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Martinez, Rodje Marcus P. V.

Boliviae September 24,2020

The Story of the Good Brahmin

François-Marie Arouet

The story of the good brahmin is written by a French philosopher whose pen name is Voltaire. It
is an eloquent defense of the lowly philosopher. On the one hand, the Brahmin is upset that so
much time learning the big questions has left him nowhere, but on the other hand, he wouldn't
trade places with his happy but unknowing neighbor. The brahmin spent 40 years studying life's
complexity and mysteries of the universe but all those decades of studying hoping to get the
answer he only left it unanswered inside his mind. He is rich and knowledgeable but his pursuit
for the truth doesn't fill his thirst for happiness as he would describe it as miserable although as a
result of his intelligence and sensibility. He just questions himself on why he exists but he knows
that there is a more intelligent being that might be far from the cosmos that is using him for his
everyday solutions. The good question for this type of philosophical enlightenment writing is
why to engage in philosophy if it doesn't make the person studying it happy nor wealthy? Well,
philosophy addresses not societal problems, political problems, and science problems but it uses
logic, critical thinking, and empowerment of the mind so it questions all areas of human
discipline, thought, and experience. Questions about the natural value, a good life, moral ethics,
truth, and reality are the cradle of Philosophy. Philosophers don't get rich when solving life's
biggest question but if they are satisfied with the answer they found they can be happy or pursue
more answers in a form of literature, arts, or music.
I can't tell if to reason and to be happy can co-exist together because if you are happy then you
are going to ask yourself on what made you happy or if someone else asks you on why are you
happy then your response will be because something great happened in my life. What if you are
happy but you don't know why so you are going to start questioning your sanity on what made
your feelings happy then this is the reason why to reason and to be happy cannot co-exist no one
is happy looking for the answers because looking for the truth, in reality, will be very
complicated and will be stuck on your mind for a longer period of time. Human nature tells us
that happiness is one of man's best feelings to express and that is very simple to understand. Take
a look at the story of the Good Brahmin, the brahmin is rich and knowledgable but he is not very
happy at all for he is looking for the truth his entire life then there is this religious lady that is
ignorant but bliss, now the question is why is the lady happy? The answer is because of her faith,
she may be poor but her religion is the main power source of her happiness while the brahmin is
rich but does not have his main power source of happiness for he is very knowledgable about the
reality that he doesn't feel what being happy is. After all of this cluster storm of questions and
answers that was left unanswered since centuries passed will soon be answered but not in a
happy-to reason way. It's really hard to imagine reasoning and happiness being in one unification
that co-exists, science can unravel the secrets of the universe through the smallest particles to the
giant galaxies but in Philosophy we do not find the truth, we will only find clues.
Martinez, Rodje Marcus P. V. Boliviae September 24,2020

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