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Importance of Education in Islam

Islam is the religion of peace, and it is one of the most sacred and trustworthy religions, which has given
us guidance in every aspect of life. Islam has given us education with knowledge which has no limits. The
Holy Quran is the most sacred book of Allah revealed on Prophet Muhammad (SAW), for the upliftment
guidance and enriched messages to the humanity.

Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use. Without education, no one can
find the proper right path in this world.

This importance of education is basically for two reasons. Education makes man a right thinker. Without
education, no one can think properly in an appropriate context you. It tells man how to think and how to
make decision. The second reason for the importance of education is that only through the attainment of
education, man is enabled to receive information from the external world. It is well said that

"Without education, man is as though in a closed room and with education he finds himself in a room with
all its windows open towards outside world."

This is why Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. When the Quran began to
be revealed, the first word of its first verse was 'Iqra' that is, read..

The reflective book of Holy Quran is so rich in content and meaning that if the history of human thought
continues forever, this book is not likely to be read to its end. Every day it conveys a new message to the
humanity. Every morning, it gives us new thoughtful ideas and bound us in the boundaries of ethics.

Islamic Education is one of the best systems of education, which makes an ethical groomed person with
all the qualities, which he/she should have as a human being. The Western world has created the wrong
image of Islam in the world. They don't know that our teachings are directly given to us from Allah, who is
the creator of this world, through our Prophets.

The Muslims all over the world are thirsty of acquiring quality education. They know their boundaries and
never try to cross it. It is the West, which has created a hype that the Muslim are not in a path of getting
proper education. They think that our education teaches us fighting, about weapons, etc., which is so
false. This is true that there are certain elements, which force an individual to be on the wrong path,
because as we will mould a child, they will be like that, but it doesn't mean that our religion teaches
improperly to us.

Our Holy Prophet (SAW), said,

Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.


Seek knowledge even [if it is to be found in a place as distant as China. At the battle of Badr, in which our
beloved Holy Prophet (SAW) gained victory over his foes, seventy people of the enemy rank were taken
to prison. These prisoners were literate people. In order to benefit from their education the Prophet
declared that if one prisoner teaches ten Muslim children how to read and write, this will serve as his
ransom and he will be set free. This was the first school in the history of Islam established by the Prophet
himself with all its teachers being non-Muslims. The Sunnah of the Prophet shows that education is to be
received whatever the risk involved.

Today, the Muslims are acquiring good ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and skills, from all corners of the
world. The world is moving very fast, and in this industrialize world, It is the duty of the teachers to give
quality ethical integrated education to the Muslim students worldwide, because children are invaluable
assets of future generations.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) encouraged all Muslims to acquire knowledge and share it. He said:

"Acquire knowledge, for he who acquires it in the way of Allah performs an act of piety; he who speaks of
it, praises the Lord; he who seeks it, adores Allah; he who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms; and
he who imparts it to others, performs an act of devotion to Allah." (Bukhari, Muslim)

All the teachers of either secular or religious education should give more attention to the pupils inside the
classroom. It is necessary that in the Islamic system that we should consider these dear children as our
own children, and put aside all other considerations, and rise above all such things and realize our duty
and our mission. We should raise the standards of education and attend to the needs of these children.
We should realize our duties with earnestness and awaken to the sense of responsibility. It has been
seen that there are certain teacher who are not fulfilling their duties with keen interest. I would like to
request all the teachers that for the sake of God, for the sake of your revolutionary duty, teach the
children with devotion and dedication.

It is important that we advance our work through discussions, debates, studies, and through proper
distribution of work among ourselves.

We must never forget that we are living in an Islamic State, and our aim should be simultaneously to
create both an independent as well as an Islamic culture in character. Independence and richness of
content are indeed among the characteristics of the Islamic culture. Our system is an ideological system.

We should make our child enthusiastic, dynamic, and this search should pervade every corner of our
society. We should aspire them to be truthful and sincere.

Self-sacrifice and generosity, love of freedom, the resolve for resistance and headstrong perseverance,
the courage to welcome martyrdom-all these are the new values of the new generation, which should be
taught according to the teaching of Islam.

The doors of the school should always be kept open for the sake of Islam, for the sake of the Muslim

How Mothers Are at the Heart of Their Children’s Education

by Jacqueline De Burca | Jun 13, 2013 | Articles |
Mothers have the potential to play the most important role of educator in a child’s early life and as children
get older they are still at the heart of their children’s education. This principle applies to Fathers, and other
constant role models in the child’s home environment, yet most frequently it is the Mother who plays the
main role. The home is the nest where the child rests, eats, sleeps, plays and is constantly learning.
Children learn in a variety of ways during their waking hours at home, in school and at play. Leaning
styles have been categorized by psychologists and you can be sure that the children in your life, at home
or at school, each have their own learning style or a combination of a few of these. However even before
considering learning styles, we should firstly be mindful of the mode that a child’s brain is in.


A mother is one of the largest influences in her child’s life and with this power comes responsibility. The
care and love a mother provides, moulds her children into the adults they are destined to become, but her
own education and financial success has a great effect on her children’s future. The great achievements of
her life which her children appreciate today are all due to her attending school in her youth as a girl and
this education has presented a beautiful journey to her transforming from a girl into a mother who is
viewed in a positive and respectable light today.

Education is one of the most critical areas of empowerment for mothers and this education leads to social
change and advantages for her children. Having an educated mother in developing countries is more
important than ever because if a mother is well educated and has financial success through either going
out into the working world or working from home using knowledge gained from education, her children
will see their empowered mother as a role model for their own lives. However, if the mother is
uneducated, holds an unexceptional job that provides near to nothing for the family and is barely there to
spend time with her children, she will raise children that will lead similar lives to her.

In the early years of a child’s life, young minds are rapidly developing, exploring and beginning to
understand the world. It’s a time when nurturing and sense of security create a strong foundation for
future learning. It is in these early years where children who have an educated mother will benefit of a
supportive home environment by learning things like the alphabet, reading or recognizing numbers, giving
their child a head start in life. These children whether male or female, will most certainly go to school and
also have time allocated to educational activities outside of school.

esolusi Jihad Kaum Santri dalam Kemerdekaan RI

Kita mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi siapa itu Sutomo. Dialah sosok Pejuang kemerdekaan yang sangat
fenomenal. Pria pemberani yang dikenal dengan sebutan Bung Tomo ini berperan besar dalam
membangkitkan semangat rakyat untuk melawan penjajah Belanda kala itu.

Semboyannya sangat masyhur, dikenang sampai sekarang, “Merdeka atau Mati Syahid”. Pekikan
takbirnya begitu menggelegar, sehingga mampu membakar semangat jihad arek-arek Surabaya. Ia
berpidato melalui corong-corong radio untuk mengajak masyarakat supaya bangkit melawan penjajah
yang sebelumnya telah mendapatkan suntikan semangat dari para ulama dengan keluarnya fatwa Jihad
(Resolusi Jihad).

“Dan kita jakin, saoedara-saoedara, pada akhirnja pastilah kemenangan akan djatuh ke tangan kita,
sebab Allah selaloe berada di pihak jang benar, pertjajalah saoedara-saoedara, Toehan akan melindungi
kita sekalian, Allahu Akbar..! Allahu Akbar..! Allahu Akbar…!” Begitulah petikan pidato Bung Tomo.

Perjuangan Bung Tomo bersama rakyat Surabaya yang sebagian besar merupakan santri dari Pondok
Pesantren di sekitar wilayah Surabaya waktu itu memang luar biasa. Ribuan kiai dan santri dari berbagai
daerah sebagaimana ditulis oleh M.C. Ricklefs (1991) berbondong-bondong guna memenuhi seruan
Jihad itu.

…Perjuangan Bung Tomo bersama kaum santri dari Pondok Pesantren memang
luar biasa. Ribuan kiai dan santri dari berbagai daerah berbondong-bondong
memenuhi seruan Jihad itu…

Sedemikian dahsyatnya, sampai-sampai salah seorang komandan pasukan NICA (Netherlands Indies
Civil Administration) sekutu, Ziaul-Haq dari India merasa heran menyaksikan kiai dan santri bertakbir
sambil mengacungkan senjata. Sebagai muslim hati Ziaul pun tersentuh, akhirnya ia pun menarik diri dari
medan perang. Sikapnya itu sempat membuat pasukan sekutu panik. Perang pun berkobar, insya Allah
banyak di antara mereka yang mati sebagai syuhada.

Sejarah juga mencatat, Bung Tomo berhasil membentuk pasukan berani mati, dikenal juga dengan
sebutan “pasukan bom syahid.” Diceritakan, suatu ketika salah seorang pasukan bom syahid berhasil
melakukan aksinya, ia sukses meluluhlantakkan tank baja Belanda dengan cara menubrukkan dirinya.

Begitulah sekelumit kisah perjuangan Bung Tomo bersama rakyat Jawa Timur tempo doeloe. Masih
banyak kisah-kisah heroik lain dari para pejuang kemerdekaan yang mungkin bisa menginspirasi kita.
Atas berkat rahmat Allah yang maha kuasa, mereka berhasil mengusir tentara-tentara penjajah dari bumi

…Sejarah juga mencatat, Bung Tomo berhasil membentuk pasukan berani mati, dikenal juga
dengan sebutan pasukan bom syahid…

Kini tentara-tentara para penjajah itu telah pergi, bung Tomo pun telah berpulang ke rahmat Ilahi. Namun
PR besar berada di pundak generasi yang sekarang, sebab Indonesia belum sepenuhnya merdeka.
Masih di jajah meski dalam bentuk lain. Sektor ekonominya masih terjajah, begitu pula sektor politik,
sosial maupun budaya.

Di sisi lain, saudara-saudara kita di belahan bumi lain sama sekali belumlah merdeka, diambil contoh
adalah di Irak, Afghanistan, Palestina dan negeri-negeri Muslim lainnya. Sebagai saudara seiman,
tentunya kita tidak boleh tidak memikirkan. Sebab Allah mengatakan setiap mukmin adalah saudara.

Maka dari itu, sudah selayaknya kita kobarkan semangat perjuangan. Membebaskan Indonesia dan
negeri-negeri Muslim lain dari cengkeraman penjajah. Dengan berjuang secara sungguh-sungguh untuk
menerapkan Syariah Islam secara kaffah dalam bingkai negara Khilafah. Karena hanya dengan inilah
Indonesia dan negeri-negeri Muslim bisa benar-benar merdeka.

…sudah selayaknya kita kobarkan semangat perjuangan untuk membebaskan

Indonesia dan negeri Muslim lain dari cengkeraman penjajah, dengan berjuang
secara sungguh-sungguh untuk menerapkan Syariah Islam secara kaffah…

Perlu diketahui, ada tiga tahap yang dilakukan Rasulullah untuk menegakkan Islam. Pertama: Rasulullah
melakukan pengkaderan (mendidik kader dakwah dengan cara mengaji), kedua: tahap interaksi dengan
masyarakat (dakwah pergolakan pemikiran), ketiga: pengambilalihan kekuasaan oleh Islam
melalui thalabun nushrah.

Sudahkah kita mengaji dan berdakwah meneruskan perjuangan menuju kemerdekaan yang hakiki?
Allahu Akbar!

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