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Nationalism Applying In Learning Civic Education

As Moral Learning Media In University

Courses : English For Civic Education

Supporting Lecturer : Syuratty Astuti R Manalu,S.Pd.,SH.,M.H

Arranged By :


REGISTER NUMBER : 3193311018





A. Introdution

The Identity Of The Journal Being Review

1. Title : Nationalism Applying In Learning Civic Education As

Moral Learning Media In University
2. Journal Name : Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning
3. Author : Rini Setyowati
4. Year of publication : 2016
5. ISSN : 2477-4878
6. Vol/No : 1 (1)
7. Page : 22-25


Civic education in the university is required to strengthen the students in shaping

the attitude of nationalism. Students are spearheading the future of a country that they
have to love their country because the science which is accepted must be applied in their
social life. It is undeniable that the reality of the life of society, nation and state in
Indonesia experiences the phenomenon of the depletion of the morality horizon. This
phenomenon is almost evenly distributed in various fields, such as politics, law, social,
culture, and so on. Using another point of view is not much different, public and private,
for example, also experience the same symptoms. The boundaries of good and bad, black
and white, haq and vanity, are increasingly streamlined in our society. Such conditions
require us to seriously examine the root cause of this phenomenon and how our efforts
are to overcome the problem of moral decadence in society. At least, academically, we do
a contextual study of such phenomena, to then look for comprehensive solutions.

Civic in Indonesia as a result between civic education/ democracy education and

citizenship education based on Pancasila Ideology. Student have to solve problem about
goverment, democracy, rule and law and participate active being an intelectual citizen.
Education is a womb society or even the womb of civilization. Education plays a role in
giving birth to a model particular society, and initiate transformation of society into more
patterns in balance. With this role, it is very clear that education must be always clean,
including himself alone. civic education in college is how to educate students as
intellectual candidates for the nation to become good citizens who can understand the
substance of the philosophical values of his country, has a personality steady, broad-
minded and capable of mastering civilized. Basic competence of civic education courses
in tertiary institutions are so that later students can become scientists and professionals
who have a sense of nationalism (nationalism) and love the country (patriotism), being a
citizen who is competitive, disciplined and able to judge actively in building a peaceful
life based on the Pancasila values system.

B. Discussion / Analysis

This journal discusses the importance of civic education as moral learning in universities,
especially for students, Citizenship education in the university is required to strengthen the
students in shaping the attitude of nationalism. Students are spearheading the future of a
country that they have to love his country because the science is accepted in school should
be applied in social life. In accordance with the mission of Civic Education is to help
students establish his personality in order to consistently be able to realize the basic values
of Pancasila, a sense of pride and love the country, apply and develop science, technology
and art with a sense of responsibility. The subject matter not maximal strengthening of
nationalism in university because civic education too theorical and not practiceoriented
students in community. Civic education has the same essence and meaning as moral
education, moral education, character education, or character education. The goal is to shape
the student's personality so that he becomes a good human being, a good citizen, and a good
citizen for a society or nation, in general, certain social values are influenced by the culture
of the community and nation. The existence of Civics in the learning process of students in
tertiary institutions is closely related to the formation of civic character that is instilled in
students through a values-based approach, not only introducing the values that are carried
out, but also internalizing these values to students in order to realize the attributes of civil
society that are characterized by devotion almighty, just and civilized, united in the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia, democratic-constitutional, social justice for all Indonesian
people, diverse and unified, upholds human rights and obligations and loves world peace.
Indonesia against the state and homeland based on Pancasila. Patriotism and nationalism is
based on Pancasila lead students to have an attitude up holding the values of sincerity or the
spirit of sacrifice, humanity,tolerance, and feel that Indonesia is a part of all mankind in
moral education emerging awareness of comprehensive approach that is expected to produce
graduates capable of making moral decisions and also has a commendable behavior due to
habituation continuously in education. Comprehenship approach are inculcation, modelling,
faccilitation, and skill building. The obstacle of applying nationalism in Civic Education is
because of too theoretical and not oriented to the practice of students in community.
Inculcation of nationalism should not use indoctrination.

Teacher must respect to all student, apreciate. Student can exspress opinion in the
classroom and teacher give experience to all student. Second, Modelling, Teacher as a role
modell for student. Teacher give experience to solve problem. Third, Facilititation, Teacher
support and motivate students develop personality for example nationalism. Teacher listen
the student in activity. Final, skill building, teacher motivate student for critical thinking, and
solve a problem. Indonesia as a nation, united on the principle of wisdom. Nationalism
needs to be imparted to the students because the foundation of the Indonesian state as a
melting pot of various tribes into a nation is nothing but a political future goals to bring the
country to bring values, personality and ideals together. Indonesia put state political
nationalism as a unifier. The conception of nationality Indonesia also contain elements of
cultural nationalism to defend the will of the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the
previous power from a variety of ethnic diversity, culture.

In this journal, it explains clearly how important Civic education is to shape morals in
universities and the material described is accurate. Other than that, This journal also uses
references so that the material in this journal is clear. In my opinion, this journal has almost
no flaws because it uses a clear identity, starting from the journal publisher to its ISSN.
However, a few shortcomings in this journal are the letters used in journal writing, some are
too small and the paragraphs are a little untidy. The reader must be really careful so that there
are no errors in reading. In addition, this journal can be a material or reference for students
and academics to find out the importance of citizenship education at universities to realize
the dreams and ideals of the nation to produce a future nation who has a spirit of love for the
country who is strong and has good character.

C. Conclussion

To produce the citizens aspired to every country in the world is a necessity. For that we
need an education system that one of the field of study is Civic Education whose purpose is
to produce good citizens who understand and are able to exercise their rights and obligations
well as citizens. Strengthening of nationalism in civic education in this article is not centered
on the methods of learning because in essence the value of nationalism must be implanted
through any method used lecturers. Students are expected to be more aware of the
importance of nationalism in social activities shown by self-sacrifice in the social activity.
Therefore, civic education in university must relevant in society are not limited to campus
activities. Citizenship education is a vehicle to prepare young people with sufficient
provisions in the life relationships they need. The ability to think critically, have
responsibility, have democratic attitudes and actions become supporting media in shaping the
character of the nation.

D. Reference

Setyowati, R. (2016). Nationalism applying in learning civic education as moral learning

media in university. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 22-25.

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