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1. Do you know someone who tends to ask questions?
Yes, my 9 year old cousin always tend to ask questions, I think it is because she’s still
young and curious about the environment.
2. How do you feel about it?
I will be honest that sometimes, especially when I’m busy with my school works, o
got irritated with her questions.
3. Did somebody call you “Pilosopo”? How do you feel? Can you consider it as a
Yes, I feel bad believing that the meaning of that word is a bad trait that I shouldn’t
have. But now that I’m enlightened about it, I can take it is a good compliment.

1. Was there a time in your life that you feel you need answers about a lot of things?
Yes, it was when I am in grade 7 and I become more curious about science and stuffs.
At that time I’ve been confused about what to believe on the origins of everything. I
can’t sleep thinking about that but still, I can’t find any answers. This is why I stop
thinking about that and neglect the questions in my mind.

1. What do you think happened to our world if Philosophy wasn’t practiced?
I believe that if philosophy were not practiced, our lives would be less exciting and
dull because we could not attempt to understand the meaning of our existence; we
would not question beliefs, investigate tha nature of knowledge and truth, or ponder
on our freedoms. There will be no opportunity for development, and we will be stuck
in the stone age, with peoples perspectives and ideas being repressed and everyone
being forced to believe the same way. I don’t want to live in that world, this made
me realize the importance of philosophy.
2. Quotes from Philosophers. Explain their meaning.
A. “ Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don’t know.” - Bertrand
This quote indicates that philosophy was far more difficult to learn than other fields
such as science. Science is objective, whereas philosophy is subjective. Science
generates knowledge through a person’s subjective perspective on the world.
B. “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your
life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” - Rene Descartes
The quote implies that a real philosopher is full of doubts in life. You have the desire
to learn more about the world around you. You seek explanations for why, what, and
how our environment germinate. You are desperate to know the truth, and nothing
but the truth.

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