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College of Nursing

John Patrick G. Guevarra

BSN 2Y1-3

1. Base on the conclusion of the study, prenatal care lessen the risk for low-birth-weight
infant. Aside from that, what can be prevented if a pregnant woman will have her
regular prenatal checkup?

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes in a woman’s body. She needs to take care of herself and the
life inside of her. In fact, the body needs to be prepped before the baby implants inside. And as
such women trying to get pregnant are given supplements to keep the body in good shape. And if
someone gets pregnant as a surprise, they are immediately given essential supplements and asked
to care for themselves. There are hormonal changes that happen, and women need to take care of
another life.

Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. Babies of mothers who do not get
prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to
die than those born to mothers who do get care.

Doctors can spot health problems early when they see mothers regularly. This allows doctors to
treat them early. Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others. Doctors also can
talk to pregnant women about things they can do to give their unborn babies a healthy start to

2. As a student nurse, how will you encourage a pregnant woman to have her regular
prenatal check-up?

As a student nurse, I will first start on interviewing the pregnant woman about her perception on
prenatal check-up, because beliefs, culture, and practices may be a hindrance to any medical
procedures and such. Then, I will conduct a background check about the subject matter, and if
she already had a previous pregnancy. This will help to get to know more about the mother and
the scope of her knowledge. It will tell how thorough I will discuss the information with her.
After these, I will proceed on helping her deal with the doubts and fear, if necessary, by
presenting facts and talk her through the benefits of regular prenatal check-ups for her, especially
to the baby.

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