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Ethics – derived from the Greek word ETHOS which means characteristics way of acting, habit or custom

Latin word MOS or MORES – moral and morality

Ethichs studies characteristic behavior of man as endowed with reason and will.

Reason – a fact, condition or situation that makes it proper or appropriate to do something, feel
something etc.

The power of the mind to think and understand in a logical way.

Wiil – used to express desire, choice, willingness and consent

Free- not subject to control or domination of another.

The study of ethics started from the Greek philosophers, Socrates, plato, Aristotle

Aristotle greatly influenced ethical thinking.

Ethics is the science of the morality of human acts.

Human acts are action done intentionally and freely.

Acts of man- acts that are instinctive, such as physiological and psychological movements like breathing
and feeling.

Ethics does not study the acts of man in themselves but as factors affecting man’s judgement and

Ethics is the study of man as a moral being, one who is rationally able to distinguish between right and
wrong. It examines how man is accountable for his actions and its consequences. It proposes that man
ought to live his life meaningfully

Ethics is the art of correct living. Morality is not only necessary to aperson but also to society.

Beltrand Russell states that “without civic morality, community perish; without personal morality their
survival has no value”, when the society does not accept the rule of law, society crumbles.

Ethics and religion

Ethics is the science and relies on reason for its conclusions. Religion is a system of belief and practices
based on faith and revelation or truths revealed to man by other. They compliment each other.

Ethical norm and law

What is legal is not necessary moral. Criminal mind - ethical norm however, cover thoughts and feelings
so that the person could sin because of what he thinks or desire.

Ethical approaches: atheistic and theistic ethics

1. atheistic approach – assume that only matter exist and man is responsible only to the state since
there is no God who rules the universe.

Morality is an invention of man to suit his requirement and to preserve the society.

Moral truths are temporary and changeable depending on the situation. Accordingly the concept of
good and evil is relative

a. matter is only reality

b. man is matter and does not have spiritual soul.

c. man is free and must exercise his freedom to promote the welfare society.

d. there is no life after death.

e. man is accountable only to the State.

2. theistic approach, assume that God is the Supreme lawgiver. Everything must conform to god’s
eternal creation. Man must exercise his freedom in accordance to God’s will. Man is accountable to his
action and deserves punishment or reward.

a. God is the Supreme Creator and Lawgiver.

b. man is free and must use his freedom to promote his personal interest along with of others.

c. man has an immortal soul.

d. man is accountable for his own actions, both good and evil.

General and special ethics

General ethics- is about the principles of morality. Explains norms with which the moral significance of
the human acts is determined

Special ethics – application of the principles of general ethics to the problems and issues confronting a
person on account of his circumstances in life. Includes sub-branches of professional ethics such as
medical ethics, legal, environmental biological etc.

Man as a person- ethics is a study of man as a moral being.

Our goals, treatment to others and choices depend on how we understand ourselves.
Socrates- wisdom starts in to know oneself.

Filipino believes that man is a creature of god, has an immortal soul, has assigned destiny in life, must do
good or else be punished by god, man is by nature good but its morality is weak.

Regarding morality, filipino believes that morality is batas ng diyos, a person should respect his
humanity, love and care his family, and should fear go and his punishment.

Rational animal.

Man is an organism composed or material body and spiritual soul. = human nature

Human nature is made up of:

1. biological, psychological and rational powers.

Biological – includes nutrition, locomotion, growth and reproduction.

Psychological – includes those sense and emotions

Rational powers – intellect and will – comprehension and volition.

Natural law- human nature is the natural law. Natural law differs from law of nature which are the
forces governing the material universe including man. Natural law applies only to man as a rational

When we speak of act contrary to natural law we mean acts contrary to human nature or humanity.

Moral being

3 characteristics reveal man moral nature:

1. man by natural insight is able to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong and moral and

2. man feels himself obliged to do what is good and to avoid what is evil. Ought to do and ought to be

3. man feels himself accountable for his actions so that his good deed merit reward and evil deeds
deserved punishment.

These characteristics show man’s innate perception of truth, duty and law.

Contrary to this is the view of tabula raza – a reflex of social conditioning.

Man as a person – man is born as an individual as a person. Person is a human nature actualized and
manifested in history of place and time.

Person comes from the Greek word prosophon which is the mask worn by stage actors

Latin is personare- mask constructed to project the forceful voice of the actor, underneath the person is
the human nature which is the principle of human activity.

Person is defined as individual, existing separately and independently from others, capable of knowing
and loving in an intellectual way and of deciding for himself for the purpose or end of his actions.

Personality and character

Personality – sum of the person’s physical constitution, talents, ability and habits which defines a
characteristic behavior. In layman’s terms, it consists of physical qualities and mannerism of an
aesthetically refined person.

Brenman says that some have more personality than others. Personality is the result of one’s
achievement. Personality develops and enlarge itself according to the pattern of his actions.

Character – is often synonymous with personality. This is correct if personality is taken as a sum total of
psychological system in an individual which enable him to adjust to his environment

Character however refers to the choice of values and his intelligent exercise of his freedom.

Personality is an aspect of body, character is an aspect of the soul.

Personality as pleasant and unpleasant – character as good or bad in a moral sense.

Brennan – personality is the principle of rational action, character is the principle of moral action.

Moral character.

Character is the will of the person directing him towards a recognized ideal. When a person fall short of
expectation then he is said to have bad character. A person who lives up to the ideals of his humanity is
good character or moral integrity.

Character is not the product of moment’s inspiration but of disciplined tendency to choose the right
thing in any given circumstance. Adherence to what is good, true and beautiful in us.

Social dimension of person

Society is but a extension of person, ethics is relevant because of man’s social nature- golden rule
concerns in person.
George hegel – man is fullt developed in his participation in his family, civic community and in his state.

Thomas hill green – person’s morality must identify itself with public welfare.

Paul Tillich – natural law demands for us to be a person in the community of other persons.

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