honorable judges and all the audiences
First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT The Almighty God who still give us time to live.
Without the time given, it’s impossible for me to stand here in front of you now. On this
occasion, I’d like to deliver a speech with a title: “Good generation for better Indonesia”

Ladies and Gentlement,

If we talk about good generation to advance a nation then the youth generation is the
most important role. Being young is a hope for evolution, progress and the future of a nation.
Being young, will ultimately face challenges and redesign spot for full development in the
future. This means transform problems into opportunities and solutions into the driving force
of society.
Voluminously,Indonesian nation`s future is determined by the younger generation.
Therefore, every youth, whether still a student, or who has completed his education, is an
important point that is highly favored by the Indonesian people in realizing the goals of the
nation and maintaining state sovereignty.
But how the condition of the young generation in Indonesia at this stage? many of the
them fell into drugs, promiscuity, brawls, and some other bad behavior. On the other hand,
theirthoughts have been poisoned with dangerous doctrines such as radicalism, pragmatism,
atheism, and so on. Of course this kind of thing is bare noxious, seeing that young people are
the next generation who will bear huge responsibility for better future of the nation and state.
What will be the fate of this nation in the future if young people have been infected with the
bad influences as described earlier? Of course, you cannot imagine the future of the
Indonesian nation and state if the younger generation is dominated by youths who are
destroyed morally, ethically, and in their behavior.

Ladies and Gentlement,

The marvelous or shoddy of a country can be seen from the quality of its young
generation, the Indonesian nation today needs young people who have a high fighting spirit,
have a nationalist spirit, responsible, intelligent, diligent, brave, and religious. The question
is, are there still youths with such souls in this day and age? just like a civilization, formation
youth`s character generation is not born just like that. Especially the young generation of the
nation's hopes who have intelligent character, have a nationalist spirit, are competitive,
religious, and are able to adapt in technology to compete globally. Efforts are needed towards
the formation of such a young generation. Not just hopes, desires, or even empty dreams in
making it happen.This means that youth have a role to be the most important factor in the
progress of the nation itself.

Ladies and Gentlement,

I believe that we, the young generation of Indonesia, can develop talents and share
knowledge by expressing ideas through online media, seminars, writings, and innovations
aimed at changing for the better for the nation and the country.
Well Ladies and Gentlement, Because of limited time, I will finish my simple speech.
Hopefully, we can bring our country to be better than before.Thanks for your kind attention,
I’m sorry if I have a lot of mistakes because The truth is only from the God, and the false is
caused by my weakness.
Finally, wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

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